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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2021 in all areas

  1. As we were driving along these back roads, we held our rest stops in similar layby's the rest of the day. After me having driven for about 2,5 hours, we pulled into a slightly bigger one. This time it was a slightly bigger one. There was no cliff, but a line of trees was there instead. Also, this one was made of tarmac and there also was a bench with dust bin. I had to pee this time, so I announced that to my girlfriend. She said "sure, go ahead!" and I went up against the trees to avoid splattering because of the tarmac. Yes, also as a guy I don't like that! Even though I like peeing on
    7 points
  2. So after that first day of driving, we did an overnight in a hotel about 900km into our 1400km total trip. The next day, we had decided to visit some sights along the way to our destination. So after waking up early, we drove to the first sight we wanted to visit. Obviously, we showered together that morning and had a pee in there like always (even though she still wasn't aware of my interest in it!). The first part was a drive of about an hour to the first sight we wanted to check out, which was Lake Bled. That first hour, we drove over the highway and as we also needed fuel, we stopped
    4 points
  3. Inspired by @pop-a-squat's amazing series of cardboard box pees (e.g., https://peefans.com/topic/18228-whizzing-in-the-box/) I thought I'd try it myself yesterday. I had an Amazon delivery earlier in the week and the box was suitable - reasonably large, though not very tall. I put it on the kitchen floor and stood near it, and just aimed right into the middle. The thing that is surprising is quite how loud and satisfying the noise is. The surface seems to generate a good sound, and then the sides of the box seem to amplify it - it's really loud anyway. I peed into it for 20 seconds o
    3 points
  4. Lately I am trying to figure out my bra size I know it’s somewhere between C and double d But I don’t honestly know 100% ..
    3 points
  5. A female friend of mine was house sitting for her boss this summer while her boss was away on vacation. Her boss has a gorgeous house with a big pool and a cabana in the back yard. The cabana has a bathroom built in so there's no need to go into the house which I thought was very smart. My friend invited me over for a swim one day when she was looking after this place. She has young 2 daughter's who had a couple friends over swimming too. We basicly just laid by the pool and drank while the kids swam. At one point she mentioned that she needed to pee so I told her I could watch
    3 points
  6. I suspected as much - always a problem when people stir up trouble, but we are very fortunate that we have a generally very supportive community and @Admin and the team of moderators do a grand job of keeping it that way. Thank you all.
    3 points
  7. Hello all! I came across this forum a lot of times when having private time (if you know what I mean...), which almost always was perfect. So I decided to start contributing a little bit as well. I want to do that by telling about all the times that I saw my girlfriend peeing (ofcourse focusing on the hot pees!), which is actually very often. I won't post them all in this opening post, as that would be way too much and I want to keep it as detailed as possible for you guys! I will just start from the first time and gradually continue till today. Little disclaimer before I start, if you ca
    2 points
  8. Recently I was trying to help out someone who was having problems with lack of space on their laptop. I won't bore you with the details, but I found that the photos directory on the PC was quite large. In order to help create working space whilst I cleaned up the PC, I moved the contents of that directory to an external drive, intending to put it back when I was done. I dragged the folder across to the external drive without looking in it (I wasn't there to snoop) However, no sooner had I moved the folder and created about 3GB of space, the space just started filling up again. I found t
    2 points
  9. I was out and about yesterday and I had to stop at the post office to get a stamp to post a letter. Because of the current pandemic there is a restriction on how many people are allowed in at any one time, only two people at once and everyone else has to wait outside. It was because of this queue I was able to catch a lovely little desperation sighting. Stood in front of me was a young, slim woman. Average height, blonde hair wearing a coat and some black leggings. I immediately knew she needed a wee from how she was standing, legs slightly crossed and squeezed together, unable to stand s
    2 points
  10. Enjoy the next part. It's a long party and a long story compared to what I've previously written, so I might take some time to finish it. But it's still far from over, and I still have a lot of scenes I plan to include in it when I feel creative enough to write more. Wilma's house party, part 3 After leaving the couch in the living room, Emily and Maria had scurried their way straight to the front door. Somebody had conveniently hung a roll of toilet paper on the coat rack, from which they each tore a few squares and headed into the stairwell. Emily was already s
