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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2022 in Posts

  1. I was chatting with an online friend the other day and eventually asked him if he had ever tried golden showers. He said not really, but one time on spring break he watched a girl pee beside the bed in his hotel room. Of course I asked him to elaborate, why did she do that? And he said he was making out with her, and because their friends were busy fucking in the bathroom behind closed door and she really needed to go. And she was drunk and said fuck it I need to go, so just popped a squat between the bed and the wall and let it go right on the carpet. When she was done they got to th
    4 points
  2. I've decided to have a go at writing a “How To” style of guide that focusses mainly on the aspect of discrete female wetting. Most of the ideas covered in here are things I've seen in videos of wetting so some might be really helpful, some not so much. It's a bit of a spoof of the “How To” guides I see online quite often, for a topic that is probably extremely niche. It'll be put together in an hour or two so might miss little things here and there. I'll cover various topics; Clothing Shoes Location Body Position Weather Time There are various r
    4 points
  3. This fictional story contains female desperation and peeing in public. The story has quite a long introduction before anything pee related happens. If I'm going to make this into a series it would benefit from the groundwork in this paragraphs, I think. Please comment if you would like me to continue. Have you watched Seinfeld? Well, I have, and I've learned many great things from the show. For example, that the second button makes or breaks the shirt. But let's start this story at the beginning. My name is Caitlin - but you can call my Kate, if you want to. I'm 22 years and
    4 points
  4. When I add somebody to my ignore list, it is almost always because I would like the fact that this person exists to be removed from my screen as much as possible. However, I have noticed the following things that I would like to no longer see: - Topics created by those persons still show up in the respective forum region, as well as in "Recently Active Topics". - They can still follow you and you still get a notification that they follow you (only an issue with one). - Their posts might not be visible, but there's the placeholder text of "You've chosen to ignore content by ..."
    3 points
  5. Found on Reddit. This is cool. 2 urinals in the same standing space. Would be a cool place for a girl to show off - "I need to pop a squat" ... "Wait, I can pee through the fly"
    3 points
  6. Kinda proud of this 1. Took a bit to get everything right. Adapted from lyrics, read like a Circus Barker: Ladies of all ages, Good evening! The Pee you have Seen is Beyond Believing! Your Bladders will Soon need Relieving, Your Seats may be Wet before Leaving. Hold your Thighs Tightly as the Girls keep Flowing, There's No Way to tell how Long they'll be Going. The Bowls seen Here will be Overflowing, with Urine these Pussies Will Soon be Unloading!!
    3 points
  7. If someone is hurting and upsetting you, report them to one of the admins. They will take you seriously and do what they can to help you. ❤
    2 points
  8. Having been on several cruises, I can confirm that those pools get peed in - a lot. Not only are there the people who pee in them whilst swimming, but I've seen plenty of people; ladies and men, who spend hours on their loungers with copious amounts of drinks and they don't leave the pool deck. However, they do get up, walk to the pool, get in for less than a minute and get out again before returning to their lounge chairs. The same can be said of the jacuzzi or hot tubs on the pool decks and also the showers on the pool decks. I've probably said it here before, but I was once in one of
    2 points
  9. I have been to public toilets that have this kind of arrangement with a grill on the floor beneath the urinal. I did wonder whether there was actually any need for the urinal at all. Surely just pee on the tiled wall or directly onto the grill on the floor. Certainly makes cleaning easier with no puddles on the floor.
    2 points
  10. I ran in a large running event last weekend, and the organisers had provided an area for about half a dozen 4-berth urinal blocks, as well as the more typical banks of portaloo-type cubicles familiar to most events. I thought these were a neat design - completely self contained and presumably with a pretty large tank in the centre. I couldn't readily take a photo of them at the event, so this is a marketing photo from a hire company:
    2 points
  11. And that reminded me of something! When I was in my teens, I was living in a new housing development in South Florida. I don't even know why, but when I was walking around the neighborhood with my friends, we would always stop in a partially built home to pee. Naughty peeing before I knew what naughty peeing was. We would usually pick a bedroom or bathroom (no toilet or anything else installed) and pee on the wall, and watch it flow down the wall and make a puddle on the floor. Or just pee on the floor. So, if you bought a new home in the Emerald Hills section of Hollywood, Florida
    2 points
  12. These are so fine! 😍 I've been at a naturist spa myself and peed in the garden in a similar style. Just parting my legs and letting it flow into the grass. It was also there where I stood over the drain in the steam room and just let it flow. I'm not really into beaches, I have to say. The sand bothers me! Your manhood is nice and large, isn't it? I'd enjoy standing over you whilst you sunbathed, parting my labia and directing my warm stream of pee to tickle your cock and balls. Then we could swap over and you could direct your stream onto my clit.
