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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2022 in all areas

  1. Firstly, I'd say those initial estimates are far too high. I know this is not what you want to hear, but I really think you're thinking with the wrong head here. The true number is probably more like five percent than fifty. Please understand that not only are women not generally encouraged to explore and develop their arousal, a lot of this is internalised too. Many women will not even admit to themselves that they have a fetish of any description (not necessarily to do with peeing, any fetish), the internalised disgust and horror is too strong. How many women have a pee fetish? There's no wa
    5 points
  2. Okay idk what money or credit you think you're gonna get out of me when I have about 23 cents in my bank account 🤣 I am really about to give my whole ass identity away for this one. I have always wanted to learn how to play Dungeons and Dragons. I haven't gotten a chance to because I am such a loner I don't like being around so many other people. Even if I did I have no nerd friends who will teach me. I also was this close 🤏🏼 to doing something I always wanted to do, and that's ice skating, this year. I had skates lined up to buy, a class to take at my local rink, and then my cla
    4 points
  3. Please let one of them be for @Bacardi to have a stop off in the UK on her way to Italy, and meet up with all her British Peefan friends. <What do you mean it's supposed to be Bacardi claiming the wishes?>
    3 points
  4. If you think that flimsy piece of paper is gonna stop me then you're wrong!
    3 points
  5. Thank you @Eliminature - if I were to say you've written a thesis there it could easily come across as a flippant put down. That couldn't be further from my intentions, it's a reasoned well formed set of linked discussion points and I believe you've grasped a huge number of truths there. Statistics, or even less accurate percentages can easily be bandied about and their numeric nature somehow leads us to think they're actually factual. It's a question I don't believe we'll ever know the answer to for all the reasons you've explained and more. I'm hopefully a guy not stuck with a teena
    3 points
  6. **UPDATE** I arrived home this evening late…around 10:30pm. I had been driving for 4 hours, so I wasn’t wearing any clothes when I pulled into my parking spot in front of my RV. I had peed on my floor board (I have rubber/plastic mats, so it is easy to clean) about an hour earlier…I was on a farm road and did not want to stop to pee for safety reasons. Usually no one is out this late, but I noticed my neighbor was outside. Before I could get my top on, he waved at me. I slipped my top over my head, but got out of my car without putting my leggings back on. I pulled m
    3 points
  7. We talk often about the evidence of urination, such as tissues left in puddles, splashes of liquid at waist height, etc. But what about less ephemeral evidence: bottles, bags, or cups of piss. Where have you seen them out in public? Abandoned, in the trash, in cars, or actively being filled? I'll start with two recent stories and an old one. This afternoon, I took a bag to my trash can outside, only to find a water bottle half full of dark yellow piss. From my neighbors? From someone walking by on the street? From my landlord? It's a mystery. A month or so ago, I got off my bus
    2 points
  8. Back when I was breastfeeding my daughter, I loved the way my breast pump felt on my nipples. I would get so horny when it was time to pump. A few days in, I started peeing every time I pumped my breasts....my husband loved watching me lactate and pee; so much so, I started breastfeeding him after I weaned my daughter, and I now pee while he is sucking my titties.
    2 points
  9. My half marathon has been rescheduled to the end of September, the same date as a triathlon I was planning on entering so I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. I could keep training for the half but I'm not sure if I have the motivation to do it for another 16 weeks.
    2 points
  10. Just for the record, I've just checked out the definition of 'incest' since it's been mentioned a couple of times and is a little emotive: Now - someone seeing you masturbate, I'd say falls outside that category (unless that person were actually directly engaged in performing the act on you or vice versa). Let's face it, if a child wanders into mummy & daddy's bedroom whilst they're at it, we don't consider that as incest do we. Similarly seeing a relation
    2 points
  11. Id say these percentages are crazy high and probably I flue fed by the fact you are into it and can’t see how others couldn’t be, also being here makes us all think it’s more normal than perhaps it’s actually is. When you think of the world population and how many per sites there are (or aren’t), and then how many members are here and how many active, I think it points somewhat to the lower end of percentages. I would expect it is in the SINGLE digits possibly the lower double digits for the more normal aspects of it.
    2 points
  12. Lots to chew on here, but it reminded me of this quote from Gillian “Gone Girl” Flynn: “How did you learn to masturbate?” would also be a fascinating question to throw open over in the appropriate forum, assuming it wouldn’t keep generating answers that push things over the line of acceptable topics like a mischievous cat pushing things off a table
    2 points
  13. Autocorrect: did you mean animal husbandry
    2 points
  14. Eliminature, I was truly fascinated to read you 'learned' assessment of this subject, especially so from the woman's perspective, which we males need to understand if we are to approach our ladies in the right way. I take what you say as being very likely the case. For my own view I should say here that I do often intentionally chat to girls on certain websites, quite cautiously but quite openly too. I look first carefully at the nature and character of the lady and make assessments of the likelihood of a lady possibly being receptive to ideas of pee related chat. I prefer to chat to resp
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. For what it's worth, I lurk on sites related to another fetish of mine (male and female feet, if you must know), and the pattern is much the same on there. Hundreds of horny men to every shy woman brave enough to admit her fetish.
