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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2022 in all areas

  1. Well, one that I really should have posted a while ago, but covid intervened. On the way to the North of England "alternative" festival, I was staying hydrated, as you do. There aren't that many places to stop once you leave the motorway. You have to travel through rural communities for what seems like hours. Anyway, just before we reached the North Yorkshire Moors, I begged my husband to stop somewhere so I could go. He was happy enough to do this - it was just a case of finding a place. He eventually pulled over down a country lane with a high hedge on one side. I unbuckled my se
    7 points
  2. Now guys, let's get back to our normal respectful principles here - @Havelock has recounted a wonderful experience and now he's gettign harrassed with comments to post the pictures, blur out the faces... These are his friends and people who are respected. Even if faces were blurred, once a picture is on the net it's probably there forever. From this site they could easily be shared onwards, could even become one of those images we see everywhere. And then all it takes is a friend of a friend to see it, and word to get around. Instantly a complete betrayal of trust is exposed. Face blu
    5 points
  3. I'm not sure if this is classed as a naughty pee or not so thought I'd post it here anyway. I've seen this dumped sofa a few times now on my travels and thought there would be plenty of fellow peefans on here that would love to piss on it, so today I stopped and decided to pee on it myself. Not my normal thing but I figured there may be some in here that like it https://www.erome.com/a/UghYfGD6
    4 points
  4. It's a while since I posted, so I guess I may as well. On Sunday morning I was doing some work in my favourite city - about an hour drive from home, and needed to be there fairly early. I had a mug of coffee and left the house about 8:30am, getting on the motorway and then the roads into the city. On the way I picked up a McDonald's breakfast (don't judge lol) and then parked up at the venue, a docklands industrial building converted to music rehearsal rooms, just on time to meet the friends I was working with. They had the room booked 10am-12pm and all went well, we did a few more
    4 points
  5. Girl. Make some room for me to be intoxicated too ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ I'll take peeing in public for 500, Alex! I'm not at all into wetting so if I'm presented with the two options I guess it's pants and panties down and peeing in the street for me. But, if it's okay, hopefully I can run off and pee down the hall of hotel or office building or something instead of in front of everyone lmao.
    4 points
  6. @GWash17 99% of the people peeing are fully dressed or in costume. Its only a small % of the event that are naked. The event also sets a tone where people who would not usually pee in public, break the seal and do it. I've gone with mixed gender groups of friends where I had never seen the girls pee in public in other contexts or parties and they did it multiple times at Bay to Breakers because everyone was doing it and there were no other options. As a matter of fact going with a jovial mixed gender group is one of the best ways to see some amazing pee action. A couple years I went with group
    4 points
  7. Hello again, as promised I have another story, this happened about a month ago, I went out with the pee friend I told you about, he invited me to a birthday party of one of his girlfriends and we had been drinking and we had a good time. After that he took me home but first I said I wanted to pee and he said he did too, so we went to the park we always pee in and I told him I wanted to hold his penis, he agreed and I told him to pick a tree, he chose one because he said it was straight, I liked that tree because it had kind of big roots and I thought I should have picked that tree, anyway
    3 points
  8. I had an interesting brief exchange with my female boss this morning at work. She walked into the office and said "I had a thought while I was on the toilet - something I need help with" ... and for once I was quick enough to shoot back with a decent response ... "I'm afraid I probably can't help you there." Mild amusement, then she said โ€œIโ€™m afraid itโ€™s just the way my brain works,โ€ to which my instant response was โ€œyes โ€“ me tooโ€. More amusement. Sheโ€™s an interesting character. About my age, and very self-confident and capable. I would expect that there are a fair few who would fin
    3 points
  9. So for some unknown reason I've just had and old childhood memory resurface completely out of the blue. When I was a small kid (probably around 2003-ish?), we used to have this Win 98 family computer in your living room that I played games on, given to us by whatever family acquaintance giving out cheap pirated games. Out of probably hundreds of games, I remember playing a really stupid one back than, which looking back might have been one of the things that brought me here. I was able to track it down today and apparently it's called Tarzan: Guardian of Earth. As the name suggets, you pl
    3 points
  10. After my outdoor industrial pee, I got back in my car to head home. As I reached start of the motorway it was obvious there was a problem - two lanes of stationary traffic onto the roundabout fortunately warning me, so I was able to take a slower A road route home. As I was driving home, my wife phoned to let me know she was heading in the opposite direction to visit her dad. That meant I'd be returning home to an empty house for a few hours. As I arrived home I was conscious of my bladder filling nicely again. Rather than using the bathroom though, I instead poured a pint glass o
