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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. Not myself but one of my favorite pee videos by Leah (which I currently can't find 😭) has her peeing in a hotel/apartment hallway and I am always amazed at the size of the puddle she leaves! I can't believe she had been holding that much pee and was so calm and collected the entire time.
  2. Sound is definitely my favorite. There is a distict difference in my reaction to hearing the sound of pee hitting the tile/asphalt or something and the sound of it hitting the carpet. The second it starts to patter into the carpet I get so wet! Much more than just based off of visuals alone. I am not so much into the smell or the touch and I'm definitely not into the taste; very smelly and yellow pee is a turn off for me and I've never had it in me to touch my pee or anyone else's. That's just the way it is around here in my world!
  3. I'm just gonna gobble gobble all of this up right away 🤪🤪🤪🤪 Kupar you make peeing so much fun!
  4. I'm open to having someone pee on my neck down. Not my face and not in my hair. It turns me on to think that I'll smell like someone else's pee. It's a very sweet thing, I think 😛
  5. You are already doing better than me because I'm too afraid to pee on the floor of a hotel room haha. I have only peed in the trashcan! Keep up the good work!
  6. Bacardi

    On off days

    Yes but it's cause of my period lol. In the days leading up to my period I have to get off two or three times a day and even then sometimes that is not enough for me. Any other time my libido is a little more tame 😙
  7. I've been a member for going on four years know and I can attest that sometimes the forums go through quiet periods as members come and go. It will pick up again soon!
  8. I try to sit as still as possible, but it doesn't always work. I also have to be bent over or else my bladder just aaaaaaaaches. When I get to the 9 or 10 out of 10 mark I cant lay down and I can't stand up straight cause it hurts lol. It's all in good fun but damn. It takes skill!
  9. Yes I agree that if you are having a hard time with someone to report them. The admins care a lot about the person doing the reporting but take everything seriously because it could be being done to other members too. However, I also agree with that you've said lol. The ignore function can only do so much and I'd feel so much better if it were an actual block function. I would much rather some people not see my posts at all but as far as I can tell they still can.
  10. Sheesh. What does it take to be your girlfriend, huh? Can I put in an application 🤣🤣 Thank you for sharing 😍
  11. I really loved this! If I had it my way I'd definitely pee on the floor anywhere out of convenience. Even better if there is carpet! I think anyone should be able to pee wherever they want 😋 Too bad society is not set up like Kaymala over there in the fiction section lol.
  12. My longest pee has been a little over 40 seconds after holding and filling for like am hour and a half or so. Shortest pee has been about six seconds when my body hasn't been retaining water and I was hoping to get one last pee in before bed. Usually an average pee is between ten and twenty seconds. Depends on lots of things, like time of the month and if I was able to pee when I needed to or not.
  13. Well he tells me I'm not allowed to pee until he cums, so usually it's some crotch holding, pee dancing, and when he finally gives me the go ahead I scramble to the bathroom and pee for him 😋 usually it's between 20 and 40 seconds in length.
  14. I have the opposite problem. There is a guy that doesn't always let me pee and instead makes me hold it until I cant hold it anymore 😝
  15. Easy! Every single inch of a store's carpet! Omg this sounds like so much fun! I'd fill up as much as I could and pee all over the carpet, then do it all over until I get bored lol. Hopefully the people are frozen and they can't still see me. Would probably try a movie theater as well.
  16. Yeah. Most of the time when I dream I'm peeing I get real horny in my sleep, which shouldn't be a surprise. I've been know to orgasm in my sleep sometimes 🤭 wake up a hot, sticky mess and wonder why and when I remember it all makes sense lol. Just the other night I had a dream about a girl peeing in a library I think, but that time I actually woke up and made a conscious decision to log into the site and get off. It was a good decision. I was happy for the rest of the day.
  17. From one of my gaming groups, but could easily be peefans 🤣
  18. New York City. Not so much the people, but the buildings, parks, cars, and so on. The people there are also so diverse and have their quirks. I love NYC so much. Wish I could live there but I am a broke bitch lol.
  19. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what DrDr was talking about but this put it in perspective perfectly. Thanks Dr. Glad. You take the best photos!
  20. I know some people who would like to do this to me, but I just cannot envision it. I'm so shy and like most of us was taught that pee is dirty growing up, so the thought of someone licking me clean makes me a bit scared. I'd do it but it would take a lot of work to sort of get me in the right mindset first 😅
  21. Welcome! I, for one, an a fan of the Irish accent, or any accent at all 😍 hope you enjoy the forums!
  22. I wanted to say this but i was too proud so thank you 🤣🤣🤣
  23. Paper towels when there is no toilet paper in the public bathrooms I have to break down and use.
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