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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2022 in Posts

  1. Just a quick story to fellow forum folks. Yesterday I was out having a cycle along my normal route by the river when I met a lady I have often seen walking her little dog. I stopped and said hello and walked along with her chatting. Out of the blue she asked me if I would hold her dog as she needed to pee, obviously I said yes expecting her to go and hide up but instead she stepped of the path, undone her coat and pulled down her trousers exposing herself clearly to me, I wasn't sure if I should be looking but in a half squat she let go in a hard torrent, she never batted an eyelid
    8 points
  2. Dear Wet Carpet Your readers are not going to believe what happened to me the other week. I’d got tickets to the Australian Open tennis final between Rafa Nadal and Daniil Medvedev. Wow! What a match! It was incredible to watch Rafa coming back from two sets down to win – how does he do it?! I was almost wetting myself with excitement in the final set – no, really. I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off the tennis and hadn’t left my seat all through the match. By the middle of the last set I was seriously desperate. The combination of adrenaline and a full bladder was torture by the
    6 points
  3. @Alfresco I'm also fascinated by decisions between privacy vs. soiling a public property that might inconvenience others. I've known women that go both ways. Despite what you might think from my earlier post my wife almost always opts for privacy. I can remember a time after clubbing when she peed in a garage with a slanted floor between two cars and left a large stream running under the cars that was almost unavoidable for anyone getting in the cars down the whole row. I had to step over it myself. I asked her why she did not pee in front of the car and she said, "someone might see me." She'
    5 points
  4. Peeing against glass outside - video and stills I had the time, opportunity and motivation to have a bit of pee fun today, so I did 🙂 I peed against a sheet of glass in front of my phone so the viewer gets the PoV of a receiver of a facial golden shower. If you don't like that idea, move along now 🙂 If you do like the idea, let me know! https://www.erome.com/a/pdyLkmGZ
    4 points
  5. I'm just gonna gobble gobble all of this up right away 🤪🤪🤪🤪 Kupar you make peeing so much fun!
    3 points
  6. I realise that I am often creating new threads for fun things that happen with me that I share. I will compile them all into here from now on (as others have done with their threads). That way it'll keep it tidier in the forums. 🙂 16/03/2022 - A Desperate Drive Home I left work today at the usual time. I drank A LOT during the lunch break and in the hour or two following, and then left work with really rather full bladder. (I had actually drank quite a bit more than usual at work). I often do this to add a little excitement to my drive home. Today, however, it nearly caused an accid
    2 points
  7. This is part of two of the story. If you want to get to know the characters, read part one first. Contains females peeing in naughty places and Seinfeld references. My second day in college, the day after we had partied until way to late, I didn't do anything useful at all. When I woke up around noon I had missed the campus tour. But I lost little to no thought on college matters, my mind was occupied by the events of the past evening. More then once I recalled the image Aisha squatting in the alley, her gorgeous body illuminated by the gentle moonlight. In my head I could see her cr
    2 points
  8. She can actually do it pretty damn well. She has a strong stream, so i guess it kinda helps, especially with her range.
    2 points
  9. soooooo muuuch FORESKIN 💗💗💗 also, love the little trickle of pee that didnt come out with the same force as the rest 😻that usually promises stained underwear
    2 points
  10. You don't say whether you squatted or not but as you were not wearing panties I assume you were able to just stand and allow yourself to let go, if that was the case then it's highly unlikely that you were seen . Either way I would be very cautious peeing where children are likely to see you, otherwise keep doing the deed and hopefully we will hear more from you.
    2 points
  11. I didn’t make this but I Stumbled upon this masterpiece hopefully it’s not breaking the rules 😂 https://manganato.com/manga-vu972529
    2 points
  12. This is so familiar! My gf definately prefers to pee in a toilet, so in the situation you're describing she'd probably have walked the 5 minutes back to the toilet as well. But if there's no obvious toilet nearby, she'll have her pants on her ankles before I can suggest it😂 Same goes if there ARE toilets available, but only very dirty and smelly ones. She's raised in the country side, so learned how to pee outside from a very young age and has never done anything different if the need arises. She once told me her ex found it very unattractive and unladylike to pee outdoors, but she still would
    2 points
  13. This topic is definately about what excites me the most by far! I love it when girls just go somewhere outside of a toilet, just because they have to and nothing else. My girlfriend does this all the time when we're out and about. She's peed in parking lots, alleyways, swimming pools and much more (I actually have a topic here about her peeing). She knows I have a thing for it, but she still says she doesn't do it to pleasure me, but just because she needs to pee. She has been doing it before we met, so she does keeps on doing what she has always done. Although her knowing that I like it might
    2 points
  14. I think every drunk girl can relate. We have smaller bladders and longer toilet lines. My friends aren't in to pee but when we are out we will pee on buses, taxis, movie theatres, change rooms ect when we really need to. Not to be naughty but because it's the only option.
