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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2022 in Posts

  1. Yesterday, Mr Eliminature and I were waiting at the bus station in a city with a famoua cathedral and a university and we'd been drinking some local ale. Not a problem, we were going to use the loos before getting on the coach back to our own city. Unfortunately, they were closed. Well, the coach was delayed (I'm actually going to complain about that) ans untrackable for over an hour. Mr E was getting increasingly twitchy and desperate - something which happens a lot as he gets older. I encouraged him to find a discreet place to go outside. He came back several minutes later lookin
    8 points
  2. About two hours later (the coach was really delayed), we were finally making our way home from the bus station of our home city. I needed to release some more fluid. This time, I did it the normal way - well, normal for me, I guess. I found a diacreet corner, lifted my dress and released an arc of frothy pee against the wall whilst standing. It pooled and snaked onto the concrete below. When my bladder was empty, I had a little shake, dropped my skirt back into position and we walked on.
    7 points
  3. Carol 2 I am an engineering trainee, I work 3 days and go to Uni full time in the other two, work fulltime in the holidays, and fees paid by employer. Carol started casual work at Woolworths on her 15th birthday, is in her final year at school and is going on to be a home economics teacher. We are seeing each other at least once a week, always, cuddle, hug, kiss. But definitely no touching, she would freeze up a bit even with my hand on the outside of her clothes. Final exams are on for both of us, so we don’t see much of each other. I have finished exams s
    4 points
  4. I wish I could say it was entirely out of willpower/out of commitment to holding, but it was more so because I noticed he was wearing letters for a fraternity on campus that is known to not exactly have the best track record for issues pertaining to consent. I didn’t feel like taking the gamble, to be honest!
    4 points
  5. Squatting openly on the grass whilst students were milling around felt great, but I must admit, I prefer to stand.
    3 points
  6. Personal safety always comes first. You probably did the right thing and whilst peeing in front of someone who effectively gave you permission may well have been a bit of a buzz, it is not worth doing anything if you think you are at risk.
    3 points
  7. after not too long the sensations my imagination were conjuring up had spread through my body. i couldn't help but slip the makeshift toy into the wetness of my muffin. the motions of it down there felt so satisfying.
    3 points
  8. The following week I headed back up to the nightclub when the street became quiet and found once again there was a queue forming as the club had become busy. I stood for a while checking out the people coming to join the queue waiting for a sighting to present itself. With each new group who came and joined, the queue got gradually longer and slowly moved forward as people were let in. Along the main road came a group of girls who joined the small queue for the cash machine outside the convenience store. One of the group, a slim cute blonde girl in her early 20’s, stood gently jiggling an
    3 points
  9. I usually pee through my suit...in and out of the pool. It's so easy when you're already dripping water to just let it flow.
    3 points
  10. Anywhere I was lol. Most of the time it was in the water, but if it was a short pee I just realized I had I would just pee wherever I was. Sitting in a chair, setting up lunch at the tables for the kids, or going on a walk in the sun. It really didn't matter. One time I peed over a drain in the middle of the locker room because I could 😁 I was so proud of myself that day.
    3 points
  11. Here's mine 🤭😋
    3 points
  12. I love this too! And I’ve had some experience with it. I was never really a shy girl so I did go to a lot of parties with my friends when I was younger, at peoples houses and at clubs etc. I frequently found myself having partying a bit too hard and having too much to drink, so emergency pees in random corners or outside. But since I wasn’t always comfortable with that, I did occasionally find myself at the end of a line for the bathroom, hunched over with my legs crossed and my hands jammed into my crotch, alcohol flowing through me, making it 10x harder to hold.
    2 points
  13. I just pee through my one piece if I’m at the beach or at the pool, or pull aside the crotch. One time though I made the mistake of wearing a one piece that didn’t allow me to just pull it aside and pee. I was super desperate and I wasn’t thinking straight, so when I realized I wore my one piece under my regular clothes, I panicked and was desperate trying to get it off while leaking, withiutbrealize I was going to be swimming in a little while anyway and that I could have just sat and pews through it.
