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  1. Part 2: the next day, I woke up to my alarm clock ringing in that annoying ringringringringringringring thing that it does. As I got up, I remembered that I was going to talk to Laura about what I saw the next day, but, as is my usual, I woke up starving, so I decided to get breakfast first. As I poured some cereal into a bowl, Laura got up and came down topless, which I guess is how she sleeps. I mean, we're all girls here. "Hey Luara." I said. "Huh, oh... Hey." She said groggily. "Listen," I said " There's something I want to talk to you about." "Hang on." She said, as she lowered her p
    9 points
  2. It is hard to say just when things started to get out of control, but enough is enough. Yet let’s start at the beginning: Peeing has not always been a fetish of mine – it just happened to be a normal bodily function, and I didn’t think too much about it. Growing up as an only child in a smallish rural town with my dad owning the only significant industrial company and largest employer in the region, I enjoyed many liberties other girls my age didn’t have. I was free to roam our estate and everyone in town treated me with due respect and reverence. As it wasn’t a big deal to me, I’d n
    6 points
  3. Given that the art of urolagnia involves so many sub-texts, watching and being watched, the act of urination in public and private spaces etc. I thought I'd try and start a thread to ask about what goes on once urination has taken place. Open to both females and males on this forum, what do you like to do once you have peed? Does it lead to masturbation, or do you prolong the act by 'play'. Here's an example, (sorry about the low resolution and quality of the images, it was taken from my diminishing archive) To pee into a glass, wine, beer, champagne, tumble, then to feel the warmth on your fi
    4 points
  4. Dear Wet Carpet, Something amazing happened today that I wanted to share with you. I have had a pee fetish for a few years. My wife knows about it, and while she doesn't share it, she also smirks at me any time I talk about it and it doesn't bother her. However, a few days ago I heard her in the bathroom yell, "Ah! Shit!" Concerned, I went to check on her. "Well, can't do anything about it now," she said. I walked into the bathroom and saw her sitting on the toilet seat with her panties still on. She looked exasperated but smiled at me. I could hear pee tinkling into the toilet. "Wha
    4 points
  5. I had a slightly unusual encounter with my wife yesterday. She makes no secret of the fact that she pees in the shower and I make no secret of the fact that I like the fact that she does. She has even peed on my leg when we have both been in the shower together. However, yesterday was slightly different. My wife was stood outside the shower, naked, and about to get in but was waiting for the water to get warm. She was bouncing slightly and made the comment “I wish this water would hurry up and get hot”. I enquired as to “What’s the rush?” And she answered with “I really need a wee and
    3 points
  6. This week has been a Rollercoaster and I forgot you asked this question Sophie 🤧 sorry! But, If I had three super powers i would choose 1. Shape Shifting (into any object or animal; no invisibility or flight needed!) 2. Power of influence so I could reach into people's minds and make them do whatever I want (I heard a rumor you shut your ass up! 😤). And I can't think of a third. My super hero name: Bacardi the Great. I am so not creative when it comes to these things lol.
    3 points
  7. A friend told me about a house party where there was a long queue outside the only bathroom. Although the kitchen was crowded, a girl in a short skirt hopped up to sit on the edge of the sink, lacy knickers at her knees, skirt hitched up around her waist, and loudly pissed in the sink. My friend reached behind her to turn on the tap to help wash her pee away.
    3 points
  8. Back in college the girls would clog the toilets in our bathrooms. So we made them pee outside. You’d be extremely surprised as to how many people are more than comfortable peeing in a random backyard. I’ve also had to kick people out for letting loose on our floor. I’d always let the girls finish before kicking them out.
    3 points
  9. This happened a few years ago. I decided I would hold my pee until I leaked, I'm usually bursting to pee when I wake up so holding was a bit of a challenge; but I managed to hold well into the afternoon. Relief came when I took my shower that day. I pee in the shower every time, so holding in the shower was even more difficult, my bladder was aching. Finally when I was soaping my body, my bladder just let go and I just started peeing without end, the longest pee of my life. The feeling of holding so long then just peeing without intending to was so hot.