    2 points
  15. Firstly, hopefully I am allowed to ask this here and if I'm allowed to, that it's in the right subboard! I have never been a pee hunter, although girls peeing in public out of convenience is my biggest turn-on. As most of you know by now, I am very lucky to have a girlfriend who pees outside a lot. Apart from her, the sightings that I have had were all due to be being in the right place at the right time, not because I have been looking for those sightings. I mainly got my sightings from our national holiday which is usually a big street party (but celebrated only once a year obivously,
    1 point
  16. As I know you like videos of me urinating on the carpet at home because I have NO TOILET provisions in my apartment... here is one I made earlier when I woke up this morning desperate for a wee.. https://www.erome.com/a/nzQvXaTJ
    1 point
  17. I peed near school field wearing saree, I don't wear panty . Do you think any male saw my pussy while I was peeing
    1 point
  18. So, I have pissed before around hotel rooms alone (in beds, floors, mirrors, bathroom floor...etc) but this is the first time I have actually documented this... its such a turn on watching myself piss..... and others...!
    1 point
  19. Too young! I might be able to chat later on. I'd like to try and keep this thread to more concise stories. Message me if you like, but I might not be able to reply frequent. I am watching stuff online at the moment.
    1 point
  20. It’s a great thought, but I suspect you would have managed to keep holding, if you didn’t want your seat ruined- it would have just got excruciatingly painful??
    1 point
  21. Definitely not! If it had been 10-20 minutes longer I'd have probably ended up soaked! I was pretty desperate when I left work anyway!
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. After I had posted it I thought that it was probably in the wrong section, thanks for moving into the correct section
    1 point
  24. Well you’ll certainly get fit cycling your normal route four times a day in the hope of chatting to her again lol. It does read almost like a show put on for your benefit - obviously she needed to go, but could have gone sooner or could have taken to the bushes etc. I know ‘we’ all read things in situations that maybe non pee people don’t. Anyway, if you do see her and chat again it certainly opens the door for a not too obvious chat along the lines ‘how’s your bladder today?’ And yes. Add me to the list of jealous people. (Post moved to Real Experiences since female
    1 point
  25. Father's, what strange fellows we are 😆
    1 point
  26. I must be in the right place, cos when I see good looking women strolling past I do tend to imagine them naked and also squatting down and peeing. I almost always imagine them peeing. I am now well into my 50s but can still recognisxe the sexiness of an 18 year old. But the great thing about being my age is that women in their teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s can all look sexy. When I was 18 anyone over 25 was way too lod, lol.
    1 point
  27. I'm as guilty as the rest of you, so we can't be the only ones can we. So following that logic thinking about what underwear people wear or when they last had sex or masturbated and of course, do they need to pee, must mean that it's actually probably more normal than many would care to admit. That's my two pennies worth.
    1 point
  28. This is definitely the case. I have many times been out in towns and cities on Friday nights and seen the girls peeing in the streets, alleys, behind bins, shop doorways etc. I know that they also pee in stairwells and I have found the puddles, but only once have I spotted the culprits and even then it was after the deed (they were coming out of the stairwell doing up their belts). These are definitely girls in the category of needing to pee and doing so out of convenience. I absolutely love seeing them and very often on a Friday night I am sitting at home thinking about all the peeing
    1 point
  29. This topic also reminds me of an indirect experience, as told to me by my wife. I mentioned it in another thread ("Hot tub pee etiquette"). One time, several years ago, she was at a hot tub party with friends. It was all ladies, about 12-15 people total. It was a large hot tub, which held 8 or so. So at any given time, there would be 8 in the tub, and several others standing, milling around (in their swimsuits). They were all drinking heavily (beers, wine coolers, etc.). They were all outdoors near the hot tub for about 3 hours, and my wife said she didn't remember anyone going indo
    1 point
  30. Pissing in places out of convenience rather than naughtiness is definitely one of the aspects of pee I like the most. While whenever I pee in public, sure it's convenient, but I also know my bias is contributing to doing it lmao One thing that does make me jealous is the amount of CCTV footage we could be missing of these scenarios playing out, as well as thousands of incidents of it happening in Parking Garages, Stairwells, Storage Rooms etc, of people going in that we won't ever know of except maybe the odd anecdote we'd hear from a friend. However it is a very hot thing to think about, ju
    1 point
  31. Okay, so it's been a minute, but i can finally tell you guys about the weekend we had: It was AMAZING. I cant describe every place we've peed, but i can list a few of the rooms and tell you what we've done in there. Also, sorry if the formatting is kinda bad, but i am typing this on my phone while at work 😅 - Parents bedroom: Sadly, we couldnt really do something too naughty in here, but it was still a highlight. We both stood on the corner of the bed and just pissed across the room. Sorry Mom, sorry dad. - Kitchen: Another highlight. We had my girlfriend practice her stand
    1 point
  32. This fictional story contains female desperation and peeing in public. The story has quite a long introduction before anything pee related happens. If I'm going to make this into a series it would benefit from the groundwork in this paragraphs, I think. Please comment if you would like me to continue. Have you watched Seinfeld? Well, I have, and I've learned many great things from the show. For example, that the second button makes or breaks the shirt. But let's start this story at the beginning. My name is Caitlin - but you can call my Kate, if you want to. I'm 22 years and
