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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. No - don't like it - 'cos I'm too jealous. I'm kidding, absolutely stunning - you're a very lucky man.
  2. Remember back to your school science days - and the laws of reflection. No? As a reminder, the first rule of reflection (and this is a real thing) is that " The angle between the incident ray and the normal is equal to the angle between the reflected ray and the normal." Another way is to think about hitting a snooker or pool cue ball off the side cushion - the angle it bounces off at will be the same as the angle you've hit it at. So - if you're peeing into a deep square sided and bottomed sink and your pee either hits the back edge straight on (guys and skilled ladies) or you p
  3. Hi @KinkyPeeInMyMouth - The site here does not support video uploads directly as you've found. So what you'd need to do is upload somewhere else, and then you can post a link to it here. For example, you'll see some people host on Erome, ThisVid or Pornhub and then post links here. You could also use Google drive or something like that, but do be careful that you're not putting your information security at risk.
  4. Ha ha - I did think as I was typing that 'coming' into the room as an example was fraught with confusion.
  5. Watching with interest.... Not that it will necessarily have any impact on the way I write. Going off at a complete tangent, my biggest pet hate with some writing (and TV documentary narration) is the presenting of a past tense event in the current. So where they say "I went downstairs and she comes into the room..." No, if we're recalling a past experience then you WENT downstairs and she CAME into the room." Not that she would come into the room, or comes into the room.
  6. This isn't my nerdy project, so not me in the video... But I can relate to it... Then again - I do like my coffee to be still hot when it's delivered. And I can think of quite a few better engineering solutions. Putting a coffee machine in the room where coffee is required for one.
  7. Always lurking in the shadows, sort of like a dark knight. Dark Goose.
  8. I don't know @Sophie's sister and I haven't got a crystal ball, so I'm not going to wager any money on this. But a quick guess has me thinking that no, Sophie's sister isn't going to get involved in pee play with you either. In fact anyone agreeing to could be breaking quite a few site rules - and none of us would want that would we. Need I say more?
  9. Is it getting back towards half-marathon & 10k running event season? You've done such events in the past haven't you? Do they offer any pre-startline opportunities?
  10. Welcome to the community. Hopefully everything is making sense, but just fire in with anything you need any help with.
  11. I'm in danger of going off topic here - so a quick answer to the question and then we'll get back to it... The majority of content on the site is free to members. There is a topic area Pee Videos which is dedicated to ladies peeing, and then there is the Men Pissing area for, erm men, erm pissing. In both cases members can if they wish post their own content (links to content they have hosted elsewhere) or can just post links to content elsewhere on the internet. So that's what's being talked about above. Gold Membership is an additional paid subscription which gives a number of
  12. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, Do two wrongs make a right? That's my question, although to be honest I don't really care. I want to tell you about something that happened last week - some of your readers may think I'm a heartless bitch, some may want to give me a high five. My evening work shift started fairly normally. I work in a medium level city centre hotel and that night I was in the duty manager slot. In the early evening that mostly meant checking in arrivals, who were for the most part corporate suits. Almost always straightforward business expense account stuff
  13. Excellent and full marks for the intent there. Kudos to you. I'm guessing part of the plan is that if anyone saw an empty bottle in your room they wouldn't think anything of it, same as a rolled up poster. If you're feeling a bit less discrete, what you could do is take a bottle, and cut the top half off, maybe on a slight angle. What you've then got when you turn the top half upside down is a funnel to pee into. Then the other half of the bottle as a container to catch the flood. Or if that's not going to be big enough, use the top half or a slim neck plastic bottle as the
  14. Good critical thinking all. I don’t think it becomes at risk of becoming a ‘meet up’ unless a place, time and date were all planned. It it’s not timebound the chances of any of the fairly small group of people in that part of the world randomly arriving at the same place at the same time has to be low? And as far as giving away personal information, I’d never identify a spot at the end of my road, but I know of many public parks, car parks, streets, service stations etc in an hour’s drive which could be suitable. Of course I can’t imaging anyone flying from overseas. One fina
  15. I've merged your post in here @Pee Sensei One of my favourites is an oldish part of Billy Connolly's stand up routine where he talks about a guy going to the disco in incontinence pants bought from an advert in the back of the newspaper. I'm sure it's been shared here before (try the site search facility) and if not you'll definitely find it online.
  16. I really don't know where my brain throws up some of these things from... If you suddenly inherited a stupid sum of money with the explicit instructions you had to spend if buying three 'vehicles' - and they really were money no object, what would you choose? (note 'vehicles' don't have to be road based). Edit: And why - the most important question.
  17. I'm going to break my own principle here - I usually deliberately avoid pee in these ask me anything topics. But this time around - Where's the highest place you've ever peed off (if you have) ? OR where's the most public place you've ever peed (ie near other people) that wasn't in a bathroom? And the clean question - What's your favourite mode of transport?
  18. Wonderful - and the perfect way to celebrate a wonderful day. Huge thanks for sharing.
  19. I think I'd be on pretty much the same lines as most people - that if a property is derelict then the test of 'does it cause damage to anyone's property' or 'offence to anyone' is going to be a no, and therefore it can be used. A year or so ago whilst I was looking after a property overseas and making numerous trips over there, there was a large empty house at the end of the road. It had been built as a shell, never lived in and was overgrown and vandalised. Access was open with glass patio doors lying smashed on the ground. A couple of times walking back from a restaurant or bar I ma
  20. Hello there @Scheii - and a huge welcome to the amazing family that is Peefans. You are already well on the way to getting to know lots of new friends from all around the world. I do have to mention that we're not here to help you find 'the one' in that we're not a dating or hook up sight - we're a very, very large group of friends. Join in reading posts, maybe commenting and maybe adding your own and you'll soon begin to know people in this online world.
  21. Practising in the shower makes sense - before overbalancing off the child's stool and falling into the hallway with pants around your thighs and a fountain erupting forth. Also, without wanting to mansplain, everything I've read about using a shewee seems to point to 'gushing' never ending well. Ending predictably, but not well.
  22. Looking at the keyboard layout, I guess there are lots of times people have tried to invoke a 'focker-compose', and probably a few had their access restricted for attempting a 'fucker-compose' ?
  23. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, or should I say Dear Aunt Paulypeeps, I'm hoping this letter will be published, and hoping even more that you'll see it. I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking the time to write. Trying to be positive was a splendid idea, and I've been trying to follow that advice since the moment I read your letter. Previously whenever I went out, I was always nervous as to where there'd be a bathroom. Now I'm a lot more relaxed. I've even come home from work a few times without popping to the ladies first. Of course I've been bursting by the time I got hom
  24. Building on this being a 'question for the girls', I've just watched rather a nice clip of a very pleasant young lady needing a wee on a hillside trail. Aside from that though, have any of the ladies ever contemplated trying a She-Wee (other brands are available I believe) and using it to have a standing wee over the lip of the sink - on tiptoes maybe. (That and be able to tell us your coordinates on the toilet grid too). I guess if you're already a proficient user then it's no big thing, but we've seen a few accounts of people leaking and overflowing - maybe that element of risk c
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