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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2022 in Posts

  1. I went for a bike ride with my daughter today and things didn't quite go as planned. The idea was we would drive to a nice country park, do a 10 mile round trip, stopping in the middle to eat some sandwiches and drive back. The way there went great! We found some nice benches to sit down and enjoy our sandwiches, the weather was beautiful, the birds were singing, it was perfect. We spent a good 45-60 minutes sat together and completely finished our bottles of water. We couldn't find anywhere to refill them, the cafe was closed and there was only an ice cream van but it was no biggie, it was on
    6 points
  2. Been planning this for a while and just finally got the time/right location. Hope you enjoy! https://www.erome.com/a/nJZLiIHR Edit: I’m sorry to focus is off but believe me I am peeing lol
    5 points
  3. I tried out a new park run yesterday and at the end of my run I needed to pee. There is a wooded area and not many people around. I went in and found a tree to pee up against. It wasn't until half way through that I realised in front of me through a group of trees was a path and a bench. Sitting on the bench, which is facing my direction was a couple of women (maybe mother and daughter) chatting to themselves. Now, my kink is more golden showers with a partner and generally sharing each others pee. However, something inside got me excited knowing these women were just yards away and here
    4 points
  4. Hello again:) , this story will contain naughty peeing and females peeing on others. But after each part of the story, I will add a little spin off where people find the pee, have to live with the consequences or simply just tell their perspective. I always think this is the biggest turn on about naughty pees. So let's begin The Drive Aaah... an warm summer morning with a light breeze. Summer vacation just begun for the Simmons Siblings. Even better: The twins Dave and Trisha just graduated from high school, so both of them, together with their two older sisters Tanisha a
    4 points
  5. Idk how to say this without sounding creepy, but good boy
    4 points
  6. [Warning – photos of male and female pee] K and I had some time to chill yesterday at the end of the week – drinking G&Ts and nibbling snacks on the sofa, asking and answering some ‘date night’ questions (https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/list-100-questions-ask-your-partner-date-nights.html) to get that Friday night feeling started. It was my turn to choose our activities (regular readers know we take it in turns) and I’d already asked her to fill up during the afternoon as things would be getting wet. After we’d finished our gins we moved upstairs to the bathroom.
    3 points
  7. Yeah.. my parents don’t really deserve a prize for my upbringing in general (more like a ribbon for participation, lol). Yet I don’t remember shame or anything about the early age ‘masturbation’ thing (I do however remember how nice it felt and that I somehow knew it was a bit naughty 😚) so that’s fine. And who knows, maybe some unconscious rebelling later shaped me to be the perv that I am today 😀 (and loving it).
    3 points
  8. I’ve been fascinated with pee for pretty much as long as I can remember but these were some significant early moments: One time when I was young (6… or so?) and I was playing at a friends place (they had a swing set with climbing part attached to it and stuff so we were playing outside). I think I suggested something along the lines of ‘let’s try and think of some jump-of-the-swing tricks!’ (and risk breaking an arm, yay!). He said he had another ‘trick’ first and just proceeded to unbuckle his pants and pissed all over the light wooden fence for what seemed to be forever, leaving some ma
    3 points
  9. Just outside (damn!) 49 mins for the 10k race this morning. Reasonably happy with that, but I know I can go quite a lot faster. Next time, eh?
    3 points
  10. A little teaser, more later
    3 points
  11. Gotta love when a redhead has a carpet that matches the drapes. :D One of my all time favorite porn girls. Actually, soft core nudity, not really porn.
    3 points
  12. For me I’d probably say inside a ruined church. Morally wrong for some, just walls to shield me from passers by to others. I’ve used the same ruined church on several occasions. Sometimes I just squat in the grass inside what was once the church. Other times I’ll sit on a stone ledge and pee off the edge.
