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  1. sometimes when you know its going to happen despite your efforts its not even worth trying to prevent it. 😇 lol. definitely got at least one guy punched by his girlfriend. oops.
    9 points
  2. I generally prefer to just wet the seat I am sitting on, but I have sat on the edge of the seat and peed on to the carpet when I did not want to get my skirt wet, and I have also just stood at the bar and peed down my legs. It is an easy thing to do.
    7 points
  3. I'm just utterly beguiled by the lovely Olive Glass.
    6 points
  4. Hey everyone! Wanted to share a special story which took place several years ago but will always have a special place in my memory bank. So this happened at a family holiday party a while back. The girl who is the main character of the story (C) was someone who I’d known fairly well, but what I had experienced in this cute story I am about to tell you was far beyond my imagination of possibilities at the time. It was Christmas time, and my family was hosting their annual holiday party, which often became festive and full of a lot of drinking and fun each year. It was crowded an
    5 points
  5. Oops indeed. But he should have picked a girlfriend more understanding of his needs. Anyway, is there really any harm in looking? (I really hope not). Fabulous pictures as always - huge thanks for letting us catch a glimpse.
    5 points
  6. We waited the hour and finally one of the workers came to open the pool. We paid and made our ways to the separate changing rooms. I walked into the male changing rooms that had a row of shower heads on a wall to the right, changing stalls on the left, and 2 bathroom stalls next to them with a small row of lockers going down the middle of the room. I put my belongings in a locker and was about to head out to the pool until I heard a voice behind me. It was my friend. She said “hey, since we’re the only 2 here, and the women’s room is disgusting, do you mind if I just share this one with you?”
    4 points
  7. Hi everyone thanks for the super positive feedback of my last retelling, I’m glad everyone enjoyed it so I’d thought I’d tell you about another experience I had. So we had just left a pub after a little work get together, all of us deciding to head over to one of our mangers flats for a little after party, Only catch was we were all going to the shops first on the way. The managers were Chloe a mid 20s heavier girl, long ginger hair and a fiery temper to match. Always in an all black Boots and cargo combo. And Maria a little more older early 30s Spanish woman, she was a more casual bl
    4 points
  8. 2 choices. The first is a see through bikini. Once it becomes wet it hides nothing. The second is as suggested already is have the buttons "accidentally" move to the side and as you lay on the beach you can have your pussy completely visible without it seeming on purpose. I attached a photo of me at a hotel swimming pool, i spent the whole day swimming and sunbathing with the bikini bottoms to the side. Was extremely thrilling and after a while i forgot i even had it like that until i noticed someone stare 😅
    4 points
  9. So after lurking on these forums for sometime I thought I would share some experiences with you, mainly from the various nights out with work friends and personal experiences after late finishes in hospitality x I’d you like these I can continue as a I have soooo many stories to share, usually after a Sunday finish we’ll all go out for the night and these are when most of these occur. Let’s start off with the most recent and most entertaining Sunday. So last Sunday we had finished closing and had all decided to go out, it was a fairly big group of us, some r
    3 points
  10. Doing some late night Amazon shopping as I am sick and can't sleep when I came across these: I want golden showers and deep throat king (even tho I am a deep throat queen 💅🏼). Also most of these are so overly sexual I'd hope no one would actually put them on the back of their cars lol. They are magnets and I guess could also go elsewhere.
    3 points
  11. Just after having satisfied my curiosity, Saraya admitted that she would understand her pussy was a little too strong in taste, since the situation had not minimally allowed any wiping or washing, and she was sorry if I had found that smell repulsive. I immediately commented that, on the contrary, I was quite turned on by that! And so she laughed loudly, and then, in an almost imperceptible mumble, I was the only one I could hear, she said that if I wanted she could pee more, in fact she was feeling the need growing... Those words, accompanied by the inequivocabile body-languag
    3 points
  12. Utterly gorgeous 😍
    3 points
  13. Two more where leather trousers are combined with something pee-related.
    3 points
  14. Love your attitude, as well as this set of very lovely photos of you! Thanks again for sharing!
    3 points
  15. Hello everyone, I am excited to be joining this new group and look forward to getting to know all of you. My name is Mike and I come from north of portugal. hope also to find people from my country here. cheers to you....
    2 points
  16. Bonhoeffer's "theory of stupidity": We have more to fear from stupid people than evil ones (msn.com) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/bonhoeffer-s-theory-of-stupidity-we-have-more-to-fear-from-stupid-people-than-evil-ones/ar-AA1aBuMc?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=fb94f61054204898a498da6d4996bed0&ei=48 As a gay guy a lot of my bullies were stupid people that would attempt me to beat me up for my being gay and would tease me and make fun of me and call me names for my being gay.
