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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2022 in Posts

  1. it was a last minute decision. but this happened. lol eek 🤭😇
    11 points
  2. So this weekend my husband and I took an RV on a weekend get away. Anyone who has ever been in an RV, (especially if your plus size... Or really any bigger than a size 0) it is not easy to use the RV bathrooms. Between not wanting to sit fully on the plastic toilets, on top of the super cramped quarters. That's what leads us to my adventure this weekend. Well I got up one morning and went pee as normal. About an hour later after breakfast for some reason my bladder felt absolutely bursting. I'd only drank half my coffee I couldn't figure out why. My only guess was maybe not being able to
    6 points
  3. The internet is full of self help guides, so what better place to have one than here at Peefans! Whether you are incontinent through choice or circumstance, or just would like to wet yourself more, there is a wealth of useful information here to help you get started on moving away from toilet use. Getting Wet Again ================= A guide for the newly urinary incontinent Introduction ------------ Becoming incontinent can seem like the end of the world, a situation where normal life is impossible with the constant need to restrict liquid intake and the need
    5 points
  4. Only once has this happened to me, i was out drinking with 2 of my friends A and K we went out often when we were younger and on this particular night A decided to pass out. We were about 15Km from our place so no choice but to take a taxi, i carried passed out A to the taxi and we were sitting so i sat in the middle and kept A upright so if she gets sick both door and window are close and K sat on the otherside. Around midway to our destination i started feeling something wet and warn under my ass and soon started to hear a very faint hissing sound it had become quite clear that A was pissing
    5 points
  5. Since Covid it would appear that peeing anywhere along side a road is now considered O.K. Watering a compost heap with pee is an important part of the composting process so that should be O.K. too. I think that we are still in a situation where for the most part doing it overtly other than in a toilet is frowned upon - but getting away with wetting yourself is generally O.K. because if no one knows you are doing it they tend not to be concerned. For that reason I tend to wet myself discreetly most of the time, so the seat in the cinema, the pub and restaurant carpet, anywhere on the
    5 points
  6. I did this in the early hours of a Sunday morning a few weeks ago. I’d got into a taxi home following a night out. Having been caught at two sets of temporary traffic lights I asked the driver to pull over at the side of the road about halfway into the 20 minute journey as I needed the toilet, but he refused. With the logic of a few drinks I thought “fuck it” and pissed through my thong and short black dress into the seat. I had to keep stopping the stream to avoid hissing or splashing while I waited for it to soak into the seat. I arrived home much relieved and as my dress was black and it wa
    5 points
  7. Last night K was feeling very generous and loving. A couple of nights before I had given her a massage … no expectation or requirement for it to lead to anything unless it spontaneously happened or she wanted it – just a husband carefully and lovingly massaging his wife because (a) she’s had a stressful few days and (b) she has a really sore shoulder right now that’s causing her pain and unhappiness). As it turned out, nothing did happen at the time, but later in the evening K appeared in the lounge where I was watching TV, with her skirt pulled up round her middle, and demanded I feel her thr
    4 points
  8. Unfortunately, I don't have those photos. I still have a photo with her sexy sister. Some of the photos show her nipples.
    4 points
  9. Hoping for more this weekend if my parents are away. Be alone on the property. Mmm I'm excited to see how it goes I'll have a long weekend with him this week.
    4 points
  10. @Albionis - You are a gentleman and were a true friend to both A & K. Good that the taxi driver was human enough to recognise you were trying to care for your friend too. In a perfect world he would have dropped you back home after the cleaning, and maybe if your pants weren't soaked with A's pee... Still, well done to you.
    3 points
  11. I know it was just a simple passing question of 'do you have any nudes?', and I know that no there was no intention to cause any embarrassment. Don't worry though, we can tell from those images what a beautiful young lady she is, and that amazing smile makes me think she has an amazing fun personality too. Plus the way she's happy to pose for the camera. Now since a goddess is someone we worship, it's obvious she truly fits the goddess description and we respect that. There's no need for us to see any more of her body than you've already shared - and thank you so much for what you have
    3 points
  12. So last night after spending the evening in a couple of bars,I decided to head home.I needed to walk a good 10 minutes to reach a taxi rank.I hadn't walked far when the effect of the drinks and the cool air hit my bladder.It was quite intense and I knew i''d have to find somewhere to go.After walking around and grabbing my crotch a few times I finally went up a dark side street and into a doorway.I unzipped my jeans,whipped out my cock and immediately started spraying a strong stream of piss onto the ground.It felt so good to let it all out and there was a lot.I finished up,feeling much better
    3 points
  13. I also found a photo in which her nipples are visible
    3 points
  14. I have peed on log flumes (dick out of leg of shorts and pee into the bottom of the log/boat) and on raft rides, you are soaked anyway, so just pee in your shorts and nobody can tell. I have also kneeled on a grassy area and peed whilst looking for something in my bag.
