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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2022 in Posts

  1. First of all, I know not everyone has seen my face but if you have please feel free to answer the question 🤣 if not, hold on. It becomes relevant later. I had another interaction with a coworker tonight that involved the fetish, and it was so funny. I felt like I was being called out on the sales floor! This is my go-to guy to bother at work; we will call him K. We like to laugh and play together and I was helping him fix his section tonight when we got to talking about kinks and fetishes our exes had. Mine in particular had a foot fetish (it wasn't for me and i under no circumstanc
    14 points
  2. Part one contains female desperation, male and female peeing Hi. I’m Olivia. Many of you have probably seen pictures of me online! I’m quite well known now, and hardly a day goes by without me giving silent thanks for my combination of girl-next-door looks, freckles … and killer curves 😉 This is a photo of me taken in my kitchen last year. I’m lucky to have been able to make the most of my good fortune by doing the things I love and making money doing it: modelling beautiful clothes, underwear and swimwear, and teasing! I don’t know why really, but I get such a thrill from know
    8 points
  3. Just lounging in bed with no knickers
    7 points
  4. Just can't resist making teaser gifs of all the sexy content I've got 😉 Shame some of them are too large of a file to upload 🥺🥺
    6 points
  5. Not a stranger’s car, but a neighbour’s car! I have a neighbour who is a real pain. Lots of noise, litter, anti social behaviour etc. Anyway I ordered a she wee online. When it arrived I practiced using it in the shower as suggested but last night, feeling confident, I went outside and got my revenge on my awful neighbour by pissing all over the side of their car not once but three times using the she wee. It was very satisfying on a number of levels.
    6 points
  6. This one? 🤭
    5 points
  7. Kelly Brooke, what a beautiful woman
    5 points
  8. [Warning – photos of male and female pee] K and I had some time to chill yesterday at the end of the week – drinking G&Ts and nibbling snacks on the sofa, asking and answering some ‘date night’ questions (https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/list-100-questions-ask-your-partner-date-nights.html) to get that Friday night feeling started. It was my turn to choose our activities (regular readers know we take it in turns) and I’d already asked her to fill up during the afternoon as things would be getting wet. After we’d finished our gins we moved upstairs to the bathroom.
    4 points
  9. Hello again:) , this story will contain naughty peeing and females peeing on others. But after each part of the story, I will add a little spin off where people find the pee, have to live with the consequences or simply just tell their perspective. I always think this is the biggest turn on about naughty pees. So let's begin The Drive Aaah... an warm summer morning with a light breeze. Summer vacation just begun for the Simmons Siblings. Even better: The twins Dave and Trisha just graduated from high school, so both of them, together with their two older sisters Tanisha a
    3 points
  10. 10k went well! We didn't time it unfortunately but we're happy with the pace. I'm quite looking forward to the half marathon now!
    3 points
  11. Fantastic, we do all love a bit of teasing
    3 points
  12. I went for a bike ride with my daughter today and things didn't quite go as planned. The idea was we would drive to a nice country park, do a 10 mile round trip, stopping in the middle to eat some sandwiches and drive back. The way there went great! We found some nice benches to sit down and enjoy our sandwiches, the weather was beautiful, the birds were singing, it was perfect. We spent a good 45-60 minutes sat together and completely finished our bottles of water. We couldn't find anywhere to refill them, the cafe was closed and there was only an ice cream van but it was no biggie, it was on
    3 points
  13. I find my fabulous piss sex geriatric nympho I am a sexual paradox. First, I am only 35 yet only attracted to old women – I get turned on by their droopy tits, flabby bellies, and wrinkles. I just love fucking them. Secondly, after being molested (it was great) by a plump geriatric nympho at 14 I also fell hook, line, and sinker for girdle sex. And lastly, my old nympho also made me piss on her hairy cunt every time she wanked herself on the toilet. Now, I can often find randy old birds who wear girdles and have saggy tits and bellies but none at all to date who enjoy or will have
    2 points
  14. This is part six of a series. The main character is a young man called Jonathan. You can read the previous parts here: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Contains female and male naughty peeing. I rang the doorbell at Cece's house. It was hot outside, the summer had begun. Cece had invited some friends over for hanging around in her garden and eating pizza, because her parents were away over the weekend. When the door didn't open after a while, I feared I had gotten the wrong date or the whole invitation had been some kind of hoax. But before I could overthink anything I heard Cece's vo
    2 points
  15. OMG - you have a beautiful backside Barbie! ❤️
    2 points
  16. I'm going for a run with my daughter in a few minutes. Aiming for 10k if we feel up for it, if not it might be 5k. We'll see how are legs are feeling. Hopefully won't get lost!
    2 points
  17. It would have been sniffer dogs for sure, helicopters wouldn't be able to see me! I don't know about hers but my bladder was definitely bulging. Looking back at it we are laughing. Especially when we look on Google and recognise some of the places we were at. We pretty much explored the whole area!