    2 points
  17. Hi, im still very new to accepting that this is a fetish i have. I was in denial for awhile lol, but reading on this site for a bit and being intruiged and a little aroused i decided to join. My girlfriend doesnt know yet but im sure ill tell her if i get serious. Im not hardcore but i love peeing outside and its always been a fantasy to piss like a man. Now ive found a nice stp and ive trained using it, although i still wet myself sometimes. I got a job working alone outdoors and i was thinking of documenting and sharing my experiences as i practice on trees and outhouses. Is anybody wanting
    2 points
  18. This is a story about two female train spotters and contains outdoor peeing. As this is my first attempt at writing a fictional story on this forum, I have tried to keep the plot fairly simple but I hope you enjoy it! Stephanie and Dani were driving down a remote country lane on a warm June day. They had only recently got in touch after discovering each other’s Instagram accounts through which they shared a common interest; train spotting. Today they were travelling to view a remote section of railway in the middle of the British countryside in order to view an unusual nuclear flask train
    2 points
  19. I didn't grow up in this kind of family, but I've read a few stories written by parents who claim to let their kids pee wherever they wanted. If I were lucky enough to have a pissy girl as my partner, if she's anything like me, we would end up pissing all over our house and never cleaning it up. We would never use the toilet to pee. Piss stains would be everywhere. If we had kids, I'd tell them that the toilet is only necessary for #2, that peeing on the floor is okay, if they want. Our house rules would be: Okay to pee on the carpets, walls, closets, couches, and beds. But no peeing on e
    2 points
  20. “I have to pee” my girlfriend said quietly from the passenger seat while holding herself. I look over at her, feeling my own need. “I know, I do too” I said, unable to say more. We were hopelessly lost on what was basically a dirt trail at this point. We had decided to go on a trip to the cabin my parents owned in the mountains and I had taken a wrong turn. The GPS at this point was beyond useless, placing us in the middle of a forest with no roads in sight. ”I think we’re going to have to find a place to turn around” I say as we came up to a deep stream “I’m not g
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Good to see you back with more syncs!
    2 points
  23. did you drink a lot of water or pop until you was busting for a piss to make sure you peed the longest of anyone there????
    2 points
  24. The best way is to get yourself all covered in sand. The only way to get it off is to towel yourself down, during you can “accidentally” reveal yourself and pretend you’re too busy rubbing your body with the towel to notice. You can even turn it into a sexy routine x
    2 points
  25. My wife and I have done a bit of this, she has held me before while I have peed. I cant say I "helped" her aim over the toilet but often when she pees on me in the shower I'll hold her lips open and help to direct her stream to where I want it.
    2 points
  26. Have definitely heard of people peeing under tables or against the underside of bars. Can't say that I've ever seen or heard it happen. Have I contemplated doing it: yes. Are there times where I think I could have gotten away with doing it: yes. Have I ever actually done it: no.
    2 points
  27. There will be more "peeing in sync to music videos" soon! Today I spontaneously decided to try to do a pee performance for Miley Cyrus' epic "Wrecking Ball" music video. I have to do some editing before releasing the video (I hope that I can do that soon), but I have some teaser pictures for you 😉 I hope you like the pictures, the video should follow later this week or next weekend.
    2 points
  28. A bus station corridor 😈💦💦
    2 points
  29. She's a reddit bellybuttons babe, and I think she also forgot her bra...
    2 points
  30. Once we got back to her house, we spent some time catching up, since we hadn’t seen each other in awhile, but had a lengthy conversation about what had happened that day. She mentioned that her parents were pretty open with them about peeing outside when they had to as kids, which turned to her peeing in other places that weren’t a toilet. The long conversation about it is what ended our night. The next day, we decided to go to a local pool that was in the middle of town. Being that her town was super small, it was a very small pool with a couple of slides. The main building had men
    2 points
  31. This actually happened when I was about 19 or 20 years old. I had been dating my high school sweetheart for about 2 years. We had learned much about sex and our bodies together during this period. When we first started going together we would look for remote places to park and make-out together in the front seat of my car. We started with intense kissing and hugging. There was absolute electricity between us! Then we advanced to where I would slowly slide my hand between her legs, and rub her pussy on the outside of corduroy pants. (WOW, I still love the feel of corduroy to this very
    2 points
  32. I dressed for lunch in the garden today
    2 points
  33. My partner is a female, but even with a male I'm afraid certain aspects of our relationship would be quite impossible to develop in the direction you depict... - My weirdest pissing situation was probably when I did it on a hot-air-baloon, not just because that aircraft is not very suitable for that kind of activity, but mainly because I had joined a group of strangers for an excursion of just an hour or so...
    1 point
  34. Love her pose and her beautiful bush 💋💋💋
    1 point
  35. It is very hard to resist once you have tried it in so many ways, hard to resist doing it every time you want to pee, hard to resist emptying your bladder completely every time you pee, and hard to resist going to bed early just so you can pee in bed! The way I maintain it is:- Don't protect the bed. It is much more comfortable to go to sleep when your pee has soaked away in to the mattress, I am sure that dispersing the pee helps the bed dry quicker and reduces the smell. You can pee as much as you like and it will never get uncomfortable. I drink a lot so my pee is very di
    1 point
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