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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2023 in all areas

  1. Good evening friends! This goes out to the spiritual side of peefans. Those of you that frequent the chat might know about my close friendship with @Chrissy89. We are so close we often joke we are twins. It started out in February when we met in chat and took our friendship beyond the forum, and we quickly found we were very similar. It was simple things like favorite colors, favorite foods, favorite animals being the same, but over time the similarities became quite overwhelming. Our birthdays are exactly a month apart, we laugh at the same silly things (multi-player toilets. *squ
    7 points
  2. not just my panties. but all my underwear. teehee. 🤭 so like i'd just left the bar i was at. i wasn't drunk, but definitely felt a little carefree, and despite being kinda rainy, it wasn't all that cold. sooo, lacking inhibition, i unzipped my skirt. as i walked down the sidewalk it eventually worked itself off, nearly tripping me as it fell below my knees. haha. and so then i ended up just carrying it around, leaving my coat (and i guess boots, too) as the only actual clothes i was still wearing. i eventually ended up back at my car, but totally got there in a roundabout way, prolonging the e
    7 points
  3. Saturday night saw myself, N, his brother and girlfriend out for the night in Yorkshire, yes it was a child free evening and a night of bowling, cocktails, an escape room and food awaited us. For those of you who remembered my brother-in-law’s girlfriend, L from Christmas she was present, for those of you who don’t then please feel free to acquaint yourself with the wonders of her peeing: Now, we had been out earlier in the day with the kids jumping around trampolines and inflatable obstacle courses and this was about 6 hours later and she hadn’t been to the toilet, not once. I
    5 points
  4. Peefans.... So, so, so much more than just a bunch of weirdos and perverts. And here's the proof.
    4 points
  5. Awww girl! You’re gonna make me cry. My life is so much better for meeting you! I don’t care that we met of a fetish site like as you have said, things have extended so much beyond what here brings and I’m eternally thankful for that! I love you @Bacardi ❤️
    4 points
  6. omg i tried stopping so i could pee later but i overflowed it was so hot
    4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. At it again at the local shops. What I didn’t realise until later was the man a couple of urinals down (I was at the very end with my back sort of towards the rest of the urinals) was watching me and jerking off as I pissed on the wall. It was a big piss too, I really needed to go.
    4 points
  9. I am inexplicably cut, and it bothers me that it wasn’t a decision I got to make. Ok I’m lucky I have a very nice cock either way, but the idea that part of it is missing annoys the hell out of me! I wish I had a foreskin that I could play with, piss through, pull back, have someone’s tongue under, and generally protect my head which is what it’s meant to do.
    4 points
  10. if theres a waterpark i like wetting my bikini while in line for the waterslide!! into a cup under the table at a bar, backseat of an uber, stairwell, and obviously in the hotel room!
    4 points
  11. Yesterday in the evening I held my pee until my bladder was pretty full and then I tried to do a good impression of a pissing elk 😂🤷‍♀️ I probably did not quite piss as much as an elk, but I am still happy with the video and I hope that you like it too! 😉 Letting out all that piss and flooding everything with my stream felt amazing! It is not very visible in the video, but my upper body was pretty much full of piss because of the splash back of my piss stream hitting the glasses. I had no idea where my stream would land, but I just for fun put two glasses in front of me, and at least a sm
    3 points
  12. So recently I've been getting in a lazy state where I'll refuse to use the toilet for hours at a time sometimes I'll even go a whole day without peeing in the toilet. This morning when I woke up to the sound of my 8am alarm I felt that all too familiar feeling of needing to pee, I reach over to my bed side unit to switch off my alarm & as I did that thr pressure in my bladder got stronger to the point where id leaked a little. Once I'd turned off the alarm it dawned on me that I'd booked the day off work, laying back down in bed with that sweet sensation of no work I sighed, relaxed m
    3 points
  13. Hello everyone! For those of you who have been keeping up with my woes in the chat, you might know that I am currently 10 days late on my period and I have been absolutely horrified at the thought of being pregnant. My best friend at work offered to bring me one of her tests, which was a standard pee on a stick and then wait ten minutes test. I really, really don't want any more babies. I went through enough with the last one I had and just have no desire to carry, give birth, and raise another one. So the entire time we were walking to the break room I was sweating and feeling lik
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. i posted my semi-soaked diaper and im probably about halfway ready to fully soak another!
    3 points
  16. just bought the diapers! headed home now!
    3 points
  17. Update: ya girl finally got her period, and so did @Chrissy89
    3 points
  18. planning on my first ever diaper wetting!!
