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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I was about to answer no, but then realised that if fact I generally do have a packet of tissues in my glove box, and usually any spare fast food napkins get put in there too. The reason I didn't immediately say yes is that in all the years of being with my other half, she's never needed to stop to pee anywhere. I mean, Britain is a small place so it's not like we're driving hours through remote places. But generally we can go on a trip out, be out and come back without her needing to pee. I honestly don't know how. Anyway - if I ever give you a lift @ABBYPEEGODDESS or any of th
  2. I'm no physiologist, but I'm guessing that cola may be your next wee... after the one you're currently holding. Unless of course the caffeine and sweeteners suddenly play nasty tricks on you?
  3. Perfect @Sophie - If I'm around I'll lend moral support. If not, you know you'll be in my thoughts.
  4. @Devika - I've merged your post in with this existing thread on exactly this subject. There may be other real experiences worth a read via the search facility too.
  5. Dear Wet Carpet, Are you feeling lucky ? Let me tell you about the game I've invented, and am going to be playing with my friends tonight. Each Friday night three or four of us from the Admin team at work go out into town. We usually meet at the bus station and then we go around the bars before hitting a club until the early hours. We all get on really well, even though I'm way younger than them. Like by a long way, they're all either married or divorced. It doesn't stop them being mad and up for anything though. A few months ago in the office they were all discussing the Pee
  6. Wonderful @Darlene - huge thanks for sharing with us.
  7. Totally agreed @Alfresco - the way the programme portrayed it, he effectively incriminated himself with the several videos on his phone. From all the impressions the programme gave, it was an unknown whether he did expose himself and subject her to the oral rape. Certainly the police seemed uncertain which way the trial would go - which suggests there wasn’t a video clip of it. The lady was extremely distressed when the police attended immediately after the event. (It’s possible there was more footage - but certainly the programme gave the impression that there wasn’t). The im
  8. Two on a theme from me... Chloe Grant (Scotland) - 2023 F1 Academy driver & Jodie Sloss (Scotland) former equestrian and 2022 Formula Women rookie winner.
  9. Wonderful. Just a lovely description of something so natural that makes sitting on the toilet seem positively unnatural. And those last three sentences - definitely the cherry on top of the bun. ❤️
  10. Welcome back @p1ssputz - a pleasure to welcome you back in, your normal seat by the Peefans bar has been looking lonely.
  11. One other point I should mention - if you are going to watch it with anyone who knows but doesn't understand, or disapproves of our kink (and in particular voyeuristic aspects of it) - then this programme doesn't present us in a great light. Courteous Peefans who would respectfully keep their distance, even keep a lookout to help a peeing girl stay safe, offer words of comfort or whatever... Could easily be lumped in the same as the guy in this programme.
  12. If you're here to read about an arousing Pee related programme, this isn't it. But I would recommend watching this one... It was incredibly uncomfortable viewing, and a bit of a wake up call. Last night in the UK, Channel 4 showed a new episode of the documentary '24 Hours In Police Custody' with the episode called 'The Night Prowler'. The programme is a real life police documentary, filmed in Luton, Bedfordshire with the premise being that under UK law a person arrested on suspicion of having committed a crime can be detained for 24 hours to gather evidence for prosecution. So
  13. Hi @peetown10 and welcome. Please could you read and reply to the message we’ve sent you from Peefans staff.
  14. Thank you and welcome to the site. I’m sure it’ll be a pleasure to have you around.
  15. Hi and a huge welcome to this community. You'll see that we're a forum, so there's a huge potential to 'broadcast' chat to a wide range of people just by taking part in the open discussions in the community. We're not really a chat site in the one-to-one sense, at least until people know you a little bit. Welcome though and enjoy finding your way around.
  16. Wow - thanks for your reactions. Feeling honoured. 🥰
  17. Loving reading all these accounts - especially that from @rubytuesday, sounds like you'd been waiting so long for that moment and it's all worked out perfectly. My first golden shower didn't actually happen, so technically I've nothing to write about. But I will anyway, it's a nice anecdote. I was young - just turned 18 and was seeing a girl five years older. We were at that stage of jumping into bed at any opportunity. She taught me an incredible amount too of life skills, like how to insert a tampon should the need arise. One afternoon we were in bed and I was 'lending a
  18. Thank you - and as you requested, there is more. Just above (it had been hidden whilst I was writing it). Enjoy...
  19. PART TWO I'd like to say the rest of my journey was uneventful, and from a driving perspective it was. The sleet continued to fall, wet drops on the windscreen smearing the red brake lights of all the cars in front. All making their way home on the jammed motorway. For me though this was a very different journey from the normal commute. I mean, for one thing I still had my trousers and knickers down and my bare bum was sitting on a baby's nappy. The one I'd just peed in. It was the tiniest pee I could release, just to take the edge off my overfull bladder and it had achieved i
  20. I'm no athlete, but I do love the way that a competition event like this swimming, or a run / cycle event will take 'normal' people and turn them into openly public pee-ers. Because they're about to take part in the event, it's simply a function. A tick on the checklist of achieving optimum performance - carbs, proteins, electrolytes, leg stretches, empty the bladder, warm up... In one sense awesome because there's no inhibition about performing that preparation step before their event (and limited portaloos), so performing it where they happen to be. But a shame really that they w
  21. Staff note: Since this is ‘Pee Talk & Questions’ it’s usual to concentrate on text content here. The personal pics and video links that were posted now have their very own category in Men Pissing with the same topic title. Enjoy them at: https://peefans.com/topic/28970-appartement-piss/?tab=comments#comment-398091
  22. He sounds just like me... I'd be the one a tiny bit jealous because there we were having a good chat and fun time as a group, and all of a sudden someone else has snatched your attention away. Not only that but crudely pissing - I mean, acting like a child whilst drunk. But if you want to see a guy peeing in up-close detail, you only have to ask. (That said, I'm not sure I fit your relatively attractive guy status). I can completely understand your friend not having a pee kink but being open to it as a bodily need, and no point in denying the call of nature when it's needed. My ta
  23. I know you’ve said you’re into ‘all things pee’ (which is amazing to hear by the way). I wonder though if it may be easier for him to grasp if you narrowed it down a little - focus on one aspect in other words. So perhaps the thing that having a full bladder stimulates heightened feelings of pleasure - and have him bring you to cum lay on the mattress when you’re super bursting, on the understanding that it’ll be an incredible and explosive peegasm, but no matter because it’s the old mattress. Or perhaps that peeing on stuff, leaving your mark is empowering for you to the poin
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