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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2024 in all areas

  1. I was lucky enough to be in Rio over the last few days for carnival. Today was the first day that I got to experience a “blocco” which is essentially a massive street party where crowds move along from street to street. They are hosted by people in random locations throughout the city. Today’s one was in the city and took us through many streets out towards the port. I can honestly say as someone who actively enjoys seeing women peeing it was the most incredible thing ever. I would say over the course of the party, around 4-5 hours I saw nearly 100 girls openly peeing in the street.
    10 points
  2. Hey all, So this happened last year down in the Dominican Republic. To be honest I don’t remember that week my girlfriend had to fill me in so here’s what happened. My girlfriends and I literally jumped on a plane as soon as class was finished for a bit of r and r. We drank on the plane obviously, katie must’ve got up to pee at least a half dozen times. One of the times she looked at me and said what are you at peeing in the seat. I said no she’s like as much as you drank and you haven’t budged I find that hard to believe. I said I have a strong bladder which I do. So we
    4 points
  3. Unfortunately when I pee it goes straight between my feet lol. No distance for me! The other day I propped my leg up on the counter and tried to pee on the wall across from the toilet but it was too far away and I didn't get far past the toilet rim. I have had luck tho peeing vertically! Every time I take a bath I like to sink down, spread my legs, lift up, and pee. I dont really have an approximation cause I'm bad with numbers, but it was a lot higher than I ever expected the first time.
    4 points
  4. Hayley here. 21 years old, blonde and here to make some pee friends.
    3 points
  5. I don't know how much pee in trains is naughty, but all the seats in a train in my experience have a dried pee smell. I wet myself on purpose and let it soak in to the seat, and I am sure many wet themselves by accident. I have seen plenty of videos where people just pee on the seats which I guess is pretty naughty.
    3 points
  6. I enjoy seeing titties of all sizes and shapes, young & old. This babe's boobs, however, really caught my eyes. Anybody agree?
    3 points
  7. Also me when someone speaks another language 🥵
    3 points
  8. Another good one that I saw..at a motorway service station..coach (long distance bus) pulls up full of lads on the way to a football match. Next to the coach park is a grassed area with some trees..literally everyone piles off the coach and starts pissing against the trees..must have been a line of about 40 blokes doing desperate beer pisses
    3 points
  9. I’d been out with a couple of mates and had a few beers and we were walking back to my mates house at the end of the night. I was needing a piss, deliberately hadn’t gone before we left the pub so I could go outside. There’s a side street with a gap between two buildings about 10m wide which has a few fire exits coming out into it, we were walking near it. I’ve pissed there a shit ton of times so had in my head I’d go there. Told my mates and walked into it. I’ve never seen more than one or two other guys in there pissing, but this time there were 10 or 12 before I got there. Fuck knows what w
    3 points
  10. Something I've always loved is reading stories of people witnessing dudes whipping their cocks out and pissing in public, but they're hard to come across, so I figured I'd ask! I'm also going to use this as a spot to share my own stories, of which there are a lot as I've been in some pretty pee-heavy areas. Here's by far my best sighting, and I'll share more in the coming days: I was on a long commute in between cities, it was about a 4 hour drive one way, and there was very little on the route. On the way back, about halfway through, I really needed to piss so after a few miles I
    2 points
  11. My girlfriend and I were at a restaurant and were headed home and she needed to piss. She knows how much I love to see her pretty pussy pissing in public. I suggested she go beside the car. She was nervous as because there was some daylight still. I offered to piss with her. This made her agreeable. She pulled her thong down to her knees under her dress and got down in a squat. I pulled my throbbing cock out and struggled to get a stream going. I could see her letting out a trickle of pee and then a large hissy gush of piss came out. I was now pissing on the side of a random persons truck
    2 points
  12. I noticed an interesting connection between the railway and naughty peeing. Toilets at stations and also on trains are generally in a bad condition. Many people pee on floor accidentaly as the train moves. The others after that have less inhibitions as the floor is already soaked and pee more on floor. I didn't see any direct signs of pissing on seats, but it sure happens sometimes too. At train stations many people instead of using the vandalized and also often closed toilets rather find a place to pee behind some shed or bush. Underpasses and elevators are frequently used too.
