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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. Oh, and thank you for everyone who pulled me out of my comfort zone and helped me explore all aspects of my sexuality. Some of ya'll literally unlocked new parts of my fetish like holding and golden showers lol. Go✨ little ✨ rockstar.
  2. My mental health has been an absolute mess recently, and my heart strings are telling me to post something like this lol. Thank you, everyone, for giving me such a great year on the forums. I feel like 2021 was my most active year on here out of my three years as a member. I've met so many new people and made so many new friends. Thank you, everyone, for making me laugh when it seemed like everything was so serious, for being a shoulder to cry on when I needed it the most, and for giving me so many orgasms when I was feeling needy. I've opened up so much to you guys this year, and I can t
  3. My best guess is that pee probably became a dirty word sometime in our culture. That's how we got verbiage like "tinkle" and "water." I remember back in middle school a classmate of mine got in trouble for announcing to the class that she had to pee, and my teacher said "don't say that! Just tell me you have to go!"
  4. I would say yes, my ability to hold has gotten easier since I got the job. But it also just depends on if my body is retaining water or not. I hate using public bathrooms so I hold till I get home!
  5. I work at your typical grocery store and end up stretching my bladder during my whole shift. The longest I've gone is 15 or 16 hours with no pee break 🥴 when you're constantly understaffed and always running behind there's never any time to do anything, let alone pee!
  6. Just this one and Misterpoll! Been orgasming over the content on MP since I was a teenager 😛
  7. Bumping this because I just went back through it and smiled so much.
  8. I'm encountering an issue in the pms where when I first load the conversation the text box disappears and I cant write anything until I reload the page. This is on mobile. Not sure about desktop.
  9. You and me both sister. Let's take a tour together. I'm sure we'd have a fun time stopping in every country and peeing with everyone 😋
  10. I've sort of already done that in a pool locker room, just had on a bathing suit that I pulled to the side. I'm scared about getting caught and getting evicted lmao.
  11. In the storage area of my building there is a laundry room, and I just know I could get away with peeing anywhere down there. As always I'm too scared to try so I'm enjoying living vicariously through you! Thanks for sharing!
  12. What fans lol. I have none! I'm not *that* popular 🤣
  13. The water actually came on about an hour ago lol. Was able to make it to the potty 🥳
  14. Okay, bye bye. Ty for keeping me company!
  15. I live in a condo complex so if I did that everyone would see lol. And yes 100 percent of the kids are home.
  16. I see a lot of people on here enjoy peeing out the window and I have to say it's growing on me. Those with penises I notice at least lol. I don't have the right equipment to try. Little update: I'm eating breakfast now with an orange soda to chase it down. Not the healthies option but what other option do I have!
  17. Too much that's for sure. I can't wait tho. I love Christmas.
  18. Yeah, share whatever you want lol. I'm having fun!
  19. Exactly. That's why I wanna chat to keep my mind off of it lol.
  20. I'm hoping to hold it until the water comes back on and I can flush my toilet again lol. Otherwise yes easy or little to no clean up is preferred.
  21. I whole heartedly agree, but no carpet around here!
  22. Nope. Unfortunately not but once I start getting fuller I may take you up on this. I'm even too scared to drink. And it's just hit me maybe I should pee in the tub or something.
  23. I did not. But mine is artificial and very expensive so I know my family would not be happy if I peed on it!
  24. Almost 12 I guess. I peed right before bed last night and didn't get a chance to pee this morning.
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