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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2019 in all areas

  1. Here is my first real contribution to this forum: I am Naughts, a 24 year old girl from southern Germany. So last week it has been really hot here in Germany. Since it was our day off my two sisters and I decided to drive to the lake and spend the day swimming and reading in the shadows. There is a really big grass field to lay on so we put down our towels under a big tree and startedreading our books. After some time we went swimming but it was really cold since the water is coming straight from the mountains and still consists of melting snow. As I was slowly
    6 points
  2. Recently my husband has been less conforting and more intolerant to my mishaps. You would assume that I'm the one who should be annoyed being spyed on in the bathroom and even more annoying spyed on whilst on holiday. He is happy to watch me use the toilet and even happier when I fail to use the toilet when it has no effect on his social life or activities. i will admit to having a larger number of leaks than average over the last few months (I am due to see a urologist next month) and would have therefore hoped for some support, support which only comes on his terms. This came
    4 points
  3. @Blackinksoul30, I would point out that you are totally free to exchange private messages with other ladies, and you can invite as many of them as you wish into any such conversations.
    4 points
  4. You are wrong here I think. Just because the majority of members who happen to be male seem less than keen on a subforum only for women which excludes them does not mean they don't want more women here. Almost all of us would love to see more women here. But a lot of people would prefer that to happen in ways where everyone can interact with each other without exclusive one gender only areas. There are also moderation issues involved potentially. @Admin and two of the three mods are themselves male, with @Sophie the only female mod. If she is the only mod who could moderate a female only
    4 points
  5. @Jayne78 I agree with the others who have posted here. I am sorry that you are experiencing a problem which is outside of your control. It is one thing to deliberately enjoy peeing in many ways, but it is quite another matter when things are not in your control and you are having medical issues. Hopefully the urologist can help you. It sounds like your husband may give you some support, but he is out of order saying negative things about you in front of your son. The attachments between children and their parents are incredibly important to their development and continued negativity
    4 points
  6. I'm going to be a little bit blunt here @Jayne78, but from everything you've told us since you joined, I believe your husband is behaving like an arse. I'm sorry to say it, but first of all your husband has invaded your privacy by secretly filming you - and now when you need support most, is degrading you and putting you down in front of your children. The man (not sure he fits that title) clearly has no respect for you or consideration of your feelings. I'm sorry again to be so blunt, especially when you need some comfort and reassurance. Is it possible that the increased weakness
    4 points
  7. Not as exciting as some of the others posted here but here;s mine. M35 2½-ton cargo truck AKA "Deuce and a Half" I'd love to own one!
    3 points
  8. I often imagine the girls on here chatting among themselves like,"did you see that stupid post by F.W?What a pervert!" That sort of thing that we maybe dont need to see!😣
    3 points
  9. I think a ladies only room would be good.Maybe we men shouldnt be allowed to read it,it would let out ladies vent anything that we do they dislike.
    3 points
  10. Allow me to speak in Brutus favour as I am afraid your mentioning with the @function missed to work, it must be blue like @oliver2 to be working Brutus is the most calm and smart person around here, sometimes he can be STERN but is Always reasoned And it is true that Blackie saw anything as invasive. To me is not a reason to decrease the enormous esteem I have of her, what the fuck, I had worse shit in me until I changed, we all are crooked for some reasons (or it means we are shallow superficial useless creatures) so I absolutely do not judge Blackie's demons as all important
    3 points
  11. @Blackinksoul30 Firstly, let me say we have no ban against gay male porn nor would we. We would simply expect it to be posted in the male porn section. Secondly, you are surely wrong when you say most of us would not welcome more female members. I am certain most of us would love more. I know I would. If you want a break from the site for a while we will regretfully understand but I urge you not to burn your bridges and ask for your account to be deleted or anything like that. Please at least keep open the option of returning. If you do leave you will be missed, because that is
    3 points
  12. Ahahahha robbing a bank is really complicated, believe me, I planned it (just for fun) Ahahahahah night or day, if a bank is deserving, is also guarded Unless you can just rob a small town bank and get 10 000$ to say the most HAHAHAHAH
    3 points
  13. A friend of mine posted this on their Facebook page. Unsure if it means anything or if I should be having a conversation with them to see if they’re “one of us”
    3 points
  14. "Stop, I have to pee," Izzy grumbled, pushing Clary away slightly. "Don't go yet," she whispered in her ear, pulling her back towards her. "Please?" she pleaded softly. Izzy sighed but shrugged, knowing she probably had an idea that would be more interesting anyways. Izzy had always had no problems peeing just wherever, around anyone, but once Clary started opening up more to the idea of it she was more interested in it than ever before. Who could blame her? "You guys go on ahead, we'll meet up with you later," she told their friends, still holding Izzy close. They chuckled an
    3 points
  15. Jayne, Instead of thinking of your post as a rant, hopefully sharing it hear was like talking to a friend about your situation. Sorry to hear about how your husband is handling this. Good luck with your urologist appointment. I understand why you felt livid regarding your husband’s comment to your son, it did seem unfair.