    2 points
  10. Had to be quick this time https://imgur.com/a/eB4DR7Q
    2 points
  11. I went swimming again today with my family. I was already feeling sorta horny and when I got out of the locker room I was happy to see we were the only people there! I was splashing around with my kiddo and hanging out with my husband when I decided I was gonna go for a pee. I got up and headed to the locker room but stopped short of the bathrooms. It was so empty that I decided today was the day. I was going to do pick a drain and pee over it! I went allllll the way to the back row where the lights were much dimmer and found a drain at the very back in the corner. It took a few moments
    2 points
  12. Yes, one night after drinking a little too much liquid at the local Watering Hole. Well, they call it a watering hole ,what do you want? I felt I could treat myself to some tacos at the local fast-food Taco with a big Sombrero chain restaurant. So, I went to the drive-thru. I placed my order and the feeling and sensation and tingling started in my crotch . Yes I had to pee and I knew it was going to be a lot. I thought okay I'll just drive out of line go behind the dumpster no biggie. However, two cop cars pulled in behind me. And that would not have been a problem if there wasn't a giant
    2 points
  13. Forgot to post this little GIF of some fun I had on Sunday
    2 points
  14. Training would be required. Weeks of it; with women paid to do nothing but sit on the beach, all day, drinking huge quantities, so you and I could practice catching them when they have to pee.
    2 points
  15. In one of my regular spots where I commonly whip it out and soak the concrete
    2 points
  16. I guess that many of us have encountered situations during home-office time when they got stuck in teams meetings and calls. I guess that most of us actually love the situation when there are external factors that make you hold your pee 😉 This is a video of a pee that I took after being stuck in a very enjoyable way, in a call with a very attractive co-worker. I hope you enjoy the video, and if you want to know the detailed story, see below. I am sure you would have done the same, and waited with your pee until after the meeting, am I right? 🙂 Link to video: https://www.erome.com/a/qiNyb3
    2 points
  17. Great start. Looking forward to more 🙂
    2 points
  18. Looks promising; it'd be odd for the narrator to just flip her mind within minutes...
    2 points
  19. This one happened a little while after seeing the girl between the cars and definitely caught me by surprise. It was certainly the true definition of a girl without a care. I'd been checking out the nightclub queue and two girls who had left the queue and headed down the back street opposite had obviously piqued my interest. However after following them they just walked down to where the church was and crossed over and headed along the street. There were a bunch of people moving around and I realised it was nearing closing time for some of the bars so decided to stay down where I was
    2 points
  20. I love this too! And I’ve had some experience with it. I was never really a shy girl so I did go to a lot of parties with my friends when I was younger, at peoples houses and at clubs etc. I frequently found myself having partying a bit too hard and having too much to drink, so emergency pees in random corners or outside. But since I wasn’t always comfortable with that, I did occasionally find myself at the end of a line for the bathroom, hunched over with my legs crossed and my hands jammed into my crotch, alcohol flowing through me, making it 10x harder to hold.
    2 points
  21. About two hours later (the coach was really delayed), we were finally making our way home from the bus station of our home city. I needed to release some more fluid. This time, I did it the normal way - well, normal for me, I guess. I found a diacreet corner, lifted my dress and released an arc of frothy pee against the wall whilst standing. It pooled and snaked onto the concrete below. When my bladder was empty, I had a little shake, dropped my skirt back into position and we walked on.
