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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. To discuss that point @Peevert - I've discussed a number of times before the time I was at an event and was staying in a student room - I intended just to leak a bit onto the carpet whilst drunk and unleashed a full bladder onto the carpet at the side of the bed. My fear was that was going to smell - it took nearly three days to dry and I was paranoid, but as it was drying and then dried there was absolutely no smell detectable. One point to note though - I had sole use of that flat for a week, whereas in a city hotel the room will be serviced every day even if you're still booked there.
  2. Hi Anja and thanks for your very honest introduction. A huge welcome to our community - where you are guaranteed no witch hunts. We are one of the most respectful communities you will ever find, even with our kinks and a place where really close friendships can develop. Please enjoy finding your way around. If you have any concerns or have any questions please just shout up. We're here to help.
  3. That's a good point ^^^ When it comes to hotel room carpets, remember too that you or I may walk barefoot or in socks, and would immediately notice a dampness underfoot. But a hotel maid will be in shoes. So unless there's a freshly laid squelchy wet mess or a really obvious colour difference they may never even notice. Of course, pee patches on sofas and chairs or darker streaks down the plaster of the wall may be a lot more easily noticed.
  4. (First person diary of a girl's wet fun) 21.43 > Amy here with my shiny new phone. All set up and installed. I've decided to try out this notes app thing, so I'm going to keep a diary of the day tomorrow. Well a blog I guess, although I don't see it getting published online anywhere soon. - - - - - 07:36 > Morning world. Laundry day today. That means a fun start to the day, standing at the back door for my morning wee. Silly girl. I forgot to take PJs off. Love that warmth. Shame I can't stay in bed all day for a bit of me time. 07:40 > [Upload]
  5. Love it @Peewee123 - Just occasionally people share genuine accidents that aren't all intended as fun, but 100% love the idea of your experience. I can imagine next time there won't have been paddle boarding involved - just a deliberate commando shopping trip? You've got my encouragement anyway. Totally unrelated but my wife (who's not into pee at all) and I were away for a weekend recently, and after we arrived she realised she hadn't packed any knickers - so went to the clothing section of the local Sainsbury's. She was a bit confused that it seemed every pack of cotton b
  6. Both of those sound like they could have an incredible back story... or equally could be humiliating. I'm hoping it's the first and was an enjoyable experience - would love to know more, but not wanting to pry of course.
  7. Not sure this is really a 'news' story as such.... Newsflash - Mother of five kids leaks when electro-shocked. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/tvshowbiz/video-1910036/Video-Katie-Price-WETS-electro-body-workout.html (Non-explicit, but she does discuss a little)
  8. I have no idea what most of that means... And it's very rare I go to places where there are bathroom attendants. I do know of one place with both a male attendant in the gents and a female attendant in the ladies. It's a live music venue and bar where I've spent quite a lot of time before and after lockdown. Obviously I've only experienced the guys side of it. The guy keeps a check on cleanliness of the bathroom which is also quite small, mopping the floor regularly, handing out liquid soap and paper towels and then spraying on your choice of aftershave. And he just takes home the
  9. Strawberry Fields is very poignant and peaceful, and of course the Dakota Building just around the corner. But of course if you want to see the original venue of Strawberry Fields (now a lovely garden and visitor centre with those iconic gates) there's only one destination - which is on your list. With one or two (dozen or more) other attractions there too. 😉
  10. Hi Pierre and a huge welcome to the world-wide online community that is Peefans. Hopefully you're enjoying finding your way around and enjoying everything you find. You've started exactly the right way in introducing yourself. Most of our content is in the forums you'll see here, and it's a much quicker way to get to know what's about than waiting in the hope of a message. Also I don't mean to sound negative, but we're only online - we don't support personal meet-ups for pee fun or any other dating type reasons. But we do have lots of people here to share very much the same inter
  11. I must admit I've always thought of the ice breaker as the easy bit... At least in that scenario where you're trying to get to know someone, where they and you are trying to go the extra mile to appear interesting and fun and it's not that uncommon is it to ask slightly off-the-wall questions. That whole business of bouncing slightly whacky ask-me-anything questions... - If you could be any animal, what would you be? Pineapple on a pizza, yes or no? First live gig? Coolest place you've ever visited? Weirdest place you've peed? The challenge then is where you go from there
  12. "Hello - yes, exciting news, we have a client who'd like to make an offer in respect of your sale. Yes, they're in a position to proceed. They have stipulated one condition though - they'd like you to include the photographs on the bathroom wall in the sale."
