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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. Hi! From one shy girl to another, I know how scary it can be joining. Everyone here, especially the mods, are so welcoming, friendly, and kind. I'm sure you'll love it here! And I guarantee everyone will want to hear about your experiences! Have fun 😙
  2. In my teenage rebellious phase I once decided to go to a hotel party in overalls. That was it. No shirt. No undies. No bra lol. Lines to pee weren't too bad so I used the toilet just once all night long and sat there shivering on the toilet as my entire body was exposed. It was the worst. I just held the rest of my pee for the rest of the night.
  3. Damn. I love this thread! Can I tag along with one of you guys next mall trip? I wanna pee in a parking garage too!
  4. Oh man I got so excited when I saw this lol. What is it about peeing down glass that turns me on so much? First it was the other character (I can't remember his name) that did it every morning, now it's this girl in the coffee shop. Kaymalan's sure so love putting on a show!
  5. @Starks2010 well hurry because I might pee in your front doorway instead 🤣
  6. 1. It starts with a dull ache in my lower abdomen, slightly to my left I wanna say. As my bladder gets fuller the ache becomes sharper. Like it turns into an actual pain. 2. If I wait too long and I reach an 8 or above it hurts so much I can't stand up properly. I'm always doubled over scurrying my ass to the bathroom and I'm sure I look stupid lol. Although, when I am this full I notice when I pee I don't feel anything for a few seconds if that makes any sense lol. Like I'm peeing with so much force it feels like I'm just sitting there while I still hear the pee hitting the water in the
  7. Hiiiii 💕 thanks for the intro! I too have been a peefan since I was young lol. Almost like you're born with it!
  8. I have children and at least one of them is a boy. I've never been presented with an opportunity to let him or any of my other children have a pee outside. I think they're all far too young to do that without supervision, but I think if it did come up I wouldn't mind allowing him too pee outside. I mean, what's the harm as long as he's not peeing somewhere scared (ie someone's garden). When he's an adult that'll be even better as he'll have a better understanding of where he can and cannot pee!
  9. Well, I'm on my way to pee in your makeshift doorway!
  10. Any particular reason why you chose the stairs today? 😊
  11. I've only been able to have my naughty pees at home alone. Usually it has to be during house clean day so I can hit it with my carpet shampooer right away. I have a spray meant for animal messes that I spray on right before shampooing. If I had the house to myself more often I'd make it a weekly occurrence lol.
  12. This is exactly why I try not to use public bathrooms too often lol.
  13. This sounds like so much fun! Charming idea really. Would you advertise that this fake door way is for peeing or would you just sit back and enjoy the sightings?
  14. Family bathrooms and gender neutral bathrooms don't really bother me. Ive never had any negative experiences, but you're right in thinking if I found cameras and spy holes all over the place and creepy men I'd avoid them. Thankfully, I'm inclined to believe that the majority of the male population isn't like that, and if they are then they have their own problems.
  15. Okay, who wants to help me buy a plane ticket to the UK 😁 I'm ready to pee with everyone!
  16. I've really been putting off posting in this thread because, honestly, I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm into ruining things with my pee too and reading about others doing it as well. I feel like my feelings on this subject pass back and forth, as sometimes I say its upsetting to know someone would have to clean up after me, but other times it gets my panties wet thinking I could piss up against the wall of someone's apartment without them knowing. It's not so much "things" I'm into peeing on, like beds or books or clothes, but I like the idea of stumbling upon an open hotel door and waltzing
  17. I dont have a separate email because id be worried I would be discovered using it. To sign up for this site I used a ten minute email lol. Don't mean to hijack the thread, but can I create an email just for this and access/manage it only in incognito? Or would I have to go RL or get an app?
  18. Yep this sounds like me lol. On other sites I have a number of username that are all generally the same, but "Bacardi" is my Peefans username and nothing else. There are some (not a lot) details I post about on here that are changed to throw people off of my trail, but its all still generally factual to my life so I dont consider it lying. I'd say if any of my friends of family surveyed all of my posts they'd never be able to guess it was me, and I'd like to keep it that way for my own safety. I'm just a paranoid person. Thats all 😐 I feel like I have to enjoy the site this way becau
  19. I'm a woman into pee and I would love to post content on here. I'm honestly too shy and too paranoid to do so, though. For now I enjoy talking about my experiences with others. A lot of the people on here are kind and entertaining. Sometimes, when I'm more active, ill get intrusive messages, but its easy enough to just ignore them and move onto the people i enjoy talking to. Over all I really like this forum! My only regret was I did not join sooner 🥰
  20. Thats the best way to do it lol. When you gotta go, you gotta go.
  21. I have no experience but this is definitely my thing!! Let us know how it does. Wish I could have a turn 😇
  22. I have a poor habit of pulling my hair out. Back when I was a kid I had bald patches. I've toned it down a lot since I went natural but sometimes i can't help myself. Whenever I get nervous or irrationally angry I start pulling.
  23. 🥰🥰🥰 this was great! Did you find a new spot?
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