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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Erm... no. The Gold Video Galleru does contain a huge number of video clips which Admin has uploaded onto the site. But other than that, the Pee Videos and also Men Pissing sections are full of links to external pee video content from all over the net. So when you browse those sections you'll find thousands of freely accessible video clips.
  2. Needs must sometimes @Wetling 🤣 - we're not always online to help out and respond when the need for a naughty flirty chat strikes (unfortunately). We do our best though... (Note - two similar threads merged together here).
  3. I'm going to step in here as @Scot_Lover did a few hours ago on behalf of Peefans Staff. The topic of this thread is "How do you ladies feel about urinals in gender neutral bathrooms". That is the only subject that needs to be discussed here. I'm really warmed that a brief excursion and a bit of a flare up was resolved so quickly without staff needing to take any action. You folks recognised the problem, hugged and made up and brought the conversation back on track. But it needs to stay on that track - urinals in gender neutral restrooms. Swerving off into argumentative
  4. Hi @kinkypie - not so much a site welcome, as you'll already know us and know your way around pretty well. But thanks for the intro, it's great to get to know you a little. If you choose to post further, look forward to reading more.
  5. Excellent - partly that you’ve achieved a run, but far more so that you have got the clearance to do so. Nothing worse than having a huge unknown hanging over you. So - great result there.
  6. For me it very much varies according to whether it's someone I know in real life, a stranger in real life of a video clip. In the case of someone I know, there's some sort of 'caring filter' that kicks in. If they were laughing and joking about needing a wee then I'm definitely interested in their mild desperation, but if it gets really serious and at risk of humiliation then it's not so much fun any more and I'd rather they get the relief they need. And generally the thought (and maybe sight or sounds) of that relief are far more of a turn on than the thought of them in discomfort.
  7. I'm not going to go into exact details here - there were quite a lot of people around and who knows if any one of them could be a member, and piece together exactly what I was talking about. But I was recently away on a weekend stay in a place which had communal unisex toilets. It was a sort of 'lodge' I guess. The sort of building that school, churches, youth groups may visit for weekend retreats and outdoor activities. I'd been there about an hour, meeting up with friends who'd all arrived earlier. I asked where the toilets were, someone tried to explain where in the building to
  8. Nicely done @Alfresco - I can imagine the sort of comments you may have got in return 'it's alright for you blokes....' but of course this is your sister, so perhaps not a line of discussion you want to pursue.
  9. I don't know if the regular 'nighttime spectators' of the site would agree... it seems that the general condition of a location will act to encourage or discourage public peeing... My most recent and amazing sighting was here... In the early hours, a group of girls heading to a nightclub just around the corner to the right, and she shouted to her friends she needed a piss, before half squatting next to that red post office box in full view of the world. But it is an area with many back streets, crossing streets and the like. In comparison, sitting having a late McDonalds at t
  10. One thing that’s taken a long time to sink in - or maybe my most genius discovery - depending if I’m the only one that never realised. You can never judge a book by its cover. And definitely you never know a what fears, worries and issues person is carrying around with them. There are many people I’ve got to know and love who to all around give the impression of being strong, funny, confident and beautiful people. People you and I would consider to be far too perfect and out of our league. But so many with longstanding issues in their lives. Maybe physical medical conditions o
  11. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. Must admit I can only think of one person I know from Maryland, and they’re happily married so maybe not so relevant. But we’re a worldwide family. And lots of different interests. Enjoy getting to know what we’re all about.
  12. [ Moderator’s note: Post removed due to detailed description of poop fetish. Please refer to Site Rule #5 ]
  13. I’m not ‘from’ Liverpool per se, but do know the place pretty well from the perspective of a university student. If you’re around the place in the very early hours - like 3-4am, then the chances of sightings are way up. My best ever sighting was in the Bold St area, right on the street but lots of people about and lots of potential around there. Look on Google and you’ll see a number of parallel streets with joining streets and also a few small car parks and seating areas between them. The Cavern quarter also should be a good option - lots of very late bars and a few back str
  14. I'm actually going to suggest maybe there's a completely different interpretation from the one you're considering there. I know there may be some knuckle dragging guys who think it's perfectly alright for them to get drunk and piss proudly wherever they want whilst hypocritically judging anyone non-male who may need to pee. But they don't count, at least not in my argument here. You're talking about conversations with female workmates - and personally I don't know any ladies who would consider male peeing acceptable whilst female peeing gross. Sure there may be ladies who don't mi
  15. Ok... so a little explanation for @BlindListener, @radu and everyone else... This is a post that was made elsewhere on the site with a suggestion it be relocated. It concerns hearing peeing rather than anything visual and so I figured this was a good thread to resurrect and to contain it. Please feel free all to continue the thread - but the emphasis must be on what you heard. Solely a verbal description that can be enjoyed without the need for photos or video. That way those who use a screen reader can enjoy the moment too. Hope that makes sense...
  16. Well - it's not out of the question by any means. The main test is covered in Site Rule 14 "If promoting anything - such as your personal website - please ensure you are adding value to PeeFans, rather than a shameless plug. You are not allowed to post advertising your personal onlyfans, however you are welcome to link to free pee videos of yours that have a watermark with your onlyfans on." So that example mentions Onlyfans, but the same principle applies to most other sites and accounts. If you're posting for the benefit of Peefans members to share content which is freely availab
  17. I love Peefans for these sorts of posts and comments - yes we're a bunch of complete perverts, but we care morally about the rights and feelings of people in these sorts of situations. Although reading back highlights quite a few different scenarios, there is a common set of themes going on. Someone has chosen to / allowed a recording to take place of them in a compromising position. At the time that's what they wanted to do and they did it willingly. Maybe it was intended only for their partner or maybe it's that their circumstances have changed now. So now we're considering their
  18. Hi and a huge welcome - we're very friendly, if you hadn't already worked that out. Great to have you here.
  19. And to add to @Sophie's point - the site staff are all first language English speakers and therefore able to review everything that's written. If we were to allow use of other languages, it makes it much harder to pick up on whether a member was being insulted, harassed or otherwise abused or whether a member is breaking other site rules with selling content or similar. Of course - it's easy to purchase a website domain name and content hosting package - there's nothing to stop anyone creating their own forum completely independently.
  20. I'd like to turn the thanks around a little bit if I may. And I'd like to offer a huge vote of thanks to the membership for playing a huge part in making this site an amazing place. In a large part just by being kind and considerate in posts and comments, and in part for keeping a watch over the site when there maybe aren't any staff online. In the last couple of days there have been a couple of spammers signed up to the site - nothing like the airline booking epidemic a month or so back. Just those new signups who make a post about how they enjoy porn and their favourite site is
  21. I know it's a figure of speech @Simpfan4 - we both know there's no reason to feel guilty.
  22. When you live in the country, the world is your toilet. 😁
  23. Hi @Simpfan4 It's absolutely wonderful to hear from you - even if circumstances could be better for you. But you've got a huge group of friends here all delighted to be able to reconnect with you. And huge wedding congratulations to you and your other half! I've split your post out into it's own topic, I'm sure I'm not going to be the last to pass comment here.
  24. This lady hits all the right pixels... 🤣 🤣 😉
  25. Good luck @AWN_84 - still a way to go, but stick in there.
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