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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. What an imaginative question. I guess my first answer would be to pee somewhere I wouldn’t have the courage to pee for myself. Then I’m thinking, it could be a way to get out of an extreme desperation situation - like say being on the point of wetting on a flight where there’s turbulence and the crew won’t let anyone use the bathroom. As much as I enjoy desperation, there are times I can cope without humiliation. And how about projecting my pee into someone else’s bladder - doubling their desperation?
  2. Today has been maybe a ‘4’ on a 1-to-10 scale of boring to wild. First pee of the morning in an empty paint can, first thing I picked up in the utility room. Then next was peeing through my fingers in a warm shower. Third pee as it happens was in the same shower, this time straight into the drain with no water running. Beyond that it’s been quite mundane - a couple of urinal pees and I think one standing in front of the toilet.
  3. Fantastic - whether it's a case of him pressing up against you by the wall, or a case of him telling you to go in the furthest corner of the shower isn't really a problem. But it does open the potential to discuss the topic after without having to embarrass yourself too much with blunt confessions. What I mean is, you could ask "did it not bother you that I had a wee in the shower in front of you?" He'd already told you to pee so the least positive answer is probably going to be something like "when you've got to go..." or "It's only pee...." and you never know, he may confess to
  4. (Those who know me well won’t be offended).
  5. I'm also completely unequipped to understand the trials and tribulations for you learning standing up. As such, please don't take this as me 'mansplaining' how to master the art. What I have 'learned' from my extensive 'research' into some very 'educational' video material (AKA pee porn) is that some ladies seem to manage a much cleaner stream than others, whose results are far more messy. Some of that seems like it may be simply due to differences in their anatomy, and although practice, posture, hand positioning, urgency etc may all help, it's still very variable. As you've aske
  6. That's an incredible set of experiences @Kingfisher28 - unbelievable lol. And the ACME joke superglue lube part, also entirely incredible. Holy mackerel Batman. (Do let us know if you need this and the other Kate / June stories moving into fiction).
  7. "Hey Goose, 60.2kg - has somebody amputated a limb?"
  8. I can fully see how all of that would affect you - and don't know the easy answer, other than just going out and running / riding without actually any recording of data. As far as the weight thing - I'd bet that will vanish as soon as you get back to a couple of activities a week. Is it a thing that our bodies store up seasonally for the winter anyway?
  9. Well... needing relief ? Convenience ? Because it sort of defies convention ? Last night we (my wife and I) had decided to give ourselves a treat by visiting a display of illuminated art installations in a city not too far from home. After work we both got warm clothes on, got in the car and did battle with the rush hour traffic. So we got into the city at maybe 7pm, parked in a modern well lit secure car park (lots of cameras) and walked to the first part of the installation. There are nearly a dozen items around a trail maybe a mile around, so we slowly made our way arou
  10. Seems to be working fine for me - on a sample size of two or three clips played fine.
  11. Hi and welcome to the community. We're actually more of a forum than a messaging site, so you'll find 95% of site interactions all take place in the posts on the forums. And they're a great place to see what others are up to, what they enjoy and maybe to post in yourself if you wish. Sending messages isn't enabled immediately for new users, and waiting for someone to message will be like sitting waiting for your phone to ring. But happy browsing.
  12. I’m going to suggest there’s a huge difference between having a piss fetish and enjoying naughty pissing. I’d even go as far as say there’s a good number of members here, Peefans who don’t have a pee fetish. And amongst our real world friends, there are those who will pee in naughty places, some when drunk, maybe others when sober too. Maybe having a laugh with mates, maybe for convenience or in protest at lack of ‘conveniences’. I’m guessing too there will be those that enjoy seeing other people pee, because - you know, naked genitals. But when you tell the
  13. Mine was yesterday and was in a field... A few people know that in real life I'm involved in organising a local charity event - an annual show centred on vintage vehicles and country crafts. It takes place once a year, but we have various working days at the show site through the year. Yesterday was one such day, just a small task this time of preparing a spot for a couple of storage containers. Yesterday there were just five of us on the site - for a couple of hours. I'd spent the day sipping on a thermal cup of coffee. Once we'd finished and chatted a bit, loaded up the digger
  14. My first thought was 'how many???' but actually it only takes a pretty small stack on a pallet to make up 1200 cans.
  15. No - a gold member can go to their account settings and change username. For everyone else, it's something that only Admin would be able to do. That's what I meant.
  16. No problem - and understood. Looking back through this thread you'll get the idea why I moved it. Don't worry at all though about where to post, and don't hesitate to shout out if you have any questions.
  17. @miss.lea - I've moved your post here, which is the perfect place for real time exploits just like yours. And my I recommend that rather than hoping for DMs, instead post here and let a much wider audience support your challenge. (I'd love to join you, but ten minutes ago, had a wonderful piss in a field. If I'd known I'd have saved the pleasure).
  18. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ <- Because one heart reaction didn't seem enough
  19. I think there's a chance that Mike may just be one in a million.
  20. Ok - so technically not a song but an album - one of the best selling of all time. And I'm struggling to pick a single favourite song - maybe 'Time'. And the reason, only having just watched a classic album documentary and realising how much technical innovation went into producing the album. Rudimentary sequencers and the forerunners of synthesisers, multiple tape loops and the entire band manipulating sliders on the mixing desk for the final mastering.
  21. Being able to self change username is a function which is available for Gold Membership holders, it's one of those perks - not that it really helps in your case. It's something that only @Admin would be able to do, unfortunately currently Admin is pretty tied up with things on and off the site.
  22. I promised to tell you more didn't I... and here it is. Sorry about the delay, I have to be in a naughty mood to write about my pee exploits and right now I'm in that mood. Probably helps I'm bursting again. Let's see how far I get on. So, headline news is I think I peed in the toilet once, and that was, well because I needed the toilet if you get my drift. We won't dwell on that. Anyway, so we arrived with me wearing a skirt and no panties. When we arrived I was ready for a wee. First release was perhaps the most daring and I'll tell you about that first. Before we cou
  23. I know my little story here is pretty insignificant, given the content just above - but I'll tell it anyway. This weekend was spent largely doing chores. The weather forecast had been rubbish, but turned out lovely and calm, clear skies and warm(ish). Saturday morning had been spent with a charity I do some work with, walking around a village doing some volutary 'stuff'. And on Saturday afternoon I'd decided to grab the chance to pick up our touring caravan and give it a good wash for the end of the season. It's normally stored at a local farm storage facility with no hosepipe.
  24. Hi Marla - and a huge welcome to this online worldwide community. it's great that you've found us - hope you enjoy browsing around and like what you find. Sad to hear that life has been tough, but at the same time here are a bunch of people who all share the same passion as you. Nobody will judge of course. Welcome and do shout up if you have any questions or need any support from us as staff.
  25. Wonderfully naughty as always @puddyls - huge thanks for sharing, both with us and with any observant drivers.
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