    2 points
  13. Contains: Desperation and Peeing Outside A few months ago, I was in the middle of moving from California to Missouri. We ended up going by car so we spent an entire week on the road driving from state to state to get to Missouri. I was with my mom and my 2 dogs, and we would frequently take stops to use the bathroom, eat, and walk around. However when we were leaving New Mexico and entering Texas, my mom had her someone call her and we missed the last stop. Thanks to a large Iced Tea I had at McDonalds, I needed to pee, but I didn't want to interrupt her and my need wasn't hu
    2 points
  14. Before going outside, I sometimes look up potential pee spots and yesterday I found one that was quite decent. I saw this forested, somewhat hilly area in google maps and decided to check it out. Even tho I already had to pee before going outside, I still drank some more water, to make sure I really had to go when I arrived there. I hate using any type of toilet for peeing, so if I know I'll be able to tinkle outside, I always try to make it count. With every step there, my belt was digging into my bladder and I absolutely loved that feeling. I went through the entire forest once to
    1 point
  15. This is part 4 of a series. You can find the other parts here: [1] [2] [3] Contains naughty female peeing. The main character is a boy called Jonathan who is in his last year in highschool. He is very fortunate and gets in arousing situations very often. About two weaks after the last occasion I wrote about, there was a fair in our neighboring town, and Anna had asked if I wanted to go. Her best friend, Cece, was also going. While Anna was a very attractive young woman, Cece was the hottest girl in class by far and so I had no problem with us going as a group of three.
    1 point
  16. Does anyone else here play golf? I play way too much according to the wife. Not only is it good exercise and fun it's also a very good excuse to piss outdoors. A round normally takes 4 hours and I always make sure I am well hydrated. Most courses here in the UK have public footpaths on or close to the course. I can't remember how many times I have been caught peeing in a Bush or against a tree by dog walkers etc. 😜
    1 point
  17. Went outside to do my daily public wee and found this area. Its a parking lot under a bridge surrounded by a forest. Almost noone seemed to be around, so I decided to pee against one of the supports: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/veneratednavybluebrownbutterfly Three people passed by while I was doing so 😱, but luckily none of them said anything.
    1 point
  18. The pollution will soon be spread and diluted though - the swimming pools are emptied and refilled regularly and that water goes into the ocean. A lot of cruise ship swimming pools are salt water - they simply take the water from the sea, use it for a day and then swap it for clean, filtered sea water over night with appropriate addition of chlorine. Some ships use "freeflowing sea water" which means that the water is continuously cycled as water new water is added and old water removed throughout the day. This is similar to the normal filtration cycle of a pool, but instead of recirculat
    1 point
  19. Haha. You seem pretty funny your eurourophile. Write me next time you’re in Europe.
    1 point
  20. I had a good time that's for sure
    1 point
  21. I'd be in! That sounds like a great vacation idea!
    1 point
  22. And we know what you did when you got home!
    1 point
  23. Pretty sure this is a prison urinal hung on the wall.
    1 point
  24. You keep dropping bangers, I look forward to see where this story heads if you decide to continue it. The Seinfeld references are also great.
    1 point
  25. Oh definitely. For one thing, I'm pretty certain that urinating on someone without their permission is highly illegal and an arrestable offence. Even if they are a urophile. I'd never walk up to someone randomly and do that - though I will testify that it's fun when both parties consent. Fantasy is, as you rightly say, another matter.
    1 point
  26. Good to hear that relaxed attitude. It would be even more interesting to know whether those same mums would happily pee in the yard themselves.
    1 point
  27. My hubby is not really into the pee fetish. But he will go down on me before sex. So sometimes I go to empty my bladder before sex, don’t wipe, and then a few minutes later enjoy his tongue on my damp hairy pussy. I don’t think he can tell the difference between my pre-sex vaginal secretions and a few drops of piss…
    1 point
  28. Yea I also thought about this, so I just made my own story. I knew that @Darkguy would like these stories because I liked his stories as well and had to think of stories like "In my room" when I wrote this.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. These guys are German, I think. As we all know, I love a European man! I like the tallest guy on the left. You can just see his straight, hard stream between the other two.