    1 point
  33. My high school girlfriend and I had gone to an auto auction to try and find her a first car. This was 1997. They had a warehouse of cars and you can go through and check out the cars prior to the auction. The warehouse was desolate and they had a lot of crappy vehicles. She mentioned to me about having to pee. I saw a bathroom, but didn’t tell her. She made a comment about she should pee in one of those messed up cars. I was immediately turned on, and had an 80’s Dodge Caravan I spotted in mind, but she didn’t do it. She held it and ended up starting her piss behind a high school nex
    1 point
  34. Peeing in inappropriate places out of convenience is something I find really attractive in girls. I love that they would disregard public conventions or concerns of soiling a place to satisfy their own personal needs and desires. Their is a certain selfishness I find attractive. I’ve had multiple girlfriends that did this. I dated a girl who was rather selfish and indulged in many things for pleasure. When we were out partying she often peed in parking lots, garages or at house parties in yards, sinks, showers etc. We were once at a house party with an amazing modern house in the Hollywoo
    1 point
  35. Well, I was in the vicinity of the place mentioned above for work yesterday and I made a point of stopping there again. I had my own need to take care of and I thought it would be a suitable place as well as wanting to check out the place again to see whether it was still the same and whether it showed signs of recent use. I was not disappointed. Link to my own peeing account and video is at the bottom of this post. I am going to apologise for the quality of the photos as I have had to do several times recently. I've not found out that the camera on my phone is damaged and won't focus pr
    1 point
  36. Happy Birthday to you - @sathuta @humphrey36 @Me4drpepper - Have a great one.
    1 point
  37. I have been playing around with self pee for a while. I am overweight and didn’t think I could self pee right on myself. At the suggestion of another enthusiast I began peeing into a container and pouring it over my head. I did it a few times opening my mouth a bit more each time. I enjoyed it but I wanted to feel the fresh stream on my body. It has taken a while but I needed to try it. So I got my bladder as full as I could and got into the bathtub. I positioned my self the best I could. I was not optimistic about it working, was I wrong. It was the most incredible pee experience I have had
    1 point
  38. I'd have to say unwilling partners. I think the destruction is the hottest part! I wish I was less nervous and did more piss vandalism, it's just sometimes too risky for me but I love watching other people do it. That being said I also do love the idea of having my stuff drenched in piss and would be a very willing victim.
    1 point
  39. I'm not one to push people to do anything, so I much prefer for others to just do as they feel okay with in a way that they feel is normal. For me, making a mess on a floor that I have to then clean isn't fun, but perhaps on a locker room floor, a store dressing room, hotel room or even a basement or parking garage floor would be normal to me.
    1 point
  40. My favorite videos by Wildpee on pornhub Desperate Piss in the Garden Center with People around Secretly Peeing in Hardware Store Peeing in Hardware Store, almost got Caught Peeing in Garden Centre, Watering the Plants Pissing in an Elevator Pissing in an Elevator, when Suddenly the Door Opens generally I go for videos of women but these are so risky and it’s so fucking hot. includes vandalism and sneaky or secret peeing.
    1 point
  41. Peeing on a country walk turns into unexpected public wetting I went for a long walk today, because I had the opportunity. I took something to eat with me, but planned to stop at a pub half way round the 10 or so miles for a pint or two, and then on the second part of the walk, to let that beer out somewhere in the great outdoors. The first part of the plan worked well, and after a couple of pints of Abbot Ale (the best thing to come out of Bury St Edmunds since, well, Bob Hoskins and John Le Mesurier) I set off for the second half of the walk feeling delightfully full and slightly m
    1 point
  42. Spraying down the bathroom for fun I haven't updated this thread recently, partly because I am not sure people find it, or find it interesting, and partly because I haven't been motivated to enjoy any solo pee playtime (the season of the year has an impact on that). But today I had the house to myself, and one of my chores was to clean the bathroom, and I was feeling naughty so I thought 'What the hell! Let's make a mess first. After all, I'll be cleaning it up in a few minutes." So that's what I did. the bathroom got a particularly careful clean afterwards 🙂 It felt very, very
    1 point
  43. https://www.erome.com/a/LwZmLtZg This is how I have to urinate when I am naked at home and badly need a pee as there are NO TOILET facilities in my apartment at all nor any public men's room nearby I can use. This leaves me with nothing when my bladder becomes full thus I relieve myself on the carpet instead.
    1 point
  44. Needed to go pee quite urgently. I wonder if this wall will end up with obvious pee smell if I keep using it in this way…?
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. I once pissed on my car at night, just because I felt like it and the next day I had to realize that there were pee stains all over it, which was quite frustrating because then I had to clean everything up. I would maybe take in consideration peeing on a random car if there wouldn't be visible stains afterwards. But since I know that this won't be the case I don't think I'd ever do it ... unless it's an old abandoned car or something similar
    1 point
  47. It's been awhile, so I figured I would literally pop a squirt here LOL http://www.xvideos.com/video60435613/laundry_piss
    1 point
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