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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2022 in Posts

  1. The Bay to Breakers event in San Francisco used to be magic for public peeing 15+ years ago before authorities started to crack down and add toilets. The event was great because it started as a marathon across the city but the people of San Francisco unofficially turned it into an all day, mobile party of costumed (or naked) runners and walkers drinking heavily and pushing alcohol floats and wagons. It's hard to describe but it had a certain combination of cultures and circumstances that make it perfect; athletic functional necessity, hippy freedom, drunken debauchery and lack of toilets that
    8 points
  2. [Contains female peeing and MF and FF oral sex.] Part 1 is here: https://peefans.com/topic/23041-hot-wet-spanish-night-part-1/ Simon wouldn’t take no for an answer. We all followed him up the stairs, me and the other girls leaving pee-wet footprints up the tiled staircase. “That’s the other bathroom,” said Simon, waving an arm in the direction of a room at the top of the steps. “We don’t tend to pee in the toilet in that one though,” he added as he opened the door to the balcony upstairs at the back of the house. It was only when I’d sat down in the plastic garden chairs and had been
    4 points
  3. Maybe if I did not wake up so horny I'd be a little more "professional" 🤣
    4 points
  4. Absolutely love this topic - peeing somewhere where someone else has to clean it up and not caring in the slightest because they've got to go! These screenshots from CCTV in the back of a shop are great (full video too big) - girl has clearly asked to use the bathroom but its occupied, waits a while but decides to go and pee all over their floor - amazing
    4 points
  5. Yeah I do that occasionally, I'm happy with how I look down there. I either call it a fanny or my hoohah among friends. Pussy in a sexy context. "I waxed my fanny for nothing!" "I wouldn't want that on my hoohah!" "He spent all night eating my pussy"
    3 points
  6. I wonder how many men pee on the ladies' anatomy rather than into the bowl. I know I would. Although, splashback could be an issue.
    3 points
  7. I'm scared of heights! I'm absolutely not using that!
    3 points
  8. If you want me to pee on you, Goose, just say that 🤣
    3 points
  9. One of my most fervent wishes is that there is a "look" which identifies a "Pee Pee Girl!" It would have made my lifelong search for like-minded partners SO MUCH EASIER! As gldnwetgoose points out, my experiences indicate that it is a more complicated matter, involving body language, preferred clothing, facial expressions, and conversational choices. Perceived social norms and real or imagined taboos also play significant roles. A loose attitude toward social rules seems to be one clue, again, as gldnwetgoose pointed out. Casual conversations, aided by moderate alcohol consumption, can be very
    3 points
  10. Hi all. As a guy, I often find myself having a look at my self down below. Almost sort of admiring what I have down there. Like after a shower just sitting on the bed before getting dressed, playing on my phone or whatever and just having a good look now and then. 😂 (I know, it might sound odd). I'm wondering if any of you with a girly area do the same? Just looking down the front or with a mirror etc. 🤔 Also, what do you call that part? There doesn't seem to be a nice sounding name for a pussy or a penis in my opinion! 😂
    2 points
  11. This is a true account of what happened to my now ex girlfriend. This happened when she was about 42 and we were living together at the time. It was a Friday and we both had to work during the day and we were planning on going out to dinner right after work. I started work much earlier than she did so I got home earlier. I got home from work that day and I was waiting at home for her to get home from work and she had told me earlier in the day to be ready when she got home and we would leave right away before places got crowded. I was at home in the bedroom working on the computer when I heard
    2 points
  12. I’m going to be ‘living’ on that field in a couple of weeks time for just about a week to prepare and facilitate an event (long story, real life best kept mostly separate from here) so I’m sure it won’t be the last. Looking forward to breaking the silence in the countryside darkness of night with some more outdoor relaxation.
    2 points
  13. Oh yeah! Water that grass, Goose. Great work lowering your trousers and boxers. Never be afraid to do that, guys. Especially in nature. It feels so natural and liberating.
