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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2022 in all areas

  1. This was a genuine accident. Last year in between lockdowns, some friends and i met up for a little house party. It was held at one of the houses of the group and there was a lot of drinking, eating and party games. We were outside most of the afternoon and I had a quite urgent need to pee. I hurried inside and pretty much burst the door to the toilet and found out there and then thar the lock was not working. Low and behold, the host, only 10 years older than me and quite the mile was sat on the toilet opposite the door. She sat upright in alarm as I stopped dead realising my m
    7 points
  2. There is a girl I've been into on Tiktok. She does a lot of cosplay and sexy trends and I am just head over heels in love with her. She did one on her knees in some pink pj's and as I watched it on repeat I could only think about the crotch of her pj's slowly turning dark as she wet them. The sight made me very happy!
    6 points
  3. I've peeing practicing this for a while but always seemed to have to stop walking to get started peeing, but now I have it perfected. I went out for a walk today when I was already needing a pee, once I got to a path through the woods I just relaxed and was able to pee without breaking stride 🙂 It doesn't show up brilliantly on the video, perhaps a frame rate issue, but you can hear it. The pic below is of my pee trail 😄 https://www.erome.com/a/2jlLaLjw
    5 points
  4. I am into being dominated, degraded, AND praised just a little bit. Talking about making my head spin. Anyone else wanna try with me?
    4 points
  5. Just lounging in bed with no knickers
    4 points
  6. First of all, I know not everyone has seen my face but if you have please feel free to answer the question 🤣 if not, hold on. It becomes relevant later. I had another interaction with a coworker tonight that involved the fetish, and it was so funny. I felt like I was being called out on the sales floor! This is my go-to guy to bother at work; we will call him K. We like to laugh and play together and I was helping him fix his section tonight when we got to talking about kinks and fetishes our exes had. Mine in particular had a foot fetish (it wasn't for me and i under no circumstanc
    3 points
  7. As I was hitting post this thought ran through my head. I guess we will find out next time I go to work and see him 🤣
    3 points
  8. Some of my best friends on here are 20+ years older than me and I would not have it any other way. But I am one to get along with anyone, and it helps that we can bond over our love of the fetish.
    3 points
  9. Fair point, got lost in my own fantasies and didn’t think about the necessary details. 😂😅
    3 points
  10. That doesn’t sound too casual lol
    3 points
  11. @Havelock @DoctorDoctor I think it's mostly just luck. I have some pretty thick ass, jiggly thighs and it just depends on how I get into the shower. 9 times out of ten the second I get into the shower I pee and I don't usually spread my legs so thighs are pressed together and some how I'm able to pee about half a foot ahead of me. It's really hard to explain because it's random. Trust me I have always wanted to be able to pee standing up and I have tried to recreate the conditions and I can't 😭
    3 points
  12. I have only really ever squatted and stood to pee. However, my favorite is squeezing my thighs together just right so that my pee shoots out in front of me lol. I have only ever been able to do it twice in my life and the latest just happened the other night while I was in the shower. Mt favorite more traditional way is to just squat. You can never go wrong with a quick squat in the corner!