    3 points
  15. I thought it would be fun to share my experiences of the first time I saw a new partner pee. I'll start with two stories. When my wife and I first started dating, I was remodeling my bathroom. She was helping me paint, and we'd both had a beer or two. After a little while she announced that she had to pee. I said "Ok, go ahead." She said "Can you leave so I can go?" I said "Just go, it's not that big of a deal. We've already seen each other naked, who cares?" She said "I guess you're right." and sat on the toilet. I couldn't see her from where I was painting. But I was listening. Some tim
    3 points
  16. One of my favorite pee-related situations is when two people are engaged in a sex act, one partner announces "I have to pee" (or similar), and the other says "Just go." I have been in this situation a few times, and they were always fun, naughty, and hot. The first that I remember was with my ex. We were on vacation, at a hotel, and there was a jacuzzi in the room. We'd been relaxing in the jacuzzi drinking beers, and it eventually led to sex in the jacuzzi. Before long I could tell she was getting uncomfortable. I assumed it was due to sex in the water (which can wash away the body's nat
    2 points
  17. Ok just before we start me and my gf both agree not to take any pics or vids so yea lol Pls excuse any spelling mistakes as im dyslexic Anyway's so me and my gf both love naughty pissing but its just not as fun if its in you're home so we decided to go away for the weekend so we booked into a little hotel The car ride itself was super wet as i told my girlfreind that she coulde use my car as a toilet and she loved that idea! So on the way down she was naked from the waist down and everytime she needed to pee she would let me know so i can pull over and she would put he
    2 points
  18. Well - it's about two years since I created this post - and I have to say now, 'Guys - I think we need to have a serious man to man talk again. At least some of us'. The thing is, unfortunately that's literally what some of the ladies of the forum are asking for. And frankly I fully see their point. Just a few of you have got a few people pissed off to the point of leaving our community. And that is frankly, completely unacceptable. At a rough guess, the regular users of this site are in the hundreds of people. Not a massive amount, and we know that of those regular users, those
    2 points
  19. Could be pretty hot to bust you in the mens locker room. You know the punishment 😈 My cock does not show any mercy.
    2 points
  20. This is a very personal story from a vacation with my ex-girlfriend. She knew I was into pee - but personally didn't find it arousing. In pools she peed - but not for sexual reasons but simply because it was convenient for her. We were once in an expensive hotel with a fancy wellness area. The weather was bad at that time, so the pool was always very popular. Therefore, in order to have our peace and quiet, we decided to go there very early in the morning and have brunch later. Early in the morning we quickly put on our swimwear and went to the pool. As expected, there was no one at
    2 points
  21. Nothing like the feeling of cool night air on your muffin, or so they tell me ❤️
    2 points
  22. Thank you for your nice words! Also i forgot to put it in the story but the driver was such a nice guy that for washing the car he didn’t take any fare from us and he even apologized for not being able to drop me home ❤️
    2 points
  23. I would like to see how you would take my cock. I hope your mouth is wide enough;) are you good at pleasing it? I’ve seen some guys just watching it pretending not to watch. When I then start pissing they don’t know what to do since they don’t want to get busted staring at my cock.
    2 points
  24. I mostly have showers, but definitely pee in the bath if I do have a soak. I think I have reported this before, from many years ago when I was in my early twenties. Words will be wrong as it was so long ago, but the gist is right. I was lodging with a couple who were about five years older than me. They both went in the bath together and I could hear chatting, laughing and jovial sounds from the bathroom when all of a sudden the guy shouted out “You dirty bitch” followed immediately by the sounds of splashing as he got out of the bath quickly. She started laughing hysterically.
    2 points
  25. Was home on lunch and had to piss but didn't really want to make a mess since I didn't want to smell like piss going back to work. Found a new spot... Between the wall and the couch, sat on top of the back of the couch and just let it go, was a little weird of an angel and didn't get the power behind it I wanted but was still super hot and didn't drip down the front like I was worried about. Tonight I'm hoping both boys and I will use it.
