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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2023 in Posts

  1. while multiple user public bathrooms are still gender specific, where i live, by law, all single user public bathrooms are gender neutral. some are signed as much, or might be called a family bathroom; but many are still labeled for boys' or girls'. unfortunately, regardless of the sign on the door, they increasingly seem to only have one normal toilet inside. however, the guys', and family ones, do sometimes have both a sit down potty and a urinal. so yeah, if i'm fortunate enough to find myself in one of those with both, there is like a 90% chance that i will use the urinal instead because l
    8 points
  2. some quick peeks before bedtime last night.
    5 points
  3. One of my jobs today was to meet the new tenants as they had reported some problems. I pulled up outside the block, our vans are branded so people who are expecting us usually come to greet us. I pulled up near the bin store and sat and waited as I was early. after a while, a lady got out of her car opposite me and came alongside my drivers door and asked if was coming to number 30. I confirmed I was and she replied that she hadn’t got the keys from her housing association. I made some calls and waited for a call back. The lady was in her early 20s, ebony, with a cute smile, tight white top
    4 points
  4. I have a lot of stories about really needing to pee with my mom. We both had a weak bladder, so peeing was never a super taboo subject with my mom. We were ok with peeing in front of each other and talking about accidents and close calls we had. That meant we were comfortable because we eventually learned to “stick together” in a house full of boys. My brothers LOVED to tease me whenever I needed to pee. I think all these combining factors led to my fetish today. Anyway, I will use this thread to share all the memorable accidents and close calls I had with my mother. I hope you all enjoy it!
    3 points
  5. hiya!! im 21 n my pronouns are she/her. ive been lurking here for a couple years n ive finally decided to make my 1st post :3 i like nonchalant peeing n bedwetting the most. ive been peeing in bed for a couple years now. i pee into my mattress unprotected almost every night when im home ^_^
    3 points
  6. Absolutely brilliant. Nice one on picking up on her signs of desperation but making out that it was your need that drove the situation, so putting her at ease rather than being uncomfortable.
    3 points
  7. Given that I’ve finally got round to signing up to a website to post my pissing videos to, I thought I’d create a dedicated thread where I can also share them here as and when I upload them, as opposed to simply sharing screenshots from them as I’ve always done beforehand! Firstly, we have a rather naughty train toilet piss on a journey I took a little while ago from London up to the midlands. I think it’s safe to say my aim towards the toilet was (for some reason) a little off on this particular morning, no? 😉 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/dangerousrashbellfrog
    2 points
  8. The word TERF is a pretty friendly term invented by the people who are against it's use now, it's the same terminology creep the alt right used. People realized what the beliefs are so they make up a new name and decide they're "gender critical" now and in 6 months when everybody's caught up, they'll make up a new name and say gender critical is a slur too. Autogynaphila, however, has always been a pseudo-scientific term used to dismiss trans people as dangerous perverts. Moreover, this is generally off topic and uncharacteristic for a fetish forum, while @fourluvclover made a welcom
    2 points
  9. The term “terf” stands for “Trans-exclusive radical feminist,” and it existed before you’ve been seeing it on Twitter. Until recently, the term itself was used by the very people who believed in their ideology. Their alleged fight for women’s rights have an odd tendency to center around the idea that the rights of “real” women are threatened by… *checks notes* transgender women existing and minding their own business. As that is not an opinion I want to legitimize, that means the word is doing its job.
    2 points
  10. I don't see how I've spread hate by posting a video that I think hits the nail on the head. I'm not even the one who wrote the tweet. I'm a transgender man, and if someone's opinion is "I don't think you should get to exist/be your true self," that's not a "differing opinion." But since you decided to come at me for it, I don't care if this gets me suspended or banned: trans rights, fuck TERFs/GCers.
    2 points
  11. As a trans man, I strongly prefer gender neutral bathrooms for this reason. The separation is so ridiculous. This guy explains it brilliantly: Admittedly though, I'd rather piss on the floor anyway, but that's just me. 🙂 P.S. Thank you for being an ally! ❤️
    2 points
  12. Pee(p)ing Housemate 3 As her messy pee ceased, I leant my head to taste her soaked cunt, but she told me to wait. She got up and laid on the table and said "I want you to piss all over my pussy, I want you to taste my juices mixed with your pee." I stood over her and with a pounding heart and throbbing pussy I began to piss all over her, drenching her slim body in urine. Her glistening pale skin looked perfect beneath my shower and I wanted nothing more than to lick every last drop off. When my stream came to an end I slowly licked up and down her body til I closed in on
    2 points
  13. Pee(p)ing Housemate 2 By 7pm I was bursting, and the nervous anticipation didn't help. I did my makeup and chose some sexy lingerie with no bra. Every pang in my bladder sent a jolt through my body and it took all my willpower to not just go for a wee, but knowing what I hoped we'd get up to later strengthened my resolve. I'd not be peeing in the toilet tonight. A knock on my door signalled that Rebecca was ready. I got up and followed her through. I couldn't deny she looked hot. As soon as she turned she kissed me. I melted into it, realising I was insanely horny, the desperati
    2 points
  14. Pee(p)ing housemate I'm Vanessa, and I've lived in a houseshare with Rebecca for several months now. We were sort-of friends at uni without being close, but a change in work circumstances for both of us a few years after graduating meant we ended up living together to split the bills. We became good friends and often went out drinking together. She was keen to encourage me to go and chat up any boy she thought I'd fancy, but kept slightly reserved herself. She was always the same, straight-laced Rebecca, nice enough but just a little boring. Or so I thought. I came home from work ear
    2 points
  15. A few years ago, I was working on a big refurbishment project in east London. I had got to know the client, Tiffany, very well. She’s very easy on the eye and was pleased with her choice of dress for the meeting on site this particular day, casual kaki dress, cut very short and by what I was treated to, braless as well, topped with black cowboy type boots. She’s very well proportioned, copper coloured hair with a nice big bum. The property had been gutted back to a shell. On this particular day, we had also gutted the last bathroom. Tiffany made a comment Oh Steve, where’s the toilet gon
    2 points
  16. @Bertsmall Indeed, well played Sir. Well played.