    2 points
  14. Close up pissing in the sink. https://www.redgifs.com/watch/illegalspiffymorpho
    2 points
  15. I continue to pee in parking garages, I have reported some of them in my thread in the men peeing section as they include some pics that include the actual pee stream and my dick. You can find them at the links below if you are interested: https://peefans.com/topic/17108-alfresco-peeing/?do=findComment&comment=313682 https://peefans.com/topic/17108-alfresco-peeing/?do=findComment&comment=307831 I nearly got caught the other day. I was in town and popped into the car park for a pee (I hadn’t parked there, but it was still convenient). I went into the stairwell, go
    2 points
  16. I tried something new today. I decided to piss in the sink while brushing my teeth. I pissed the entire time I brushed, over a minute. I really enjoyed the experience, I felt so free and relaxed just letting go while doing something else. I will definitely start to piss freely during my morning routine from now on.
    2 points
  17. I thought of another party girl story. When I first moved to LA in 20s my friends and I befriended a very attractive girl who worked for one of the hottest party promoters in town. We’ll call her “M." This promoter, promoted the best parties 5 of the 7 nights in a week and many Hollywood promotional events and special parties. M was the life of any party. She owned it and was a social butterfly. But she could be a bit crazy and get very drunk, but she had a job to do most nights. We found a synergy where she would invite us to some of the hottest parties in town and in exchange we wo
    2 points
  18. I dont swim in one pieces any more, but when I did I either peed through them or I pulled the crotch to the side. I think as time went on I just peed through it so I could avoid washing my hands when I was done, and now I don't even go to the bathroom at all. I'll just pee on myself wherever I am at the pool. It's no big deal.
    2 points
  19. I posted this in another topic but its valid here: In my 20s I used to party alot in LA. I dated a really attractive girl who was a minor actress. When we were out partying, she often peed outside clubs, in parking lots, garages or at house parties in yards, sinks, showers etc. We were once at a house party with an amazing mid-century modern house in the Hollywood hills that was very indoor/outdoor. The master bathroom was very large with a sunken tub the size of a hot tub and an indoor terrarium of rocks and plants next to it. Many people were in the bathroom waiting for the toilet and t
    2 points
  20. I think most of us lurked for at least a while before taking the plunge. I know I did ... and probably for more than a year. Join in, have fun, etc. Welcome to the wet side.
    2 points
  21. I just accomplished a pee I've been wanting to try for a while. It wasn't naughty per se, but it made me so, so happy! I wrote another member's username down on a piece of paper, set it down in my bathtub, and peed all over it! They pictures were very much appreciated on his end, and I am full of butterflies and smiles 🥰🥰
    2 points
  22. I’ve been pissing in naughty places as long as I can remember. The process of walking around, bladder full, looking for a place to soak with piss is a fun one and I’ve stumbled upon TONS of amazing spots to leave a puddle by total accident, but I’ve always longed for a place I just knew I could piss whenever I wanted and never really have to worry about any real change of being caught. I have a few spots that are pretty automatic, but they’re all a good drive away. I want a spot where if I wake up bursting, or just wanna release during the work day, I can walk to and continuously soak, stainin
    1 point
  23. Happy Friday everyone. Feeling like having some fun today, gonna hold until lunch time if anyone cares to join
    1 point
  24. A couple of months ago I wet myself at work (on purpose). I tried to pee as little as I can, sitting on the toilet with my underpants on. Then I used a lot of toilet paper to absorb as much pee from the fabric as I could but it still remained wet enough for me to feel. I was wearing black pants so nobody noticed I was walking around all day with wet underwear.