    2 points
  26. Long hold, edging, leaking. And then eventually wetting in jeans
    2 points
  27. I’ve had few wet episodes. The first time was with my first husband. I was babysitting and we were having sex on the love set. We were in missionary position. As he was fucking me. I would squeeze out a few squirt of pee. By the time we were finished the cushion was pretty soaked. I cleaned up what I could then flipped it over. the next time it happened. I was with a married coworker in his wife’s car. We were in the first seat. I did the same thing. I had owed all over the seat. He said he had to go clean the car before going home. He said it was the best sex he ever had and
    2 points
  28. Emma lived in a home where she could pee wherever she wanted. She was home schooled by her parents up until high school. Now, in her final year of high school, is where this story takes place. Her school was small enough that at the end of the day, they had one-on-one time with their teachers to go over anything that they had a hard time understanding. Emma was with Mrs. Trivlonsky, whom she was pretty sure did not like her. Anyways, they were going over geography, Emma's worst class when she noticed something. Her teacher wasn't wearing panties under her skirt. She reached down and
    2 points
  29. I was cuddled with Renée (my beautiful brunette French friend) on the sofa last night and she said to me "I need pipi are you coming ?" in the accent that just makes me melt. I needed to pee too so I agreed (and I'd never say no to watching her) and we stood up and went upstairs together, Renée leading the way. We walked into the bathroom together and I closed the door behind us as she walked over to the toilet, turning around to see her lifting up her dress and revealing the dark red lace lingerie underneath. She pulled down the panties to her knees as she sat down and turned to her side to p
    2 points
  30. There was a time with my ex-wife, we were camping by a beach with another couple, and after dinner we went to the beach and took a few bottles of wine. Al four of us were fooling around (but that's another story), eventually my wife and I decided we should go back to our tent. We were walking back, and she was so horny, she pulled me to one side, and leant back against a tree, and said "fuck me right here", and pulled her bikini bottoms to one side. I didn't need a second invitation, also being incredibly horny. We had been fucking for a minute or two, and she said "wait a sec, I have to p
    2 points
  31. If any lovely ladies would like to pee on my grave I'd consider it an honour. Just one small request though. Any chance of actually peeing on me whilst I'm still alive?
    2 points
  32. wow I loved the bed pictures!
    1 point
  33. I remember visiting a large town in South West England and I caught two girls squatting and peeing in the doorway to a shop in a covered shopping area - like a shopping centre/mall but there were no outer doors so the covered walkways were used as a thoroughfare. I stopped and said to the girls that they might want to be careful about where they chose to pee as there was a camera looking straight at them. I indicated it in the roof space and on seeing it, one of the girls simply waved at it! She said, yeah, let them watch, we were bursting. I said that I could see that from the size of th
    1 point
  34. I usually choose the drain to pee on but the urinal is option to
    1 point
  35. Need any help with that boner? 😻
    1 point
  36. Did it once in a hotel room. Love to watch the stream bob around and the trail it leaves!
    1 point
  37. Who says it's an accident? 🤭 Great photo. Thank you for sharing!
    1 point
  38. Hi @Alpian, thanks for reading and thank you for your kind words! Naughty peeing is a mainstay of my stories and them being fiction allows me to add in a number of other aspects such as vandalism, public lewdness, and countless other misbehaviors that stimulate the imagination. Even within the subset of "naughty peeing," this being a fetish website, numerous readers have numerous other fetishes that overlap with mere peeing. As much as I would love it that everyone would love every single aspect of every story I've written, everyone has their own preferences. I understand that sometime
    1 point
  39. Awake early for some reason 😩😩 who wants to suck on these?? You may get something out of them 🤤🤤
    1 point
  40. Oh gosh. I have many to choose from, unfortunately. One time I was going through an open house, when I was looking for a place to live. This is when a realtor opens up a house they're trying to sell, and let the general public walk through to see if interested in buying the house. This was a lived in house, and the homeowners were gone during this event. You can pretty much walk anywhere through the house and the realtor generally stays near the front of the house to greet people as they come in. As I was walking through, I did have a rather full bladder and was very tempted
    1 point
  41. my wife dressed and udressed
    1 point
  42. Ok I did it!! I filled my bladder up as much as possible and then peed into a jug to measure it, whilst timing how long it took! I have had a lot of comments about this so it was a challenge I decided to take on. I started at 5pm (although had last peed at 3pm and may have had a small drink of coke before starting) then I drank 1.5 litres of ice cold water, 330ml cold coke and held it as long as I could. I got to the point where holding it was pretty uncomfortable and even standing upright was a bit of a challenge. I eventually released it all at 11pm, so I held for around 6 hours (8
    1 point
  43. Since alot of you have requested that I post my story about how Sasha and I met and how she found out, well it's finally there! It was about 5 years ago, I was around 17-18 and I was working in the electronics section of a toysrus store (lol I know) while going to school. It was my very first job and I was still getting know some of the other workers that I didnt get to see much because their section was rather far from mine or we would have different shifts. Things were doing very well after a month or 2, I had new work friends (including Sasha) , I was getting along with the managers and
    1 point
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