    2 points
  11. Firstly, very nice pair of boobs you have there and thanks for sharing! I would say this is very important if you want a good bra that fits you. I'm no expert in these matters, but I do know that my mother in law used to be a bra fitter and she found that so many people were in the wrong sized bra and it either doesn't give the support you need or doesn't give the best of your shape. From what I've gleaned from the mother in law: In UK sizes I would say that you were more that D or DD - probably more like E or F, which would mean that your boobs would fill the cup rather than bein
    2 points
  12. Thank you @owlman76, @p1ssputz, @Kupar, & @gldenwetgoose for your comments. I think you have all basically just told me what I was thinking all along - just keep quiet and carry on. I reckon she probably never even thought about what pictures I may or may not have seen, so best for all parties if it stays unmentioned. As you have already detected, I am a sensitive person who cares a lot about other people and would never for a minute do anything that I thought would offend or embarrass someone in that situation. In this case, I'm sure that she would be mortified so best left alo
    2 points
  13. @Alfresco - I'm going to essentially agree with what the guys above have said, and I personally think it's really commendable that you are concerned. So many people would be tempted to abuse the trust without a second thought. The fact you're worrying about it shows your character. Personally, my thought is to do absolutely nothing. She invited you to look into her laptop, it's not like you were snooping on her. The fact you saw thumbnails, well you had a cause to be looking in the folder to diagnose the problem. Ok, so you happened to have the explorer in a thumbnail view and not a fi
    2 points
  14. This is not my story. Just one I found a few years ago. I’ll post the link and the story. The original website it was on had quite a few good stories in the comments as well. Hope you guys enjoy. https://medium.com/@jordinjames/the-single-most-embarrassing-thing-ive-done-in-my-entire-adult-life-aa7082f3bf25 Last week I did something that will haunt me for years to come. It’s one of those things I reeeeally hope my future kids never find out about, because they’ll never let me live it down. This embarrassing incident left me asking two questions: Am I even an adult ri
    2 points
  15. @Admin beat me to it, whilst I was thinking of a similar (less detailed) response. It is indeed a shame, a real shame that he couldn't adopt the live and let live, peace and love attitude that oozes through the community. There's always likely to be members more into one aspect than another - heterosexuals of both sexes for example, both into seeing the opposite gender rather than their own - and people into one aspect of our kink but not other aspects. The key is though that (almost) everyone is mature enough to step over the things they're less in favour of. Just ignore and move
    2 points
  16. The reason JMY won't be joining us is that he was banned. Or more specifically, he was already banned for repeatedly breaking the rules many months ago. This was his attempt at making a brand new account to try and circumvent his original ban. I think he was just trying to stir up some trouble here. If he didn't think this site was for him, I doubt he'd have gone to all that trouble of creating a new email account just so he could re-register to the site for a second time. However, this thread is useful for anyone who genuinely does wonder if this site is for them, and I
    2 points
  17. Poor girl! I feel bad for her to be quite honest. It's a terrible shame that she didn't find a quiet place to squat and have her much needed pee in relative comfort before circumstances got this dire. I know that I would have done. Also, maybe I'm biased, but if I was in the company of someone who was bouncing around, desperate for a piddle, I would actively encourage them to piddle outside somewhere. Maybe find them a discreet place, help to shield them, maybe even force out a modest stream myself so they didn't feel as bad. As an aside, how can anyone drive, even an automatic vehi
    2 points
  18. Oh dear. I don't know whether that was his choice or by virtue of his actions, but it looks like he never reviewed the comments provided and he wasn't particularly happy anyway. Always a shame when people can't enjoy the forums for what they are, but they won't be right for everyone.
    2 points
  19. Ok seriously talk guys and gal's I don't mind mature woman bare bottom photos on this topic but some of the photos that Lambo posted can be a bit off putting to some people who view this topic don't worry am not angry πŸ™‚
    2 points
  20. Hello all, I will try and get back in to posting some nice dressed/undressed photos here. Been a bit intermittent as of late, apologies.
    2 points
  21. Well, then, just for the sake of scholarly study, here is a view of that one long labial lip showing loud and proud.
    2 points
  22. I read that as "nut juice!" πŸ˜† Meaning they inspire a man to ejaculate. πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  23. My sister would scream and yell at me!