    3 points
  19. Still no period but SOMEOME 👀 reported to me that she got hers this morning, so I'm gonna assume mine will be here soon 🤣 There was a post a while ago that I also commented about my relationship with this girl, where I explained we always talk about what we'd do during a threesome. I had also mentioned how she told me her boyfriend might have a piss fetish lol. We could go all day about what we'd do with each other, and it's really fun cause, unlike me, she has experience having sex with another girl. And this is just a regular conversation for us! I did see her for a while yeste
    3 points
  20. Cute rear-end/bottom/ass...
    3 points
  21. Definitely! Girl’ I’ll always love you… even if your pinky toe grew to be as big as your big toe! 🤣 We done a hard room with a 1 in 5 escape rate. Got out with only 5 mins to spare. An escape is an escape though!
    3 points
  22. Do any of you find that being in a hotel room can bring out your horny side and make you want to do things you've always wanted to?
    2 points
  23. im on my couch!! and a few times while i was letting just a bit go i pulled them down a bit to watch it come out. it was so hot!!
    2 points
  24. Yeah let some out 😍
    2 points
  25. i just got home id say im at a 7/10. i put the diaper on and leaked a tiny bit, cant decide if i wanna slowly release or hold a bit more and do a big gush!!
    2 points
  26. I feel sick @Bacardi And no, it’s not the abdominal pain that’s causing this it’s the forces between us! 🤣🙈
    2 points
  27. I don't know if you've ever played the social media game where you Ask a question, then when you get an answer you edit it to make the answerer look as bad as possible. Well, I was thinking of doing a thread of that where we ask questions not about pee, give mundane answers, then edit the question to make it about pee. For example Person1: how often do you brush your teeth Person2: Twice a day Becomes Person1: how often do you pee on someone else's carpet? Person2: Twice a day Have fun!
    2 points
  28. ive been teasing myself with a few spurts just sitting here on the couch!!
    2 points
  29. just relax and enjoy it!!😈😈
    2 points
  30. me too!! im currently holding
    2 points
  31. This was both hilarious and stressful to read lol
    2 points
  32. Peeing on his mistress When Bella opened her shared computer with her husband, the last thing she expected to see was a facebook notification pop up. Least of all one from his secretary, Jessica, asking her husband to tie her to her bed. After the fury subsided, the blonde bombshell had an idea. She'd get her own back on the cheating bastard, and have some fun along the way. She made sure she could still see his messages and waited til the night they were going to do the deed. With an overcoat over her sexiest lingerie she followed her husband to Jessica's house. Giving him a fe
    2 points
  33. What a fine picture to wake up to on a Monday morning! You really do have a lovely “muffin”
    2 points
  34. Love your stockings. So sexy!
    2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. Looking amazing there @puddyls - Huge thanks as always for posting.
    2 points
  37. I’m visiting my friends lake house for a few days starting today. It’s an older style house that has a bunch of thick rugs and carpet covering the dark hardwood floors. When we arrived we all hung out together and smoked weed, drank, listened to music, etc. Typical laidback hangout activities. Later in the night everyone went to their bedrooms one by one eventually leaving me alone in the living room. I sat watching TV a little before it dawned on me. I was out here, alone, with all this different carpet space that I could pee on. The thought excited me immediately and I looked aro
    2 points
  38. After the excitement of wetting in a diaper earlier I couldn’t wait to get started on my plan to piss on the back of an old couch in my basement. I started chugging some iced tea because the caffeine makes me have to pee really bad and really fast. While I waited for the feeling to creep up on me I browsed through this site feeling extra excited in anticipation of what was to come. I quickly felt the need to pee and it came FAST. all of a sudden I was wriggling in my seat and pressing my thighs together. I wanted to make this feeling last but make it even more fun, so I started touching myself
    2 points
  39. As a still fairly new member I can definitely say that most people here (at least for the regularly active one) are extremely well-intentioned and benevolent. I believe this goes also for me and just as as the others said I hope you'll never encounter such asses like this upon peeing. If I had been the guy needless to say I would've apologized and stated that I was desperate as well before keeping a distance as large as possible before peeing as well to ensure privacy for both of us. My guess is that this guy was either drunk, high or both at the same time (explaining why he lost balance)
    1 point
  40. Dear Wet Carpet, For as long as I can remember, I have been a bed wetter. I remember my parents struggled to potty train me and eventually gave up and bought me training pants and a mattress protector. Now as an adult, I continue to wet the bed. But over the years I accepted my wetting so confidently that I now pee whenever and wherever I feel the urge. I wear skirts or dark pants and if I need to pee I make sure I am in a discrete place and just let go. At home I usually step to a place that is uncarpeted or sit in my leather recliner and empty my bladder. Except when I am in my bed, of c
    1 point
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