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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Hi and a huge welcome to Peefans. Unfortunately the answer is we don't support selling through this site. We're a community of friends who share a common interest and we're not just a market place. The reason is to stop Peefans becoming one of those sites, like so many others which is overrun by unscrupulous traders with no interest in us, other than trying to sell (or maybe scam) our members. Then it just becomes a trashy porn site which we're not. So that's why Rules #10 & #14 exist in our site rules here. What we do allow - if you have freely available content on
  2. Guess you're only talking about a US gallon though 🤣 🤣 🤣
  3. Five hours after the event - but sounds great @sunny.puppy - thanks for sharing.
  4. Hmmm.... Seems on mine that Peefans tones go to the headphone output (so none when amp is off), but email alerts etc go to the 'always on' speaker. Not a big problem I guess. The keyboard volume controls work the headphone output level, the only way to adjust the alert volume is through the settings window.
  5. Seems like system tones - and I think the 'bleep' when you posted just then comes to the displayport monitor and any streaming audio goes to the headphone port. So I can be watching youtube with sound on speakers and tones on the monitor. Or external amp switched off, so no music etc but still getting tones on the monitor.
  6. This is by no means a geeky project... But I've just discovered that my Mac Mini can output sounds to two different destinations at the same time. So I can have the headphone output plugged into my audio amp and decent speakers, to play music, Youtube, porn clips etc in glorious high quality stereo. And at the same time my built in crappy speaker or monitor speaker can be giving me notification chimes etc. That means when I don't have the amp switched on I don't need to mess about unplugging the audio lead. Result.
  7. Welcome @Peelike - Please note that all conversations need to be only in English - but welcome to the site.
  8. Dear Wet Carpet, I hope your readers have heard of our forthcoming 'Three Thirty Free Pee' campaign, and I hope everyone is going to join in. No matter where you are, what you're doing - we need your support. Every single one of us has one thing in common. We all have to pee. It's a basic human right that we all have to pee. And yet, so often we are denied that right. You may have read in the news of Anne Wafula-Strike, the Paralympian who has competed for her country at the highest level and yet was left without an accessible toilet on a long train journey and forced to wet
  9. That's me... Who does that I mean. At least twice if not three times I'll be taking a piss at the urinals at work, or maybe in a public toilet somewhere. Or outdoors of course. If I'm at home I'll sometimes open belt and top button too, but often not and never at a urinal. Generally I'll be wearing jeans and my current few pairs have button flys, or I'll be wearing suit trousers with a zip. Now bear in mind that ladies jeans have a fly just long enough to let the waist slip over your hips, but guys trousers have a longer fly. So yes, to give you a mental picture @Liketowatc
  10. Growing up in northern England (hopefully others will relate to this) there was an older generation who were very traditional about their food. None of this foreign stuff, and a very common expression describing their meal choice fits well... I agree with them: I very much enjoy "meat and two vag"
  11. I'm getting off topic very slightly I guess, but 'if' you knew it was likely to be brought up in interview or as a consequence of a reference... "So tell us why you left your previous job?", it'd be fairly easy to prepare a reasonably plausible and believable scenario to explain away the pissing. A toxic workplace with bullying, denial of the basic right to use the bathroom, the single staff only bathroom in the whole building being out of order / in use, bad management and workload... and what are the options: leave the workplace mid-shift for an extended period, have a very obvious
  12. We're generally ok with the sharing of content that's freely available - so what I mean by that is that if it exists on the net in a form that can be played just by clicking the link, then it's ok to post here. And in a lot of cases the content like that can be older content which was on a paysite or members' site but has since become available. We share videos every day with watermarks, copyright messages etc - which are freely available. The issue is more if it's content which is current and protected by a pay-wall, and it's being 'stolen to order' - for example where a content crea
  13. Erm no - If it's freely available on the net without the need for signing into a site, being a friend of the host, or payment then it can be requested that someone posts a link (there's a specific page in Pee Videos for that kind of thing). But using the site to request copies of content which is not freely available isn't something we allow though.
  14. A full inbox - and also a staff team here to address such 'non-Peefans-like' occurrences. Not to mention a collective of friends to redress the balance. We've got you.
  15. I know there are those who'll be a little disappointed in the relieving outcome - and each to their own. Personally I love the thought of the relief she enjoyed in making it. A very similar situation occurred in my office a while ago - I work with a number of people who speak English as a second language. Maybe a year ago I was sitting in the canteen with a couple of the guys and also two young ladies who were on student placements. My ears pricked up when I heard one of the girls saying something along the lines of "...I know, I'm like, when I'm concentrating I won't even notice I ne
  16. Be still my beating heart 💓
  17. Figuring this page needs a bit of a bump...
  18. Thought those were for your husband's eyes only... 😊 😇 😈
  19. Note to all: Over the last few weeks, Staff have removed a number of images from this particular thread where the subjects look like they may be under the age of 18. If they are under 18, this is a breach of Site Rule 2. And also for the future of this site is completely unacceptable. As staff we have no desire to go to prison. Please would all users ensure they have verified that subjects are legally adults over the age of 18 before posting.
  20. Within the forum, there are different 'sections' - for example this section is General Chat. And then there are many 'threads' within each section, like for example this thread that you've created. And a thread consists of one or more 'posts'. Now if you take one of the other threads, for example a thread I created a while ago: https://peefans.com/topic/12090-who’s-this-freak-go-on-ask/ You'll see that's dated April 2019, so is pretty old as a thread - but the thing is there's eight pages of posts inside there, and the newest couple on page 8 are from this weekend.
  21. Yeah, I don't think I'd be brave enough to ignore that 'advice' either.
  22. It's because we're a forum - so just as you're doing now, almost all our normal interactions on the site are made by members posting content, other members reading and enjoying that content and maybe adding further posts to create a thread of content. Just like this chat, or the threads of pictures, fictional stories etc. Many thousands of pages of interactions between members of the site past and present. All great content to browse and enjoy. If those interactions between members didn't exist then the whole site wouldn't be worth visiting. So that's what I mean by a forum - an are
  23. It depends what you mean by 'talk' - I mean, just by posting that comment you're conversing with the ladies and gentlemen of the site. We're a forum and not a chatsite first and foremost, so almost all conversation goes on this way. So there are plenty of areas in Pee Talk or Real Experiences where you can discuss your fantasies and people are able to comment, agree and the like. Also the site here isn't always real time. So it may not be a flowing back and forth conversation in real time - you know, a conversation will build up but not immediately. Perhaps what you're meanin
  24. For info, details of pee scenes in "I May Destroy You" can now be found here:
  25. I'm disappointed. But I'm sure there'd be enough to go around if we could take turns.
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