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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Wow @Sophie, just wow. You know when you scroll down a post and the first image comes into view - a sensual, lingering kiss that says so much. And then the second image (amongst other things) pops up. Erm, I may need a few minutes.
  2. I hear there’s a spare seat next to Holly at the moment. Where do I apply?
  3. Hijacking the thread a little - but what is this plural of Goose that you speak of ? Surely Goose is singular and unique?
  4. Hi and a huge welcome to our online family. You’re in the right place to make amazing friendships with others who share exactly the same interests - and are respectful as is the way of the site.
  5. Great answers - thanks. You’ve obviously got great taste in your hobbies and in your fantasies.
  6. In terms of you being here on the site…. Which aspects do you enjoy most ? And what should people ideally avoid saying or doing to keep a happy Abby ???
  7. I guess just sometimes you can get to the point where that pee is going to come out one way or another... If there isn't an option for a bathroom, then the decision is between wetting on the subway on the way home - or just going on the street. In a city of course nobody knows you, many people wouldn't even notice. Just going on the street probably beats the humiliation of a journey home with all the passengers staring at you in obviously wet clothes.
  8. @mike99 - Please could you make sure every post is written in English. (I know that Portuguese is your language and you are talking to another from Portugal - but it's a site rule. Sorry).
  9. It's interesting isn't it - when we go through the early stages of school we are taught stuff. As in, a teacher tells us stuff which we accept without question. Then as we get through and beyond high school, particularly into college and university (for those that do) then the way we learn isn't so much being told what to believe any more - we are encouraged to ask questions, to form opinions, to consider the options around situations. When faced with a challenge we are encouraged to seek information from as many sources as possible, to filter and grade each piece of information as to
  10. And don't underestimate either the power of knowing that you're not at all alone in your enjoyment of pee. So many people in their introductions have made comments about the relief of knowing there are so many other people with the same interest. They thought that it was just them, a secret they couldn't share because nobody else would understand... But we do. We're here for you, we know how amazing it feels and we all share that common bond with you. You are part of this family.
  11. Let's hopefully get this party started... A couple from me: - If you could travel to any place and any point in time - what, where and why would you choose to visit ? - What would you class as your most prized possession ? And on a more typical for this site level, - If you could plan the perfect night with anyone - no repercussions or ties, is there anyone particular you'd choose and what would you get up to ?
  12. Shaking it for me is the closest term - no toilet paper involved. But as i'm uncut, it's more a case of a few 'masturbation' strokes to encourage any last drops to fall - rather than any wild helicoptering.
  13. I think the vast majority of professional jobs have the expectation that the staff behaviours in the workplace meet a standard and are in line with company culture. Often as well an expectation or peer pressure that those standards will be kept up outside the workplace too. Almost an 'out of sight, out of mind' attitude where the chap or lady at the next desk whether they be an accountant, legal, engineer, teacher, doctor, or whatever - follows the dress code, acts with professionalism and outside work doesn't visit prostitutes, inject drugs or run an onlyfans account. In a society
  14. I know exactly what you mean there. Some of my absolute favourite clips are of young ladies talking directly to me - telling me about themselves, how they're feeling, what's going through their thoughts. And coincidentally they happen to be from actors who produce quite a range of clips. And some of my least favourite also feature girls talking to the camera - either doing that role play thing of telling me what to do with my erection. Or just lots of gasping and pouting with the occasional "I really need a wee", before peeing half a cup's worth. I'm sure you've seen the threa
  15. Fill your boots... as the say around my part of the world sometimes (and seems fitting for us) - what I mean is, go for any picture you like where you can weave a suitable story. Key is the story should be based around pee in one way or another, but the picture can just give us a general insight.
  16. Staff Notice: Since time has passed and we have newer members on board, it's perhaps worth mentioning that Peefans has a specific policy in place for extreme content / pee vandalism. That policy is linked from the Site Rules page and can be found in detail here. The intention is not to ban or censor all discussion around the more extreme aspects of our kink. But it is intended to prevent the arguments and fall-outs which have happened in the past regarding the more extreme aspects. In particular, from the top level owner of Peefans came this instruction: Now let
  17. I've been doing a DIY job at home building a cabinet on one end of a narrow bathroom to case in the hidden toilet cistern - so cutting a wooden panel to fit exactly between the two walls. Only thing is, I somehow cut the panel so it was not square - the right width at the bottom edge and 10mm too short at the top edge on one end. So one side sat nicely against the side wall and the other had a widening gap at the edge which was really visible. I thought I was going to have to buy another whole length of board because I didn't have enough left to cut another piece the same length.
  18. Must admit I'm struggling to visualise, so I suspect it is a browser issue (I'm on Chrome or iPhone Safari). There is the option in Inbox to 'Sort By' and I have that set to 'Recently Updated'. That way no matter how old a message thread is, the most recent messages always appear at the top of the list. After opening a message itself, I don't seem to see any options to change the order - and mine is newest on top. EDIT - You hopefully can change it in your profile settings... Click on your username and then on 'Account Settings', then 'Content View Behaviour'.
  19. Just to be clear - the Pee Movie List is an entirely separate website from Peefans - so it’s a question for @marcusx41 and nothing the Peefans moderation team can help with.
  20. On behalf of Peefans Staff - I want to offer a general caution here in considering anything related to @peecurious94 daughter or any other minors. We are talking about a child here. Any form of suggestion that the daughter peeing could cause arousal for another person is pedophilia. It is illegal (in all the countries we live in) and we WILL NOT tolerate that on this site. We are an adult community, we all take responsibility for our choices. We celebrate and encourage adults engaging in pee related activities - this does not extend to encouraging a child into naughty peeing
  21. Lovely photos @Sophie - very brave, but I thought they were for your husband's eyes only 😀
  22. I've no experience myself - but a quick search here on the word 'Cupid' and it does appear from time to time in discussion. None of it suggesting that it's the holy grail we'd love it to be. But have a browse on the search results for yourself. https://peefans.com/search/?q=cupid&quick=1
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