    2 points
  14. I'm quite tempted to give this a go, especially after my UTI as things definitely seem a bit different right now!
    2 points
  15. Hello Ma'am, can I have a word? Thank you, so... it so hard to pee under my desk. Once I get in position my slit is facing too far up and all I do is spray the under-side of it. Then it drips back down over everything. The IT Team has replaced my machine 4 times this year for "water damage" and they are a little frustrated. Is there anyway I can just... sliiide back and use my cubicle wall? Okay, I understand. Thanks for looking into it. Could I relieve myself here in your office before I leave? I Appeciate It, Thanks.
    2 points
  16. Kelly Brooke, what a beautiful woman
    2 points
  17. Not a stranger’s car, but a neighbour’s car! I have a neighbour who is a real pain. Lots of noise, litter, anti social behaviour etc. Anyway I ordered a she wee online. When it arrived I practiced using it in the shower as suggested but last night, feeling confident, I went outside and got my revenge on my awful neighbour by pissing all over the side of their car not once but three times using the she wee. It was very satisfying on a number of levels.
    2 points
  18. Just lounging in bed with no knickers
    2 points
  19. I would consider it, but I likely wouldn't do it in real life. Cars are relatively new in my fantasies, and that's the body of the car not anything inside of it. I'd hate to be caught peeing on someone's car and they try to beat me up or press charges or something, so if I knew they were into it I'd pee on someone's car haha. Side note: I'm okay with someone peeing on my car at the moment. I was waiting in line at a drive through the other day and a barrage of birds shit all over my driver's side 😒😒 I am lucky my window was up, but am unlucky that rain is not in the forecast for a while.
    2 points
  20. Oh gosh. I have many to choose from, unfortunately. One time I was going through an open house, when I was looking for a place to live. This is when a realtor opens up a house they're trying to sell, and let the general public walk through to see if interested in buying the house. This was a lived in house, and the homeowners were gone during this event. You can pretty much walk anywhere through the house and the realtor generally stays near the front of the house to greet people as they come in. As I was walking through, I did have a rather full bladder and was very tempted
    2 points
  21. For me I’d probably say inside a ruined church. Morally wrong for some, just walls to shield me from passers by to others. I’ve used the same ruined church on several occasions. Sometimes I just squat in the grass inside what was once the church. Other times I’ll sit on a stone ledge and pee off the edge.
    2 points
  22. I have a couple lol.. One time I was working alone for 13 hours straight and I noticed one of my coworkers left a clean uniform shirt hanging in the back room. I decided to lay it down on the floor and pop a squat over it as I let some pee out to get it nice and wet ( not enough to soak it but still quite a bit). I was so turned on by this and was freaking out at the same time! I was so shocked that I was actually doing this. I ended up putting her shirt back on the hanger to dry and at the end of my shift, she came to relieve me and put that shirt on!! Another was when I was tr
    2 points
  23. Not much to see here, just another little tinkle: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/worstothermongoose with the following result: i mean, i could have gone on the grass directly next to it... but if i cam leave a mark, i just have to 😼
    1 point
  24. Done that plenty of times when struck somewhere
    1 point
  25. It is definitely linked to humiliation for me. Being subject to the "waste" of someone else. Of course is is more degrading when you are receiving a golden shower or your belongings are being drenched. When it is in public or not owned by a single person I see it as a form power play. Things like dressing rooms and public toilets. It is still linked to humiliation but not as strongly when there is a personal target. Apart from the person who has to clean them that is!
    1 point
  26. Its hard to identify an absolute best. The first bold pee I can remember was while spending the summer with my family in Germany. I had realized that europe and Germany was more open to pubic peeing than the US, especially if you were younger. I decided to experiment with pushing that limit. I had a bicycle and would bike around the town and to nearby forest paths. The bike path ran by a busy public swimming pool. I knew that kids peeing in the bushes by the pool was common. So I stopped my bike at a wire fence with an unobstructed view of the pool. I took out my penis and began peeing through
    1 point
  27. On the pavement outside a restaurant full of people. I was walking home from a pub crawl and just lost control. Started peeing my jeans so whipped it out as quick as I could. It came out spraying and since the road looked pretty empty I just let it go ... then I noticed the huge window full of diners about 10 feet to my left. Oops 😂😂
    1 point
  28. You guys will laugh at me because my preferred kiss is just a peck on the lips. Never have been into open mouth, tongue touching stuff. Your mouth is one of the dirtiest parts of your body, and I can't stand the thought of transferring those germs into my mouth. Ever had sex in a car?