    3 points
  16. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this. It’s hardly like on this occasion you’re doing it on purpose and it strikes me as unpleasant and petty behaviour. I hope he wises up!
    3 points
  17. Article about women urinal for festival. I though this was a interesting article. I like this blog. https://go2thebathroom.com/2019/07/08/the-penny-drops-at-last-a-urinal-for-women-at-festivals/
    2 points
  18. My recent post has brought up some deja vu feelings and has left a sour taste in my mouth. I had this feeling a few years ago when I was in a omorashi discord server... It was me, two other girls and 15 to 20 men in there. I had asked the discord server owner if there had ever been more girls... they replied that some girls joined in the past but left... because anytime a girl joined the guys would make a huge deal of it and scare them off. So I wanted to help bring more girls to the server. I tried to make suggestions about making 'girl topics' in the server or a female only side chat i
    2 points
  19. and by the time you hear the gun its too late as the rounds are already on you, brutal machine, love it!
    2 points
  20. Whats your favourite army veichles? Heres mine.
    2 points
  21. Yes they did. Have you ever seen those 30mm rounds up close? Monsters lol. The projectile is made from depleted uranium, it can shoot through the thin upper turret armour of tanks with ease
    2 points
  22. The ak-47 is more than capable at hitting man sized targets out to 300 meters with iron sites. The 7.62x39mm round isnt as accurate as the 5.56x45mm round. A scoped m16a2 rifle with its 20 inch barrel can easily hit man sized targets out 600m. The little round doesn't have alot of energy at that range tho
    2 points
  23. I read that the cloud of smoke it produces when the gun fires could flame out the engine so they had to modify it!
    2 points
  24. True women loves true men Like you I would never be part of such chitchat… women posses a PRIDE to defend… and be nasty against boys make us LOSE that PRIDE We girls have a fucking cunt to TAKE COCKS (and our friend's fingers and tongues when you guys are not around ihihihihi) We exist to intermix with YOU boys If we fuck this up we are fucked up ourselves You want to know the kind of men we sincerily do not like? Those men that want sex not because they realize our mutual interdependece but because they see males as something aloof, and femal
    2 points
  25. Peefans does NOT need such kind of girl THE FUCKING WORLD does not need such kind of girl!!! If girls like that are here around, it's better that they shut up and avoid being spotted by me As long as girls like that will exist, my goals (the end to the Sexes War) will be impossible to be achieved A TRUE FEMINIST must first of all desire women to take the place they must in the world: HAND IN HANDS WITH MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the Fucking Glory of MotherGoddamnfucking Humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To posses such a whining character is to my opini
    2 points
  26. I don't like the concept of any barricade between boys and girls. That is why equal access for all regardless of gender is I think important, with it being up to us mods to clamp down on any unacceptable behaviour.
    2 points
  27. It's better if they say it our faces and we can either change or explain that they misunderstood us Funny that I here talk like I was on the "boy" side of the barricade… because I would ahahahah
    2 points
  28. Then a change of avatar is fitting And remember, I wait your story!!!
    2 points
  29. The people might not resist if you do that but what about the swat team and helicopter waiting outside🤣. night time would be much calmer somehow break the alarm go in blow the vault doors up much less chaos and distractions and the cops would not send out such a heavy response as they would do at day time. Also it's easier to hide at night.
    2 points
  30. Yes And since we must not augment the amount of traumas in the world, we should avoid Indeed in my dreams I break in a bank and promise all people to give them a portion of the money so they are happy and see me as a social she-hero and let me rob the bank in peace
    2 points
  31. A female friend of mine who I turned out and got into piss said she was going to drown me in her piss. She was going to drink plenty of water and to top that she was going to take a water pill. She already has a large bladder. I was eating her as she was laid out on her bed and she was getting real juicy. I soon realized she was pissing. I swallowed about 5 mouthfuls of her refreshing piss. She didn’t want to let it all go because she didn’t want to wet her bed. After the 5 mouthfuls she cut it off and held the rest. After a while she said she needed to pee. She laid a folded, thic
    2 points
  32. Brutus is great at focusing onto nasty women, he has a definite capability to create Majestic and cruel female characters, without EVER getting them "forced", Always remaining FRESH It's not a feature everybody does posses
    2 points
  33. I respect that, but have to admit, you are one hell of a player and would have brought so much freshness to it… just like you do for the forum everytime you log in I have to admit I tried to get inspiration from you too in crafting the challenges, in the guise to try make them both easy and Tricky at the same time, also creating lists to complete like you did for that 9-square game in last PeefansCup... I hug you, and thank you anyway!!!
