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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2022 in all areas

  1. I had quite some time to myself this week and I was in the mood to play.. more than once ☺️ Aaaaaand of course I received some phone calls that I couldn’t ignore at the worst possible moments. The first phone call came in when I was just chilling and meanwhile drinking lots of water. I wasn’t desperate yet when I picked up the phone but that changed quickly. I was holding myself and rocking back and forth on my chair and after what seemed to be at least an hour (it was 20 minutes.. 🙈) I made up an excuse to end the call and just went straight to the toilet as soon as I could (I didn’t pl
    11 points
  2. I do it most of the times after gym. It’s easy and I’ve had a few witnesses as well. I walk around completely naked so why not just do it if you have to. I took a pic of it some time ago.
    5 points
  3. Needed to pee so used mother nature 😀
    3 points
  4. I didn't wake up intending to get off but I woke up to a message from a friend that contained a link to a peeing video made just for me 🥺🥺 there is just something so special about it. I love it when my friends make porn specifically for me! Even when it's posted publicly I still love it!
    3 points
  5. I (27F) live in an RV, and lately, I have been going outside in an oversized t-shirt and no panties and sitting on my door steps to pee instead of using my toilet, sink, or floor. The park is poorly lit, so even if someone passes, they shouldn't be able to tell what is happening as long as my stream is not too strong and making noises. Well... tonight, my neighbor (50-something M) happened to be walking by when I was taking a pee break, and started walking to me midstream to talk. I abruptly stopped peeing, but I was still without bottoms, and there was a decent sized wet patch under me
    2 points
  6. Lots of people also discuss their experiences which led to their piss love, alot happening before the age of 18 so it entirely depends in the scenarios and context
    2 points
  7. The original post said they felt gay posts weren't accepted, that's very different to them actually not being accepted which I can assure you they are and welcomed if posted in the correct thread
    2 points
  8. That is the most Ms-Tito-esque dream it is possible to imagine! Wonderful ❤️
    2 points
  9. My recent post has brought up some deja vu feelings and has left a sour taste in my mouth. I had this feeling a few years ago when I was in a omorashi discord server... It was me, two other girls and 15 to 20 men in there. I had asked the discord server owner if there had ever been more girls... they replied that some girls joined in the past but left... because anytime a girl joined the guys would make a huge deal of it and scare them off. So I wanted to help bring more girls to the server. I tried to make suggestions about making 'girl topics' in the server or a female only side chat i
    1 point
  10. True and good point.
    1 point
  11. Very good. I like to measure using a plastic measuring jug though.
    1 point
  12. I've peed on a towel while on a zoom call on more than one occasion 😄
    1 point
  13. Adding to my own post here as my fantasies have evolved over the last two years. I reeeeeeaaaaaaally want to receive a golden shower from the neck down. That i think has taken the number two spot in my fantasies next to what I've quoted above. I also would really like to have sex with a full bladder and be able to openly enjoy it since my husband does not partake in my fetish.
    1 point
  14. Would love to do something like that
    1 point
  15. Given that it’s the bank holiday, and being British, it was only right for the pub to be involved.. an evening guzzling lots of beer and water, of which all then has to go somewhere, right? As usual, I deliberately chose to not use the pub toilets, despite very much needing to piss when I left, so I could of course whip out my cock and unleash it all during my walk home instead.. these well-lot steps seemed perfect 😍 See below for my stream whilst in the act, and also the resulting puddle left behind - quite the marking, wouldn’t you say?
    1 point
  16. Thoght the flowers looked thirsty! As you can see my manhood a little camera shy😄
    1 point
  17. Happy Birthday today @CON2H4 & @sillyme - Hope you have a great day!
    1 point
  18. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph629397a40a865
    1 point
  19. It can be a good or bad thing depending on who you are, but my puddle usually forms right were my AC condensation drips, too. Usually my urine mixes with it and is washed away. BUT if someone were to approach shortly after, it would be obvious the wetness is not only from my AC.
