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  1. Some screwed up part of me finds pleasure in โ€œrevengeโ€ pissing. For example, my friend and I once really had to piss and walked into a government building to ask to use the bathroom. They said no, so we pissed in their stairwell. I had beef with a boy in high school, so I pissed on his truck. At a hotel, there was once a bunch of rowdy drunk guys being annoying in the pool/hot tub area. So I went into the small hot tub with a few of them and pissed for a solid minute in water and got out.
    8 points
  2. I have this secluded corner in my subway station that I piss in most days after I get off the train at night. Usually nobody is around. But when Iโ€™m there in the daytime, the place smells very strongly. I often see people standing exactly where I pissed while they wait for the train.
    7 points
  3. At school I had to piss so I drove to the back of the parking lot pissed in a bottle in the back of my car. Also anytime I went over my friends house in the summer when we were swimming I would pretend to go pee in the house but really go behind a tree on the side of the house. Lastly at another friends house we were in her yard which is really big and I kept saying how I really had to pee until she suggested to go pee in the bushes ๐Ÿ˜‚
    6 points
  4. You can look this technique up somewhere else, but you can pee standing up rather neatly by spreading your labia. The inner pussy lip. That way, nothing blocks the stream from coming out splattering everywhere. It takes a bit of practice. I love pissing on things standing up when I am wearing shorts, as I can just do it through the pant leg.
    5 points
  5. I had a job that required me to wear a skirt and when I took the trash out at the end of my shift sometimes I'd pee there near the dumpster. That place was so dirty and gross it didn't really register that it would be bad to pee there lol. People dumped all kinds of stuff there. Clothes, mattresses, old food, tvs. No one cared about anything so every so often I peed on whatever was piled up there.
    4 points
  6. Hey, I've been away for a long time but found time for write an Update. Update on my Bedwetting: I reduced my bedwetting because my mattresses always got messed up quickly, my bed has always smelled of piss. So I dump my old mattress and bought a new one. Now I only pee about 4 times a month in my bed. When I'm at a hotel, I piss as often as possible in the bed. I always leave the bed open in the morning so that it dries but most of the time the bed cant dry completely, just too much piss. Strangely enough, the cleaning ladies have never complained Class meeting on W
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. My whole kink started by watching my male friends pee outside carelessly when we were young. Usually they would tell me not to look, or would turn their backs. But I could hear and see their marks afterward, imagining what it looked like between their legs. I would feel a tingly, pressure-like feeling down there. I used to think it was also because I needed to pee. I would get wet thinking about it, not knowing what it was, I would think I was leaking pee. That was years before puberty. I was about 10 when I decided to be "naughty" and look back while my friend peed, seeing a penis for the fir
    3 points
  9. Sadly I forgot my profile password so I made a new account. It has been a long time since I wrote anything here, so because of Halloween I decided to make a Halloween-themed story. I hope you enjoy it! The Halloween Party This story contains: Male and female peeing, humiliation, sex, pee drinking and naughty peeing The story is about the not-so-popular Michel, who is convinced to throw a Halloween party. Only during the party, he quickly gets taken advantage of, as most guests do not bother to use the toilet to relieve themselves ___________________ The small
    2 points
  10. Piss is like a territorial type of kink for me, so I piss each time I enter the pool. I always get the urge to do it the second my pussy hits the water. But sometimes I piss if Iโ€™m interacting with a guy, or intentionally piss near a hot guy. I really donโ€™t understand why I have this kink. Growing up, pissing in the pool would always put me in an aroused state. One day after being horny after pissing near a boy at the pool, I got the idea of putting my pussy over the pool jet. I got my first orgasm this way. Now, whenever Iโ€™m in a hot tub, I sit directly over the jet on the seats so
    2 points
  11. Do you have a favourite / least favourite letter to write? I love writing an upper case J but I despise writing an upper case K !
    2 points
  12. As always, our favorite naughty girl, Thankyou
    2 points
  13. I've very much enjoyed everyone's posts, hope you enjoy my penis as well!
    2 points
  14. I sometimes squat and pee in the shower! Just pulling down my clothes, squatting and letting it go. I know I have posted about it several times on the forum but I can only find this post with a quick search.
    2 points
  15. I have lots of stories involving pissing in cars. Strangers cars that are parked in a parking lot, inside my friend's cars. On top of cars. Its one of my many favorite places to piss. One story came to my mind recently I think y'all like. My friend Chris drives this big ass chevrolet pick up. We were driving back to my place. It's like 8 PM or something. I tell him to pull over that I gotta piss really bad. He knows me, that I will piss practically anywhere, just off the main road. He we're almost there, but I'm like dude pull over now, I gotta piss real bad. He's laughing, and
    1 point
  16. For my first three years in Colorado, we lived in a small 2 bedroom condo. While it was small, we loved the amenities, especially the pool and hot tub! Now, our community consisted of a combination of retired, old folks who didn't want to deal with a big house and yard anymore AND young couples who just got out of college and couldn't afford a house yet. The pool area was directly in front of our building and every unit had a balcony, so the units facing the pool could pretty much see everything that happened down there. The pool technically closed at 10p, but with the number of younger cou
    1 point
  17. My brother and i had lessons every week, he waited while i practiced and i him, it was often annoying waiting. This story Includes pee desperation, and relief in unusual places. Jill was tired waiting for her brother to finish his practice, it was annoying. Jack was anything but speedy. She had went 1st and was now impatiently waiting for him, she had her grade 4 piano while him being mr goody too shoes had his grade 6. Its not that she hated the piano but practicing was a chore and often took time away when Jill had other things to do. Jack thrived at it, always got stick
    1 point
  18. Happened to be in Thailand for the full moon party recently. Unfortunately I was with my partner and a group of friends which did restrict me slightly but I still made the most of my opportunities. Over the course of the night I would easily say that I saw 20-30 females peeing into the sea. The biggest problem is the fact that it is extremely dark and quite difficult to actually see the peeing taking place. There was a range of different techniques used, one girl wrapped a sarong type material around her and waded out to knee deep before then pulling down her knickers and peeing. I saw se
    1 point
  19. Once, when I was with my friend at a disco, we went to the bathroom together, I peed in the toilet and she peed in the sink next to me, she just sat on it and peed hihi ๐Ÿ™‚
    1 point
  20. Just a quick story so not as detailed as my others, sorry. I was talking in the shoutbox earlier while needing to pee and it was suggested I did it in the shower. I asked Steve if he wanted me to do it before my dinner or afterwards and he said I should do it afterwards. I was already really desperate to pee because I had been drinking hot chocolate all evening. I continued chatting while I filled up and I soon reached the point where I couldn't sit still. I was alternating between crossing my legs and squeezing them together. After a little more chatting it was becoming rathe
    1 point
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