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  1. Got up early this morning to drive and after a couple hours I was BURSTING but I kept getting promoted for more rides and didn’t want to miss out. I just kept hoping one of the pick ups would take me to a more secluded area so I could find a place to pee. Unfortunately the opposite happened and I ended up in the middle of a busy area of the city. I dropped a passenger off and could not hold it any longer. I had to go. I pulled into a large parking lot across the street from a factory. This lot was full of cars and backed up to nothing so no reason for people to be going in and out of the lot f
    11 points
  2. Hey! I've been trying to find a pee oriented community for awhile now, and I think I may have found it(: Tell me what you think and I'll stay in touch (;
    9 points
  3. I’ve not posted a lot for a while, not written anything for even longer but I have to share this. M and I were out shopping, nothing special, just local stupidmarket, when M started to get a little stressed. One of her medications creates a far bit of pee, and the urge to go comes out of nowhere. We had to leave and make a dash for home. We made it inside, in a tangled fashion, and I expected M to make a beeline for the potty, but she dragged me in with her. She pushed me down to the floor, hitched up her long skirt, eased her barely there knickers aside and went a gusher. Her
    8 points
  4. This happened about twenty minutes ago. I was out shopping with my mom, with an armful of clothes to try on and a VERY full bladder. I thought I could make it back to my dorm until I found myself crossing my legs and bouncing while pretending to look at clothes. I saw two available options: wet myself in my red leggings, very noticeable, or relieve myself at least a little in the dressing room. This is one of my favorite stores and one I come to frequently so I was a little hesitant, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I handed my selections to the employee an
    6 points
  5. https://www.erome.com/a/9l2j1rv7 Went for a couple of beers this evening and badly needed to piss when I left the bar. Visited my favorite parking garage and unleashed on the stairs. Wow did it feel good! Glad nobody came through that door on the lower landing!
    6 points
  6. 5 points
  7. After lunch I found myself desperate to pee again. I didn’t want to waste time finding a bathroom (plus what fun is that!) so I kept holding until I found a spot. I dropped a passenger off at a business complex and started looking around thinking this may be the place. I found behind the complex was a small park with walking trails, lots of trees in between the parking lots / buildings and the park. I parked and went for a little walk checking things out. Couldn’t find a hidden spot but I knew I wasn’t making it out of there without unleashing my piss onto something. I finally worked
    5 points
  8. Ok so I’ve been told I’m gross or weird on other sites. A friend told me I may want to come here - so here I am. I’m a 18 year old, lesbian (female obv) and I enjoy peeing in public, specifically making messes in public bathrooms. if anyone shares this kink, I’d like to talk. I honestly haven’t met anyone who is like me yet haha. Thanks -Kylie
    4 points
  9. when it happens anyway, even though i'm not trying. teehee. 😇🤷🏻‍♀️ i do kinda love being a little naughty without feeling guilty. yet, still sometimes it's fun to just be like whatevs. ☺️🥰😉
    4 points
  10. Was browsing posts and saw that these “How my (insert pee fetish here) Started” posts are quite popular so I figured I’d give it a go. When I was 13, my Labia had started to get quite a bit longer, and my vagina in general was very tight, of course. Now normally this wasn’t an issue, I would just go pee normally, planting my ass down on the toilet seat, and I’d have to do a little extra wiping. If I didn’t want to do extra wiping I would have to spread my lips to get an even stream. One time, in gym class I really had to go pee. Now I usually don’t pee in gym class because thei
    3 points
  11. Hello everybody, I want to share one of my unusual pee experiences hoping it could be of some interest. It was in 2020 in full covid emergency. In my country everything was locked and only the basic services were granted with restrictions. A morning I was forced to go to a public office for some important paperwork that I could not postpone. This office was in one of the squares of the center of my city. The matter was very complicate and long because they only let one person in at a time and so there was a very long queue outside. When I am forced to stand in line I usually feel the
    3 points
  12. One day I had pee sex with my boyfriend at the time I can't say how it lead up to it. But this time it was my turn to pee on him. We were in our second bedroom with no bed. He laid on the floor I sat on his face and peed in his mouth. Then I squatted over his neck and peed. Then I peed all over his stomach. Then I grabbed his dick still squating over it aiming my pee stream at his dick hole until my bladder was empty Then I kissed him in the mouth and licked and swallowed my pee off his neck. Sucked my pee off his stomach and his dick. Then he looked at me mesmerized and told me how beautiful
    3 points
  13. I am not bothered or offended by anybody. I always try to answer gladly when somebody asks questions. I hope I didn't do anything wrong here.