    1 point
  20. The look on your face says it all!
    1 point
  21. A few years back I was talking to a guy who is really into hiking, who actually said he wears loose-fitting shorts so he can pee out the leg-holes as he hikes / walks. Amazing as it may seem from that statement, he doesn't seem to be into peeing at all.
    1 point
  22. A few yeas back we were backpacking/camping in rural areas for about two months. I had the same effect then. It felt like I had to be house trained again! 😄
    1 point
  23. The Men's Association in Stepford Connecticut is the only place I can think of 🤷🏽‍♀️ Anywhere a man can pee I can pee too. Doesn't matter if I have to squat or stand. I'll pee anywhere I want to!
    1 point
  24. Wow, what a great piece. You guys are so lucky to have each other. This was so hot and sweet at the same time. Thank you for sharing
    1 point
  25. I guess they could get the wrong train home...
    1 point
  26. Hmmmm....at the park as a child i saw a boy who was much older than me loudly proclam he had to pee, then he walked over to the edge of the woodchips and peed into the grass. As an adult I went to a family reunion when I was big and pregnant with my youngest and stepped outside to get some fresh air (pre covid, so it was PACKED). I was sitting on a bench on the side of the house when one of my uncles my marriage came from the other side of the house, went into the trees, turned to face me, took out his cock and peed into the dirt. I don't know if he could see me or not because the leaves were
    1 point
  27. I believe I have mentioned before that when I see ladies staffing burger vans and such like in lay-bys I often wonder what they do about peeing. Today I found out about at least one. Well today, I had to go somewhere and on the way I passed three lay-bys with stands selling cherries. The first was a lady selling them from a converted horse box, the second was a younger lady sat by a gazebo but with no vehicle and the third was a guy wit a gazebo and a pickup truck. Again my mind wandered to what the ladies might do about peeing. I decided I might take a chance and try and find out.
    1 point
  28. The all natural Tessa Fowler, she's lovely
    1 point
  29. **UPDATE** Since my mom was here this weekend, I did most of my peeing indoors (see the thread titled "how to tell my mom about my kink"). My neighbors have been gone since Thursday, and came back last night. I peed outside last night multiple times...once completely naked at 4am! No one came by, unfortunately, but there are many nights ahead!
    1 point
  30. ***UPDATE*** I have peed on my steps 4 times tonight. On my last trip outside, my neighbor and his wife were both outside. As I waked out my door, they both were sitting in front of their RV in lawn chairs (not facing me), and got up to come say hi. I was really glad I had an enormously oversize t-shirt, or my bare pussy would have been on display (I know they have both seen my pussy through my window, but outside in person is much different IMO). We chatted for about 5 min, and my bladder was about to burst the entire time. I thought about letting my pee dribble down my leg into th
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. I love listening to other women peeing and I love knowing others can hear me too. I don't go out of my way to listen to people peeing, I'm not going to stand outside the bathroom door and spy on them. But if a woman is sitting next to me in the next toilet stall I will absolutely listen to the music they are making, and join in with my own little tune.
    1 point
  33. as the old saying goes, any port in a storm. lol. 🤭☺️ was feeling kinda tingly, and though i didn’t rub my muffin against the railing long, it did feel really naughty easing my tensions in the middle of the parking garage stairs. especially as two men walked by after getting off the elevator. i’m not sure if they noticed me step/jump away from it, but i still felt like i’d been caught mid masturbation. 😇
    1 point
  34. I'd love to spend a day in a guy's house who would let me (and watch me) piss wherever I pleased - on the carpet, bed, sofa, in the garden, sitting on his car seats like I'm on the toilet weeing into the fabric. I'd love to do that.
    1 point
  35. Part 2 I sat on a wall near the night club queue. I saw a very chubby girl who was obviously worse for wear. I had seen her earlier, slumped on the floor, legs apart, black thong and ample ass cheeks on display. Now, she was leaning forward onto a low concrete pillar. She was wearing a short black dress, which in her current position was doing nothing to hide her backside and thong. She was upset and I was about to go and check she was alright when two other blokes went to check on her and she told them were to go, so I decided not to get involved. Shortly after that, she stood u
    1 point
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