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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2022 in Posts

  1. This morning was quite different from my usual work morning. I usually work a 6am - 2pm shift pattern. (Just days thankfully). This morning however, due to a production change I had been moved back from 6am to 9am start time. It meant my finish time moved back to 5, but for a one off that's fine! Anyway, this gave me a naughty idea. I woke up at my usual time of 4:45am (I know, it's early) and got myself dressed in my cycling gear. I wore Tight black riding leggings and all the usual bits and pieces (Gloves, trainers, high visability top etc). I was ready to leave at 5am. Instead of
    5 points
  2. Hello everybody, I want to share one of my unusual pee experiences hoping it could be of some interest. It was in 2020 in full covid emergency. In my country everything was locked and only the basic services were granted with restrictions. A morning I was forced to go to a public office for some important paperwork that I could not postpone. This office was in one of the squares of the center of my city. The matter was very complicate and long because they only let one person in at a time and so there was a very long queue outside. When I am forced to stand in line I usually feel the
    3 points
  3. I did this today at a gas station! Such a euphoric feeling! Congrats 🙂
    3 points
  4. Steamy piss drinking in my alley https://www.erome.com/a/7e0Rqj9e
    3 points
  5. I've never given this issue a second thought, but I've often been surprised at how much toilet paper women use to wipe themselves after a pee. I'm basing my observations on two experiences; listening to the sheets unrolling in the cubicle next door to me in a public loo. Secondly, observing women in candid hidden toilet films and professional pee porn where women are filmed peeing on the loo. I've seen women literally wrap reams of paper around their hands before wiping, Me? I average three to four sheets for a dab...(to dab, or to wipe...?). I've also viewed hidden camera films, where women u
    2 points
  6. I’m a server at a restaurant for now, and usually my section is always filled with people so, I don’t get many bathroom breaks but when I get the chance to go I always go straight to my favorite stall which has a floor drain for others and me to nonchalantly pee in 🙂 I’ve came across other girls puddles on the floor, around the drain and even long streams leaving the stall. After a month or so of continuously seeing pee on the drain I finally gave in.
    2 points
  7. I have seen it on videos and it always looks like such an excessive amount. Of course I'm not female so I am not sure how much it takes to feel like you're clean and dry. Personally, I'd love for it to be none. 🤣 A while back I used to go camping with a couple of girls. We'd be out the whole night in places that were scenic and often in the middle of nowhere. (It wasn't like we were in a relationship, we just got along really well). The girls would often just pee and pull their panties back up whenever the need to pee grew strong enough. At the time I thought it was quite hot, b
    2 points
  8. Lovely story, beautifully described - thank you. A great (and very damp) start to the day 🙂 Hope it sustained you through your shift!
    2 points
  9. Even in your own home ? That's crazy. And hard. Don't get discouraged when you are trying to pee while doing something else and it won't work. I needed some "training" before i was able to pee while sitting for example. Peeing while doing yoga sounds super hard. I do get your point and I kinda agree. But there are many people who value a stable relationship (in this case a friendship with their neighbours) way more then the ability to fully be themselves. Sometimes you trade a little bit of self expression for an easier life. Like when you don't say anything to your grand par
    2 points
  10. I guess the way I would pursue it is to use misdirection - pee while doing something else. What do you normally do in your RV, or perhaps outside your RV, that you could do and just casually pee at the same time. I guess if you want to pee in the sink, do it while washing the dishes. You are naked a lot, so do whatever you do naked, perhaps yoga, and pee while you are doing it. Nonchalant peeing is fun.
