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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I cant speak for OP, but I took it as "peeing without permission" or going Rouge in order to pee!
  2. Submitted cause this is right up my little submissive ally 👐🏼
  3. Lmao. I fart at work every night and I always blame it on the customers when my coworkers react. I have masturbated at work a few times as well. The most recent time was when I wasn't allowed to use the bathroom. I'm lucky in that I don't use my fingers to masturbate; i squeeze my thighs together and have done it this way since I was little. So if I'm alone in the break room (or in the most recent case: the bathroom) I can activate my imagination and get off if I want to. However, work is work. I don't really walk into work and get turned on so it is a rare occasion.
  4. Holding with a friend who at one point very, very firmly told me no, I couldn't pee. It's everything I love wrapped into one: handsome men, domination, and pee!
  5. Bacardi

    Penis size

    Calm yourself down, Goose! I don't need this savagery first thing in the morning 🤣
  6. Bacardi

    Penis size

    I became a little more vocal after I discovered there is a word for how I feel about sex as a whole: asexual. I tell people all the time I could go the rest of my life without sex and still be happy lol. Also, a lot of the women I've talked to both on and off the site feel the same way. I'd still argue that we are in the minority but, tbh, I've made peace with it.
  7. Bacardi

    Penis size

    My ex had a ten inch penis and it did absolutely nothing for me lol. Just hurt me going in and coming out because he wasn't all that good at sex and insisted he couldn't use lube or condoms. Current partner is about 9 in. It's okay. I'm not really one to enjoy traditional penis-in-vagina sex so I put up with it when he wants it and just wait for the next time he wants to use his mouth 😝 So, IMO, no, size doesn't matter. And even if it did there is no reason to be shamed or feel shameful about having a smaller dick. I love all men no matter what size they are! There are other ways t
  8. Video games are my escape. Especially ones that simulate life like Animal Crossing. As a middle schooler i was bullied relentlessly and for a while my little virtual villagers were my only friends. I also agree with physical activity. I enjoy walking, and if I'm wound up, stressed, or anxious I will literally pace my hallways with some music in my ear and mellow out. On a less healthy note, when shit really hits the fan I have one self destructive behavior for when I'm stressed beyond words, and that's hair pulling. I have literally put bald spots on my head before and its so bad.
  9. Literally by the time I finished reading that sentence I had acquired a new fantasy 😇👿
  10. Ciao e benvenuto! I know a little Ita but obviously can't flex it here too much due to the rules. I'm learning so I can speak with a friend! Welcome to the forums! I, too, enjoy sort of peeing wherever you are. I call it naughty peeing and it's one of my greatest fantasies! Ti piacera qui 🙂🙃🙂
  11. Welcome! That's quite the impressive photo. Love the way your stream splits and seems to run down both of your thighs. Very aesthetically pleasing!
  12. Yes. Bacardi is here for it! I love soft dicks maybe just a little more than I like to see them hard lol.
  13. Yeah vid doesn't work, but that seems excellent. I need a friend that will get into trouble with me like this! Your description is so 😍
  14. Her friend trying to shield her is the best part lol. But, this ticks off several on my list. So, excuse me while I get myself off real fast 🤩
  15. When I am in the position to have more free will about my movements around the store, I might just try to make this a regular occurrence 😝
  16. Yep. As far as nights go at work it was a pretty good one!
  17. I am pro however it makes it into the toilet paper holder lol. It doesn't particularly matter to me which way it hangs. As long as it's there for me to wipe with!
  18. So coming off my period my body is no longer retaining water, which means I have to pee pretty often now. You guys know me. I loathe peeing in public restrooms. But tonight was another extreme night at work. I was already kinda full when I got there, but then as the night progressed the need got stronger. Eventually I gave in and decided I needed to excuse myself, but the second I made that decision I was put in a position where I couldn't go (don't want to go into detail about my job description!). I was originally just covering someone's break but that quickly went out the window and I
  19. For the sake of this questionnaire, we will assume I have a partner into pee (which I currently do not 😭) 1) Peeing on a partner: 5 2) Being peed on by a partner: 9 3) Peeing in your partner's face: 1 4) Having your own face peed on: 0 5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source: 1 6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source: 0 7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet: 10. 😎 Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner: 100000. Lol. 9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches: 2 10) Watching your partne
  20. Been in a Disney mood recently. Currently listening to Pink Elephants on Parade from Dumbo. Song still scares the shit out of me!
  21. A thong so I don't have to feel the wet fabric against my ass and cunt all day lol.
  22. Leah peeing in the corner of the apartment hallway like she's done it a million times 🥵 if I need a quick O that video does it for me each time.
  23. I know it's a day early, but ill be busy working tomorrow (🙄) so I wanted to get it out now. Happy mother's day to all the mommies on the forum! Whether it be mothers of infants, toddlers, teenagers, or adults, angel babies or children that are no longer with us, from the bottom of my heart I hope you have a great day!
  24. No, but I have been cheated on in one way or another in every single relationship I've had 🙄 Socks on or socks off during sex? I get cold so I keep them on 🤣
  25. Sitting or squatting is more comfortable only because I do not have control over my aim too much. In the shower it goes everywhere, and if my pee stream is too weak it goes nowhere but down my thighs lol.
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