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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. This sounds like one of those 'what doesn't kill us makes us stronger' situations... Horrible at the time to have to endure such prolonged desperation, then to be humiliated by your brothers too. Hoping you got them back in a suitable way at least. But, that was then and here you are now - surrounded by friends who all understand exactly what you went through, and are giving you the biggest hi-five possible for where you are now!
  2. @Sophie - Hopefully you’ll understand the sense in which I say this - I know you’ve had a huge amount going on, work stress and the like. So let me just say ‘welcome back’.
  3. A quick reminder at this point from Peefans Staff: We are a community of friends who are of course happy to offer advice and support one another, which of clearly where this thread was pitched. But at the same time, we're not a marketplace and site rules are very clear on the subject. If when you say 'pee content' we're talking about video clips then 'advertising' here is not permitted. But what can be done is linking to free content. And if that free content allows a viewer to see that you have other content available, then that's ok. It's explained in rules 10 & 14 -
  4. I’m guessing that if someone buys the content and chooses to share it on a ‘free site’ then it is likely to get lifted from there and shared across more sites making it widespread. It’s not like X-Streams are going to willingly give away what they can otherwise generate profit from. At a $40 investment each perhaps people either are less likely to give away their purchases, or just haven’t purchased those particular titles.
  5. You should be aware then.... Someone has stolen YOUR photo and is using it all over the internet to advertise sex sites and all sorts. Not the sort of thing that happens here, we're very strict on our Site Rules including:
  6. Apologies for repeating myself, but it's pretty directly what you're asking. Not a direct experience, but a few years ago three girls in the office (mid 20's sort of ages) were talking about an open air gig they'd been too. It's an annual local event in a fairly posh seaside town, and artists like Tom Jones and Kylie, so quite a civilised crowd. Definitely not a packed mosh pit. As they were reliving the event, one of the girls said to the others "did you see that girl who just squatted and weed right next to us?" One of the other girls immediately flapped with an "Ewww, I was da
  7. Hi and the usual big Peefans welcome we offer to all. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to shout up - we're a friendly and genuine bunch. Great profile pic by the way - is that you in the pic, if you don't mind me asking?
  8. A little bit of a panic when I looked online this morning, with the (thankfully false) news this guy had passed away. Was at a small event he gigged at in 2017 - and he still had the most amazing powerful voice in his late ‘70s - over 50 years since his number one hit single. Glad to hear he’s not yet quite Outta Time.
  9. No real suggestions as such, but if you're still heading towards that - there is the Live Action thread where there may be a couple of people about and willing to encourage you on.
  10. If you can't relax lay in bed @puddyls - there's nowhere you can. Wonderful picture, and as always a million thanks for sharing with us. 😍
  11. As a CIS guy in the UK, I'm not sure 100% how useful my advice would be - but hopefully it'll encourage if nothing else. - It's great that you've taken that step of using the guy's restroom at work, even if it was because of a physical need. I'm guessing the workplace has at least some standards for respect between coworkers, compared to say a mall or bar bathroom where you could meet some proper neanderthal types. I'm also guessing your colleagues are aware of your journey and perhaps(?) are supportive. Perhaps now you've broken the barrier as it were, it's time to forsake the ladi
  12. Quick reminder - this topic is a request for advice, and the last dozen and half posts have strayed from that topic. Posts continuing to respond directly to the original conversation are welcome.
  13. Having read the last few posts here, I have to say - absolutely lovely. A huge difference between making love and just having sex. (And actually, makes me think that maybe there's a chance I'm actually a half decent lover. Go Goose! 😉)
  14. Huge thanks to K indeed - both for indulging you so fabulously, but for letting us peek through the kitchen window too. Always a pleasure to catch up on your experiences, whether they be solo or shared like this. Thanks again - and thanks K
  15. Sorry if this a repost - but it's a sight I never get tired of:
  16. So - that app can be used again then sometime? I’ll text Amy and let her know.
  17. I don’t know about anyone else but sometimes I get into a bit of a rut…. Checking in, enjoying content, chatting with friends - but all a bit mundane. And then WHAM - a post like this. Not so much getting horny at your description, but just sharing in your joy and wonder. Obviously an amazing experience for you and wonderful to share too in it. Huge thanks for sharing!!!
  18. @theoh_44 You are welcome to post your comment again here - but in English please. It is the only language to be used across the site. Thanks.
  19. https://peefans.com/membermap/ Note though that the map only shows the locations that people have entered, and where people just type 'USA' or 'UK' (for example) in their profile, it shows them all at the same location in the centre of the country. Of course if people leave that part of their profile blank then they don't show on the map. Also it's all-time membership, so lots of folks there who maybe haven't used the site for years.
  20. Words of encouragement @epdreamgirl >>> DO IT. And please let us know what you got up to and how it went. At the mall sounds great - you'll already know how much your chosen diaper can absorb before it leaks, and how bulky it gets along the way - so that will hopefully let you judge how you're going during the day. There'll be the option to head into the toilets or even a shop changing room for a quick pitstop diaper swap during the day. I'm no expert but I'm guessing if you wear loose fitting clothes, maybe a dress or baggy joggers then any bulk shouldn't be notic
  21. Because sometimes just a little emoji reaction isn't enough...
  22. Hi @Kevvvv - I've moved your AMA over here, which puts it amongst a few other people's AMAs too - so hopefully it'll get lots of interest. So to start the ball rolling, two from me... - Have you ever met anyone famous at any time? And what was the context? - If you could travel to any place, where would that be?
  23. Hi and a very warm welcome to you. Do shout up with any questions.
  24. Agreed - and the same for some of the humiliation wetting clips too. As an example some of the Asian desperation and wetting clips which give the impression of being intended to humiliate and upset the ladies. They may be willing actresses but it still sends that message.
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