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  1. I know im not one of the peoples you tagged but I thought I would add a few i liked anyway. I hope they are up to standard xD
    6 points
  2. This one's a bit shorter than my usual stories, but I'm pretty happy with it. I'm probably going to work on the next Amazon Mom chapter soon. I hope you enjoy my story! As a musician once said, what you’ve been looking for has been here the whole time. It wasn’t until I returned for college that I realized I had feelings for my best friend Elizabeth. However, realizing I had feelings for her was just the beginning. We’d known each other since we were children. She lived a few houses down from me. We used to walk over and visit each other all the time. Our houses were on the ed
    4 points
  3. I might have done this one again😂 I was wearing blue jean shorts and a blue shirt. It was also over 30° outside for a few days where I am due to a heat wave so everyone was in shorts and t-shirts pretty much. I walked into the grocery store and felt like I wanted to have some fun so I drank some water, well maybe a little more than a bit of water and started getting the few things I needed. I continued drinking as much as I could and pretty soon I felt the urge to go pretty badly. I got in line to check out and was starting to really need to go. Waiting in line kept getting harder a
    4 points
  4. Got another now...on a tow needed fuel at really busy gas stop...had outdoor portapotties plus a bathroom inside inside that's for one with a toilet and a urinal...well I'm buying a drink and decide ill use bathroom while I have a chance but there's most beautiful girl I've seen in quite some time ahead of me..and the person in there is taking forever...I cracked a joke to her that there's nobody in there and staff is laughing at us...all of a sudden she says " if that's the case we got problems....I'm past point I'd try to walk outside...not far from peeing myself" ...I laughed and said don't
    4 points
  5. Im going to try writing fiction but I'm not the most experienced so I'm really sorry if this is bad. Thanks for clicking though🙂 All I could think about was her, Emily. Her gorgeous red hair and the way it waved in The wind. Her shimmering blue eyes that radiated in the sunlight. Her intoxicating laugh which infected everyone around her. She was, perfect. Then there was me. Your average blonde crumpling under stress and just trying to make it in this world. I was just Emma. We were very close friends and well one day, thinks changed. It all started here: I was supp
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Wheres my pussy lovers at?@speedy3471 @spywareonya @Ozabot @Brutus @mickymoist i know you love pussy as much as i do
    3 points
  8. Suzanne had stripped naked, the office building all locked up for the weekend. She could make her escape via a fire exit once she had finished her fun, the evidence of her upcoming exploits safely dried away by the following Monday. Her bladder was fit to bursting and she was desperate to start. Opening the Managing Director’s office she slipped inside, her nipples hardened on her small pert breasts as she ran on bare feet towards the imposing chair situated behind the long conference table and adjoining desk. The leather was cold as she placed her bare bum cheeks down, spreading her le
    2 points
  9. After an incredibly difficult week that really tried my patience, the hillbillies that live up the road began really irritating me. When I went to talk with them about it, not only they would not answer their door, but I found something that belonged to me lying beside their porch. I left something else for them 😂😂😂 https://www.erome.com/i/4TNCB3pO
    2 points
  10. This is if you ask me the perfect pussy. Show me pics of your dream pussy
    2 points
  11. Couple nice hairy ones!
    2 points
  12. "Diane:" A Very Intimate Conversation Part 2. Sharing Intimate Secrets By Dr.P After promising to show me her peeing style, right there, in the unused corridor, at the gym, while fully dressed in her gym clothes, "Diane" looked around, to make sure that no one else was near us, or watching us. Although she had been standing while she talked, she sat down on the end of the athletic bench, using it as a substitute for a toilet, for her demonstration, spreading her legs, until her knees were more than a foot apart. "See, this is how I have to do it now, with that sore spot on my
    2 points
  13. Early on with this forum it was pointed out that if we wanted active ladies on this forum we would need to treat them with respect and as fellow members. I think that the point was well made a number of times and has been followed by the male members here. Any exception were quickly quashed, and it seem to me that it has been well followed. I have seen a number of new female members state that the manners on this forum have been very good.
    2 points
  14. Me too, absolutely. Next time we have forum awards I know where my vote for best fiction writer is going. @lesley, aka Leaky_One, has always been an inspiration to me. The queen of naughty pissing fiction.