    3 points
  13. I have a couple lol.. One time I was working alone for 13 hours straight and I noticed one of my coworkers left a clean uniform shirt hanging in the back room. I decided to lay it down on the floor and pop a squat over it as I let some pee out to get it nice and wet ( not enough to soak it but still quite a bit). I was so turned on by this and was freaking out at the same time! I was so shocked that I was actually doing this. I ended up putting her shirt back on the hanger to dry and at the end of my shift, she came to relieve me and put that shirt on!! Another was when I was tr
    3 points
  14. This is part six of a series. The main character is a young man called Jonathan. You can read the previous parts here: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Contains female and male naughty peeing. I rang the doorbell at Cece's house. It was hot outside, the summer had begun. Cece had invited some friends over for hanging around in her garden and eating pizza, because her parents were away over the weekend. When the door didn't open after a while, I feared I had gotten the wrong date or the whole invitation had been some kind of hoax. But before I could overthink anything I heard Cece's vo
    2 points
  15. I don't really post much here anymore because my "pee fetish" centers around me enjoying my pampers and I know that isn't what most people here like about pee so I just kinda keep that to myself now, and just come to chat with some friends I've made here. However this post isn't really about me so I figured I'd share this since I am STILL stunned at what I saw. Just for context... especially for anyone reading this that doesn't know me. I am incontinent and cannot control my..... "voiding". Because of that, my bladder has atrophied a significant amount because your bladder is much like a
    2 points
  16. Part 2 - I left everyone on suspense for far too long. Fast forward to the fall of that year when A and I were hanging out pretty frequently, going out to bars. Note that she had been single for a little bit now so she was always ready to get loose and enjoy a night out. On this particular Saturday night we had decided that we would go downtown and have a few drinks. The night started at my apartment with a couple drinks to pregame. Her and I have a couple drinks over maybe 45 minutes with myself drinking vodka-sprite and her drinking vodka redbull. These were both tall drinks keep in min
    2 points
  17. Nice early start this morning for me, 35 mile lumpy route. I haven't had chance to get out a lot recently due to my wife's health so I felt really good to be back on my bike....and I had a little fun too. Running again in the morning for 1 last little run before my hilly race on Wednesday evening. It's good to be back exercising 😃
    2 points
  18. Getting lost is never fun. Been there, done that. But an important lesson was shared ... when you've got to go, it's ok to take advantage of whatever "facilities" are available. Even if it's just a tree or bush. Your daughter will thank you for that someday. 😎
    2 points
  19. It is my favourite race Harry - a small field and a flat and easy course 🙂
    2 points
  20. Creampie floor drip https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph6269b618c32d9
    2 points
  21. Here's my mornings fun, as you can tell I was a little excited https://www.erome.com/a/23M99kzk
    2 points
  22. It was a bad experience for me. I really needed the toilet during class and the teacher kept telling me I had to wait till break. I was really struggling to hold which the teacher eventually notice and let me go. The quickest route to the toilets was through the school library but that was locked so I had to run all the way around the building but I failed and ended up pissing myself in school. I would have been 12 at the time. I just hide in the toilets. I was really embarrassed. I should have gone before and just got into trouble for leaving class but I was too polite to do that.
    2 points
  23. Perfect - well not exactly I guess, but it's got all the important bits. Family bonding, mother and daughter time, healthy outdoor exercise and pee relief. Glad you found your way home, otherwise we'd never be reading the tale. Thanks for sharing xxx
    2 points
  24. I really want to make pee porn. I can’t stop thinking about it but the risk isn’t worth to take without some kind of reward. I’m never online really and I don’t know how it works. Also I’m not comfortable sending stuff to just anyone. I want one or two people who’s needs I can fit and chat with.
    2 points
  25. Well that's everything all set for my morning of fun. I've got my bike set up and all my biking clothing ready...my nice tight lycra...prefect for wetting and hopefully some rewetting. I do enjoy lycra, not only does it show of lumps, bumps n curves nicely on both men and women but it also feels great when wetting. Luckily there some towels already next to the washing machine....I think they may come in handy lol There will be photos and maybe a video to share, but you'll all have to wait on that
    2 points
  26. Oh! I'm glad you had each other for company - I can imagine either of you getting a bit panicky about being lost. But ... the wee together in the countryside was a bonus you may not have enjoyed otherwise 🙂 Thank you for telling us about it Sophie - as ever, beautifully described xx
    2 points
  27. I don’t know who they are but I would love to meet them! I haven’t done it in the dorm hallway but I’ve done it on the dorm floor. The dorm floor reminded me of doing it on my bedroom floor when I was younger, turned me on a lot.