    2 points
  18. I love this for you guys ! Makes me happy for you and jealous of you!
    2 points
  19. So many options ... after all, what is "morally wrong"? Like others before me, I've peed in a church. Once was when I was helping with general cleaning and I was alone in the back of the building where they ran bible classes. I was completely alone and knew I would hear anyone waking down the hall, so I took advantage of the moment to pee in the corners of two or three rooms. Another time I was in the building by myself so I sat in a pew and peed onto the carpet. I no longer think of churches as "sacred" so this isn't morally wrong to me now, but I guess it was then. I wish I'd taken
    2 points
  20. Well after running and walking on Saturday, bike ride, walking and extra curricular activities on Sunday my thighs told me to bugger off this morning so I won't be going for my planned run lol. I think I've done enough exercise this weekend
    2 points
  21. I remember one time leaving a urinal and another guy came in and I happened to look down and see him lift out his really large penis. I remember being like "wow" because my penis just kind of sticks out to pee, it's so small I don't really need to lift it 😂
    2 points
  22. Part 2 - I left everyone on suspense for far too long. Fast forward to the fall of that year when A and I were hanging out pretty frequently, going out to bars. Note that she had been single for a little bit now so she was always ready to get loose and enjoy a night out. On this particular Saturday night we had decided that we would go downtown and have a few drinks. The night started at my apartment with a couple drinks to pregame. Her and I have a couple drinks over maybe 45 minutes with myself drinking vodka-sprite and her drinking vodka redbull. These were both tall drinks keep in min
    2 points
  23. Here's my mornings fun, as you can tell I was a little excited https://www.erome.com/a/23M99kzk
    2 points
  24. Hi again all - it's Pippa again here, with another exciting adventure. Maybe not exciting... or maybe it is. You need to decide. I know my opinion. So where were we.... My darling sister had more or less humiliated me in our desperate car journey home, I've taken over her house, kids and persona. I've dressed as her, and pissed myself in the supermarket in front of her friend who thought I was her. Oh and then I shaved my bits and had the most amazing orgasm on her bed. Did I tell you about falling asleep, then half waking needing a wee again and sort of wetting her bed?
    2 points
  25. Oh gosh. I have many to choose from, unfortunately. One time I was going through an open house, when I was looking for a place to live. This is when a realtor opens up a house they're trying to sell, and let the general public walk through to see if interested in buying the house. This was a lived in house, and the homeowners were gone during this event. You can pretty much walk anywhere through the house and the realtor generally stays near the front of the house to greet people as they come in. As I was walking through, I did have a rather full bladder and was very tempted
    2 points
  26. I have a couple lol.. One time I was working alone for 13 hours straight and I noticed one of my coworkers left a clean uniform shirt hanging in the back room. I decided to lay it down on the floor and pop a squat over it as I let some pee out to get it nice and wet ( not enough to soak it but still quite a bit). I was so turned on by this and was freaking out at the same time! I was so shocked that I was actually doing this. I ended up putting her shirt back on the hanger to dry and at the end of my shift, she came to relieve me and put that shirt on!! Another was when I was tr
    2 points
  27. So my big sis Anna throws this house party as our parents are away for this weekend. And everything was fine until now: I hold my part of the agreement and stayed in my room. But all of a sudden her friend Sarah came in my room without knocking. "You're sis asks for you. She's in the kitchen." I didn't really understand why but Sarah threw me out of the room saying "I need my privacy". Puzzled I went to hear what my sister has to say. "So didn't Sarah explain it to you? Some coward couldn't control himself and destroyed the bathroom door and our toilet. Don't worry, we already thee
    1 point
  28. I wouldn't mind working my way up to a half but that all depends on finding the time to train
    1 point
  29. Unzipped the new mattress and injected som piss in the foam.
    1 point
  30. Eh, I'd pick Jefferson over Lincoln. Lincoln is one of the few US presidents I really like.
    1 point
  31. I think I remember seeing a few of them on the docks in Taz. They looked a bit more disheveled then, like they'd gone through a gale in the Bass Straits. 😉
    1 point
  32. Good luck with finding your way.
    1 point
  33. This was so hot. Very jealous. I think the best part is you almost look like the guy I've started seeing who I found out is also into piss, so definitely used that to enjoy myself.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Good old Dave from Tamworth 🤣
    1 point
  36. I think the obnoxious one is @bacardi's ex, and she likes her work colleague - but I'm sure she'll tell us if I'm wrong.
    1 point
  37. Festivals spring to mind, the men's were outdoor urinals where anyone could see and the other was in a sex club I went to once. The urinal was open to everyone, just wish I had discovered my kink then as I'm sure I could have had some fun
    1 point
  38. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph6263c8ec7755d
    1 point
  39. Very good video here. You were bursting and had to go bad. Must be hurting holding all that in you. thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  40. the most recent 'sporty' thing I did was sailing - this is over 22 years ago, my father and I owned a 23 foot sailing boat in Sydney, we would race every sunday in the local club (Avalon Sailing Club, in Clareville, NSW Australia). The final season, we won the 'Commodore's Trophy' for the fastest boat on handicap over the season.
    1 point
  41. Probably in the soap dispenser at my grandfather's church. It was halfway full so I filled the other half 😈
    1 point
  42. My parents were also very open minded towards peeing. When driving on the highway they just stopped at a parking to let me pee in the grass and when camping they told me just to go behind the tent. I remember I was camping in a cottage once. I was playing outside and my dad was sitting in the garden of the cottage. When I wanted to go inside for the bathroom, my dad told me I could just go in the bushes in the garden. Of course I did.
    1 point
  43. My interest in girls wetting started with my mates younger sister, who often seemed to have wet pants but no one seemed to notice or care, she would just sit there and wet her pants. Later we progressed to the; I’ll show you mine, you show me yours. But that was all Things really changed when new people moved into the house next door, two sisters one older one a bit younger than me. I was maybe 10 or11 and was sitting on a bench with the younger, I heard a hissing sound and said what that, although I think I secretly knew. She said it’s nothing, but I could see the pee splashing
    1 point
  44. I used to clean kennels at a local veterinary hospital when I was in middle/high school (approx. 15 years ago, so early in my fetish realization). There was a large trashcan in the kennel area for soiled newspaper, etc. I would regularly pee in the trashcan or in the soiled laundry rather than walk to the bathrooms. I also frequently wore wind pants with mesh lining when I knew I was going to be there alone. I would let small spurts of pee out occasionally while I was working, so that was fun!
    1 point
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