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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. @gldenwetgoose Okay, that's fair. It's just I have seem some extravagant and beautiful labia out there and when I look at mine it's like....eh. it's okay lol.
  2. No, but I have orgasmed at work 😛 favorite color of underwear?
  3. I dont really like to look because I don't really have a way to look! Have never been one to take pictures of myself either lol. When learning how to use tampons and my menstrual cup I have used a mirror to figure stuff out, and I think I look pretty average. Pretty plain, IMO. I hate the word pussy! I would rather say *in my best Irish accent* cunt!
  4. Someone once said to me: I'm going to stick my dick in your pants and use you like a toilet. I have never been the same since that day lol.
  5. Maybe if I did not wake up so horny I'd be a little more "professional" 🤣
  6. That back room is too cluttered anyway! She was well within her right to 😍 in my little heart eyes at least lol.
  7. If you want me to pee on you, Goose, just say that 🤣
  8. I like everything except someone peeing on my face lol. That's just something I can't handle 🤣 maybe just my tits instead.
  9. You guys will laugh at me because my preferred kiss is just a peck on the lips. Never have been into open mouth, tongue touching stuff. Your mouth is one of the dirtiest parts of your body, and I can't stand the thought of transferring those germs into my mouth. Ever had sex in a car?
  10. As I was hitting post this thought ran through my head. I guess we will find out next time I go to work and see him 🤣
  11. Some of my best friends on here are 20+ years older than me and I would not have it any other way. But I am one to get along with anyone, and it helps that we can bond over our love of the fetish.
  12. There is a girl I've been into on Tiktok. She does a lot of cosplay and sexy trends and I am just head over heels in love with her. She did one on her knees in some pink pj's and as I watched it on repeat I could only think about the crotch of her pj's slowly turning dark as she wet them. The sight made me very happy!
  13. @Havelock @DoctorDoctor I think it's mostly just luck. I have some pretty thick ass, jiggly thighs and it just depends on how I get into the shower. 9 times out of ten the second I get into the shower I pee and I don't usually spread my legs so thighs are pressed together and some how I'm able to pee about half a foot ahead of me. It's really hard to explain because it's random. Trust me I have always wanted to be able to pee standing up and I have tried to recreate the conditions and I can't 😭
  14. .........some might hate me for this but manspreading 😬 and maybe not so much in the context of public transportation. Idk. I'm into being dominated and for a dude to spread his legs wide to show me his cock that's an incredible turn on for me in particular. What fictional characters have you wanted to have sexual activities with?
  15. I have only really ever squatted and stood to pee. However, my favorite is squeezing my thighs together just right so that my pee shoots out in front of me lol. I have only ever been able to do it twice in my life and the latest just happened the other night while I was in the shower. Mt favorite more traditional way is to just squat. You can never go wrong with a quick squat in the corner!
  16. 🤨🤨🤨🤨 I don't know how to answer this lol.
  17. Well, my crotch is not permanently wet because I am not into wetting, but apparently "pee pee girls" look like me, and I consider myself to be an average person lmao. One a more serious note: I have seen pictures of a lot of people from here (only the ones who have been willing to share!) and I am always truly stunned to see how normal we all are. I guess I was made to feel like such an outsider with my fetish that when I surrounded myself with the very normal and extraordinary people of the forum it was nice to see I fit in along with everyone else!
  18. You flatter me anymore you will spoil me, Goose 🥰 I dont often talk about my bathroom habits because I am so used to holding my pee my whole shift. A few of my coworkers will tho, which doesn't bother me. Idk about K tho. We just play around and be silly together lol. He has given me the once off "I'd have sex with you if you weren't married" before, and he is 20 years older than I am so he is just my type. But at the same time he is real respectful of me and my boundaries. I don't expect him to bring it up again unless he's gonna report me for sexual harassment or something 🤣
  19. I am into being dominated, degraded, AND praised just a little bit. Talking about making my head spin. Anyone else wanna try with me?
  20. Yeah no worries at all guys! K and I are really great friends and I didn't take what it was as harassment. It was all just jokes! And, tbh, if I wasn't married already I might have taken the opportunity even tho I'm not really into giving golden showers 👀 I would at least be able to say I was able to indulge in our fetish for once lol.
  21. First of all, I know not everyone has seen my face but if you have please feel free to answer the question 🤣 if not, hold on. It becomes relevant later. I had another interaction with a coworker tonight that involved the fetish, and it was so funny. I felt like I was being called out on the sales floor! This is my go-to guy to bother at work; we will call him K. We like to laugh and play together and I was helping him fix his section tonight when we got to talking about kinks and fetishes our exes had. Mine in particular had a foot fetish (it wasn't for me and i under no circumstanc
  22. Yes that's what plays here! But the sentiment is still there in the clean version lol.
  23. ABCDEFU (And your mom) (And your sister) (And your job) (And.....I cant believe they put this song on the radio lol)
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