    3 points
  14. I’m definitely into it to an extent, though I haven’t done it myself yet. But I love the idea of going into a stall and just peeing onto the floor or against the walls rather than in the toilet or urinal. But that’s about as far as I’d go personally. Wouldn’t want to soak the roll of tissue or the handle to flush since I don’t like to inconvenience others so much and wouldn’t want to deal with it from the other side myself if that makes sense.
    3 points
  15. I use a lot because I don’t usually wear panties
    3 points
  16. This story contains naughty pissing, sex, kissing, and a slightly long start. Chapter 1 A knock on the bedroom door woke her from her sleep. Cracking open her eyes, she took in the mess that was her room. Half the draws on the dresser hung open, clothes lay in piles around her room, her sheets in the course of the night had been thrown off the bed and now lay on the floor in a crumpled heap. A young girl laid sprawled on the bed taking in all this mess. “I really need to clean my room,” she thought. Her groggy mind, barely able to make sense of anything else
    2 points
  17. Thanks for sharing. I personally love some meaty lips like you have but I could see that being a problem when peeing and making it go everywhere.
    2 points
  18. Mrs K only seems to use a single sheet for a pee. She folds it in half and half again. However Mrs K comments on how much my sister uses in total when staying with us!
    2 points
  19. Looks like you did need to go very badly! Great distance!
    2 points
  20. From what I have seen, Mrs A uses about 5-6 sheets. Although I do sometimes offer to lick her clean to save paper.
    2 points
  21. This is a very accepting, friendly site - you will feel very welcome here, no one judges, no one criticizes. Welcome, glad to have you here.
    2 points
  22. Well in response to popular demand, I thought I'd continue my account of our weekend of pissing fun. Here is a reminder of who we are.... From left to right, Amanda, Sue (me) and Anabel. Joined of course by our more camera shy husbands, Anyway, having had our fun in the living room, urinating against the wall and on the carpet and all over the sofa, we cracked open a crate of lager and started drinking. Normally I am more into wine but we figured that high volume drinks would be better for more frequent peeing. Anabel suggested that it would all be more fun if we all got n
    2 points
  23. First girl is Sharon Tate
    2 points
  24. Dear Wet Carpet. This is me and a couple of colleagues, all well into middle age by now. We all work as teachers down the local comprehensive.... I'm Sue, the one in the middle, and I teach biology. Anabel on the right is the girls' PE teacher, whilst Amanda on the left teaches English literature. We are all married with kids, and mine have now left home and are at uni a couple of hundred miles away. My husband and I have decided to take advantage of their absence by doing some redecorating and refurnishing, replacing the living room and dining room carpets, buying a new three
    2 points
  25. Dear Wet Carpet This is a bit of a weird one really. I share a rented house in London with another two guys and a girl, each with our own bedrooms but shared living room, bathroom and kitchen. We are all in our mid 20s and up and coming in the legal profession. The girl, Samantha, is pretty hot actually as I think you might agree... Anyway, I'd been having a bit of a problem for a while. It only happened occasionally but from time to time I kept noticing damp patches on my bedrrom carpet, usually in a corner, but sometimes in the middle of the room or even beside my bed. And wh
    2 points
  26. Dear Wet Carpet, In my last letter to you, I told about how Shannon and I (well, mostly Shannon) managed to convince a cute plus-size waitress at the steakhouse to go out with us, and then we seduced her and convinced her to wet with us, which ended in a very erotic experience at the movie theater. Shannon suggested we catch the bus to the train station and then to her place. Shannon told us her car was parked in one of the parking garages at the other end of the plaza, and she would be willing to drive. “You girls are welcome to stay overnight if that’s okay with you or you can cat
    2 points
  27. I pretty much always wear a bra from the moment I get dressed until the moment I get into bed. I'm a C cup so not the largest out there and I could probably get away with not wearing one for a while but I enjoy the support a bra provides. I will take off my bra if I get changed into pyjamas (I often sleep naked) and I will go without when wearing certain outfits like strapless dresses etc.
    2 points
  28. A perfect scenario for me: Returning the fluid I have drunk back into the parched earth, watering a tree and grass and helping them to grow and produce more oxygen for our overheated planet. Meanwhile, my husband snaps a photo which I upload to this website. A male urophile masturbates to it and the resulting ejaculation makes him happy and his prostate healthy. A female urophile frigs to it and orgasms. Her blood pressure is lowered, she is full of happy feel-good brain chemicals and her quality of life od improved. Both she and the male urophile live longer as a result. All t
    2 points
  29. I haven't owned a bra since I was a teenager. I do sometimes wear camisoles or a bandeau top to shield my nipples, but that's all. It's not as if people are going to be asking me "Why aren't you wearing a bra?" is it?