    2 points
  13. I almost never close the toilet door when I pee, and this also applies with many guests who visit my place. Usually I even continue chatting when peeing.
    2 points
  14. I don't know if it is the frequency, or that you must pee the instant you feel the tingle. I try to wet myself immediately I feel the tingle when I go out and that really increases the frequency and it only takes a tiny amount in my bladder to feel desperate and start leaking a bit towards the end of the day.
    2 points
  15. It is very addictive, and it can take a lot of self control to refrain from wetting especially when you are impaired due to tiredness.
    2 points
  16. It has to be worth a visit surely.😋
    2 points
  17. Fun fact - we party just as hard whether it's one birthday or dozens being celebrated. Today we're in the party groove for one of the site's best regular contributors - @bcreed1983 - Have a great one.
    2 points
  18. Hottest story I ever witnessed was when I was in Paris just walking around in the middle of the afternoon. I just turned around the corner and I witnessed two good looking mid twenties dudes standing in small corner basically on the sidewalk just a few feet away from people passing them. When I got close I heard and saw the most amazing thing. They were just pissing huge streams into that corner on to the wall of a building while loads of people were passing behind them in broad daylight. Streams of piss were also starting to run all over the sidewalk and people had to start avoiding them but
    2 points
  19. It was probably when I was 16. Me and my friends would go to a convenience store after school and since the bathrooms were dirty I would piss in the stairwell of this old parking garage nearby.
    2 points
  20. Fuck! I love the sight of it all. A bunch of dudes taking a piss, not giving a fuck about it, standing side by side. Its what we do.
    2 points
  21. Over the past weeks, I experienced a rise in my "bedwetting addiction". At least, I randomly think about wetting the bed almost every night now. I don't know if this is a kind of phase now or if it is a mild, but literal addiction now 😅 Has anyone made a similar experience?
    1 point
  22. Oh I do, I have a bunch of photos and video's that I've taken 😉
    1 point
  23. Needing a bit of a grab this morning, morning pee very much needed
    1 point
  24. Would be great to read how the party went and what happened pee-wise 😉
    1 point
  25. This is taking extreme watersports to a whole new level Hailey get down from there now.
    1 point
  26. In my teenage years I read quite a few Stephen King books - and there was a high proportion with some sort of peeing episodes in them. They may have contributed in a small part to who I am today.
    1 point
  27. Hi all, Jumping into this topic and hoping to become a regular poster here. Based on my memories of discovering that peeing was erotic to me I definitely discovered it as opposed to developing it. In other words, it was in there and one way or another it was going to come out. That said I can't recall a specific incident that started me out and the memories are old enough that the order might be jumbled. I do remember going into the ladies room with my mother and being fascinated by the difference in how she handled her business. And there was one time at home, she was peeing and as
    1 point
  28. Very early, I remember going to the beach with my mom and family friends daughter who had come to visit (who also happened to be a huge crush of mine). She told my mom she had to pee and she said to just do it in her bikini under the water. From that moment on I couldn't stop imagining it.
    1 point
  29. I know I was interested, from a very early age, in how females peed. It was the first difference between girls and boys that I was aware of. I don't think my early experiences made me interested. I think it was my interest that made the early experiences so memorable. One of those was when I was at school. It was the end of our long break out of doors and we were all standing in lines, class by class, waiting to be called back to the class rooms. It was all very quiet, so the sudden sound of splashing liquid behind me made me turn around. The girl standing behind me had been desperate f
    1 point
  30. For me it was the girl next door. I was about twelve or so. There was a big woods at the end of the street we lived on. Us kids played in the woods all day in the summer. When playing in the woods and the girl next door had to pee she didn't try to hide herself. She just hiked up her dress or pulled her pants and panties down and squatted down and peed. Right in front of us boys. I guess that did it for me
    1 point
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