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About Ilovethepeefloe

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  1. Thank you for telling others what they can do I did try to explain it in words similar to yours but now I have read it after the alcohol has worn off I’m glad you clarified
  2. As I said before I support the rules and the moment that this discussion breaches those said rules I’m deleting it this is for non sexual experiences and no images are to be posted of minors stories that are sexual in nature are not to be shared here only the non sexual in nature ones are to be shared here. And for anybody who questions their story feel free to send me a private message saying why you are second guessing yourself and I’ll ask a moderator if it would be in breach of the rules or you can ask one of the friendly mods yourself either way if your not sure ask a mod or me but I’ll r
  3. The idea is to keep it following the rules the moment it breaches any I’m shutting this thing down and reporting whoever does this is strictly for memories and no underage sexual stories are allowed nor any images of underage things only memories that follow rules
  4. @Havelock that’s a very interesting story I’ll be sure to check your others 🙂
  5. @Jonjet0208 that sounds like a great experience thank you for sharing
  6. Girls and Boys what was your childhood pee experience like. Did you ever hold it just for fun.did you ever hold it until you wet yourself basically how did you discover your thing for pee please specify your gender aswell
  7. Girls what was your childhood pee experience like. Did you ever hold it just for fun.did you ever hold it until you wet yourself basically how did you discover your thing for pee
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