    3 points
  11. Autumn Falls. No plastic here.
    3 points
  12. Well @Peewee123 - I can't speak for all men, and in fact with my obvious bias I'm not sure I or any of us can speak for the typical man. Even among the most vanilla of guys, I'm convinced we are programmed with a fundamental primitive urge to want to mate. Clearly mostly in polite civilised society we control the urge to just go at it like wild animals, but still at the back of our minds it's there. So for the average CIS guy what I guess that means is we're drawn to the opposite sex. Add to that the concept of 'private parts' which coincidentally is where the anatomy differs, and
    3 points
  13. Now moving on to answer your questions about camera settings and lights... I'm going to assume you are using a DSLR type camera with off-camera studio lights. And also I'll assume you're ok with understanding the terms ISO, aperture and shutter speed. Now with studio lights, I work with either mains powered flash heads or portable flash guns and either are good. Both types need a trigger to fire when you click the shutter and these days that's usually a little radio trigger (cheap off Ebay or Amazon). They produce a very short burst of flash, so would freeze a splash of pee into dr
    3 points
  14. I am most likely to pee "in" something, like for instance into a bush/row of bushes or sometimes into a hole in a tree trunk. Peeing between two trees almost touching one another is also kind of "in something", although depending on how small the trees are, sometimes the stream would go straight through the gap into the open air on the other side--in those instances I'd tend to aim to hit one of the trees so as to have the stream flow to the ground. Peeing between slats of a bridge/fence is sort of similar. This gives good cover and also tends to avoid splashing and contain the mess. If I
    3 points
  15. I'm Dutch so Germany is pretty much around the corner (even though I live in the Holland-part of The Netherlands so in the west) and I come there often. Especially when I still had a fast car instead of the slow ass Kia Picanto I drive now I went to Germany for fun often and I have had multiple holidays there as well. And as you say, the big rest stops with gas stations are usually 200+ km apart (unless you're driving in densely populated areas like Ruhr obviously) with parking lots without facilities being present in abundance. Sometimes they do have a small toilet block but usually badly mai
    3 points
  16. I find my fabulous piss sex geriatric nympho I am a sexual paradox. First, I am only 35 yet only attracted to old women โ€“ I get turned on by their droopy tits, flabby bellies, and wrinkles. I just love fucking them. Secondly, after being molested (it was great) by a plump geriatric nympho at 14 I also fell hook, line, and sinker for girdle sex. And lastly, my old nympho also made me piss on her hairy cunt every time she wanked herself on the toilet. Now, I can often find randy old birds who wear girdles and have saggy tits and bellies but none at all to date who enjoy or will have
    2 points
  17. This is part six of a series. The main character is a young man called Jonathan. You can read the previous parts here: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Contains female and male naughty peeing. I rang the doorbell at Cece's house. It was hot outside, the summer had begun. Cece had invited some friends over for hanging around in her garden and eating pizza, because her parents were away over the weekend. When the door didn't open after a while, I feared I had gotten the wrong date or the whole invitation had been some kind of hoax. But before I could overthink anything I heard Cece's vo
    2 points
  18. so its been a very long time since i did a peeing video the reason stuff in my personal life and am very shy when i make one so please enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚ https://www.erome.com/a/teYxcHnv
    2 points
  19. You're very welcome! It is a bit of a passion. If you have access to the lighting equipment, then I can't recommend enough to practise, practise, practise - whether you do that with fully clothed friends, family, a shop dummy or a bowl of fruit. Lighting modifiers are addictive too - a white umbrella with silvered reflector is one of the cheapest accessories and can give three different softnesses of light... Also taking inspiration from other people's work is good too. There's a UK photographer who's instagram often has portraits with sketches of the setup - often a simple light
    2 points
  20. Haha I regularly do this in the wee hours of the morning outside of the patio door facing the sunrise. Something so peaceful about it. I'll record it for those I have accidentally intoxicated. For some reason I thought this would not be well received. I see I was wrong.
    2 points
  21. Linny Hill. If you don't like plastic, move along.
    2 points
  22. Crowdfunding is underway... only another $400 to go @Bacardi
    2 points
  23. A generously proportioned African American man releasing his golden stream in the outdoors sounds intoxicating! ๐Ÿ˜
    2 points
  24. Definitely pee outside somewhere. I hate the idea of wetting myself. I have unintentionally wet myself whilst unconscious during tonic clonic seizures and I don't find it arousing at all. Besides, walking about in cold, wet clothing feels unpleasant to me.