    1 point
  24. ok It's been a while since my last posted so 2020 was a shit show and on top that things for my personal life were not very great but i pulled through by keeping a positive thought but am hopping 2021 is a little better even though with this covid pandemic still going and does get people down and i do have my bad and good days also i have been cleaning out my grandparents bungalow pulling up the carpet and taking stuff out but its going feel abit upsetting walking pass there bungalow πŸ™ when this covid pandemic quiet down abit i been interesting to take a video editing/restoring/AI u
    1 point
  25. I would tend to agree, although I know people do get into this situation. Personally if I am that desperate and there is nowhere to stop, I have managed to pee in a cup whilst driving. I'm sure that is dangerous as well, but I've only done it either where there is open road and I can engage cruise control or where stopped in traffic.
    1 point
  26. Ah. OK. Thanks for the clarification @Admin. Perhaps the sentiments in the comments could be distilled into part of the guidance to users somewhere. Don't know where. Just musing really.
    1 point
  27. wow 60 page's of lovey girls bare bottom 😁
    1 point
  28. Yeah, this mostly just applies to salt pools, where the chloramides created from peeing would then be immediately sucked into the salt cell and shocked back to free chlorine. At least that's my understanding of how salt cell pools work. Please let me know if I'm not understanding the chemistry correctly. For sure, hence the poll. I'm curious if we can figure out which side would win out, or if its really 50/50 how many folks prefer one or the other. Or even better, would be if someone actually has access to a pool and could run a social experiment for us!
    1 point
  29. Not sure about that! It might be fun to find out πŸ™‚
    1 point
  30. It is a nice word, isn't it? πŸ˜€
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. So about half a year into our relationship, we went on our first holiday together. Obviously, we had had sex loads of time at this point, were naked around each other lots of times and also peed in front of each other already. I was still ashamed to talk about my fetish to her, so she was unaware of my interests at this point, so it wasn't anything sexual related. She was just raised very open and loves to talk etc. So whenever she would come over to my place in the weekends (which is about an hours drive), she would tell me about her week and those kind of things. As the drive was long though
    1 point
  33. Thank you Steve! ( I think you were saying that to me? ) Glad I'm not tinkling on everyone's parade 😘
    1 point
  34. I had a similar small sighting earlier this week. I was being rung up in a store and it took a little while because the item had to be gotten from a different location. The girl helping me was probably late 20s, medium length dark hair and fairly attractive wearing jeans and a nice, warm white top. I was just standing there waiting and she started to chit chat with another woman behind the counter when she suddenly said quietly, "I have to pee...really bad." I looked for signs of physical desperation but there were none. When I left I looked back to see if she made a run for it but that d
    1 point
  35. I was watching Julia Bradbury walking round the coast of Cornwall on the telly earlier. Now she is someone I would expect to have zero problems about peeing when out on a walk, and I would really like to see her wild weeing.
    1 point
  36. A 2005 Subaru Impreza WRX, nicknamed Suzie
    1 point
  37. I am not sure if this can be defined as sport exactly, but just got back from my daily walk before getting to ready for my work shift. I walked just a small trip today, maybe 5 or 6 km at the most. I could have make it longer but as i know i will get a lot of exercise later on in my job which is quite physical, so i decided just do a shorter walk today. One good side on having a physical job is that i can save my money as i dont need to pay the gym😁. Always need to find the good sides about everything. Here is couple of pics for my walk today, winter has finally arrived here. Sorry about
    1 point
  38. I must say, I love your descriptions and writing style, Sophie. πŸ‘πŸ»
    1 point
  39. i think im just in love with the whole kitty, as a man it is like a place where there is always new things, so it up to my partner when i have one but i love to explore the whole kitty and when my partner is feeling pleasure than thats when i am at my best, now the TRICKY PART is finding a pee partner, someone who i can lick clean and enjoy doing so, it is hard to find ladies that are bold enough to admit a pee fetish so it is a bitch finding partners, this web site seems to be straight and simple and i hope to possable neet my dirty girl but in the mean time i just enjoy all the stories and s
    1 point
  40. How about these. As with many guys I am fascinated by lady parts. The different shapes, the view when different positions are adopted, obviously the view when pissing, especially squatting
    1 point
  41. I worked at a Gas Station many years ago, a small booth self serve kind that's so boxed in you can hear everything in the bathroom and here are three stories of Women desperate to pee, Story 1: I was sitting in the booth and all of the sudden a very curvy Nerdy looking College Age Woman with dirty blonde hair and glasses, in blue shorts and a flower tank top came plowing through the door with her hands up in her crotch saying "Do you have a bathroom I can use, I pointed to it and she ran in and I heard her booty plonk and then I heard Niagra Falls come out of her. It was powerful and las
    1 point
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