    2 points
  22. Dear Wet Carpet, Hello, it's Anna again. I suppose I'll get right to where I left off. If you're new to my story, go back and read my past letters. Shannon led us out of the living room, the three of us still naked, and then down the hallway to a room on the left. As soon as we entered, I realized it looked familiar and remembered the party I attended with Shannon and the special room that was designed to resemble her own bedroom. There were minor differences, but honestly the likeness was uncanny. I felt my pussy twitch as I recalled the events of that night. Shannon must have dete
    2 points
  23. THE MANSION: my friend recommended a friend who recommended a friend of hers to this group of girls who were living in this renovated old mansion, and they were looking for a new roommate. So me, in a desperate act to get out of my mother's house, accepted the offer. I met up with a couple of the girls who owned the place, and we sat down and talked. They laid down the basic rules, clean up after yourself, don't break anything that you aren't prepared to pay for later, etc. etc. etc. They also asked me if I was allergic to cats. For a half a second I thought that this was a weird question
    1 point
  24. Absolutely love this 😍. Such a long, strong stream! And the different camera angles are such a great touch too!
    1 point
  25. Awesome story. I am glad you got to enjoy watching your wife pee. Thank you for sharing your fun.
    1 point
  26. On the way home today - a nice risky broad daylight piss was calling its name to me, and it felt so good to whip my cock out and unleash a nice load of piss on the pavement / up against the wall in this mini-alley, leaving a nice visible marking as I did so 😍
    1 point
  27. I'm glad, as well. I'm not sure where it began, but please forgive my part in diverting from @steve25805's vision of this thread. I'll figure out a way to either shorten my submissions to Wet Carpet as they were originally intended or save the long-form stories for separate Fiction posts. For anyone who wants to continue Anna's stories, look for them as separate posts from here on.
    1 point
  28. Dear Wet Carpet My name is Beth, and I live in a nudist household. For as long as I can remember, my parents never made me wear clothes. It was always an option. And, as you might expect, I chose not to. Sex was also not really hidden. God only knows how many times I walked into the living room to see my mom riding my dad on the couch. We also only used the bathroom of we had to poop. That's where piss comes into the story. Bedwettings, couchwettings, floorwettings, there was barely a dry spot in the house. (I was homeschooled, BTW). As a child, I worried what would guests say
    1 point
  29. Last night I decided I felt like having some fun, so I sat outside with lots of wine and water and let myself get filled up so I could pee outside. Unfortunately, it was raining a bit last night so I couldn’t get any good pics but I’m hoping to change that tonight! For now I thought I’d maybe share the story of my manufactured desperation. 😅 The place I’m staying at right now has a pretty large backyard, most of it grassy, so it’s often excellent to have an outdoor pee in when I’m under circumstances where I don’t want others to know. Sometimes this will happen if I’m sitting out back wit
    1 point
  30. @Kupar training has begun and my chosen partner/pee coach has vowed that we will drown you in pee so get ready 🤣
    1 point
  31. I just accomplished a pee I've been wanting to try for a while. It wasn't naughty per se, but it made me so, so happy! I wrote another member's username down on a piece of paper, set it down in my bathtub, and peed all over it! They pictures were very much appreciated on his end, and I am full of butterflies and smiles 🥰🥰
    1 point
  32. Well todays pee has been rather naughty. I have spent a lot of the day, teasing myself repeatedly by letting out naughty little jets of warm pee whenever I've felt the want / need to. Each little wet patch dries enough after about 20 minutes that I can then do another little one. I've sat on a towel when needed, but it has only showed a little on my jeans. 😄 Either way, I've thoroughly enjoyed making my naughty area a little pissy mess. It's soon time to order some food. I'll get it delivered and have to open the door! Hopefully my light pee scent isn't noticeable with the outside breeze! I've
    1 point
  33. Sorry, I'm not very good at writing about my experiences but I thought I would give it a go. It seems my body clock didn't get the memo about today being a bank holiday and woke me up stupidly early so I decided to make the most out of a quiet house and have a little fun. The washing machine was half full so it seemed a perfect time to soak my boxers as they and the clean up towels could go straight into the machine and nobody would know, so I made myself a coffee and waiting. It didn't take too long for the coffee to hit so I went straight to the toilet, sat down and relaxed.
    1 point
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