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  1. Mr Eliminature and I have finally been swimming for the first time in two years. I descended the ladder into the deep end (I prefer to enter at the deep end so I don't accidentally collide with any children whilst swimming) and started treading water. Once I was kicking and gliding, I immediately released a long wee into the pool and imagined Maggie saying "Good girl!" I did a few more wees in the pool as I swam up and down and I enjoyed the warmth of it in my swimsuit and down my thighs. Each time, I imagined Maggie telling me what a good girl I was and I felt my body tingle!
    7 points
  2. teehee🙇🏻‍♀️😇 i still can't believe i went out all day wearing this! like how i wasn't escorted out of places was really surprising. and, it seemed like i only received a couple of disapproving looks. but the fact that it was seemingly totally acceptable attire made it feel that much more sexy. i loved knowing my panties were completely showing, despite honestly by this point in the day, had mostly forgotten that they were. i mean in like i was feeling comfortable, confident, and not all that apprehensive about it any longer. 😊 had to get my bf's mail at his PO box, then a latte, before heading
    5 points
  3. Only water rides. Easier, less time consuming and more fun than going to find a toilet. In water parks, I just pee pretty much when convenient - and judging by the relatively small numbers of people observed going to the toilets, I think that is an approach many people take. In the more general parks, I have peed on log flumes (dick out of shorts and peed into the bottom of the boat) and on raft rides in Florida, I have just wet myself because the waves soaked me anyway. Afterwards, I just dried in the sun whilst continuing to walk around the park.
    5 points
  4. thanks @Sophie 💋 even though i may exude confidence, it was soo scary initially leaving the house like that- knowing i didn't have any way to cover up if i had to, and that my panties were so visible through my tights. i felt confident (feeling sexy does that i guess), and even a bit nonchalant, but i never fully was at ease. but, i feel like sometimes i find that nervousness to be a little bit thrilling.
    3 points
  5. I really wish I had your confidence @puddylslovely pics as always!
    3 points
  6. I am 100 percent guilty of peeing while going down waterslides lol. Water slides are such rushes as they are, and the added feeling of emptying my bladder only adds to the fun!
    3 points
  7. This story is Part five of my Liberation series. It contains public peeing and wetting of a male and a female. Here are the links to the first four parts: [1] [2] [3] [4] Please feel free to write your suggestions how the story should continue below. _________________________________________________________________ Ten days had passed since Paul had met Lili´s friends for the first time. It had been a nice mild evening in the park and he had really liked them, but something had been strange, too. Paul and Lily both caught different people from their group peeing or wetting
    2 points
  8. I think that men when expose themselves in public for their convenience they have to realize that it's possible they will be exposed for doing so.
    2 points
  9. @puddyls - You are absolutely, amazingly one in a million. Maybe one in ten million. Completely adore everything you've posted (and definitely can't wait to see what summer brings...)
    2 points
  10. I don't know, actually. I can only speak for myself. It's not something that I give much thought to. I certainly never actively sought out a circumcised partner. Mr E is circumcised, but this is rare for British men (outside of Jewish and Muslim communities, of course). I guess the opposite it feels a bit "exotic" when you're used to the other so you can be a bit fascinated by and admiring of it. I wouldn't say there was a preference either way, though.
    2 points
  11. Hi and thanks for membership. I am a straight male who low wetlook and peeing in cloth. I love to pee in jeans, nyloncloth, and leatherpants. Leatherjeans without anything under is wonderful. Love when my GF are peeing over my leather and I do the same to her. Hope to meet other leather fans here for chatting and writing
    2 points
  12. Amsterdam is rather an adult weekend party town and I would expect that many of these guys were from out of town and here together for a weekend. As these tourists are the life of the city, I imagine the locals tolerate a great deal of things from guests. I know that men urinating against limestone and marble buildings is doing a great deal of damage to them and thus they've be moving to stop that, but as I say, the canals and storm drains aren't an issue to the buildings nor do they create a fowl odor, so I doubt anyone would care about guys peeing there, as nudity isn't an issue there.
    2 points
  13. This topic was inspired by the "Yummy" post that Greedyneedygirl started. I think it would be great to get a long thread of personal cumshot pics from the men and women on this forum. Nothing found on the internet please, just amateur pics from your own sexual adventures with others - meaning specifically your cumshot(s) on other people, or other people's cumshot(s) on you. I posted one of my own in the "Yummy" topic already - I'll post it again here with an additional pic to start off with.
    1 point
  14. Challenge? Since my last post, I've had my bedwetting reduced. Although it's such a nice feeling of freedom, laziness and cheekiness. Actually I only pee in bed once a weeks. At evening, while watching Netflix, before go to sleep. As a result i gush in the evening in the bed, I pee in it again at night while I sleep. I have to leave the bed completely open the next day that it is dry in the evening. How do you solve the problem with such wet beds? Or do you not care if it no longer dries properly? If my bed isn't dry in the night, I would automatically gush in it again at night an
    1 point
  15. That is the question what pop up in my mind now and then, as i have being told here i have lost a lot of weight about 8-10 years ago and nowadays my weight is around 90 kg with a scale couple of less or more time to time. I am about 187 cm in height and i am considering myself quite pleased with my figure right now, but still there is a days i watch myself in the mirror and can only seeing my bad sides. When i go and scale myself and if i noticed i have gained couple of kilos specially after holiday season and i know that i lose them easily when come back to my normal life and normal diet.
