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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. Yeah you told me about this on the pass off questions about sex thread. I really don't think I could handle all of that stuff because pregnancy and childbirth was so traumatic for me. But on the question about lactation, I'll remind you that I did try a few things online that were just okay. I feel like if I had more practice/experience with someone in person with a lactation kink I could see myself being into it eventually. But, that would require another baby and I don't want another one right now. So it will have to wait lol.
  2. 1 full bladder, one part curiosity, one part dick head little brother (that never outgrows the dick head part even 20 + years later)=a full blown girl into piss.
  3. Keep talking to me like that, and I am going to have to make you a father 😵‍💫
  4. Breeding. Lol. Also kinda goes hand in hand with my very *consensual* rape fantasy. I'd get soooooo horny if someone held me down and told me they were going to hold me down and impregnate me against my will, but I would like to think the majority of people know that doing one thing in the bed room and then having to actually carry, give birth to, and raise a child is another! Besides, I've already had my fair share of kiddos. I'm on the fence still about having more but definitely not any time soon!
  5. About what? 🤣 and market it to who?
  6. Yaaaaaaay! I missed this series so much! You're one of my favorite writers on here and this was the best thing to wake up to ever! Thanks for sharing. Also, MILF brigade? Holy shit I just about pissed my pants laughing. Next time I'm out with my friends I'm going to carry a sign that says MILF brigade 🤣
  7. Early for sure. In a good way. I started exploring my kink and sexuality at an obscenely young age (I've mentioned it before but in order to keep things civil I won't mention it or too many details here). It started when my little brother peed on my wall and carpet and I just couldn't get it out of my head. I often wondered if I could pee anywhere like him. One thing lead to another and I figured out how to masturbate whenever I thought about peeing on the carpet, and now here we are lol. I didn't actually realize what I was doing was masturbating until I was in my teens or so, though. An
  8. Ciao mio concittadino American! (Or, hello my fellow American lol). Always good to see more Americans on here. Sometimes i feel so left out when everyone else lives overseas. Regardless, this is a great global community with very charismatic and welcoming people, so I am certain you will like it here!
  9. Ciao è benvenuto! Perché qualcuno ha scritto in tedesco io scriverò in Italiana! Just kidding, lmao. I don't want to be booted by the mods. Warmest of welcomes from America!
  10. Okay! My turn to blow up your AMA! You. Me (a genie). Five wishes. Go! And, they asked my baby this at school recently and I think it's important: what is something important about yourself that you want the world to know?
  11. I've done this playing around on the toilet from time to time. You know. Seeing how far I can go without making a huge mess lol. Actually come to think of it this sounds naughty af. Spreading your legs as wide as you can so you can pee over the rim of the seat and onto the floor. It's like saying "fuck the toilet!" 🤣 I'm gonna have to try that next time I'm home alone!
  12. 1. I wish for a really good job that pays a lot and that I'll enjoy for the rest of my life. 2. I wish I could have one big, wet party with all of my peefans friends. You guys don't know how badly I want to hug all of you 😭 3. I wish every animal I came across would be my friend and wouldn't mind being my pets. I'm trying to cuddle up at night with a tiger and keep an elephant in my back yard. Well....come to think of it there is only one person in Italy and Many, many, many of you in the UK. Maybe I need to switch some things up here 🤣 A Bently (even tho I am tryin
  13. Okay idk what money or credit you think you're gonna get out of me when I have about 23 cents in my bank account 🤣 I am really about to give my whole ass identity away for this one. I have always wanted to learn how to play Dungeons and Dragons. I haven't gotten a chance to because I am such a loner I don't like being around so many other people. Even if I did I have no nerd friends who will teach me. I also was this close 🤏🏼 to doing something I always wanted to do, and that's ice skating, this year. I had skates lined up to buy, a class to take at my local rink, and then my cla
  14. Lol I don't really know. From the last few questions I dont have much to offer in the way of pee, so I guess more questions about me and my life outside of the fetish would work. Just not too personal!
  15. If you think that flimsy piece of paper is gonna stop me then you're wrong!
  16. I'll do this if I can do it from the side of a boat. I do not like swimming in the ocean lol.
  17. This to me is a daily thought. I would give anything to be surrounded by my peefans people 😭
  18. No way lol. Despite my username I am not really one to drink often. And even if I were I am not a party girl so its rare that I go out to parties. Peeing on carpets or on the floor at clubs is defintiely one of those fantasies that I like to read about tho! The closest thing that I can share is I once got real drunk and got up to some nonsense on here with a friend and offered multiple times to send him my underwear if he sent me a pizza 🤣 Afted that I vowed never to log onto peefans drunk ever again. But it still happens and I still embarrassed myself in people's PMs 😆
  19. I saw this on my Facebook This morning and was inspired to create this topic. So, what is everyone's ideal parallel universe? I would still really love to see open peeing anywhere become an actual thing. And, I would love to be able to hang out with everyone on here 🤣
  20. That's a great question. I think I fall into most of all categories. My number one hobby is writing and editing so I will count that as intellectual. I also enjoy playing video games of all different types so....some people would label that as lazy but I consider it intellectual for the problem solving aspects and stuff lol. Physically I really enjoy going on walks. It's how I keep myself as fit as I can possibly be. Sometimes I'll just pace the halls for an hour or two with some music to get my steps in if I don't feel like leaving the house. I'm also creative in the sense that I enjoy drawin
  21. I have tried sitting, squating, and standing. The most comfortable position for me was sitting since I kept my legs and feet clean, but I really enjoy squatting more.
  22. Well these are more specific aspects of the fetish. Not every woman is into peeing with a partner, or peeing solo. Right? Maybe I was being too optimistic lol. I just really love voting in polls.
  23. Maybe we should make a poll for the ladies of the forum 🤔 and draw from there. At least it could be a start!
  24. Percentage of women into self pee fun (holding, naughty peeing solo peeing, wetting, enjoy peeing fun alone)? - My guess is 35 % Percentage into watching others (such as friends or partners)? - My guess is 80 % Percentage into participating in pee play with friends or partners? - My guess is 20 % These percentages were just based off of my experience and what I know about my female friends. Most of my friends admitted to enjoying watching other people pee.
  25. No problem! I am happy that you are even just considering 😍 thanks so much!
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