    1 point
  31. As I was sitting on the chair which Sarah peed on earlier, I thought about what I would do after this night. There was no chance to clean this mess up without our parents noticing. But at least Anna is going to help me out tomorrow and maybe I could keep my parebts out of the room until I find a solution for everything. My mind wandered back to the latest pee that occured in my room. I couldn't even repair all the chaos that happened back then. I picked up all the tissues which my sister drenched in pee before throwing over my bin. But the dark patch which was concentrated on one spot aft
    1 point
  32. Oh my gosh! You're even bigger than Mr Eliminature - and he isn't small! What can I say? I like European men and I like urophiles so please keep these coming! I'm a Europhile-urophile, tee hee! 😆
    1 point
  33. H-a-p-p-y B-i-r-t-h-d-a-y to @Dawen & @jcc
    1 point
  34. For a number of years I have a recurring dream where I am in a men's somewhere and a woman joins me and facing a urinal pees alongside me. This is actually my ultimate fantasy and 9 times out of 10 results in me waking up to find I am orgasming
    1 point
  35. Ok ok, it could be worse. At least I am stuck in this elevator with my most beautuful working colleaugue. But this thirst is killing me. I'm cycling to the office everyday and the weather is fucking hot today. The warm elevator doesn't make it better. I noticed how Amanda was pressing her hands in her crotch. "Those firefighter bastards still haven't arrived. I need to pee somewhere, now." But she did not want to mess up her reputation at work. I laughed thinking about it. But she understood it wrong. "Do you think this is funny you-" "No, no. I just thaught about it: I'm
    1 point
  36. This story is Part five of my Liberation series. It contains public peeing and wetting of a male and a female. Here are the links to the first four parts: [1] [2] [3] [4] Please feel free to write your suggestions how the story should continue below. _________________________________________________________________ Ten days had passed since Paul had met Lili´s friends for the first time. It had been a nice mild evening in the park and he had really liked them, but something had been strange, too. Paul and Lily both caught different people from their group peeing or wetting
    1 point
  37. Happy Birthday again to @Sandman033 & @HairyPee
    1 point
  38. Love golf. I have posted this before but I usually start the round without peeing and when I get too desperate off to the bush I go. I played my best round when I couldn’t pee before tee time and the desperation went up had a great round slipped into the bush at the end of 18 and had the best desperation pee I have ever had. That was many years ago and have trouble holding it for 18 but I try. It’s become a bit of a tradition.
    1 point
  39. Happy Birthday wishes to just @Bill Thane today - Have a great day.
    1 point
  40. You should join me next time on the nude beach. I’m peeing very openly:)
    1 point
  41. Yes. This was filmed during Queensday (nowadays Kingsday) where the city is crowded with people , most of them drunk. There are not enough public toilets so guys just pee in the canals. On normal days this does not happen a lot and you can get fined too. There are urinals which is nothing more than a steel cylinder. Here’s a recent video of men but also women peeing in a street against houses and doors.
    1 point
  42. For those American guys curious about norms in Europe and other parts of the world here's some youtube videos of groups of guys. The first is when Ukraine hosted the world cup and the mayor of Kiev suggested that visitors should urinate outdoors to reduce lines for the limited toilets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7QbeJ6PZOY Secondly, in Spain guys not wanting to miss any of the football (soccer) game piss against the walls of the service corridor instead of walking to the restrooms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1WFv0j8_z0 Reporters interview guys and gals piss
    1 point
  43. Well...it has been a long time since I have posted on here, and let's just say I have my reasons. I have lurked around the past several years and have tried to keep my distance from people (everyone...no one is singled out). I might start frequenting this site more often, as it seems some of my posts have been hits. To confirm your suspicions, yes, hpz48 was me on peeingcupid. I just never got anywhere with that site and was frustrated more than anything. And yes, I have been in discussions with some individuals on this site who know more about me than others, but I am not ready to contin
    1 point
  44. i swear i never set out masturbate outside. lol. only meant to go get gas, and then head home. but, after my escapades earlier in the morning after leaving the gas station, i was just feeling sooo naughty. like i kinda 🐌'd my car seat, and knowing my vagina had been seen by total strangers had me really excited. as the sun had risen, i decided to make one more stop, this time exiting my car without the cover of darkness, and with the threat of ever increasing encounters. sheepishly walking down the sidewalk as traffic passed was getting the best of my sensualities. but, i didn't want to draw t
    1 point
  45. so i've dryhumped a fire hydrant before. but this was my 1st time ever taking one inside me. lol. 🤭😳 like the biggest dildo. ever! so, i didn't set out to masturbate on the side of the road, but had been out without any bottoms on, and just feeling exposed was exciting, but i knew i'd been seen several times, and that felt incredibly sexy and naughty. so anyways, this one was across the street from where i was standing and decided to run over to it and honestly, hadn't really made a plan. at first i just kinda rubbed against it feeling the hardness press into my muffin's opening, and realizing
    1 point
  46. I stopped wearing underwear at 16. Partly for the thrill but also its more comfortable.
    1 point
  47. I've never tried this, but willing to give it a go..... My sentences are a bit longer, but hopefully still meets the requirements of a short story in 3 to 5 sentences. The two striking young ladies were waiting at the bus stop to return home after a night of indulgence at their local bar. They had just missed a bus, the next one was not due for 30 minutes and they knew from the building feeling in their bladders that they were not going to survive the wait followed by the 45 minute ride home. Jenny bobbed down to dispel the sudden surge of desperation bearing down on her sphincter a
    1 point
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