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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Real men clean up after themselves - if they make a mess in the first place. And real gentlemen even put the seat down. 😇
  2. For info - Since the Male Dick / Cock Of The Day is pretty much non-peeing, it's been moved here into Sex & Porn. Peeing cock pictures can of course be posted in a relevant thread in the Men Pissing area. Thanks.
  3. Maybe this should be in Funny Stuff... I'm really gutted we're not going to see the likes of this photo again: No more Marlboro livery since tobacco advertising was banned.
  4. I don't think I or the other moderators, or anyone else can disagree. Writing elegantly and creatively is an artform which many recognise as important. But yes, there is the risk that having a machine do it for us means we no longer need to practise and develop skills in those areas. Children who can play games to their heart's content on their consoles no longer need to interact, use their imagination or learn to share their toys and play nicely together. The skilled woodworker or machinist may learn different skills of programming a computer controlled machine that can produce perfec
  5. Just for a bit of fun, since this thread has been dormant for a while. What's the height of the table? From floor to tabletop? And in best school tradition, don't forget to show your working out...
  6. < Moderator's humour - Anyone posting an image of Sam Smith within this thread risks a 48hr site ban without further warning. >
  7. @Vanessa Cruz - We as site staff have received your message, and we will do what we can about it. We will message you directly for any communication about it. Please can we keep the site free from any discussion around that matter - apart from anything else to keep unhelpful speculation from taking place. @PisSRL - Huge thanks for your support to Vanessa - full kudos to you for doing so. That support and help is exactly the reason we love Peefans so much. Cheers (The posts are visible to staff and not being ignored, just obscured from the public site).
  8. Just to add my sixpence to confirm what’s been said: We do take things like that those PMs very seriously. Only yesterday a member reported receiving an unsolicited message and we as staff collectively agreed a formal warning point was appropriate to the sender. It does need people to the report being sent the messages though. The excuse ‘that’s what happens to females on the internet’ is no more acceptable than the abhorrent view that the way a girl dresses is in some way responsible for sexual attacks. So the key message - Peefans, most of its members and staff want this to b
  9. Couldn't have said it better myself. The grass may be greener, but then again maybe not - for all the playful banter that goes on, I'm very grateful for what I do have and wouldn't want to give that up. At least I can enjoy other people's experiences here.
  10. Hmmm - two statements 'of fact' there. My experiences are somewhat different, the opposite in fact - my comparison is between me and my wife. I have a few years age on her and that could be a factor but when we're out and about I know that a caffeinated drink an hour ago is going to make its presence felt, so I'll fairly often take the opportunity of a pee whilst passing a toilet. My wife on the other hand will more often than not never use a bathroom whilst we're out. Often it could be five, six or more hours between pees for her and apart from walking in the house after work, she'll
  11. I've just been viewing a particular thread in Sex & Porn, the Upskirts post - and I didn't want to drag that off into a wordy debate, so a passing comment here and then we can get back to those amazing pictures - probably my favourite category of non-pee images. Not sure where better to comment, it's certainly something that does make me smile. I'm also going to apologise if this comes over a touch emotional - I blame the lack of my first coffee hit of the morning. Background is that in the UK, the practise of 'upskirting' - taking pictures or video of unaware and non-consenting
  12. @Admin - Just picking up on this point, I've been having a conversation with a member who shares a bank account with her partner. Hence even though the itemised gold charge is a 'neutral' name, she's still concerned he'd monitor the statements and want to know what it is. Hence her questions as to whether it's possible to pay via other means - Paypal, etc. Feel free to DM me if you'd prefer not to open a can of worms or a floodgate here...
  13. I've said many times before that as soon as pee gets mentioned in any way in a conversation, I tend to put my poker game face on and try not to give away how much my interest has just spiked 1000%. It's a natural defence that in most cases I don't want them to realise just how obsessed I am. That does mean though - in my mind at least - lots of conversations go unsaid. So, what I'm trying to do is just subtly tease out snippets of conversation and experience in a way that doesn't give away too much of my kink, and can be easily dropped if the chat isn't forthcoming. For example
  14. No issues for me - I'm happy to view content from anyone, 18 right up to any age. Skinny through to curvy and any culture or race. As long as they look like they're enjoying it then that works for me.
  15. Here's an oldie, but seems to fit to bridge the miles between Maryland and a couple of destinations in Europe... 😉
  16. Actually - I tend to hold mine more like the same way I use my left hand to support my camera (whilst doing a different kind of exposing and shooting). Of course the girth is a bit smaller in my case...
  17. Erm - how does one hold a joint ? I suspect neither in my case - usually two fingers below and thumb gently on top.
  18. If you’re walking any distance then having normal pants which hold pee against your skin could get quite uncomfortable too. Perhaps as an alternative, how about some stretchy outdoor pants like leggings - like runners or climbers may wear. If you got those in a black colour there’s a good chance you could wet in them and carry on without them showing wet patches. Just a thought…
  19. [Moved to Pee Questions & Talk for wider visibility]
  20. Just giving this a quick bump... any more participants?
  21. @PisSRL - I've merged your excellent question with this existing thread. Lots of interesting answers already to browse through.
  22. Similar but from a slightly different perspective - over the last couple of years I've been sorting out a house sale overseas. That involved various trips from the house, an hour drive to the city to my financial man's office, and then both of us going to the local bank, notary, town hall or wherever. On most of the trips I'd be travelling straight after my breakfast and coffee - so got into the habit of meeting in his office, sorting out what we needed to and then asking if I could use his bathroom before we both left to go to the appointment (which often took an hour or two). Obvi
  23. Bless you @ukpeegirl86 - at least only slight dampness to put up with for the rest of the journey home. Better than spending the next week trying to dry out your soaked car seat. I know we often worry about being spotted - but anything more than a few feet away and the most anyone is going to see is a tiny flash of bare bum. Huge thanks for sharing with us.
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