    2 points
  25. My puzzle is still up for Shirley fans. https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=2f5ea86b3886
    2 points
  26. In the UK, there are plenty of women who pee outside when out drinking. I've seen it many times and I've never seen anyone take out a camera to record it. Sometimes people will be nearby and yes people might enjoy the view (myself included) but I've never seen a random person raise a camera or phone to record it. I have also never heard anyone complaining at the girls peeing either. There certainly doesn't seem to be any negativity either from other girls or the men. I think in the UK, the more likely candidates for picking up the camera would be the friends in the group who mi
    2 points
  27. Final post (you'll be glad to know)... They say that the eyes are the window to the soul - and I'm a firm believer that a photo can be made or broken by the look in the subjects eyes. If they're comfortable it shows and if they feel awkward or ill at ease then it can easily show. And the more comfortable you are with what you're doing with your camera and lighting is going to help the model feel at ease and relaxed - and it will show. If it's someone who knows you well then fine, but maybe a few clothed sessions first, then progress onwards...? Any more and I'm sure I'll be te
    2 points
  28. Hi @rsrrsr - great question and something you've obviously given quite a bit of thought to. Obviously there's a huge volume of imagery out there, and to be frank most of it is photographed in a very non-technical way. Someone's peeing, take a photo. And with planning it can be so, so much better. I'm in the same situation as you in that I'd love to carry out a studio pee session. We all have our own mental images of how and what we like, so I'll leave the exact elements to you there. I think firstly you need to choose a location, and if using studio kit (which I love doing) t
    2 points
  29. I can't really pass comment on the German situation - but as you asked about other EU countries, I've recently been spending quite a lot of time in mainland Spain. My travels have taken me across the country, well away from the touristy costa areas and most recently was a 1600km road trip. The vast majority was on motorway roads, where stopping on the hard shoulder for anything other than a breakdown is I believe illegal. These had periodic picnic areas which consisted of a service road off the motorway, usually with parking at the kerbside on either side. No facilities other than rubb
    2 points
  30. I have selected urinal as that is what I would generally do if using a public toilet, but I would point out that if I am not with other people then I often avoid public toilets and prefer to pee outside.
    2 points
  31. I've never experienced anything piss related in real life but I am so beyond fucking desperate to. Every single day I play with myself to the thought of getting pissed on by either one men, a group of men, a woman, whoever. every day it's a new fantasy. Today I was thinking of just casually resting on my bed and someone whipping their cock out and letting go all over my tits and cunt while I'm sleeping. Yesterday I was thinking of someone just casually resting their cock on my face standing above me and letting go, feeling it stream down my face and drip down my nipples and soak my clothes.
    1 point
  32. Do all men like hearing about a woman going to the toilet or just pee kink people do you think? I have no issue declaring my need for the toilet but if men like it I might do it more ๐Ÿ˜‚
    1 point
  33. For me, it depends greatly on the time of day and location. Places in nature and places like laybys, I don't worry too much at all and just pee wherever I want to pee whilst being reasonable in terms of not blatant exposure, but I may well not take that much cover so that there is a chance that someone could accidentally see me. In towns and cities during the day, I would only pee if I could be fairly sure that it wasn't going to be on the cameras of the local authority. I don't worry about shop CCTV as this is not likely to come back as a problem - as they are rarely monitored clos
    1 point
  34. I do enjoy Reddit as a source! A couple of others Iโ€™d recommend here would be.. R/Powerpiss R/Public Pee R/Nonchalant Pee And also one that isnโ€™t specifically piss related, but still seems to have a reasonable amount of pissing related clips to it, is R/Trashyboners
    1 point
  35. Thanks for posting the link. I love this kind of situation. I am guessing she must be either very drunk or very desperate or probably both!
    1 point
  36. I'd like to know more about the stories of you both, if it's ok with you
    1 point
  37. Did the coworker realise that the stains in the seat were pee? Did you explain that you like ladies peeing in cars and that it was at your request? I bet you love knowing someone else is driving the car that you requested a lady to pee in.
    1 point
  38. Thank you so much, and i did ๐Ÿ˜this is me xx
    1 point
  39. Wetting blue lycra in the garden A few days ago when the weather was warm, I really fancied wetting some short running tights - I was feeling like I needed a little naughty time by myself - so here's the result. If it's your thing, then I hope you enjoy it as much as I did ๐Ÿ™‚ https://www.erome.com/a/DcAmuGtW
    1 point
  40. Hi again Wet Carpet! It's Anise again from several months back when I wrote about a New Years party I had attended. The party took place in a hotel and the loo situation wasn't really ideal with how many people were there. Needless to say, I got to do something I'd been thinking about ever since reading all of these letters of you gals weeing anywhere and everywhere! I urge you to read it if this sounds at all interesting to you! Well today I am back with story that happened back during the summer. Obviously, with the whole pandemic going on, parties were few and far between, and
    1 point
  41. I went to catholic elementary school. Our 5th grade teacher led the boys line twice daily for our bathroom break. She directed the first boy in line to open the door all of the way out into the hallway and stand in front of it. There were 6 floor length Kohler urinals (I'll never forget! L.O.L.!). She stood across the open doorway and directed traffic to the urinals. We were supposed to be completely silent. If she heard commotion in the boy's room, she stormed in. She got between 2 boys who were arguing while they peed, grabbed their ear, and yanked hard. They shut up right away. Sh
    1 point
  42. So this morning I woke up really desperate to pee and I decided to try peeing on my carpet! I love reading and watching others do it so I thought I'd try. It took me a few minutes to get comfortable enough to let go but once I did my piss was in full flow. It felt so nice that I couldn't help but moan! I loved hearing my piss spray out with a strong hissing sound. The hissing sound is my favorite. Now that I've done it I don't want to stop!
    1 point
  43. A mate of mine and his girlfriend where out on the town and had just left a nightclub, it had no toilets though! His girlfriend was desperate so she said she would go at the back of the club. The boyfriend said he couldn't hear the pee splashing on the floor so he went round the back to check she was fine, to his surprise he turned the corner to see her peeing in her handbag!
    1 point
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