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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2022 in Posts

  1. Hi everyone! Those who know me know that I have an extensive collection of water bottles, including a smart water bottle and several other normal ones. However, I added a new one to my collection: a GIANT water bottle! It's one of those motivational water bottles that have times on the side to keep you going, and it holds a whopping 64 oz! Yesterday was my first successful day in drinking it all, and boy I paid the price for it. Especially in the evening when I chugged the last 14 oz or so in about an hour. It only took twenty minutes or so before my bladder was so full and I peed fo
    8 points
  2. I had my morning pee in the bathroom sink, as usual. My bladder was quite full from the night. I released a lovely, strong jet. The dark yellow really stood out against the porcelain. I used the force of my jet to remove a blob of toothpaste and it swirled down into the plughole. After my bladder was empty, I turned on the tap, grabbed the soap and washed my hands whilst looking at myself in the little mirror.
    5 points
  3. In my first story on this website, we have a pissing contest between a male and female, male on female golden showers, ejaculation between the breasts, a little bit of swallowing and female orgasm from clitoral stimulation. Also contains references to alcohol, pot smoking, oral sex and time travel. In her signature black minidress, black stockings and shoes and with her long, light brown hair, Eliminature looks no more out of place in 1968 than she does in 2022. The only anomaly is the smartphone in her handbag with its time travel app. The doorman insists she remove her timeless black fr
    3 points
  4. This evening, as a fun prelude to sex, K and I peed in a bucket in the kitchen! We’ve done it before and it was great fun, so why not! It was another opportunity to cross streams, and for K to practice her standing wee technique. Bucket positioned, and both of us stripped off (it’s been a warm afternoon here), we stood facing each other and she started. Even pulling upwards on her labia it always starts with a trickle that runs down her legs before she hits her stride and can push the pee out with enough force that it shoots forward. With a bent-knee position, she can readily get the stre
    3 points
  5. wonderful post, made me envious that I wasn't able to share that experience with you. Thank you for sharing with us.
    3 points
  6. My mum would generally look for a bathroom or toilet for me to use but made plenty of allowances for me to go outside if needs must. She would regularly direct me to a tree or a bush when I was a child as the closest park had terrible loos that were vandalised and in a poor condition or sometimes even closed. The most surprising time she allowed me to pee was when we were on holiday in India. We were in a huge outdoor market where people were selling all sorts of spices and vegetables. I was pestering my mum saying I needed a pee. Being India, there are pretty much no public toilets unles
    2 points
  7. Recent convert and now devotee of peeing and golden showers, happy to have found such a great forum
    2 points
  8. We have arrived to the bedroom pulling the clothes of each other and started to have a nice sex session. I've cum pretty fast for the first time and we went to take a shower. My GF knows about my pee fetish, so I was looking forward for some fun, but she wasn't able to pee at that time. No matter what, after few minutes of making out in the shower, we went straight back to the bed. I've started to tease her with my fingers and she started to moan. When she came, she wanted me to lick her clean which I happily did and after that she decided that she wants to blow me when I lick her. I cheated a
    2 points
  9. Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. Never been a huge Gorillaz fan but this song always stuck with me.
    2 points
  10. As a kid, my parents would dig me a hole at the beach and sit me over it for a wee. When I had finished, they filled the hole back in. People must have seen me, but who is going to object to a little girl having a wee? I've also peed in the sea, both underwater discreetly and standing with the stream visible. As an adult, I won't go near the beach. Too much sand!
    2 points
  11. Been to it? I’ve pissed on it! (And off it, into the sea, I mean, as opposed to saying I’ve pissed somewhere that wasn’t the Isle of Wight)
    2 points
  12. I feel like for it to not be completely taboo, there would have to be some loosening of the existing nudity taboo as well— otherwise most people would still think to hide when they go so others don’t see whatever bits they may or may not be packing. In such case, there would still be some element of naughty to it. That being said, my interest in peeing mostly comes from my own pee shyness when I was younger— it was still a taboo in my own mind, whether I was somewhere “appropriate” or not, so I might still be the way I am, just… less so.
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. This is quite the most beautiful thing I have read for a while ❤️. You are surely everyone's favourite bathroom pressure-washer Eli!