    2 points
  15. The following week saw a most unexpected event. Suzanne had rushed into the office early, her bladder bursting from all the water she had drunk during her long journey into work. Her boss was off on a training course and her colleague Helen had booked the day off to have her car serviced. It was too good an opportunity to miss! Normally, Suzanne’s daytime toilets would involve using the Ladies’ downstairs loo, selecting either the sink or the floor to relieve her pent up piss. After-hours peeing over the carpet was wHelen acceptable given that all trace would vanish by th
    2 points
  16. If you are being bombarded by PM's I should leave you in peace, however I would love to try to converse with you. My favorite was CrissyP. She would converse with almost anyone. She worked third shift at a hospital as a pharmacist. She would get off work and do her morning chores and about ten o'clock she would get on PeeFans and converse with her normal and new fans. She said that it got rather hectic when the number got up over six. She said that some of the guys got rather huffy because she wouldn't get right back to their responses. She would have like to have converse with some
    2 points
  17. Mike's Story I spent more of my youth in the local bar in our trailer park town than many of the adults did. It was called Little Dukes. When I was six, Dad went out for cigarettes one night and never came back. Mom was often a violent drunk that threw things. When she got sauced up and yelled, her voice was ear-splitting and that was when she usually told me I was a sorry son of a bitch just like he was. Wild Turkey was always her first husband. After my old man took off, she started taking me with her to Little Dukes and using everyone there as my babysitters while she got shit-faced. I
    2 points
  18. I thought I would share this photo I took today from my backyard on the winter solstice in Australia today No gold at the end or should that be no golden shower? 🤪
    2 points
  19. Brief warning. I'm writing this while I kinda really need to pee and I'm not letting myself pee until I finish writing so this may be a little rushed and I'm sorry about that 🤷 I was wearing light blue jeans and a grey shirt btw So me and a friend of mine are working on a song together, well mainly he is just using me for recording since I can play the violin but it's fun and gives me something to play so I have fun🙂 Anyways I was getting ready to go over and record when I thought of a fun idea. What if I put something very absorbent in my pants so I could wee a little without
    2 points
  20. Many years ago,I was fortunate enough to spend a month in Australia touring with a mixed group of people from all over the world.We stayed in many different types of accommodation in some incredible locations.It was without doubt the greatest holiday of my life with so many memories.One was when I got up fairly early one morning to use the bathroom.That accommodation was dorm style rooms with communal bathrooms.As I walked into the male bathroom,imagine my surprise when I was met by my one of the girls coming out of a cubicle! She stopped briefly and was clearly still feeling sleepy.She shuffl
    2 points
  21. Hmm let me think..... well one time i was siting in a friends car waiting for him we were in a parking garage he was just picking up something from his brothers place anyway it was hot af so i had the windov down and i hear fast footsteps ( this was a late summernight so not much people in the garage) anyway i didin't bother to look who it was but all of a suden they stoped and after about 5sec i hear a PSHHHHHHHH then my pee radar woke up and i looked the way the sound was coming from and i saw a hot brunette squating in a corner with her ass against me about 10m away it was dark so didin't s
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. So I wrote this blog post today after I had an issue with a guy online that seemed all too familiar. Over the past 5 or so years that I’ve had Reddit and Discord I’ve begun to discover and encounter on a few occasions a type of male personality that exists out there. The psychologist. These type of men all act the same way and say the same things. They are the type of men that right off the bat within the first few days of instant messaging them ask the intense, in-depth questions. Instead of a simple “What’s your favorite movie?’ it’s “What are you most
    1 point
  24. Thanks 🙂 I changed into this outfit but if anyone has another in mind I'll change again🙂
    1 point
  25. You're very welcome! 🙂
    1 point
  26. Thank you so much!!! That means the world to me 🙂
    1 point
  27. Riley, Great start on writing fiction! Congratulations! The situation is totally believable, and the dialog is engaging, and very real. I love the cliffhanger ending, too. It fills me with anticipation of what may happen in a sequel, and makes me want to read it, which is exactly what a good ending should do. No need to apologize for that, at all. I think that many readers will be looking forward to a sequel. I am one of them. Congratulations again, Riley. A great start! xx, Dr.P
    1 point
  28. I agree.An ancient tale explaining concepts of geology etc.The Chinese Dragons are so obviously Dinosaur fossils,China is a recent goldmine of paleontology and they would have dug up bones and teeth,thus the "Dragon".
    1 point
  29. Wow, @lesley, another truly awesome story. Sorry I haven't read it before now - have been pressed for time but since I have a couple of weeks off I thought I'd catch up on the stories and made a beeline for yours. You are and always have been in a class of your own when it comes to ladies pissing in naughty places. I particularly love your tales of erotic pissings on carpets. Nice one!
    1 point
  30. I do actually, my first is my husband. When he's not there, my best friend which we have been best and close friends for a while. We pee together when: 1. Go out for supper, taking a light toke, some drinks, food. 2. When we go on the lake or on a beach. 3. When go for a run, we have our peeing spots.
    1 point
  31. Maybe pee in the bathtub fully clothed and sit far away from the drain. Then after your fully soaked you will hear the pee go down the drain. Just an idea.
    1 point
  32. If they were younger, maybe. But in the 50+ age group, not if they haven't tried it. Most will see it as disgusting. Not that it is, just saying that's the way they are. M y ex was 45 when we met, couldn't get her into it. Even peeing on me, she was turned off. Not to mention, other "things".
    1 point
  33. I can see how women would react if they knew nothing about it because I would probably cringe a little too if I wasn’t into it, but I rekon they could all potentially be persuaded 😏
    1 point
  34. Spent the morning wandering around in the local mall this morning, going commando in my favorite black camoflage peeing shorts. It's impossible to tell when they are wet because of the light dark swirls and spots in the design. I let out little bits of piss at a time, teasing myself to let out more and more, leaving little puddles here and there. I unzipped and freed my thobbing hard on in a "Lids" hat store and peed on the carpeted floor. The lone cashier was so absorbed in her text message, she never even knew I had just emptied my bladder under a rack of hoodies.
