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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I had several stalks of bean plants that my kids grew for me in school this year (they all just died). The plant that I peed in was a sunflower. And I have about ten succulents of every different variety!
  2. It was just that one at the time because it was needy and I missed a week of care for personal reasons πŸ˜ͺ but now I have another that just died on me (an older plant, just ran though it's posted cycle i guess) that I'm thinking about "watering" some more lol. I swear i don't abuso my plants with piss often 🀣
  3. Before I answer this, let me define naughty peeing in my own words because I realize here people may have different definitions lol. I consider naughty peeing to be peeing in a place that is not generally acceptable. So, basically anywhere other than the toilet or outside (because I have never known anyone to clean up pee that has been left outside lol). So, after that, I think the naughtiest pee I've ever done is in a drain at in a pool locker room. It was a public place where anyone could have come around the corner and seen me, and it felt so, so good. A close second would proba
  4. Yeah I do not enjoy involving unwilling participants in my naughty adventures. Peeing on shop/fitting room floors is the naughtiest of the naughty for me, but I would likely never do it because that would still involve someone without a choice in cleaning up after me. So I am happy to keep the fun in my own head and home and watch/orgasm from afar πŸ€ͺ I peed in the trash can in the hotel room, and the toilet and tjr shower when I was getting clean. I think if I was with a fellow peefan I would consider it as long as we cleaned up real well when we were done. Don't need any after charges
  5. I write a hell of a lot better than I speak. Trust me 🀣
  6. My inner labia is smaller than my outer, and my pee streams are always thick (like me 😎) no matter when or how I pee.
  7. Probably the woman because I enjoy watching women pee more than I enjoy watching men. No, because that then involves them in my fetish in a way where they did not consent, and if someone put pee in my drink/food with or without me knowing i would be disgusted so i dont want to subject anyone to that. I am not in the business of making others sick with my pee unfortunately. I am just not into very yellow and smelly pee. It is quite the turn off for me. My pee does have a color and scent depending on what I've eaten, drank, and time of day ☺️
  8. Lol. I try my hardest to be! Thanks. Last year I hit a rough patch with my husband and we decided that he would take care of things at the house for a few days while I'd cool down away from him and the kids, and that he would get a chance to chill too if he needed. He put me in a moderate hotel for a few nights, and one of those nights he worked so I had the kiddos with me. I was exhausted and I needed to tire the kids out for bed so we went down to the pool. While they splashed around in the actual pool I was alone in the hot tub just trying to decompress and relax from being so stres
  9. Me, having peed in plenty of pools and hot tubs all of my life:
  10. Most likely not because I do not want to pee in the same containers my family eats out if and cooks in lol. If you have more just ask away. This thread is made for asking questions. If something makes me uncomfortable then I won't answer it.
  11. This is something that fascinates me about men peeing. Someone pointed it out to me and I can't quite look at any of the pictures/videos here without seeing it lol. It's so pretty to me! One of my favorite videos shows the dude has a long twist at the beginning of his stream and then nothing after, and in others he has several more twists! I fucking love it and I don't know why lol
  12. Stranger Things! That show spooks the shit out of me but I still enjoy it. Have also been watching West World on HBO.
  13. Never measured how much, but I've measured length time wise. I have been told to hold my pee and drink as much water as I can, and the longest pee I've had has been just over 50 seconds worth. That was a rough day but I enjoyed it afterword!
  14. Well, color/scent are turn offs for me, but I have been working hard on my holding abilities so I would happily participate in quantity! Quantity or length of time held, and maybe even be judged on naughtiness of the spot I chose to pee in 😁 they would all work for me.
  15. This week has been a Rollercoaster and I forgot you asked this question Sophie 🀧 sorry! But, If I had three super powers i would choose 1. Shape Shifting (into any object or animal; no invisibility or flight needed!) 2. Power of influence so I could reach into people's minds and make them do whatever I want (I heard a rumor you shut your ass up! 😀). And I can't think of a third. My super hero name: Bacardi the Great. I am so not creative when it comes to these things lol.
  16. Damn. This scratched an itch I just could not scratch. I loooovvvvveeeeeeee the idea of being a maid and watching as the person I work for pees and I have to clean it up 😫😫😫 this was absolutely the best. Thanks so much for sharing.
  17. Carpet βœ…οΈ Any spot will do! It's incredibly naughty and makes such a great noise πŸ’› With whatever you choose, good luck!
  18. Three. My husband and two dudes in high school. Most of them bad at sex πŸ˜’
  19. Take a chemistry or math class. Not a numbers person. I have been crying at the table over math homework since I was in elementary school πŸ˜”
  20. @Eliminature is out here really saying what the majority of women on the site think every time a post like this pops up 🀣 thank you queen! The only reason I even click on these posts is to watch GoldenGoose lay down the law πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅
  21. Yeah. Several times. In school, in the car, in church, on the bus. Again, it's when I was younger and didn't actually know what i was doing was masturbating, only that it felt good. If I really wanted to I could do it now but I don't lol.
  22. I have tried to multitask by stretching and peeing at the same time and have done this 😬 I have to admit tho it is a lot of fun!
  23. I think the best orgasms happen first thing in the morning when you're groggy and your buddies send you really arousing content that you were not anticipating. Thank you, anonymous pee fans user, for helping me start my day sticky and wet. I would not have it any other way!
  24. I am a bit of an oddity as I have never met another woman or another person that knows a woman who masturbates like me. It started when I was obscenely young. So young I did not even know what I was doing was masturbating. It started after I got my pee kink and I just knew it felt good when I thought about pee. I would squeeze my thighs together real tight. I couldn't tell you the logistics or what exactly gets squeezed. My best guess is it's my clit lol. But I am not certain. All I know is I cross my knees and squeeeeeeeze until I have an orgasm and that is good enough for me.
  25. Peeing in containers isn't really my thing. But I guess if I had a dom telling me it was either hold it or pee in a bucket I'd go for the bucket 😁
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