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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Everything you've written there is a pretty good explanation of Christianity (which I know is the point you're making) - created creatures with some extent of free will, playthings of a greater power). My background was similar to a few others, I grew up in the UK and from a very young age, barely more than toddler years my parents found Evangelical Christianity which took over our lives. Church became centric, two or three times on a Sunday, a couple of other times during weekday evenings, 'retreat' holidays in the summer - although everything that could be retreated from was already o
  2. For the last day or two my Insta feed has been full of the news of McLaren F1 signing Bianca Bustamente to their driver development programme. (Karting since she was 6, and now after competing in Formula W she's now in the F1 Academy series). Another very competent driver to add to my motorsport follow list.
  3. All good with me thanks... nothing too much in the way of changes... a year or two older and bolder, but not much wiser. Hoping your housemove has been a good experience, sounds like it.
  4. Hi @Sephora - welcome back. We've been trying to keep the place alive without you, but it's not been the same 😉
  5. @toiletfloorpee - apologies on behalf of all the decent gentlemen. We’re not all like that.
  6. Hi again all - and sorry about the delay. Obviously mobile phone coverage hasn't got as far as the wilds of Scotland yet. Thanks for your suggestions @wetwulf @Lutab and @Sophie - I've only seen them now, after getting home but hopefully great minds were thinking alike. Let me tell you about our weekend. Firstly remember my last message - Mike was driving through Scotland and me sort of needing a wee. That worked out pretty well... About half an hour had passed since I'd posted that and I was literally wondering about asking Mike to stop the car when he said to me "I'm just going
  7. It's a pretty rare thing if you're not leading the trend @puddyls
  8. Lovely - thank you K for indulging us (and putting up with our weirdness lol) @Kupar you can pass that on.
  9. It seems like maybe it's only the thumbnail image that's downloading, and difficult to tell on a phone screen I know.
  10. As seen on Facebook from someone’s travel pics. Reading the English translation of the ‘front’ button, I question why ladies only should have that pleasure.
  11. Last Saturday we were out in a northern UK city where our son is at University. It was a lovely sunny day, with clear blue skies although less than 10C outdoors. He moved into a new apartment for this academic year, so we parked nearby and went to his flat. From there into the city, sat and had a coffee with lunch and then a walk around. A couple of hours later and we'd done some shopping, walked through the historic university campus, around a local park and then back towards his flat. The air was chilly and as we walked in the park I felt the first pangs of my bladder being full -
  12. Generally yes - although it does depend on the circumstances... If I'm deliberately getting desperate, for example when working from home or out and about knowing I'm going to be able to pee when the need gets too great then, hell yes!!! If it's a case of being in urgent need and a risk of not making it (when being wet would be totally humiliating) like for example in the car with family, or on an aeroplane, then less so.
  13. @Phyche @Paulp73 - This is your '...bored, want to talk about pee' thread which has been relocated here. The Live Action Thread is a cool place to hang out and chat about pee, either that or Live Chat. Both places are likely to get quicker responses (before you get even more bored and lose the urge).
  14. It would be a very odd thing as discussed. One thought that occurs may be if someone is faced with a mandatory drugs test, for the workplace, military, driving, sporting etc and they know they're likely to fail. For example due to substance abuse or similar. Now that, if it relates to a legal requirement would in the UK constitute perverting the course of justice, potentially with a prison sentence to go with it. No thanks.
  15. Awesome sighting. And to be honest, I think your subtlety is the very best approach - you enjoyed the show without making it obvious. Anything more, any drawing attention to the fact you’d seen the full event could play on her mind and she may think twice next time the need presents itself - at least making a lot more effort to hide away. So kudos to you and her. Thanks for sharing.
  16. @Criwe Please can you ensure everything you post is in English - it is the only language for this site. Many thanks.
  17. "Brace yourself my darling, for I am about to arrive..." It sort has generally been my own experience, and the experience I've witnessed at very close quarters that orgasms do have something of a build up. A quickening of the heart rate, deeper and quicker breathing, clenches, involuntary movements. In other words - in a lot of cases that onset of orgasm is pretty obvious and actually it'd be harder to hide than to just let it happen. As such, announcing it can be a bit unnecessary?
  18. (Discussion around desperation, wetting, peeing and wet sex) Hi Peefans - I've got a question for you, I need you to hit me up with your best suggestions. It's Lisa here, and I'm typing on Mike's Peefans account, hope that's not against any rules. You'll know him better as WetKinksterM. Anyway - you may have read my Wet Carpet letter recently, such a thrill to have it published. It was the one where we were getting the bus home and he got seriously aroused because of a couple of drunk girls bursting for a wee. When we got home I deliberately pee'd my panties all over h
  19. I think @steve25805, @Carb0nBased & @Alfresco have hit it on the nail there for me too. Me engaging in discussion with someone on the topic of their pee content would be first of all throttled back by two factors. First of all how much I'm prepared to discuss that I've got that interest / kink / fetish so in most settings where I want to keep my private interests and my work / social / family life separate then I'm probably just going to get a quiet warm feeling from knowing I'm interacting with 'that' person. Secondly comes down to whether it's an appropriate conversation to
  20. I feel your pain (or should I say 'I hear you') - perhaps a product of the modern era, where clips are grabbed and posted as reels / stories rather than as true videos? Maybe unrelated, but I was talking to a social media manager recently, discussing the role of photography vs video - what he said was that the engagement stats he sees show that people will watch content for literally seconds before swiping on. As someone trying to promote a brand, if the message isn't presented immediately it's lost. So perhaps the same with the videos you're seeing?
  21. We did - does that count ? And what a magnificent sight. Huge thanks for sharing.
  22. Love it @Bacardi - full on kudos to you on all the parts of your trip experiences. Not much more to say than that - but you’re a true Peefan, outdoor peeing, hotel carpet pisser. No looking back - only to your next opportunity.
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