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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Definitely guilty as charged... And even narrower than that, I have definite preferences of the type of 'only pee' porn I watch. The idea of watching a guy who's better hung (and better paid than me) pounding away does little to turn me on. Ladies taking care of their own pleasure is more appealing, but definitely when those ladies have the need or choice to pee that makes it a whole different pot of gold. Of course, within the realms of pee porn there are styles we like best / least, but other threads devoted to those so I won't derail this thread.
  2. Unfortunately seems @peecurious94 hasn't been online for about four months... hope they didn't get arrested on a beach... But the topic lives on. For you beachgoers, is it feasible / reasonable to think that after a day on the beach and swimming in the sea, that you may want to get changed into normal underwear and dry clothes before driving home. It'd really be unfortunate to accidentally lose hold of the towel just at the moment of trying to put panties on. Imagine if it fell to the floor at exactly the moment of being completely naked - and the attention an accidental flash
  3. And if you keep watching… much later, a fairly cute couple of mild desperation / wetting references (but no more spoilers).
  4. One day at a time precious @Simpfan4 - we know you've still got a long uphill road ahead. But fantastic news that part of the treatment is complete, and thanks for letting us know. All best wishes and fingers crossed for getting your strength back soon - onwards and upwards with all your Peefans friends there for you.
  5. Funny how seeing a name or a reference to a song can suddenly remind you... and you just have to go and listen to it.
  6. Today's new and original tale: https://peefans.com/topic/28342-the-pee-escape-room/
  7. (Male & female desperation, pee and wetting) Hi guys, do you want to hear what naughty fun we got up to the other night ? Of course you do... When I say 'we', that's myself Charlie (it's not Sunday, so we'll lose the Charlotte) and my friend Kat (also not her Sunday name). We met in the uni halls last year, and instantly hit it off - even though we're quite different. Anyway, it was Kat's birthday during the week so us and a couple of the guys we know decided to celebrate. Jake said he had it all planned, and as he's good with stuff like that we let him go for it.
  8. I'd definitely place myself more in the situational side of things than the hardcore fetish kink world. On your observation though about the popularity of the situational side of things on websites, I think there's a simple explanation: My take on it is that here, on this site, we've pretty much all come to terms with our love of pee - but for the 'average' viewer of porn, if you asked them to soul search they'd probably tell you all of societies conventional thoughts on peeing. A private act, normally behind closed toilet doors, dirty etc etc. Now a lot of the clips on the vanilla
  9. Well - I guarantee at least two sides of that perfect triangle would be very committed to the assignment. Here's hoping for three out of three.
  10. I guess there must be.... the ones above are all shared by an Anastasiya Kvitko but there are others too. I wonder if there are any of girls leaking in drift cars ?
  11. I love the concept.... And reading some of the accounts from @Alfresco and the like it seems there are common locations - alleyways, church steps etc. In a lot of cities though the whole map area could be covered in little markers... for example zoom in on a streetview and take a look how many alleyways, doorways and other places there are near all the bars, clubs and takeaways in a small area here (just as one example)... https://www.google.com/maps/@53.4023252,-2.9807906,197m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu
  12. A couple of weeks ago I parked in a city centre car park, a bit shabby and run down. I ended up on the seventh floor - walked from the parking area into the corridor where the lifts and stairs were - and found a well placed puddle just on the floor against the wall between the two lifts. I should have taken a photo for your enjoyment. No tissue, no great splatter so looked like maybe a gentle squatting release. On parking I found that the car park which was previously locked securely overnight is now 24 hours, and as a consequence all the lifts have been taken out of service pres
  13. I don't know about anybody else's FB accounts, but mine keeps highlighting these #driftgirl type reels for me to watch. No idea why it keeps doing that (could it be 'cos I keep watching them - closely?).
  14. Welcome to Peefans - we are a community of ladies and gentlemen who all share this fetish. As a forum, most of what we're about is the open exchange of discussion, pictures, experiences and links to video. Please enjoy getting used to the site. (Unfortunately we're not the place for you to participate in live video sessions, we aren't that kind of site).
  15. Loving the real world examples quoted there. In my mind, 'Popping a squat' nonchalantly with other people about is worth about a thousand instances of 'whipping it out'. Based on the ease of doing either. I've long been happy to pee away from a toilet, and have engineered the situations for it - going out full for example and avoiding bathroom opportunities. I'm gradually getting more comfortable expressing my need to pee and doing so nonchalantly - something in my brain tells me not to give away my love of the kink, and that seems to make me over cautious when it comes to me bein
  16. Hope it's going well @Bladderlad - I'm around but only popping in and out... Keep the updates coming though.
  17. I was photographing an event a couple of weeks ago and working closely with the organisers' social media specialists. Now, my artform is still photography and I do it well - capturing the atmosphere of the event as a glorious colourful moment in time. The skill of the performers, the architecture and ambience of the venue and the joy of the crowd. All frozen at exactly the right moment. I get a huge amount of kudos for my work and I know I'm delivering what they want. But at the same time, chatting to them I understand what their next generation of subscribers want - quick, snappy
  18. This is not a thread about the architectural planning and design of public buildings, nor is it a thread asking for debate on the political implications of gender specific or neutral facilities. It was written as a real experience from a member - for us to enjoy the account of their desperation, their use of the mens' room and their interest in seeing guys peeing. As no further comments seem to be addressing that original topic (in a positive, supportive Peefans manner) then this post is closed to further off topic comments. Goose - On behalf of Peefans Staff
  19. @BA-PISSgirls - Our site rules cover advertising and promotion on Peefans - the rules can be found here - in particular see 10 & 14. You are allowed to post links though to your free content, for example on your Xhamster.
  20. I've just thought of a new one... Three or four people - in my world young ladies, but some would equally like to see a mix with guys too - in an Escape Room scenario whilst desperate. Now to be a bit more prescriptive, I'm talking about participants who are ok with the idea of desperation and wetting if it comes to it - not a scripted scene, but a real escape room puzzle scenario. They're in that room until they solve the puzzle and get out. With the twist of their concentration being drastically interrupted by screaming bladders. People who are willing victims, and not too shou
  21. That's not really what this community is about - we're a forum and a group of pee fans. How about just posting in the Real Experiences section ?
  22. I don't know which of you is the luckier one... actually it must be you, getting to pee twice and very exciting both times. Can't wait to hear more about the FWB as well as your solo fun. Love it - thanks for posting.
  23. A couple of years ago I've peed together with another guy who is definitely 'one of us'. It was amazing just to be able to be with another person who understands, obviously doesn't judge and is happy with the kink. But still on my bucket list is being out and about with a lady friend in a similar situation - gradually increasing the need to pee, openly discussing and sharing, and ultimately peeing together. I also have a bit of a fantasy thing about being in a sub situation - being denied peeing and forced to hold despite my desperation, in the final moments being restrained, being
  24. I don't have any options whilst other people are around... If I was working in the garage whilst family are in the house I may take the chance for a pee in a bucket or empty paint tin. But with the benefit of work from home and laundry always piling up, I do have options for peeing / wetting / self peeing in the walk in shower or perhaps on towels before they go into the wash.
  25. A couple of times I've been caravanning off-grid in a field, and have been there before any of the rest of the camping group have arrived. After dark or at dusk it's been incredibly liberating to step outside the caravan naked, walk a few yards into the darkness of night and just let go looking at the stars. The only sound is the hooting of a few owls and the splatter of my pee on the grass, the feeling of cool night air all over my body and splashes of pee hitting my shins. Sadly not often enough.
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