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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. In a plastic portaloo cubicle for me, at a city Christmas Market. Long, long before I'd used it the thing had been pretty well trashed. Broken plastic fixings where once a toilet paper holder may have been once. There was an empty toilet roll tube sitting in the pan, and the remnants of another roll which were absolutely not going to be used again - not without catching something grim. So on this occasion I had no qualms about unleashing my bladder onto them - actually trying to 'wash' them down into the waste tank. At least then some poor desperate lady would stand a chance o
  2. Hi @stefania There will be many people who have peed on carpets a lot more than me - I have occasionally, but generally only darker coloured carpets anyway. As you've described a rug, is it a size which could fit into a washing machine ? I'm just thinking that after you've released your pee onto it, maybe you could just put it in to wash before anyone sees that it is wet. You could explain that you spilt a drink onto it (which is true in a way). If not, then really it comes down to how long you have before other people are in the room. If you've just squirted a few spurts
  3. In my teenage years I read quite a few Stephen King books - and there was a high proportion with some sort of peeing episodes in them. They may have contributed in a small part to who I am today.
  4. Let's be clear - your company have created a neutral bathroom for all to use. They're not going to fire anyone for using it. Most will have solid doors and walls, just a set of four-walled rooms with a toilet and a locking door. It may be they've taken an existing restroom with simple partition stalls and have made it gender neutral (I've used on like that at a hostel type building). It's very simple though - use the facility, if you hear other people using it then feel free to listen. That's what everyone will be doing, whether they're focussed on the peeing or not. On that
  5. Lovely - and wonderful that K would join you with such enthusiasm like that. As far as the appeal, I can't answer for @Kupar or anyone else - but I suppose as well as the noise, there's also the knowledge that the cardboard is going to get destroyed by being peed on so there is an element of non-conformance there. And then the fact it's in the middle of the kitchen too. All in all, being able to pee on something which will largely be destroyed, be sacrificed for my pee, in a place which is indoors and not normally used to such abuses... Makes me want to go and find a box now.
  6. Hi and a huge welcome to Peefans. I'm from absolutely nowhere near Florida... but that doesn't matter really as we're very much an online community. We have people from all around the world here, all sharing a common link and loving it. Your location would only be relevant on a hook up type site and we're definitely not. Enjoy yourself getting to know us though and have fun browsing around.
  7. As @Sophie said. And as it's a company facility, your employers will have a pretty clear expectation there's to be no harassment, sexual or otherwise - and a good incentive for all those not wanting to be fired for gross misconduct.
  8. Just spotted this on a Face-X-Gram-Chat page or somewhere similar. It I put it in 'funny stuff' it'll be about three pages down before anyone sees it. Maybe not that funny anyway, but made me smile...
  9. I've been thinking about this quite a bit recently. I think probably my first sight, or most strongly imprinted on my mind anyway, was of a girl sitting on the toilet weeing. And I've ended up with an absolute obsession over the female slit and pee emanating thereof. Of course that was one instance, and then since then various other instances of female pee, wetting etc have all built together. So I think now there's an intrinsic link in my mind... If I think of sex, I think of female genitalia and that links to girls peeing, and if I think of girls peeing then it brings that sigh
  10. I went through quite a long phase of my bladder waking me up at exactly the same time every night - at 3am. You know when you get up and go and pee without actually opening your eyes, because you don't want to wake up... That phase seems to have passed, I'll normally pee before I get in bed and manage through to morning at the moment.
  11. Normally my first pee of the morning is very uninspiring - usually an urgent need, but I think the urgency being down to the concentrated urine triggering me rather than an overfull bladder. The result is an urgent trickle for a few seconds. On that occasion, I was able to hold on and get suitably full, and on a day when I had the house to myself from early too. Just sometimes things work out perfectly.
  12. I don't think I've mentioned it here - so now's a good point. Some 7+ years ago my son was learning guitar. I'm not musical at all, but a large part of my friends and acquaintances circle were all playing in bands. I decided on a little side project of my own to 'aid' his enthusiasm. That geeky project was a valve guitar practice amp... Only about 2 Watts of power or so, it doesn't need much. Design has kept in line with classic amps of the '50s & '60s so components on a tag board rather than a modern PCB. Last night we had some friends visit, and in an attempt to stop t
  13. Maybe she's only annoyed because she was hoping for a Sonic Scredriver ?
  14. Maybe - and only a suggestion - if you make the comment on needing to pee when sitting on his lap. Then if he presses on your bulge you’ve in effect got his permission to pee on him. Kill or cure… if he does it again you know he enjoyed it, if he never does it you know he’s not into you peeing. (I guess there are other potential outcomes though - like him dumping you. Maybe it’s not a great plan after all)
  15. I probably should - knowing material is appreciated is always a good motivation.
  16. Today was just the normal morning - Wake up, pee, coffee, browse Peefans for half an hour, shower, shave, brush teeth, get dressed and then put some laundry on before leaving for work. Sorry, I got some of that in the wrong order. Let me see... Woke up, needing to pee (obviously, doesn't everyone). Made a coffee and drank a glass of juice whilst waiting for it. Browsed Peefans doing some admin stuff, feeling the pressure growing. When I couldn't sit still any more, loaded up 'most' of the washing into the machine. Got dressed - boxer shorts and a tight bu
  17. Being reminded of this put a big smile on my face tonight:
  18. Seems like I missed one... Just spotted as I was browsing through: And a bit of a curved ball for me - a brief contribution to a role-playing fantasy story about Professor Lucinda and her Human Sexuality course: https://peefans.com/topic/28950-lucindas-class-roleplaying-thread/?do=findComment&comment=402061
  19. All sounds wonderful, I always love to see someone who is gradually trying more different things. We never know how we will enjoy something until we try it. In a lot of cases, it seems like the 'naughty' thoughts make a large part of the excitement - I love the idea of you hiding in one room whilst the family are nearby. Your own naughty secret. (Because you have already introduced yourself and now we are all friends, I have moved your post here to 'Real Experiences' which is the perfect place to share).
  20. I'm Harvey Smithers, or to give my formal title it's Dean Smithers. I'm Chancellor for the Faculty of Anthropological Studies and Humanities. It's my role within the university to oversee the conduct of educational matters and ensure the highest standards are being met. Recently I've been hearing a few mixed reports about our Human Sexuality 101 course - much of it positive, some negative but all of it controversial. Since Professor Lucinda campaigned to introduce and tutor the course it's been over subscribed, and has the lowest drop-out rates. In fact quite the opposite. But at the
  21. And those individual door restrooms also very often give the added bonus of an entirely private sink - for those that prefer to non-conform in its use.
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