  13. Oh my Gosh @Ozabot - You really are my favourite contributor right now. Smoulderingly hot images as always. Love them.
  14. It remains @Sophies choice as to whether she wishes to answer. And the member who asked has since requested their account closed. (if anyone asked me that question I’d most likely pull a muscle trying to find out with a mirror- I have no clue and it’s nothing I’ve ever wondered).
  15. Love it @Bacardi - and the perfect solution of wetting something which is already discarded anyway. It literally doesn't matter if it was a teaspoon or a gallon, it's the intent and the achievement that count. (Now will we have lots of cries of jealously that one of our friends is more privileged than others - but of course, privilege has to be slowly and carefully earned).
  16. @Sorin - I could be entirely wrong, and @Sophie may be perfectly willing to answer your question. After all she is very able to have her own opinions. One possible opinion though could be that all this question, after question, and particularly this last one is getting just a little towards harassment / begging for content. Both of which are discussed in the site rules. I'm sure just by reading the content that Sophie, or any number of other members have posted you can learn a lot more about their interests and them as people, without having to ask what colour ass hole they have.
  17. ^^^ You had me trying to work out if that was exactly the same as my last (N+1 -1) bike... We have a cycle to work scheme through work and having got a road bike last time around, I decided on a hybrid for the more casual trips when the scheme came out again. Mine looks identical, give or take - but is a Boardman MTX.
  18. As this is the introductions topic - please can I ask that for any further pictures or discussion (other than welcome messages) they are posted in a relevant thread within the main Men Peeing section. Thanks - Peefans Staff
  19. Correct - as other people have said, it's not about size - it is that Peefans does not accept video files (except animated gifs). As folks have suggested, you'd need to upload somewhere else and then post a link to it in the relevant thread.
  20. I don't want to sidetrack this picture thread - but I think the issue is probably that as you've said elsewhere, they're images you've saved on your phone. So whilst the image is filling your phone screen, in reality it's still a very small picture. It's clearly not the case with every picture you post (and I'm loving the content BTW. No criticism at all). One suggestion would be when viewing the image on your phone, to make sure you click to open the image and not just a thumbnail. Then 'Save' rather than making a screen grab. Some sites like Imagefap will show the image size again
  21. I totally agree with the suggestions above. One quite passive solution (if you don't want any risk of getting caught or fingers pointed) would be to pee in his mug as suggested, but then empty it out. Far less traceable than leaving a mug full of your pee on his desk - but you'll be the only one with the knowledge that every time he drinks from it, he's sipping on your personal toilet.
  22. (Real life style encounter with accounts of female desperation, teasing, peeing and oral) Hi Peefans - Since it's St Patrick's Day today I thought it may be a good time to share something that happened a few weeks ago. UK members may be familiar with the concept of a Speed Awareness Course, but for the international membership I'll explain. Basically in some conditions, if you get caught speeding in the UK you can get the option to pay for a classroom 'retraining' session rather than accept a fine and penalty points on your driving licence. And yes, that was me. What a nump
  23. I’m much more in favour of terms like ‘curvy’ - so much more respectful. A while ago I created the topic ‘Curvilicious’ in the Pee Pictures area and since then there’s also a similarly named Pee Videos thread. Hopefully both of those will prove there is interest in ladies blessed with ample figures. Personally speaking the most important thing for me is that an actor is enjoying the experience and creating it to share their enjoyment. That’s what we’re about as a community anyway - a bunch of friends with a common kink who love to encourage each other. Nothing worse than s
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