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  1. Update, I woke up in the middle of the night and I pissed off the side of the bed onto the carpet and had a quick orgasm after and it made me feel really naughty
    13 points
  2. The second sighting came a while later, again up by McDonald's, or more specifically in the town square. At first I was gutted as I had just walked back up that way and thought I had just missed a sighting, however it worked out as it became another sighting. I was slowly wandering back up the main road and across the road was a guy and a girl. As I walked up another guy came across and went over to them. He said something and the girl responded saying "we are just waiting for those two, I'm not sure where they are". I reached the side of McDonald's and stood against the railings checkin
    6 points
  3. Best not to go too crazy ... different hotels have different cleaning policies (e.g. surcharges, etc.) ... but there are many discreet places to pee: in corners, in the closet, under furniture, chairs with removable cushions, etc. And don't forget the opportunities outside your room: the hotel pool, that quiet sofa in the corner of the lobby, the hotel bar, lifts & staircases ... the list goes on. Key tip: Stay inside your comfort zone, to maximise enjoyment. Doing something that you find overly risky or uncomfortable makes it less fun. Focus on enjoying the moment ... you can pu
    5 points
  4. Does anyone else get turned on by knowing you're allowed to openly pee in front of someone? My mom and I openly pee outside and in sinks in front of one another. I also have a friend whom I allow to pee in my house (hard surfaces only), and she allows me to do the same. Something about having permission and mutual understanding that freely peeing is okay is sooooo nice.
    4 points
  5. You don't really have to tell her, just be more open about it as others have said. Pee in the back yard when you're outside, tell her you need to step into an alley for a moment when you're in the city, these are places where most moms rather expect boys to piss.
    4 points
  6. Thank you much appreciated. I also know that the Color Climax Corporation were able to print, publish and distribute their magazines and films from a 'factory' based in the Strandlodvej area of Copenhagen. Not only is the photography high quality, but also the printing and paper stock used for the magazines. The Theander Brothers certainly lived up to the strap-line on the dust covers..."Ganz in Farben...High Class Pornography".
    3 points
  7. Nothing to be scared about, back a few years ago abc did an investigative story on Hotel rooms and all 20 of the rooms they investigated ( 1 star to 5 star hotels) had urine stains revealed with black light, throughout the carpets and on the walls. A housekeeper recently told us, "it's not a problem at all, you wouldn't believe how common it is, have fun."
    3 points
  8. Had a few encounters on my venture out last Saturday to update. All through Saturday the weather was terrible and I had resigned myself to just getting a taxi home when I finished work. However when my shift finished the rain had eased off so I decided to head up to town to get the bus home. Given the weather I hadn't even considered going to scope out sightings, I didn't want to hang around and get soaked when I didn't have to. That changed however when a couple of my workmates who had also finished asked if I was coming for a drink. We came out of the pub about 1am and went our separat
    3 points
  9. I’ve always had a fantasy on walking naked to the showers in the locker. After showering and walking back naked I just let it go on the floor. I know it’s gross but I finally made it.
    2 points
  10. It's that way with my boys and I, they never have to be hesitant around me, they know I'm not going to judge them.
    2 points
  11. Great job, you'll find it to be natural after a bit and so very convenient in the middle of the night too.
    2 points
  12. Sink is good πŸ™‚. I have soaked hotel bathroom floors in the past and that's great fun. Cleaned up after though.
    2 points
  13. I guess the question "Is it OK" can be interpreted in many ways. "Is it morally right?" "Is it socially acceptable?" "Is it legal?" "Will it get you punched in the face or your camera smashed if you try to do it?" While I have an opinion that it is morally OK to take any photograph in a public place, I suspect that is not shared by most people in the general population. To clarify further, I don't think that a toilet is a public place, because people in there have a general expectation of privacy.. I suspect that the answers to questions 2, 3 and 4 will
    2 points
  14. Electronic flash units began replacing flashbulbs in the 1970s, and that brought this ability to the consumer market. The camera would be set on 1/60 of a second, using a fairly slow film. The camera would be wired to an electronic flash gun, timed using a standard called X-synchronization, so that operating the shutter would trigger the flash during the relatively long time that the shutter was open. The flash gun would give a very bright pulse of light that lasted less than 1/1000 of a second, effectively capturing an instant of the liquid stream in mid air. This was something
    2 points
  15. New York City. Not so much the people, but the buildings, parks, cars, and so on. The people there are also so diverse and have their quirks. I love NYC so much. Wish I could live there but I am a broke bitch lol.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Thank you all for the wonderful comments! Next time I have a fun piss I'll be sure to post it
    2 points
  18. You haven't given an update yet so it seems like you are still open for input. I would simply arrange a nice evening, maybe with something nice to drink to ease the tension. I wouldn't go for Board games or a movie. I would opt for something that gives you many opportunities to talk about stuff. Maybe a BBQ or maybe you could cook a nice meal together. Steer the conversation towards remembering old stories and adventures you both had. Then when the mood is right, i would open with something like: "Remember when you peed in the sink (or whatever your best story ist). I found out that i reall
    2 points
  19. I wonder if the thing to do is maybe engage in conversation - but with a hypothetical discussion... Given your background and the fact you know your mum at least used to be quite open: Perhaps if you go to visit there'd be chance to open the conversation along the lines of "I've been running about grabbing shopping all morning, on the way here realised I was absolutely bursting and had to pull over to have a wee in the dirt. Reminded me of all the times we've done that when I was young" Now your mum may say something along the lines of "I still do..." in which case you could ask ab
    2 points
  20. OK - that puts a different perspective on things, and I second what @JesseP just said. I reckon in that case it could be possible to bring up the issue. But the same advice applies - no way do you want to jeopardise the relationship you have, so you need to be prepared to abide by any rules without arguing or getting resentful. Maybe after you've just peed outside or in a sink - or you have seen her do it - then something like "Hey Mom, you know that we've always just peed in various places? I've realised I really like that freedom, and I do it at my place - in all sorts of places - it's reall
    2 points
  21. Sounds like you Mum is very open minded about peeing if she chooses to use a sink rather than bathroom. I would be tempted to start off with a hint about what you have done at home and see her reaction. You never know she might join you.