    2 points
  11. Public piss up my alley way first post please have a look https://www.erome.com/a/x3U4x0re
    2 points
  12. We have arrived to the bedroom pulling the clothes of each other and started to have a nice sex session. I've cum pretty fast for the first time and we went to take a shower. My GF knows about my pee fetish, so I was looking forward for some fun, but she wasn't able to pee at that time. No matter what, after few minutes of making out in the shower, we went straight back to the bed. I've started to tease her with my fingers and she started to moan. When she came, she wanted me to lick her clean which I happily did and after that she decided that she wants to blow me when I lick her. I cheated a
    2 points
  13. The time in the romper For those who don’t know, a romper is what we call a playsuit or a jumpsuit. Basically the one piece outfit that women wear, typically composing of a top and shorts or pants all connected to each other. This was early on in my watching days, probably at the height of the rompers fashion trend. It’s Friday night and I’m at my usual spot. Unfortunately Fridays are usually my slow nights so there hasn’t really been any notable activity yet. I see a group of young ladies emerge atop the staircase in front of me. They’re chatting and laughing and having a goo
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  14. I've just made a post on a vaguely similar topic of 'should I do this' - click my profile and you should see it. Main thrust of that post was that here in the community we all share the same base interest and so although we have different aspects of the kink, we all have a common bond and all appreciate the same things generally. Also mostly we're very tolerant of nudity, we see it all the time we're here mostly. I do feel though (and don't want to sound negative here) that in our 'safe space' here in this community it's easy to be accepted for things which would definitely get eyeb
    2 points
  15. For my first three years in Colorado, we lived in a small 2 bedroom condo. While it was small, we loved the amenities, especially the pool and hot tub! Now, our community consisted of a combination of retired, old folks who didn't want to deal with a big house and yard anymore AND young couples who just got out of college and couldn't afford a house yet. The pool area was directly in front of our building and every unit had a balcony, so the units facing the pool could pretty much see everything that happened down there. The pool technically closed at 10p, but with the number of younger cou
    1 point
  16. Thank you for your comment. What you said is not completely right, so I try to explain better. First, I didn't choose to pee over the blankets just to avoid splashing my shoes (this was a secondary good effect), I did it in order to take the full advantage of the cover offered by the dumpster. If I wanted to avoid to pee on the blankets I should have stayed too much "outside" and my bum would have been in sight for passers-by. If I have had free space on the asphalt, I would have chosen to pop a very low squat on it instead of the blankets and I would have gladly spared them by being soaked. S
    1 point
  17. That's very kind of you! Could you get me some prawn crackers while you're at it? Cheers!
    1 point
  18. Maybe noodles? Or the shredded bits of egg? But yes, I don't find eating Chinese food to involve any string-related hazards. And now I'm hungry and craving beef and black bean sauce with water chestnuts and fried rice ... mmm!
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Unfortunately no 😞 I didn't think about it until I was already miles down the road. Next time 😉
    1 point
  21. This summer, I went floating down a river for the first time in my adult life. Hundreds of people, mostly in shorts and tees, hop on to inner tubes and take a 3-4 hour float down a lazy river. I was with a bunch of folks from a neighboring camp site. I didn’t know them very well, so while I relied on them for a ride to and from the river, I mostly floated on my own, chatting with other groups or single floaters, at the whim of where the current took me. Like many others on the river, I brought both water and a cooler of beer and soda. Even though we are sitting in the cool water all
    1 point
  22. Loads of great stuff there from @MaxWasTaken Another fact that has been discussed in depth is the difference in the way ladies and gents are treated - in our minds there shouldn’t be a difference, but sadly the general perception is that there is. What I mean is that when a guy is looking into someone’s house and seeing a naked lady then that guy can be branded a Peeping Tom and a pervert. However if a lady looked into a guy’s private home and saw a man exposing himself then it’d be the guy at fault. Maybe not prosecuted as a sex offender, but at least cautioned that he should be
    1 point
  23. Harem Hotel (https://runeygames.itch.io/harem-hotel ) has at least two peeing scenes, and a really thorough wikipedia which makes it easy to find them
    1 point
  24. I ended up talking too a girl, we live far apart and know there’s no future with us but we definitely have some fun over the phone. So she and I discussed some turn ons, and we both have high sex drives, and we ended up talking pretty dirty a few times. She has told me the following : she gets urges too touch herself that she is so focused on the urge she doesn’t care about consequences or getting caught, the urge is more powerful, she masturbates twice a day but has told me she has masturbated in bed next too her friend that she stayed with for A night, she did it right next too
    1 point
  25. I agree, and I've also noticed some women wipe a lot - backwards and forwards several times. Perhaps that's why they use so much paper? If you're wiping that vigorously every time you go to the toilet, wouldn't you get sore? As you say, some women line their panties, and I've also noticed others who fold and wedge the paper between their lips.
    1 point
  26. Sounds like you should talk to him about that :D. Doesn't mean that he cant have fun with his fetish anymore. I mean you both like the fetish so there is 100 % a solution which gets him excited without getting your wet ... pissy xD. Start brainstorming :3. And to answer the question: Yes. I get bored of everything after a while only to rediscover it later on. Doing the same thing over and over kills the mood for me.
    1 point
  27. My husband says I use a lot of TP and says it annoys him 😬 but i am sort of a clean freak so I don't want to touch pee (even tho I wash my hands after each time I wipe). I don't wrap and wrap around my hand tho. Maybe use 6 or 7 squares. Idk. I'll count next time I pee lmao.