    2 points
  28. teehee. i felt like his staring was kinda intense. was he able to see up my skirt?😳 omg! i guess he probably could. 😬 even after i'd crossed my legs it didn't seem to make much difference. 🤷🏻‍♀️ but does he know i know? before getting up to leave i let myself 'forget' i was even wearing a skirt as i reached for my water and took a few sips. ☺️ definitely was pretty obvious now, but i felt like i was caught taking pix anyway, so idk. 😇 it's not like it was a total secret anyway. 🤫💕
    2 points
  29. Do you ever wish you could go back to a time and place where it was acceptable to pee freely? I’ve dreamt about this in several contexts. 150 years ago toilets were rare in many places and peeing on the street was common practice. It would be interesting to walk around Paris of the late 19th century and be able to freely whip it out as a man and wet the side of a building (or squat on the cobble stones as a women). It would be amazing to be in Versailles and pee behind the curtains or in the gardens as was frequently practiced. Even in the early 20th century I feel like many places i
    1 point
  30. This happened about twenty minutes ago. I was out shopping with my mom, with an armful of clothes to try on and a VERY full bladder. I thought I could make it back to my dorm until I found myself crossing my legs and bouncing while pretending to look at clothes. I saw two available options: wet myself in my red leggings, very noticeable, or relieve myself at least a little in the dressing room. This is one of my favorite stores and one I come to frequently so I was a little hesitant, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I handed my selections to the employee an
    1 point
  31. I would be well happy with that. Looked at this race but too early in the season for a wimpy fair weather runner like yours truly.
    1 point
  32. Well, abut 15 months ago I went through radiation treatment for prostate cancer (which appears to be in remission now), and before each 10 minute radiation session (5 days a week for 10 weeks), I would have inserted a 'rectal balloon' - a thin rubber tube that was inserted in my backside, and inflated slightly, to hold everything there in place while I got nuked... invariably the technician who would insert the balloon was some stunningly attractive 20 something young woman... but bum play has lost some appeal for me as a result.
    1 point
  33. I have many pee fantasies, but the main one is pretty simple. It is just to get up every morning and watch a woman openly take a large, loud, full-bladder pee (with a strong stream) into a toilet or chamber pot/bowl or something similar; where the sound of the stream jetting into it is clearly audible. (Many women on here are probably thinking to themselves and laughing, "What kind of a fantasy is that?, I do that nearly every morning."). I know simple pleasures. By when you don't have anyone that will share that with you, all I can do is fantasize about it.
    1 point
  34. Entered a half marathon at the end of June with my daughter, I'm quite excited! I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it so I decided to ask her and if she was going to do it, I would too. She's never run this distance before (21 km) but she has done 15 km before so it is not a huge leap . I think it is going to be fun training together!
    1 point
  35. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a lucky guy, with a glamour model for a girlfriend. I think she looks absolutely beautiful. Judge for yourselves.... And we have a secret understanding. Her thing, her naughty pleasure, is to have me watch as she pees on our kitchen floor. She does it often. And leaves me to clean it up. That's the deal. She gets to pee on the kitchen floor for fun. I get to watch. And I am the one who mops it up afterwards. To see such a gorgeous beauty squatting and peeing on the floor is such a turn on, and clearly she gets a kick out of it too. Sometimes, she doe
    1 point
  36. It's a city, so the answer to that question is everywhere lol. Do it when the boat tours go under. Definitely thinking about this situation involving boat tours and rain. No one would be the wiser if you decided to leak off the bridge when the boats go under.
    1 point
  37. This evening, as a fun prelude to sex, K and I peed in a bucket in the kitchen! We’ve done it before and it was great fun, so why not! It was another opportunity to cross streams, and for K to practice her standing wee technique. Bucket positioned, and both of us stripped off (it’s been a warm afternoon here), we stood facing each other and she started. Even pulling upwards on her labia it always starts with a trickle that runs down her legs before she hits her stride and can push the pee out with enough force that it shoots forward. With a bent-knee position, she can readily get the stre
    1 point
  38. Thank you so much for sharing. That sounds like such a great date ❤️ I really want to try that sometime. Soaking the seat would be so hot and bad. I hope I can find a partner as into naughty peeing as you and your gf are 😄
    1 point
  39. I have pissed on a couple guys while fucking. But never had the piss inside me. It is a huge fantasy of mine would love to try it someday
    1 point
  40. Does anyone else dream about wet fun? Last night I had a dream where I was at the beach. It was early morning and I was walking across a footbridge that went across the beach. I looked down below and their was a group of girls sleeping on the beach in their bathing suits...and they were just starting to wake up. Well I knew what most people do when they first wake up so I decided to watch them for a while. Sure enough each girl got up and pulled their bathing suits to the side and let out a long hissing stream of pee onto the sand...what a treat. Too bad it was only a dream....:frown: We
    1 point
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