    3 points
  13. You flatter me anymore you will spoil me, Goose 🥰 I dont often talk about my bathroom habits because I am so used to holding my pee my whole shift. A few of my coworkers will tho, which doesn't bother me. Idk about K tho. We just play around and be silly together lol. He has given me the once off "I'd have sex with you if you weren't married" before, and he is 20 years older than I am so he is just my type. But at the same time he is real respectful of me and my boundaries. I don't expect him to bring it up again unless he's gonna report me for sexual harassment or something 🤣
    3 points
  14. I have to say I’m really disappointed in some of the comments I’m seeing here. Im obviously not going to name and shame, but the whole point of this community is friendship and sharing the fact that we have a common kink. Being able to understand each other when the rest of the world sees us as freaks. So it’s incredibly disappointing (and frankly verging on breaking site rules) to see that people are only prepared to be friends with others on the basis of fitting a certain pattern of age or gender. That is discrimination which is not in line with Peefans principles. And
    3 points
  15. I’d say it’s his kink and he was testing the waters but saying he thought you’d be into it. Shame you are married! Lol
    3 points
  16. Part 2 - I left everyone on suspense for far too long. Fast forward to the fall of that year when A and I were hanging out pretty frequently, going out to bars. Note that she had been single for a little bit now so she was always ready to get loose and enjoy a night out. On this particular Saturday night we had decided that we would go downtown and have a few drinks. The night started at my apartment with a couple drinks to pregame. Her and I have a couple drinks over maybe 45 minutes with myself drinking vodka-sprite and her drinking vodka redbull. These were both tall drinks keep in min
    3 points
  17. Hello! This is my first story here and also happens to be my first sighting ever. Hope you enjoy! It was summertime in New England (U.S.) and I was just finishing my 9-5 job when I was asked by one of my friends if I'd like to join her and one of our other friends (also female) at a country concert happening in a few hours. At the time I wasn't that into country, but I figured what the hell, it's a nice sunny, hot day and it'd be fun to get out and party a little. I told them I was down and they insisted I hurry home and change as we were going to be pre-gaming in the parking lot ahead of
    2 points
  18. Having read and viewed a few things on here where people have either been challenged or inspired and encouraged by others, I quite like the idea of being challenged. So if you have any ideas I MAY be up for it. I stress MAY as I've never done anything like this before but I am enjoying myself at the mo
    2 points
  19. Dancing cheek to cheek
    2 points
  20. I survived!! 4.46 miles on a hilly route. Time 38:15, 8:34 per mile. I'm happy with that
    2 points
  21. Comic Steve Martin said that if you thought nostalgia and the good old days were so great, he had only one word to say to you: dentistry.
    2 points
  22. Are you sure Mr. K. doesn't have an account here...😄 That would explain the rather accurate guess.
    2 points
  23. Not sure how I had missed this thread... but that is neither here nor there. I didn't realized it was possible to tell what a person is into by how that person looks.
    2 points
  24. I don't really post much here anymore because my "pee fetish" centers around me enjoying my pampers and I know that isn't what most people here like about pee so I just kinda keep that to myself now, and just come to chat with some friends I've made here. However this post isn't really about me so I figured I'd share this since I am STILL stunned at what I saw. Just for context... especially for anyone reading this that doesn't know me. I am incontinent and cannot control my..... "voiding". Because of that, my bladder has atrophied a significant amount because your bladder is much like a
    2 points
  25. I think a lot of us here would say the same, thinking about you wetting the crotch of your PJ's....
    2 points
  26. I wasn't merely speaking of online friends, real life ones too...
    2 points
  27. Perhaps it is something which happens over / with time and experience, but I find it odd that anyone would rule someone out a s a potential friend based on that person's age. I have friends who are young enough to be my children (+/- 15 years younger than me) and friends who are more than old enough to be my parents (20+ years older than me)...
    2 points
  28. Warning, contains the usual standard male haulage toilet.....dirty! Whilst visiting a storage company as part of my job, I asked to use their facilities. I saw this urinal and was very tempted to pee in the drain as all the pipe work from the urinals went straight into it. I got my phone out ready to record the proof that I had done so but chicken out as I didn't want to get caught pissing in the drain or get caught filming myself pissing. It does look like others have pissed straight into it but I wasn't brave enough.
    2 points
  29. Nah, K definitely wants a golden shower. not kidding. its the fact that he gave the demo. that is a level beyond joke and something you do when you are actually into it. I mean, I say go for it. just make it clear its like a one time fuck. but im a bad influence
    2 points
  30. A pee pee girl looks like any girl who pees....I have brought up pee at work without being overt but never got a response other than laughter. I guess I had the wrong girls!