    2 points
  15. I plan to continue writing, but I didn't have the time for this. I think I will have the next part in the following week though 😉
    2 points
  16. Another situation when we were in India. The public hole in the floor toilet was full and overflowed (You are manually meant to pour water after using but people clearly did not do so). We got there and the toilet was full and over flowing and in bad condition. My aunt ( who is from india and used to this situation) said to my mom and my sister that we 3 will pee here on floor as there is a floor drain in middle, the pee will end up in there. My mom told me to go aim up a wall anywhere. I turned to the side which was closes to my aunt and pulled it out and had a pee on the wall with my aunty s
    2 points
  17. If it wasn’t taboo, I wonder where the boundaries would be set - would it be like smoking? You can do it in the open air, in your own car or home but not inside offices, shops or on public transport? If that were the case there could be still the fun desperation plus the bonus of seeing much more street peeing - not to mention the discussion of peeing and wetting being more open too. Maybe bars and restaurants would be less inclined to maintain toilet facilities because of course there’s a perfectly good alleyway just outside. If completely taking away the taboo means everyone
    2 points
  18. I think if it wasn't taboo I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much. Like how much of a thrill do you get from sitting on the toilet like a good girl? If peeing in public became accepted and normal it would probably feel like sitting on the toilet. I like peeing outside or wetting myself because it's different, it's naughty.
    2 points
  19. So I just made a huge mess too. I used my work break to go buy something from the pharmacy at the mall, and I already needed to piss really bad as I was leaving work. So I buy what I need and I’m like fuck it I’ll use the mall public toilet. When I walked in it was obvious that it was already cleaned, but however I hovered above the toilet seat. Soon I realized (well I felt) that my pee is actually not going in the toilet at all, and the stream hits the floor directly. So I try to adjust myself a bit, peed into the toilet for few seconds but then I decided why not, might as well let
    2 points
  20. Hope this isn't in the wrong place, but what a delightful slit!
    2 points
  21. How would you or thwy get rid of the tissues? And where did you prefer to pee? In my family I was taught to go to the bathroom if available (even though it was far away) or to go in the sea. However, one of the last times I went to the beach, I just pulled my bikini bottom to the side and made a puddle in the sand, there were about 3 or 4 guys about a meter away from me, and I loved the sensation
    2 points
  22. It is a lot easier to get away with peeing pretty much anywhere when you wear a skirt. It is especially easy when you wear fishnet stockings and a black skirt because as well as just standing and peeing a stream, you can pee down your legs with no one noticing (fishnets just don't show any wet streaks even while you are peeing), and best of all sit and pee through your skirt - being black the wet does not show, and being a skirt with air flowing underneath it soon dries!
    2 points
  23. Hello hope you don't mind me posting this question I always wondered that usually it's guys with a reputation for the alfresco pissing outside and I've done it enough myself, but isn't it easier to do it if you are a girl? I mean a guy has to unzip and it's obvious what he is doing. But a girl can wear a skirt and all she has to do is wait till no-one's looking and start going. If someone appears she can walk off like nothing happened, no precious wasted seconds of stuffing the organ back in and zipping up. This takes time. I think if I were a girl I would seriously take advantage of
    1 point
  24. This story was originally set in a Christmas tree lot and I changed it around to take place in a Halloween pumpkin patch after I had a hard time getting that idea to work the way I wanted it to. Anyways, enjoy and please check out my profile for more stories. *** This story takes place a few years back during my time as a teacher at a public elementary school. The school I was working at had a longstanding tradition of taking its students out on a trip to a local pumpkin patch a couple of days before Halloween. The kids would each pick out a pumpkin and take it back to the school to
    1 point
  25. Now that the weather is somewhat warmer, I was drinking at an outdoor beer garden at a "farm" microbrew with friends. The large table next to us that had about 10 women having a bachelorette/hen party. After they all had a couple pints, about 8 of them walked to a long quene at the only restroom, a single-user type. I didn't think much of it. After a few minutes in the slow moving queue, 4 of the young ladies left the queue and walked across the beer garden and around behind a storage building. This raised my interest, because there is only one reason non-employees would go behind this st
    1 point
  26. Digitally controlled - each loco has a small circuit board with a processor chip called a 'decoder' - so each loco has a distinct address, and on your controller, you first 'acquire' a loco by it's address, and your commands (speed, direction, turn on lights, ring bell, blow horn, etc) are sent encoded on the track power to that loco address. I've just come back from the club running one of my engines.
