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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. Pubic hair 😍😍😍😍 I wanna lick it all lol. Thank you guys so much for sharing with me!
  2. Mmm I love that hairy chest, and I love those muscles under that undershirt. Thanks for sharing 😍😍
  3. Looks so good 😍😍 I love it! Thank you for sharing!
  4. Fro is good! Although I thought you told me you had dreads atm lol. You know I love big hair since I got big hair too 🤣
  5. Look, desperate times call for desperate measures!! I am here for it 🤣 Aww thanks so much for sharing with me 😍 I love it!
  6. Anywhere. I love seeing hair on men anywhere 😍
  7. Nope I love it. I would SMASH!!!
  8. @Burnzie Heeeeeyyyyy handsome 😍
  9. Guys. I have had such a rough day (and it's only noon. What a joke). The other day I was having a conversation in the chat and we were talking about our turn ons, and one of mine is body hair on men. Everywhere. Arms, legs, back, butt, armpits, I love it all. But I especially love hairy chests and stomachs 😍😍 I haven't been able to shake that conversation, and I think what I need to feel better is to see some handsome hairy guys. So please. Post some pictures of the harriest men you can find (or yourself 😁) and make my day that much brighter. I will love you guys forever! Thanks in
  10. I'm under 29 and can only squat on my toes but it has never hindered my ability to squat to pee. I can also squat for longer than 30 seconds, but my knees definitely aren't what they used to be 🤣
  11. Maybe he is a member of this forum! That would be fun lol.
  12. I dont think even my squatting aim would be efficient enough to pee into such a narrow trough. Not to mention I am shy af so I couldn't pee with another woman that close to me and watching me lol. If I had to, I think I'd rather stand with my feet on each side of it and pee from under a dress to try and hide myself 😬
  13. Peeing inside of me whether it be my mouth or anywhere else is definitely not my thing. Peeing in someone else's mouth isn't my thing either, but I suppose if my partner asked and it was something they really wanted I'd try it at least once. I would prefer not to tho.
  14. Hahahaha this is definitely me. It's so easy to make me laugh because of my childish sense of humor and if I am full it's going to come rushing out and I cannot stop it. I think butt and fart jokes are the funniest thing in the world and they will make me fall the fuck out laughing. I know for a fact that if I were full and someone made a stupid fart joke I'd probably turn into a high pressure sprinkler too 🤣
  15. This is how I'm tryna be next time I'm lactating 🤣🤣 tie me down and milk me damn it!!!
  16. This one lol. Peefans is the one and only pornographic website I've joined. I love it here.
  17. Yes it is dangerous because pee is a waste product. It can throw off PH levels in the vagina and leave people more susceptible to infections like BV. I'd never let anyone pee inside of me ever.
  18. 1. No because my works offer more plot than porn because that's how i prefer to write. Also i do not want to turn people away that might not like/ be turned off by the fetish. 2. They are not central to the plot and could be cut, but I prefer to add short bathroom scenes and such to add realism and to remind my audience that the characters are real people and not superhumans that hold their pee for the entire duration of the novel. I have been praised for it before. 3. Not really. I do not include many of them. Maybe just one per work if that.
  19. I am a fiction writer both on and off the site and I am working on a novel. So idk which of your categories I fall into. I do have some pee scenes in my off site fiction but they do not always cater to the fetish.
  20. I was just recently hospitalized for a kidney related problem, and one of the problems I had was a UTI. I was baffled because 1. I didn't have any symptoms and 2. It's not as if I have any habits that would give me a uti. I was asking the nurse if there was anything else that would give me one and the first thing she asked me was "do you hold your urine?" 😑 I hold for fun by myself and with a few friends around here. Just be careful and don't hold for too too long too often.
  21. DAMN. that is bold af. I love it.
  22. Hi there! This is a global community and as such I've talked to everyone around the world, but I don't know that I've talked to anyone in Japan before! Welcome! I enjoy peeing wherever i want too (in theory that is; my actual experiences are limited 😔) so you will, indeed, fit in.
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