    1 point
  25. Happy birthday @steve25805!
    1 point
  26. Two days with no mentions ??? That's because we only flag up the regularly contributing current members who are still active. Today though we celebrate again and huge celebrations this time including one of the most longstanding and surely the highest contributor to the site - the legend that is @steve25805, and not just Steve but also @JimmyJones345 @Poldore @Iantreloar7
    1 point
  27. I loved peeing on my closet wall growing up! It was my little secret bathroom in my bedroom. Now that I am allowed to pee freely when visiting my mom, I pee on the living room wall, too. Sometimes I will feel nostalgic and go back to my old room and pee in the closet...only difference is now I can tell my mom what I am going to do!
    1 point
  28. Last night I decided I felt like having some fun, so I sat outside with lots of wine and water and let myself get filled up so I could pee outside. Unfortunately, it was raining a bit last night so I couldn’t get any good pics but I’m hoping to change that tonight! For now I thought I’d maybe share the story of my manufactured desperation. 😅 The place I’m staying at right now has a pretty large backyard, most of it grassy, so it’s often excellent to have an outdoor pee in when I’m under circumstances where I don’t want others to know. Sometimes this will happen if I’m sitting out back wit
    1 point
  29. I love to pee on sand or soil because I can dig a hole with my stream 😁
    1 point
  30. Okay, here goes: I was visiting this weekend. I was in the living room on the couch; she was in the kitchen doing some small chores (washing dishes, putting the laundry on, etc.). From her laundry room, I hear her ask if I would like to pee in the laundry before she throws it in the machine. I decline saying that I have spurted on the floor and couch recently, and did not have the urge. I was getting really horny sitting on the now damp sofa cushion and thinking about the events of the day....I had spurted a little bit of pee frequently in front of my mom without warning instead of a ful
    1 point
  31. Sandy now was pretty much sure she was doomed. She had to do something to prevent an accident but all of her solutions were to … impolite. Her mind was racing as fast as her pencil onto the sheet of paper that now looked like it was drawn on by a toddler. She was nervous, she was scared and she was in pain, and all because she didn’t pay attention to were she put her feet earlier. Suddenly her tumultuos storm of bad thoughts got interrupted by Olives voice who asked: “Can I get some ice tea?” “Oh God please no”, was what she thought, her mouth however said painfully smiling :”Sure!”
    1 point
  32. Ever since I started working an earlier shift, I’ve been purposely avoiding my morning pee to see if I get lucky enough that I can let it out in the street near the bus stop. Doesn’t usually pan out the way I want though— sometimes there’s not enough coverage from view, sometimes there’s too much foot traffic, sometimes a school bus would be parked nearby, the other day there were entire news crews within lie of sight— more often than not I find myself rushing to the bathroom when I get to work, but valiant efforts were definitely made.
    1 point
  33. Bahaha I’m very glad you liked my word choice ☺️ Glad to know I’ll fit right in haha
    1 point
  34. Thank you @Eliminature - if I were to say you've written a thesis there it could easily come across as a flippant put down. That couldn't be further from my intentions, it's a reasoned well formed set of linked discussion points and I believe you've grasped a huge number of truths there. Statistics, or even less accurate percentages can easily be bandied about and their numeric nature somehow leads us to think they're actually factual. It's a question I don't believe we'll ever know the answer to for all the reasons you've explained and more. I'm hopefully a guy not stuck with a teena
    1 point
  35. Trough urinal at a night club near me
    1 point
  36. The other day I was busy rushing round being productive, tidying and cleaning the house etc. It was all looking nice and sparkly and I was just putting on the last load of washing (a set of bedsheets, some pyjamas and a few clothes etc). I had dumped it on the floor by the machine while I grabbed the powder etc. But as my last job I started to relax and slow down, then I suddenly realised I needed to Pee and hadn’t been for about 7 hours as I’d been so busy. I planned to go to the toilet after I finished the washing but my bladder suddenly had other ideas. It started twinging, as did my clit a
    1 point
  37. Showers are very useful for cleaning and pissing in hahahahaha Nice looking cock as well
    1 point
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