    1 point
  27. Defo wouldnt have the same appeal, its the feeling of being naughty that is half of the appeal
    1 point
  28. Don't have any way to measure other than by time:(
    1 point
  29. Might as well go with the flow, here is mine (It is a few weeks old, my hair is a bit more trimmed now 😁)
    1 point
  30. I had two cups of hot tea and some water. Then at work I had few water bottles at work. All this water hit me and I had to go bad. https://www.omorashi.org/topic/75742-desperation-man-unzip-stall-pee/
    1 point
  31. I agree with you Sophie. Some aspects of pee that others might find exciting aren't to me because they've become commonplace. For instance K and I have seen each other peeing, with an open door bathroom policy at home, for over 30 years and simply being in the same room as K when she pees does very little for me, unless we make it different or special in some way. But for others where that familiarity doesn't exist it might feel different and fun or arousing
    1 point
  32. Dear Wet Carpet. I've been seeing this woman in her 40s who is kind of adventurous with an appealing anything goes attitude. Well we were having a few drinks at my place and she needed a pee. Since I enjoy the sight of women peeing and because I'd already had a few drinks, I decided to risk asking if I could watch. She laughed, calling me a perv but in a joky kind of way, and then upped the stakes. She said if I wanted to watch, I'd have to let her pee right there. I was dumbfounded actually but also turned on. I asked her if she was planning to do it in a glass or something but she
    1 point
  33. To be honest that is just Russian state propaganda. Yes there are neo-Nazis in Ukraine and you have shown pictures of them. But there are also neo-nazis in Russia too, as well as in the UK, in France, in Germany, and most other western nations. But they are not the ones running the country anywhere, including in the Ukraine. Ukraine's president is himself Jewish. So the nazi thing is just an excuse for armed invasion, an attemnpt at a military conquest. Putin in any case is more of a Nazi than Zelenski, despot that he is. Zelensky has never sent agents abroad to commit state murder on for
    1 point
  34. The other day I was busy rushing round being productive, tidying and cleaning the house etc. It was all looking nice and sparkly and I was just putting on the last load of washing (a set of bedsheets, some pyjamas and a few clothes etc). I had dumped it on the floor by the machine while I grabbed the powder etc. But as my last job I started to relax and slow down, then I suddenly realised I needed to Pee and hadn’t been for about 7 hours as I’d been so busy. I planned to go to the toilet after I finished the washing but my bladder suddenly had other ideas. It started twinging, as did my clit a
    1 point
  35. Having been on several cruises, I can confirm that those pools get peed in - a lot. Not only are there the people who pee in them whilst swimming, but I've seen plenty of people; ladies and men, who spend hours on their loungers with copious amounts of drinks and they don't leave the pool deck. However, they do get up, walk to the pool, get in for less than a minute and get out again before returning to their lounge chairs. The same can be said of the jacuzzi or hot tubs on the pool decks and also the showers on the pool decks. I've probably said it here before, but I was once in one of
    1 point
  36. I have done this many times at a motoraway service car parks. I unzip get him out then out of the car open passenger door Pretended to do something or getting into my glove box while peeing into tarmac, or be on the phone. Get back in and zip up. I once saw a guy pull up at a lay-by really needed to go but he was shy and I can tell he wasn’t happy that I was there. And was Pacing waiting for me to go. But then ducked behind the bush. Just don’t make it obvious xD Also it pends on the Situation, say like if you are travelling in a car while guys can just pee into the bot
    1 point
  37. Absolutely right. Men don't have to adopt the accepted standard position of standing facing a wall/tree to pee. It is particularly easy when wearing suitable shorts in the summer. I have sometimes knelt down on grass on one knee and peed out of the leg of my shorts whilst looking in a bag or tying my shoe lace on the other foot. I've done this with people close by and they haven't batted an eyelid, which brings me onto This is totally right. If you don't look like you are peeing then most people won't notice what you are doing. Only yesterday I desperately needed to pee so
    1 point
  38. I think there @Peewee123 you've just summarised the issue that was in my mind. For someone wearing a skirt, and commando it seems almost effortless and very discrete to pee straight down and be almost undetected - especially perhaps in a dark corner of a nightclub or standing on grass just to think of two examples. However the penalty of that is likely to be lots of dribbles and splatters down legs, pee filled shoes and of course wet underwear if not commando. In comparison the general situation for a guy in trousers would be a significant wet patch on the front - unless able to pee
    1 point
  39. It was against the porcelain. I'm not usually shy about letting a loud deluge splash into the water - much to Mr E's amusement. It just so happened that my piss hit the porcelain this time.
    1 point
  40. When I am peeing into a toilet I almost always wipe. Mostly because of the smell that builds up after a few times. When I am peeing outside or somewhere where there is no toilet paper available, I do not bother. When I am hiking or outside for another reason, the smell does not bother me at all. I hate seeing all the white tissues rotting in the nature. It is ugly and some have plastic in them so it is really harmful for the environment. Since I like being outoors and love hiking in wild areas I do not want to see the traces of humans all the time, too.
    1 point
  41. I think it's probably easier when you're single, to share your lifestyle with a new person and they don't except it so you just move on without them, then to be married, discover your desire to piss and your spouse NOT accept, now you're being looked at differently, judged, possibly rejected by your spouse. Being married and having this desire, for me, is the best of both worlds. I even find ways to piss in my pullup or in the garage or outside WHILE he's home.
    1 point
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