    2 points
  22. That’s an unusual situation, but may be a nice opportunity for you.
    2 points
  23. Well. The being out of the house now cuts both ways somewhat. It gives you a lot more freedom, but it perhaps also means that when you visit you Mom, she sets the rules in her house and you as a visitor should respect them. So whatever you decide about confirming your fetish I would not expect her to agree that you can do what you want in her house. It's possible that she'd be happy for you to do as you want, but much, much more likely she won't. You know your Mom better than any of us, but don't jeopardise your relationship - you'll need it to be good for a long, long time!
    2 points
  24. Before going outside, I sometimes look up potential pee spots and yesterday I found one that was quite decent. I saw this forested, somewhat hilly area in google maps and decided to check it out. Even tho I already had to pee before going outside, I still drank some more water, to make sure I really had to go when I arrived there. I hate using any type of toilet for peeing, so if I know I'll be able to tinkle outside, I always try to make it count. With every step there, my belt was digging into my bladder and I absolutely loved that feeling. I went through the entire forest once to
    1 point
  25. This is part two of Jonathan's story. You can find part one here: https://peefans.com/topic/22368-jonathans-fortunate-occasions-1/ The last occasion I had told you about - the one were Anna and I had peed in a storage room in the school basement - was not the last pee-incident I shared with her. Afrerwards we talked from time to time, but didn't became particular close friends, maybe even because it reminded her of the embarrassing situation each time she saw me. One day during break she came up to me while I was reading in the school's library and asked me if I could help her out, the
    1 point
  26. Now that I am an adult, I want to tell my mom about my fetish. I am sure she knows to some degree, and has not mentioned it to avoid any embarrassment. Growing up, I am sure she came to that conclusion based on the soaked towels, pee stains on the porch (often blamed on the dogs when asked), pee smell in my room (closet, mostly), and the couple of times she caught me bottomless in my chair in the living room with a wet spot under me. Now that I am out of her house, I want to confirm her suspicions. Mu hope is that she will allow my free peeing openly when I am visiting her house since I got a
    1 point
  27. So happy for you Foxy! It’s such a dirty but liberating feeling. I only do this in hotels because it will definitely start to make odor after time…. Good news is you are long checked up before that happens.
    1 point
  28. I'm not one to push people to do anything, so I much prefer for others to just do as they feel okay with in a way that they feel is normal. For me, making a mess on a floor that I have to then clean isn't fun, but perhaps on a locker room floor, a store dressing room, hotel room or even a basement or parking garage floor would be normal to me.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Tokyo, specifically Akihabara. Super colourful, orderly and tons of maids (a substantial part of which are male πŸ₯°)
    1 point
  31. I hope you feel successful too! I couldn't do what you do! Incidentally, I have only just thought about your two jobs. You're not Sweeney Todd are you? πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  32. @beachmom I know you are very supportive of your boys free peeing. If you had a grown daughter, how would you want them to approach you? Would you rather it be a direct conversation asking for permission to freely pee, or would you rather it just happen? I feel if I pee in an area that is easily cleaned (i.e. the kitchen floor, etc.) while talking or something, it may be initially shocking, but she may come to realize it's normal? I mean, we have been nonchalantly peeing for years...just usually outside or into the sink.
    1 point
  33. Does anyone else find the sight and smell of freshly used tissue wipe hot? Say after peeing, a woman wipes and the wipe is thrown somewhere where cross-contamination isn't a huge factor, like somewhere off a hiking trail or into a freshly lined waste basket, is there anything wrong with smelling that wipe?
    1 point
  34. I am a penis owner but could look at vagina all day long. Love the different sizes and shapes of the lips. Maybe I picked the wrong profession! Haha
    1 point
  35. I'll probably do the floor in the corner
    1 point
  36. πŸ˜ƒ I feel the same way about women, pity we can't do genital swaps for a day to try them out 🀣
    1 point
  37. I am also guilty of this. What I think about depends on who they are. For celebrities I don't usually think about how they are styled down there or how they look, I think about how naughty they are, especially if they look really innocent. Taylor Swift for example, she can look super cute and innocent at times but I bet she screams the house down in the bedroom. For regular people it's a little different. I like to imagine what type of underwear they have on, if they have any sex toys, when did they last masturbate? What do they sound like? I also like to wonder when did they
    1 point
  38. Happy Birthday to another two fine members today - well, every member is fine before anyone gets jealous. HB to @daemoniak & @brppfan
    1 point
  39. I hardly ever bath, use the shower almost every day...and yes I pee in the shower every time 😁 ....but now I'm thinking about running a bath just to do this πŸ‘
    1 point
  40. That is so awesome! I love the casual damage of random cars
    1 point
  41. I'd love to find a girl like that. My ex used to damage my car and random ones but nothing major.
    1 point
  42. new panties. kinda risque deciding to wear them for the 1st time during my period. πŸ˜πŸ˜‡
    1 point
  43. i didn't really mean to. but i had to pee so bad. i don't normally wet when i'm on my monthly cuz i usually wear pads. but i burst a little after a really long holding. and it didn't all get absorbed. ??
    1 point
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