    1 point
  29. I would have posted this a while ago but I was a little preoccupied.....
    1 point
  30. I definitely think I've got a type I like....can you tell lol
    1 point
  31. I don’t know who they are but I would love to meet them! I haven’t done it in the dorm hallway but I’ve done it on the dorm floor. The dorm floor reminded me of doing it on my bedroom floor when I was younger, turned me on a lot.
    1 point
  32. And I’m a tiny bit jealous now that I will likely never be able to do the slow peeing/licking combo 😜 But who knows.. one day. I suddenly remembered the involuntarily peeing fantasy I experimented with recently, using a Womanizer vibrator. I forgot to update that post but by the fourth try or so it actually worked, i put the suction cup in the right place and peed for 40 seconds straight. So that’s now kind of reality I guess, although being able to do it to a male (sub) is still very much on my list 🤤. Either with a toy or (much nicer 🤤😚) with my mouth, learning some kind of ‘trick’
    1 point
  33. Somewhat like this? Your fantasy? https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5d38bd7372475 (I just gave it a try and googled it, and as much as it looks delicious from my perspective, I don’t think I could ever do it 😕 (When I’m either very, very aroused or a partner is stimulating me I just can’t pee..). ———- My own biggest fantasy right now is probably taking the invitation of my pee-friend to piss in his car and use his house to pee wherever I want.. 😳 Oh. And going to a huge festival this summer. Wearing a skirt and just pee on the floor all night 🙈
    1 point
  34. So I have to be a bit careful about my naughty peeing because I don´t want my boyfriend (who I live with) to find out about it. But today I found a new way to have naughty pees in our apartment. You see, our livingroom has south-facing windows. Today the sky was nice and clear but it was too cold to go to the park and read my book there. But I still wanted to enjoy the sun, so i scooted the couch to the window so that I could sit in the sun. The couch has a dark blue fabric and I was feeling quite hot soon (From the sun but also from the steamy scenes in the book I was reading 😉
    1 point
  35. Well who wants to be the lucky photographer? Am in the UK btw 😉
    1 point
  36. I have used this one. I have also had a report from a male work colleague of mine that his girlfriend once squatted to pee in there because there are no female facilities and after all, it doesn't say that it is male only. I will attest that it is indeed very public as it is on a sort of traffic island and a bus route, not to mention people walking by regularly.
    1 point
  37. Well, in the last few years, since I've been battling an enlarge prostate, I find I need to pee every 2 or 3 hours. That can make long car journeys 'problematic', particularly if you are driving where there aren't rest areas or gas stations. And when the need to pee hits me, I usually have maybe 15 minutes to answer the call. If I've been drinking coffee, then that 2 to 3 hours quickly becomes every hour. So often, if I'm driving along back roads, I will look for a suitable place to pull over, get out of the car and pee. Sure, I do it because I HAVE to, but it's super exciting, too. Ther
    1 point
  38. Colin returns. Part 27 Mum woke us with tea. Before I sat up I stretched and opened my legs wide and peed as hard as I could making the most of taking up a lot of room in the bed. I felt my pee spraying as far as my knees and a few drops making it all the way to my ankles. I kept going until I was empty and then sat up and took my tea from mum. Erica took longer to wake, but she had a similar idea but she raised her knees a little and I saw her move her hips so she could properly spray her feet with her pee as she hissed loudly under the covers. I even felt a few drops
    1 point
  39. In the school playground we were queuing to go back indoors. I heard a noise behind me and turned around. I saw Marion, a girl in my class standing in a dark puddle. A stream was pouring from under her dress and splashing between her feet, splattering the dry tarmac outside the puddle. More streams were snaking down her legs and soaking her white socks. It took me a moment but then I realised she had been so desperate to go to the toilet that she had lost control and I was watching her wetting her knickers. I just stared and stared, fascinated by the sight of a girl pissing. My cl
    1 point
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