    2 points
  30. Ive been holding more and more recently, and i finally decided to give in to temtation and let it all flow out onto my carpet!! This was risky since my family is in the next room over, i hope they didnt hear me. I was already peeing in my panties as i walked over to my place of choice. My pussy was throbbing and i was so releived to let my piss flow! I had a good time playing with my little clit and fingering my piss covered cunt afterward. I decided to film for the first time and i love this video! My phone camera isnt the best but i'll add the link in case anyone wants to watch 😅 https://www
    1 point
  31. Sounds like a fantastic, spontaneous way to finish a mundane shopping experience and great that both of you enjoyed the experience rather than it being one person pleasing the other. Also pleased to hear as you give the feeling that it has brought you closer and rekindled your love and lust for each other.
    1 point
  32. I have seen and used a toilet like this. It was temporarily installed on the sea front in Brighton outside a bar when Covid restrictions were in place and the bar was only doing take away. The inside toilets were closed and there was a toilet like this on the beach with a standard portaloo each side of it. It isn’t that the door is missing so much as it was never there in the first place. It is the same on the opposite side. The positioning was such that the closed side faced forward with the portaloos positioned each side by the openings, with a 2m gap between which allowed people to ente
    1 point
  33. A little staff insight here.... Usually when a new member joins, if they make a single post to push the name an escort site (or any website with a name similar to 'bestpornsites' etc) we tend to assume they're a bot and we have a big red button - literally - that we click. It instantly brands them as a spammer and bans them and their posts. In this instance @Suredolik has been subtle and adhered to site rules... please don't encourage them otherwise.
    1 point
  34. It's just as well I had some whites to go in the laundry this evening. I wet these clean white pants earlier.
    1 point
  35. Dear Sue, As a long-time reader and contributor, I would love to hear more. It is very erotic to think about the private lives of our attractive teachers, and to now know that many of them also enjoy peeing just makes it even more of a turn on. I hope you will share more, and I hope the weekend's erotic escapades will not be your last.
    1 point
  36. Last weekend I camped in Belgium. They have a lange community of people who offer their garden to camp in. When I asked for the toilet, the woman in whose garden I set up my tent told me I could pee in the garden wherever I wanted. She even admitted that she did it herself when she was sitting in the garden and did not want to go inside. Oh, I like that Belgian way of life!
    1 point
  37. Variety is the spice of life as they say - and there are definitely things which are so much more special when they're rare treats. Exotic beach holidays, seeing your all time favourite artist on stage, five star restaurant meals and being pee'd on.
    1 point
  38. I do have a few sound recordings of my wife who pees next to the bed in a cup in the evening or morning always nice to hear it back 😀
    1 point
  39. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm an attractive woman in my early 40s. I think I still look pretty good for my age.... Yes, that's me.... When very young I used to envy the way males could just pee against walls and suchlike, whilst I had to squat down. Well as I grew up this kind of morphed into sexual fantasies about ladies peeing against walls, and of doing it myself. But I am a respectable woman who was married with kids, though the husband has left recently following an acrimonious divorce. Same old story. Affair with his secretary. Still have the kids but they are teenagers
    1 point
  40. So, still continuing from that same night, just a few minutes later at about 1:30 and still in the area behind Pop World, I saw a girl in her thirties with wavy blonde hair with streaks. She was wearing loose fitting light blue jeans and a darker blue jacket. She headed behind a parked van, so I followed and found her squatted at the bottom of a set of stairs stairs that went to a fire exit for the theatre: She had passed between the van and the wall of the steps and then squatted with her back to the main wall, right at the foot of the steps. You can see the puddle in the photo
    1 point
  41. Ok the game is pretty good so far, i need to share a few more images!
    1 point
  42. Earlier today I was in the store looking for a shirt that had caught my eye a few days ago. I was quite desperate and realized with an armful of tops to try on that I could fulfill a fantasy of mine. After trying on all the tops, I selected a black and white checkered crop top with long sleeves that I just didn’t like on me. I pulled down my jeans and panties with the sound of people all around in other dressing rooms and right outside. I held the sleeve up to my pussy and tried to relax. Even though I was desperate I didn’t get more than a tiny spot. Disappointed, I tried again, this time get
    1 point
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