    1 point
  35. You are right. I’ll behave. Okay. I’ll TRY to behave.
    1 point
  36. "Diane:" A Very Intimate Conversation By Dr.P Introductory Notes: Part 1 of this story is basically a documentary, or memoir, leading up to an intimate and very erotic pee conversation, that I was almost lucky enough to have with a lady friend. I said ALMOST lucky enough, for a reason. It actually happened exactly as I report it here, up to a point, about half way through Part 1, where "Diane" (not her real name, of course, and no relation to other women of that name, real or fictional) shows me a chafed spot on her uppermost, inner thigh, during a conversation at the gym, where we
    1 point
  37. Luke's Story (Short) I'm too old for dance clubs but my therapist told me to try new things. This wasn't what he had in mind, but since The Oranola had just opened down in the city, I said fine, I'll be the twenty-nine year old man among early twenties kids for the sake of new experiences for one night. Parking was a pain, the lot was full since I went late so I had to park two blocks away. Inside the place was nice, tons of people. I sat at the bar alone and had a soda since I had to drive myself home. It felt like a waste of time so after about forty minutes, it was almost ten o'clock a
    1 point
  38. Leaky_one is here as @lesley, and you'll be pleased to hear PeeFans is currently collaborating with her on a very unique story experience coming very soon. 😄
    1 point
  39. That great story i wish I hear them pee.
    1 point
  40. This is my account of the first time I saw someone pee in front of me, in my adult life. It is a much shorter and simpler story, than the one above, from my childhood. She was my fiancee, soon to be my wife. When we were dating, we often talked, drinking endless cups of Chinese jasmine tea, for hours on end, sitting together on a couch in the living room of the house where she lived, with a room mate, and a land lady, who was often away on business. Obviously, the tea made both of us pee, a lot. But at that time, we hadn't slept together, yet, so I couldn't even ask if I could follow her
    1 point
  41. Although my family was by no means nudist, my early experiences were very similar to those of Riley, lengajesytec, and PeeBurach. My first time seeing someone pee in front of me was literally at my mother's knee! For the first 5 years of my life, I was an only child, until my sister was born. During that early time, starting when I was 2 or 3 years old, my mother never closed the bathroom door, when she peed. So as a little boy, I followed her into the bathroom, and watched as much as I could. I can't remember the first time I did this, or exactly how old I was, probably 2 and 1/2 or 3. I
    1 point
  42. Hi! I'm Lexi and I'm a freshman in college! I recently found this magazine after having an extraordinary experience which is what I will tell you about here. I'm not gonna post a photo like many other. I am way too shy for something like that! But let me just tell you that I have straight, shoulder-length blonde hair and probably what is called a kinda petite body. But onwards to the story! I was at a house party whereupon suddenly someone had spotted a police car that was stopping on the street outside. They are often in the area from noise complaints and such but also trying to bust peop
    1 point
  43. I have often envied tow truck drivers. They must regularly get called out to people who have broken down and have then been sat by the roadside waiting for recovery. Some of them will have already just hidden somewhere for a pee, but others will either have been too concerned about peeing in public or something but then finally admit their need and pee whilst the recovery is underway. Others will really hold on and probably be desperate in the recovery truck. If I was a recovery driver I would most likely make a point of telling the ladies that we may be here a while longer or when g
    1 point
  44. I'm here with a story for y'all. It involves a camping trip, the first I've ever been on but probably not the last. For ease, I'm Helena, my friend is Lauri, and her girlfriend is Jo. Lauri and I have been workmates for years and she is VERY outdoorsy, weekend hiking, regular camping trips, gardening; she does a lot of that stuff. She'd been trying to convince me to join her and Jo on a trip for years and finally wore me down. Since this was probably the only time I'd go, they suggested we go for the most scenic spot and it was a National Park Lauri was quite familiar with, so no chance
    1 point
  45. This happened a couple of weeks ago but I wanted to wait until Christmas to post it so I didn’t somehow accidentally spoil it for my husband! Enjoy! I am a strong believer of personalised gifts at Christmas, something homemade perhaps, it makes it extra special so this year I decided to make him a little video, for our eyes only. Of course, this wasn’t just a video of me sat on the sofa wishing him a merry Christmas, this was much, much naughtier. I know my husband is a big fan of the innocent look on the outside with a naughtier inside, and I wanted it to be a little Christmassy s
    1 point
  46. (Still working on the "SPAM" story... here's 1 until later). Hey everyone, I was travel in a foreign land some years ago and encounter my first squat toilet. I knew how to use it, but things didn't go as I'd hoped. To give you an idea of my issue, I'll explain a bit. I am what the internet calls a "short-stack," so not tall and still super curvy. I am only five foot one inches tall and my boobs are a 38 HH and my pants are 20W Capri and I still roll the cuffs. When I sit, if I lean forward my boobs touch my lap. Anyway, when I squat all that just presses downward. I can keep my balance an
    1 point
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