    1 point
  28. This was hot! Nice stream, nice choice of location, and a nice cock too.
    1 point
  29. Well, it is not easy to answer to questions so detailed. Anyway, for me, when I pop a low squat means that I try to keep my vagina as closer as possible to the ground, instead a middle squat for me is a higher position, enough to avoid to pee on my legs and feet. In that occasion I did somehow as you mentioned, my upper legs were more or less parallel to the ground and my chest bent a bit forward. I pulled down my trousers and panties more or less at the height of the knees and my feet were about half meter distant I guess. Consider that my pee stream was going down pretty vertical, so I just
    1 point
  30. teehee. basically threw on the first things i found: the thong i was wearing before he pulled it off me earlier, and his shirt. 😇
    1 point
  31. Assembled (a nice, neat and tidy PCB layout - thanks Magenta Electronics), tested and, afaik, working (inasmuch as it picks up the ultrasonic component of test signals from the jangling of keys). A final report when the bats next make an appearance in the garden.
    1 point
  32. This happened long ago at my teenage. I went to relatives house located at a village during vacation. There was a rice storage house at the side of an agricultural field. The walls were made of bamboo so there was small holes across the walls and one can easily look outside. I was there and it started raining. I saw one woman and two girls approaching the shed attached to the storage house to protect themselves from rain. They were unaware that I was inside the storage room as it was dark inside. The woman who was like 25 told other two girls to give her cover as she will pee. She sat there
    1 point
  33. Not trying to be a downer here. But we think about peeing like any other fetish. But not everyone has this tolerance. People can be cruel when they don't understand / know something. And while being naked is most likely (depending on your country) something very natural and basic, peeing or any fetish can be seen as something weird or even disgusting. There are some people who are appalled by the idea of having oral sex or basically anything that isn't misionary. Again i don't want to discourage. I just want to set realistic expectations. @peecurious94 you know your neighbours and you ca
    1 point
  34. While @Kupar is totally right you can always make up a story about your toilet being clogged. (Is this the right word ? Lets say broken xD) With that excuse you could even leave your home and pee outside for them to see. If you want to be safe start complaining about your toilets a few days in advance. You could even say something like " i hope it doesn't completely stop working otherwise i have to pee i. the sink or something" to judge their reaction first. But there is also an argument for asking for forgiveness instead of permission. And what Kupar said.
    1 point
  35. This evening, as a fun prelude to sex, K and I peed in a bucket in the kitchen! We’ve done it before and it was great fun, so why not! It was another opportunity to cross streams, and for K to practice her standing wee technique. Bucket positioned, and both of us stripped off (it’s been a warm afternoon here), we stood facing each other and she started. Even pulling upwards on her labia it always starts with a trickle that runs down her legs before she hits her stride and can push the pee out with enough force that it shoots forward. With a bent-knee position, she can readily get the stre
    1 point
  36. Sounds like a great time! Hopefully you will get to repeat it. I certainly enjoy it when Mrs A pees in my mouth whilst we are having sexy encounters, but she ill only do it in certain circumstances and would certainly not do it in the bed. Last time was in a gazebo in the garden.
    1 point
  37. “She was only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!”, lamented Michael Caine in passing
    1 point
  38. Just had my morning pee... in the bath tub!! I played with myself a little before i started pissing, and massaged my peehole mid flow! I regularly use this bathtub in place of my toilet! Ive been more comfortable on camera lately and i managed to film it too... currently letting spurts of pee off the edge of my bed... https://www.erome.com/a/P6w5a4mL
    1 point
  39. I didn’t make this but I Stumbled upon this masterpiece hopefully it’s not breaking the rules 😂 https://manganato.com/manga-vu972529
    1 point
  40. T know this is my favorite Story trope I wish there was more but this is all I could find like “in my room” “ My room used as toilet for sister”
    1 point
  41. As I was sitting on the chair which Sarah peed on earlier, I thought about what I would do after this night. There was no chance to clean this mess up without our parents noticing. But at least Anna is going to help me out tomorrow and maybe I could keep my parebts out of the room until I find a solution for everything. My mind wandered back to the latest pee that occured in my room. I couldn't even repair all the chaos that happened back then. I picked up all the tissues which my sister drenched in pee before throwing over my bin. But the dark patch which was concentrated on one spot aft
    1 point
  42. Mine is a toss up between when I peed in my laundry basket so early in the morning and when I peed over a drain in a locker room. I suppose the locker room was much naughtier since it was in one of the aisles and someone really could have come walking around the corner to see me, but I think my laundry basket is my favorite. There was something so magical about just sitting there letting go in the clothes while my family was still around. It was so quiet and so warm and comforting, and because it was my morning pee there was so much lol. The clothes couldn't absorb it all and ended up poo
    1 point
  43. Thanks, BlindListener! Yes, I’m new—and thoroughly enjoying it!
    1 point
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