    2 points
  34. Then she could have just avoided the toilet at all… why not just pee on the floor in the main room? I prefer to do that way...
    2 points
  35. I don't get to go to restaurants very often, but I have done this. It was a work outing and we were all sitting around a big round table so I just perched on the edge of the seat and peed on the back of my legs. No chance of making a video or taking a photo unfortunately, but very satisfying. My pee ended up on the floor eventually...
    2 points
  36. With respect, @Brutus, if that's calm objectivity, I'm a fruit salad. (As far as I can tell, finding calm, open-hearted, open-minded discussion about gender equality is like looking for the goddamn philosopher's stone - it's not there, and the process of hunting it typically gets you blown up, poisoned, or both).
    2 points
  37. Allo! I was Sephora shopping in Ikea and ask her, when it time to pee, i go now! Because I pee myself. I give my things to her and started walk fast. I stop, hide and pee on all carpet. I had no choice because i was not peeing my close. Also, i could hear Sephora laugh with big eyes.
    2 points
  38. Damn, shit got hot in this thread. @Blackinksoul30 Look, I took some time to figure how I want to chime in here, if nothing else to simply wrap this up since it seems everyone has spoken. I've long suspected you don't like me, because I noticed you avoided replying to me in your early days, so I left you alone. I don't expect a reply from you here either, but regardless, I want to explain to you why you angered so many, so maybe you at least understand what happened here. I'm trying to help you here. I'm not angry because I figured this was on the horizon, so know that I speak here w
    2 points
  39. I’m sorry you’re going through that. He has to learn to accept that aspect of you. I know my wife feels bad sometimes when we have to make emergency stops in the car when we’re already running behind but it’s just the way it is. Not to mention she’s had to even use a cup in the car several times which always makes a bit of a mess but it is what it is.
    2 points
  40. Here's ours. 11 tonne 4wd, Bushmaster, damn thing goes anywhere. They were talking about a civilian version of this bad boy, but their collective minds were changed.
    2 points
  41. Thank you but i did kind of go back to blonde. It was getting to the point where i probably should have redone my roots and i just decided to go back. 🤷‍♀️
    2 points
  42. Here is a picture of one.... And here are some being fired....
    2 points
  43. Trucks are nowadays not really used for transporting troops around the battlefield.Even a heavy machine gun would stop the vehicle and kill its occupants. Ever since WW2,troops have moved around in half tracks and modern IFVs(infantry fighting vehicle),that are like mini tanks and can carry a squad of troops,often with its own large calibre gun,and anti tank rockets etc. Below from WW2,is the US M3 Half track,and the German Sdkfz 251,which in this photo,was actually captured by Polish insurgents from the 5th SS Pz Div "Wiking" during the 1944 Warsaw uprising. Then the USA M113 u
    2 points
  44. This is the World War 2 era Soviet T34 tank, which came as something of a shock to the Germans when they first encountered it as it was superior to most of their own tanks....
    2 points
  45. Hover, no flush, no wash… such a slutty woman!!!
    2 points
  46. You can ask but be VERY CAREFULL because if you ask and shes not one of us and she understands that you are, i don't know her so i can't say for sure but it's very likely that all your comon friends well get to know. But ask something like " haha what is this" and then mabye " i bet the guy liked it LOL"
    2 points
  47. Thanks. With your concern about them growing back, trust me it was difficult to justify them being killed completely but I did a ton of research on daffodils for this and they need to spend many months storing energy to grow in spring. Plus human urine needs to be diluted to not harm plants, and in small quantities, so combine two potent floods all at once and the daffodils storage process being ruined by toxic soil, you could justify no growth for that long in rare cases. Originally Ms Russo died trying to replant them so it had a supernatural element that also cursed the soil but I didn
    2 points
  48. found the artist as a matter of interest Jerry Moriarty https://www.google.com/search?q=jerry+moriarty&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjejq2cnqjjAhVcVBUIHePpAvwQ_AUIECgB&biw=1280&bih=737
    2 points
  49. Since there is an overwhelming male presence on peefans I thought it would be nice to have a girls only area. I really like this idea and I think some female members on here would appreciate it. I think it would bring the female members closer together as a form of unity and women empowerment and help self esteem. A lot of time girls make posts that do not become 'popular' they get buried in general chat. To have a 'regular' separate thread for just girls i think would be awesome! And help other girls feel like they are equally represented and encouraged to be here.
    2 points
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