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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. Hydrate yourself as much as you can, spray and scrub with animal urine remover, and then hit it with a carpet shampooer right after. Never let it sit for more than an hour and I've always been able to get it out with no smells or stains.
  2. That's really what I enjoy too. Watching people pee wherever they want and being able to pee wherever I want. I always prefer moving clothes out of the way and peeing on carpets 😁 but yeah. Super naughty to just get up and decide to pee there in the corner instead of using the bathroom! It's so much fun!
  3. My Hero 💕💋 love hearing about peeing in fitting rooms!
  4. There was a thread about this not too long ago. I don't personally find farts attractive (but they do make me laugh hysterically most of the time!) But I was surprised to see so many other members do. I decided to track my pee farts and found that almost every time I sat down to pee I let out at least a tiny fart! Much more common than I originally thought so I assumed most people would have a lot of fun with me lol.
  5. Literally why pee in the toilet when the floor is right there 😋 I love it!
  6. Realistically I'd probably duck behind a bush. But I love the idea of squatting and peeing in a flower bed!
  7. Hell yeah we can pee standing up. I've done it quote a few times in the shower. It takes a little bit of practice and I can only really do it when my bladder is full to bursting, but yes it is possible!
  8. So so hot 😇😇 I like that you just walked up to it and peed so naturally!
  9. We are our own nation! Pee is pee no matter who it comes out of 🤗
  10. Okay so I've been thinking about this topic since I came across it and have gone out of my way to see how often farts (I'm still laughing lol) happen when I pee. My findings conclude that they happen almost every time I've peed! With the exception of being in the shower, about 8 times out of 10 whenever I've sat on the toilet to pee I've let out at least one tiny fart. It's so bizarre. I guess it's so natural I've never paid it any mind.
  11. I'm not into farts but I love farting cause it makes me laugh 😅 so if it turns anyone one to watch me pee and fart at the same time (this is making me laugh hysterically as I'm thinking about it lol) then that's even better! As long as both of us are enjoying ourselves that's all that matters.
  12. I'll stop peeing in the shower when I'm dead 🤷🏽‍♀️ that's the only fun place to pee in at home other than the toilet!
  13. You guys are all the best. Can't think of any other place I could announce I had checked off one of my biggest turn on activities and be accepted and praised for it 🥰🥰 I feel like with you guys I can do anything!
  14. I went swimming again today with my family. I was already feeling sorta horny and when I got out of the locker room I was happy to see we were the only people there! I was splashing around with my kiddo and hanging out with my husband when I decided I was gonna go for a pee. I got up and headed to the locker room but stopped short of the bathrooms. It was so empty that I decided today was the day. I was going to do pick a drain and pee over it! I went allllll the way to the back row where the lights were much dimmer and found a drain at the very back in the corner. It took a few moments
  15. Woohoo! Once you break the ice it becomes a bit easier! Congrats on the start of your new adventure 🤗
  16. Well I've officially joined the "I've peed over the drain in a locker room" club again. We went swimming yesterday and before swimming a ducked into one of the shower stalls and pulled my bikini to the side and had a long pee into the drain, then walked out like nothing happened. On our way back I did the same thing in the same shower but didn't remove my bathing suit. It was while I was brushing my hair out. No one else was there except my mom with my kiddos. I don't think they noticed 😚
  17. Enjoying a well needed soak in the tub with some classical music playing. Decided to let go while sitting here because why not? Probably my most relaxing pee to date lol.
  18. This was great! I bet it was real freeing. I wish I had that option but all of my animals behave 🤣
  19. Aw I loved this. Looks like you made a big mess 🥰 glad you had fun, and I hope you get a chance to try again. You got an o.from me.
  20. That first guy is so handsome and cute! And the island studs pictures are to die for. I'm not usually into men peeing but these dudes make it work for me.
  21. Nah. Still in bed holding lol. My back is starting to hurt though so I should probably get up and go pee!
  22. Like half an hour or so in. I just woke up an always need to pee but im always way too lazy and tired to get out of bed. Guess I'll just wait till I cant hold it anymore.
  23. If I pee on the toilet I sure do! Every so often I can pee in some odd location like the bathtub or sink and I usually don't. No rhyme or reason behind it.
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