    2 points
  17. Nipple suction cups on to get my nipples ready for clamping. Here's hoping we get some leaking from them too 💦💦
    2 points
  18. Lately my partner has let me hold their duck while they pee and it is so fun! Once, I asked if I could aim it into the shower, so I sprayed it all over the shower, but got splashed a little. 😕
    2 points
  19. It has been a wonderful bonding experience, for sure! It is also a huge turn on....I love to hear about other couples engaging in breast feeding. I always wonder when I see a new baby in public if daddy is also drinking some of the milk. But yes...peeing while he feeds is such a nice release. Sometimes I will walk around the house without wiping my pee, letting it run down my leg and also let milk drip from my nipples. Such a good feeling!
    2 points
  20. I've done this playing around on the toilet from time to time. You know. Seeing how far I can go without making a huge mess lol. Actually come to think of it this sounds naughty af. Spreading your legs as wide as you can so you can pee over the rim of the seat and onto the floor. It's like saying "fuck the toilet!" 🤣 I'm gonna have to try that next time I'm home alone!
    1 point
  21. Love it ... haven't played D&D for years. I'm sure I can invent a pee-related adventure for a sexy elf like you 😈 Oops, almost forgot the question: Which would you rather have ... a supercar in puke green, a monster truck in day-glo pink or a Bentley in eye-blinding lemon yellow? The colour is permanent and you have to drive it yourself.
    1 point
  22. Incredibly hot. Both of my kinks in the one thread. You husband is so lucky
    1 point
  23. Every morning I go down stairs and have my morning piss in the sink. It's just so freeing not to use a toilet.
    1 point
  24. I’d say that definitely still counts! I mean you’re still peeing *into* the ocean that way, right? Besides, doing it off the side of a boat could be all the better.. has that feeling of really using the ocean as your toilet that way, right?
    1 point
  25. Haha! https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/jun/24/kitchen-gadgets-review-mr-tea-fred
    1 point
  26. Hi friends! I spend this weekend on a solo camping hike, up high in the mountains and because I also brought my camera gear with me I just HAD to film myself while taking a nice pee surrounded by beautiful nature. Since I'm planning more trips like this during the course of the summer I thought it could be a fun idea to turn this into a series of videos about me relieving myself outside. What you're about to see here is a video made of two clips, one of me peeing naked before sunset and the other at sunrise, wetting the rocks with my slightly urgent morning pee. Please enjoy and
    1 point
  27. One of my fantasies is to find well used pee spots, either with indoor or outdoor locations. Like maybe a flooded alley/stairwell or like a hallway or any room that is soaked. Naturally with clear seeing evidence of use and maybe currently in use by multiple people. Definitely a reason why I'd love to go to a packed street festival
    1 point
  28. Awake early for some reason 😩😩 who wants to suck on these?? You may get something out of them 🤤🤤
    1 point
  29. On the birthday front, we usually work on the basis of members who are recently active and have made contributions to the site. Hence sometimes there are none. Today isn't one of those days - but a lot of people use the first of the month to protect their identity: Happy birthday this month to: @nopjans @PeeGurl74 @tremayl @Fun Guy @DorsetP @nasty pee lover @TP!
    1 point
  30. My daughter got into it in a similar way! I free pee around the house. My mom and I also just recently started free peeing at her house, but before it was restricted to peeing in sinks, laundry baskets, or outside. So really, she has grown up around it. I am allowing her more freedom to free pee as she gets older. Right now, she has to ask if it is in certain places. Some places she knows she doesn’t have to ask.
    1 point
  31. I go outside especially to pee. I just enjoy peeing outdoors.
    1 point
  32. No 🙂 Usually from the couch onto the floor. Sometimes he will nurse in the car, so I will pee on the car floor, as well. We have tried nursing in restaurants, but we got some weird looks before I had the chance to pee.
    1 point
  33. I could never pee at the movies as they have night vision cameras of the whole theatre and can see everything everyone does with ease! I’d be too scared to be caught hahs
    1 point
  34. The result of my bed rewetting. Felt so good to just go in there again.
    1 point
  35. Updated sheets, mattress and blanket. Blanket not washed in at least a month. Smells like heaven. I wet my bed consistently all weekend. I have not used the toilet to pee. Have not been using it for some time now when I am home. I love sleeping in my wet bed smelling my dried peed on pillow and blanket.
    1 point
  36. This thread was very inspiring and made me wet my bed again so thank you. Am now letting in dry in so can add more into it tomorrow and get wider pee stain spread🙂
    1 point
  37. Became a member today although I knew that this forum existed. I have been active on Chaturbate for many years and the persecution of girls that actually pee goes up and down. When I joined in 2015/2016 it was no problem getting a girl to pee massively. But it has become more rigid although I did not find any specific mentioning in the regulation page of banning pee lately. It has been specifically stated there before, together with for instance fisting. The pee was only available in pvt. You need to be tactical here, go for the lowest token-girls, choose someone with a nice smile and not the
    1 point
  38. Hey all.... New story from me. :-) I hope you like it. Here it goes: “Hey there, welcome to the Jolly Rancher. My name is Alicia and I will be your server. What would you like to order today?,” I cheerily said to the group of 5 guys sitting at the corner booth of the restaurant. One-by-one they started rattling their orders. I took out my order pad from my apron, put it on the table, and lean down to write down the orders. By doing so, I am giving them ample view of my prominent breasts encased in a form fitting denim tube dress and framed by a checkered shirt tied on my
    1 point
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