    2 points
  31. I probably did a bad job of explaining this lol. I mean something like this:
    2 points
  32. Yeah no worries at all guys! K and I are really great friends and I didn't take what it was as harassment. It was all just jokes! And, tbh, if I wasn't married already I might have taken the opportunity even tho I'm not really into giving golden showers 👀 I would at least be able to say I was able to indulge in our fetish for once lol.
    2 points
  33. I’ll go first - personally, I’ve always enjoyed bending over and stretching, touching my toes, and just letting it all go.
    2 points
  34. [Contains female peeing and MF and FF oral sex.] Part 1 is here: https://peefans.com/topic/23041-hot-wet-spanish-night-part-1/ Simon wouldn’t take no for an answer. We all followed him up the stairs, me and the other girls leaving pee-wet footprints up the tiled staircase. “That’s the other bathroom,” said Simon, waving an arm in the direction of a room at the top of the steps. “We don’t tend to pee in the toilet in that one though,” he added as he opened the door to the balcony upstairs at the back of the house. It was only when I’d sat down in the plastic garden chairs and had been
    1 point
  35. This involves male desperation, and male and female desperation. At the Salon Friday Afternoon, November 12, 1999 I checked my watch, 4:30; time to call it a week. I was leaving a bit early today; I had an appointment for my monthly haircut in fifteen minutes. Angie, the hairdresser I had been seeing for about eighteen months had just moved to a new location; she had opened her own salon with a colleague, and I wanted to allow sufficient time to find the new place. I shut down my computer, shoved the pile of papers and files that were sitting on my desk into a dr
    1 point
  36. Question please @Maclir 🙂
    1 point
  37. It's an interesting question... And I guess mine would be the relative near past as someone has said of the Woodstock era festivals, or perhaps the equivalent European festivals. Perhaps the era of pretty young things queueing all day for a glimpse of their Fab Four idols and the like. I'm always conscious on these sorts of questions though about how wonderful a thing nostalgia is - remember how recent an invention deodorant is, along with showering and bathing every day. Going back a few more generations... well, you know.
    1 point
  38. Maybe he secretly wants you to give him a golden shower? But I am curious, just what does a pee pee girl look like? Apart from hgv aving a permanently wet crotch, that is....
    1 point
  39. I would have had the same reaction. Maybe in time you will feel less embarrassed and admit he guessed right. Could lead to some fun
    1 point
  40. Idk how to say this without sounding creepy, but good boy
    1 point
  41. @MaxWasTaken I would love to! I have started peeing down my leg when I am either cooking or washing dishes. From where I stand in front of my sink, the angle may be just enough to see what is happening through the window, but not overtly so...One would have to be looking really hard to actually notice. It is still blatantly obvious, though, from that angle that I am nude. Additionally, kind of related/kind of not, I have started going outside at night (the park is not well-lit) wearing only a slightly oversized t-shirt and either peeing off my RV steps or even walking all the way ou
    1 point
  42. Yes! The view from behind with the stream and labia visible from behind is hot! The second one is hot too, especially if she is feeling desperate and naughty!
    1 point
  43. We didn't. Might still do it. I would have to talk nicely to K. It would probably be a one-off experiment .
    1 point
  44. I would have to do this as a separate project, but yes, it would be interesting. I'm sure the patterns would be very different. Maybe I'll do it 🙂
    1 point
  45. OK. This shows intake (all drinks but not milk on breakfast cereal etc) and output for me over six consecutive days (starting last Saturday). Reset to zero before the first drink of the morning (so the wees in the early hours are counted in the previous day's cumulative totals. What does it tell me? Curiously, my drinking and weeing gradually went down every day from Saturday to Tuesday, then went back up. No idea why. That intake and output don't match exactly each day (we breath out damp air, we hold some liquid in our bladder, our blood volume varies). I drink between 2 litres and 3.3 litre
    1 point
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