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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Just one thought that may help you @peenation, now you're here with us... The is a thread in the Real Pee Experiences - the Live Action Thread and what typically happens is exactly what you've described. Online virtual play with either one or more people all interacting in real time, telling you how their bladder is doing or for that matter helping you. It should be said that sometimes it's active and other times near dead. Also if you're solely into experiences with an opposite gender partner that isn't always the case either. But it can work. The hottest online experience I
  2. I'll sort of comment from a staff perspective, but please do take this as just me being one small cog in the wheels that are this whole wonderful place. From well before I joined the site, that culture of respect was in place and of course there are site rules that require it. Obviously there are the rules about not arguing with other members and treating each other with respect that go a long way to maintaining the culture - but also (for example) the rules about self promotion means that the members we have are generally true fans and not just those with a market place agenda to sell.
  3. Can I just remind everyone of a couple of site rules - Rule 8 which requires all users to avoid treating the site like a hook-up or dating site, and rule 15 which asks you to respect others. We are a community of friends and welcome all who are interested in pee in whatever way - we are not a sex chat line, and not a market place for the selling of personal services either. The same site rules also apply to anything sent in messages. On behalf of Site Staff.
  4. For the benefit of the new member who created this thread.... This is Peefans banter - there is no planned 'real' meet up. Peefans is not about meeting up for real - at least not until one of us has won six figures on the lotto.
  5. I know adverts for incontinence products don't quite count as 'discussion'... But I've just spotted the most aesthetically wonderfully pleasing advert on UK TV. Here it is in Spanish (didn't spot the English language version on Youtube, but exactly the same actor). Tell me if you disagree, but the advertising campaign worked brilliantly - I'm sold.
  6. Exactly as @Alfresco said.... And perhaps you'd like to clarify your question @Peetas. I was confused at "Cap d'ange" and Googled it - with no results, other than it instead referring to the French resort Cap d'agde which seems to feature a fairly big naturist village. If you're asking if anyone has seen anyone pee at that resort then I guess some may have - although that's a very specific quest.
  7. Must admit I don't recognise the name, but was it part of the huge purge of non-authenticated content creators ? Remember that point when thousands of great clips disappeared overnight as Pornhub removed all the non validated members. That as @MonsterKane46 suggested is when they started the move to other hosts and more direct methods of selling.
  8. I don't know that the '80s brought in too much of interest to us specifically as Peefans... I mean, it was the era of MTV and the home VCR for wank material, of chic female elegance with the New Romantic look and artists like Blondie and Madonna. For those inclined in the opposite direction, lots of attractive figures too from Adam Ant, to Wham (with my UK bias there). The interesting time for me would be the '60s leading into the '70s - the earlier part of that era was the first generation who aspired to rebel from their parents... Post war babies growing up to find a new way of dres
  9. I think there has in general been a huge shift towards publicising mens’ mental health issues. Across society, I see groups on social media arranging men’s’ coffee morning type events, social groups focused on mens’ welfare. I see a vastly increased extent of media awareness and advertising for issues that can cause mental trauma amongst men - like PTSD awareness, testicular and prostate cancer. What I sort of think is that this is occurring as part of ‘levelling up’, where a lot of traits experienced by both sexes are being balanced and eliminated. It’s a slow and steady process,
  10. Have absolutely loved reading your bio and your car wash experience - it's awesome to have you on board. My question is maybe a little mundane - when not concentrating on work and a million other priorities, what hobbies, sports or pastimes to you enjoy relaxing to?
  11. Chances are all the cars behind just had the driver on board, so nobody on the passenger side with a view. It's possible one of the drivers in front had a distant view through their mirror. But irrespective, the important thing is you were able to achieve that much needed relief and you're telling us the tale. Huge thanks for sharing, so glad you were able to avoid humiliation - and if any of the ladies and gents did catch a glimpse, lets hope and pray you've sown the seed in their minds to try out our beautiful convenience for themselves.
  12. This is a public service announcement to all the ladies out there: " All " That's my response... There's no such thing as too small, too large, too droopy, wrinkly. Inverted nipples, large areola - all are absolutely wonderful and don't let the media or society make you feel inferior in any way. Love them all !
  13. I was thinking about this the other night in a little bit of detail... Watching a Netflix adventure Timeless which involves the main characters hopping through time - one of whom is a lady professor of history. Of course it's one of those series which tackles a number of modern issues - racial segregation, gender stereotyping and the like, but never touching upon the most basic of human needs. So what I'd like maybe isn't 'porn' in the truest sense, but I would like to see a historical drama which deals with pee and fetish aspects in a historical context. I'm thinking sort of Downto
  14. For info - sorry off topic - but as you look up the page you'll see all the previous posts have 'Quote' under them and also a '+' symbol. For the multiple ones you'd like to quote, just click the '+' on each. You'll see on the bottom right of your page a pop up saying 'Quote n posts' for however many. Just click on that and it will open a new comment for you, containing each post you want to quote (and you can remove text from each just to leave the bits you want).
  15. Not sure if you're still about @bulge - or wether you're with the client yet? Is it a face to face, and how long is it likely to last? If it's a Teams call for example, I guess you've got the potential to be holding yourself and squirming frantically below the desk as long as it doesn't show on camera. Is it a client who you'd let on to about being desperate - I mean I could imagine it being a potential conversation started with some clients I've worked with "I really should have used the bathroom, but let's see how we get on - there's nothing worse than being desperate is there...
  16. There's a certain US porn studio who produce many, many clips - and a good number of them in the Gold Gallery too - with a very talented model. I do wish though that someone would send her (in fact along with several models I can think of) to anger management counselling. The constant scowling, grumpy face and anger really is quite the opposite of everything that turns me on about pee. For example I've got nothing against the age old concept of arriving at the bathroom to find it apparently locked, leading to plenty of desperate dancing about before either a wetting or desperate pe
  17. Newsflash first of all - I absolutely love being uncut and having a foreskin. Having the ability to play with the foreskin for me is almost as much fun as playing with the penis itself. Depending how relaxed or aroused I am it's a whole range of different feelings and effects. There's been various discussions (naturally) about peeing cut and uncut. Normally with my foreskin in place I pee cleanly and accurately with absolutely no issues. Just occasionally it can catch one out though. If I've been fully erect, then my skin doesn't always completely return to just the right place.
  18. You never know @Bacardi - Maybe one of us decided to put on a little nonchalant show for you and your colleague. Question is.... who ?
  19. Bless you @Bacardi - at least you made it without the embarrassment of losing it somewhere public, or as you say - being seen emerging from the woods looking sheepish. I wonder though how long before you have time alone, without kids to run after or husband hanging about, and find yourself DELIBERATELY filling up and recreating that scenario. Maybe dancing a little longer on that doorstep, maybe being a little closer to not making it, maybe beating your 46 sec? And maybe, just maybe taking a little longer before emerging from the bathroom very much relieved in every sense?
  20. Something like this @Rewdna??? (I'm trying not to overlap too much with the 'Upskirts' category.
  21. No criticism whatsoever here - just the voice of experience... Peeing on a cloth chair doesn't always dry without a trace. There's a danger of leaving a 'tide mark' patch where it was wet, which shows after it's completely dry. I don't know the answer - maybe you have to completely flood all the rest of the cloth too.... 😂
  22. Quick reminder - the OP here asked about tips to get started, and that's the subject here. It's a very fine line - but asking for advice is fine, treating the site as a dating site and asking specifically for off-site contact is not. Those sort of posts will be removed.
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