    1 point
  16. Well I've just got home from one of the most thrilling, addrenaline boosting pisses / wettings of my life! I left from work reall early today. I had some hours to take off to decided on a half day today. I left around 12 lunch time having spent 5 hours at work drinking plenty of tea and water. I drove home, with an already really rather full bladder. I made it back fine for around 12:30 and quickly changed. I grabbed my bike riding shorts, a decent t-shirt and a jacket, and head out for a ride. I have a mountain bike, so most of my riding is done down the country lanes / forrest trai
    1 point
  17. Yes. This was filmed during Queensday (nowadays Kingsday) where the city is crowded with people , most of them drunk. There are not enough public toilets so guys just pee in the canals. On normal days this does not happen a lot and you can get fined too. There are urinals which is nothing more than a steel cylinder. Here’s a recent video of men but also women peeing in a street against houses and doors.
    1 point
  18. Red hair and freckles. Every time. Every single time.
    1 point
  19. Young sexy redhead drummer covering Bat Out of Hell anyone? I think some of you might like this
    1 point
  20. decided to piss while still sitting in the seat lol
    1 point
  21. @Alfresco & @Bacardi - I have a sneaking suspicion you’re really not alone.
    1 point
  22. Welcome to the site - have fun checking out the content - you'll find there is a very wide range of people with all sorts of interests linked to pee. And the staff are very good, so if you need help finding things, or have any questions, just ask the moderators. See you around the forums!
    1 point
  23. New to site. 😃 mostly like watching pee, haven’t experienced with anyone else! Looking for groups to dip my dick in!
    1 point
  24. Lots going on today - Happy Birthday @leilawet1 @tony for you @gaz477 @PissVox
    1 point
  25. Figured I would revive this thread More of my cumshots
    1 point
  26. Back in 2020 I was on several large group bike rides in NYC. They weren't the best managed and bathroom breaks were rare if available at all and at the time park bathrooms were closed due to pandemic concerns. Led to a lot of sneaky and no do sneaky pees or 8+ hour holds. Which combined with the need for hydration I'm surprised I last that long. This particular ride was running later into the evening and I knew I wasn't going to make it. I had someone watch my bike as I was squeezing my cock trying to find an open restaurant that would let me use the bathroom. I basically barged in hold
    1 point
  27. Dear Wet Carpet, I’ve enjoyed naughty peeing for as long as I can remember. My time in college is really when I started to let loose. My freshman year I had a single dorm so I had plenty of privacy. Bathrooms were down the hall right next to the common area, which was inconvenient. The first time I got naughty was an accident. I was sitting at my desk on my desk chair which had a fabric cushion. I was horny so I started to browse porn on my laptop, which led to me stripping down and grabbing my vibrator. I propped one leg up on my desk and sat back in my chair, th
    1 point
  28. Absolutely don't worry about length. That was a fabulous account of a superb sighting and the background and lead up helped really set the scene. You did an amazing job there of lining up the sighting with the bonus of getting two for the price of one! By introducing the need to pee yourself, you opened up the invitation without saying so much. The girls still had the option to leave you to go and pee and then go themselves afterwards, very interesting that they decided to come with you, a complete stranger until a short time previously, to expose themselves fully in front of you.
    1 point
  29. okay soooooo.... a while ago me and a old friend went out for a night or drinking, both of us got hammered and got a cab back to my place. We got out early to stop for food and more drinks, on the way back my friend announced she had too pee. (so did I desperately) We were about a ten min walk from my house I turn around to let her know how far we are and she's wondering off into a park. I rush after her trying to keep my own bladder composed, she ran under the slide area and removed both her thong and yanked up her dress. I watched as her stream gushed out causing a hiss while hitting the san
    1 point
  30. This was the way it was all over Europe a few decades ago, while it's not near as common these days in Western Europe, with the exception of large festivals or games, in Eastern Europe it's still like this. While it appears to be crude to some people, most of these guys were actually peeing into the canals, which are the storm sewers anyway, making it rather irrelevant. In Amsterdam they do have some green metal public urinal huts along the canals, but they again drain into the canal anyway. Public nudity isn't an issue there, as the red light district has nude ladies in the shop windows, so t
    1 point
  31. Today it's the turn of @JoeBob563 & @PeeFan86 - Happy Birthday
    1 point
  32. Found this retro video of men pissing. https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=4054948&name=amsterdam-pissing-3
    1 point
  33. I came home from a walk needing to pee, it wasn't urgent but I'd definitely want to go sooner rather than later. I took my time taking off my coat and shoes, put something away and then went upstairs to the bathroom. I was in no rush. I closed the door behind me, walked over to the toilet and that's when everything changed. As I was unfastening my jeans (buttons instead of a zip) I felt a really strong urge and squeezed my legs together. The main button popped open easily and two lower buttons but the third was stuck, probably because I was fidgeting. It only took a few seconds but by the time
    1 point
  34. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the pee in that alcove was from ladies. I have seen girls pee in similar alcoves and shop doorways right next to bar entrances when they have people in front of them and even sometimes when they are completely visible. If they are in the queue and need to pee but there is no obvious hiding place close by, then girls can be willing to squat in full view of passers by, so if they can get a bit of cover then they would certainly be ok with that kind of alcove.
    1 point
  35. The mental imagine of you pissing that yellow arc into the bowl is wonderful 😉, I will send a hug your way. I still consider myself a young man lol but also my prostate ain't like a teenagers either lol. Ive had a few close calls and just about had a few drops escape before I could get my zipper down
    1 point
  36. I miss not reading as many pool pissing threads from you Maggie. This topic is one of my favorite subjects. When in the pool I always wonder which ladies are polluting the water!!!
    1 point
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