    2 points
  17. Your post reminds me of the time I was in Budapest. I was in a Burger King and needed a pee. I went downstairs and as I was passing the womans toilets I saw a sign on the door. It said the ladies toilets were closed for renovation please use the mens. I went in to the men's toilets and there were four stalls, no urinals. Three stalls had the little red locked symbol showing so I went to the one that was unlocked. I opened the the door to be greeted by a young Hungarian lady about 18/19 years old, peeing with her legs slightly open. She was looking at her phone so didn't realise I'd
    2 points
  18. I couldn’t help it. I think I’m addicted to peeing on the carpet lol
    2 points
  19. This was at a hotel I was staying at down in Devon for the weekend - I actually had a (fleeting) thought of being ‘good’ and not pissing in the room, however that notion soon went out the window pretty much as soon as I needed to go! A nice naughty hosing down of the wall of which soaked into the carpet soon ensued - much more fun than using the bathroom itself 🤫 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/wonderfulprestigiousquoll
    2 points
  20. Does anyone know what video this gif is from? The captions are made up by the creator, but I really want to watch the entire video: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/occasionalblackfruitfly
    1 point
  21. I travel a lot for work, usually 5 jobs a day. Mostly in the same borough. I have a few regular spots to stop and pee. There are a couple of estates where the flats are almost empty. The stairwells make an excellent place to pee. I am certainly not the only one as there are puddles on most of the lower landings. I have also gone into one, and the puddle is still growing where the person had only just finished pissing. Yesterday I opened the door to the stairs, it opens quietly and as I walked into the landing I could hear the familiar sound of splashing. As I looked over the railing, the
    1 point
  22. All i know is that @Wetling is not in any way intending to disrespect anyone nor is she denying someone their right to be what they want to be! To steer it nonchalantly back to topic where everybody gets along with eachother i know of certain clubs where, on certain dates and occassions, the mens restrooms turn into a gender neutral restroom pretty quick. Not officially but because the girls said so 😀 They just go in because the ladies room is too full. And no one complains, it works pretty well.
    1 point
  23. Never? Bullshit. You know what never should be? Never should be letting people stop you from achieving your dreams. Never let people tell you you're not awesome.
    1 point
  24. This escalated a bit fucking quick from a thread about girls peeing in urinals, I really don't see what going off on one about transphobia on a piss fetish forum is going to do, especially since nobody had even mentioned it before or said anything transphobic. Though I do know a couple of FtM lads and I appreciate the strength of feeling about it
    1 point
  25. I've done this before and it was amazing. There was a while where I would go to the mall just to fill up my bladder and piss in fitting rooms, or have some fun in the single-user restroom. My biggest fantasy is to go on vacation with a group of friends who are also into the fetish, then make a vow not to use the toilet to piss at all during the entirety of the trip. Anywhere goes in the hotel room otherwise, and outside of that, trying to find ways to piss discretely in public without using the bathroom. There would also be a rule about ensuring bladders are full as often as possible, so
    1 point
  26. Thank you guys. I have the next short chapter nearly finished and the rest mapped out but I have little time for writing so you may need to wait a while. Rikki
    1 point
  27. Ah yes, the piss kink. It's a curse and a blessing at the same time. We all know too well the sudden rush of adrenaline pumping through our veins when we hear those magic words. Suddenly you are fully awake again, trying to think out every possibility to catch this one precious moment. But only with a lot of luck and skillful play you will succeed. It's the cursed game we all play. But, at least I love it. I think my brain is malfunctioning badly. Every single time I'm out in the world and I just hear those words from a female: "I have to pee", "I'm quickly going into the bush
    1 point
  28. I then went for a short walk in another patch of dunes, quite close to the beach entrance. I thought there was a good chance I might find more wet patches. I didn’t. Instead I saw a girl (also early 20s, probably a student) standing on her own at the top. It looked to me as if she might be intending to pee. I walked away, so as to give her a bit of privacy. As I did so, her friend stood up from behind a patch of dune grass, pulling up her shorts. She had obviously been squatting out of sight, also peeing in the dunes. The two girls walked back to the beach together. The first one I’d
    1 point
  29. I walked a bit further down the path. When she had gone back to the beach, and was out of sight, I turned and went back the same way. But this time I walked on the sand behind the dunes, not the path. I went into the dunes to check the spot where she had been kneeling. I was sure that she hadn’t kicked dry sand over her puddle, so I hoped I might see where she had wet the sand. The third photograph shows the dunes where she was. You can see her damp mark below the dunes. The next two shots give closer views. You can see that she must have squirted a vigorous stream into the sand.
    1 point
  30. I think she's probably peeing.
    1 point
  31. Hello again, sorry for the long wait, but I finally finalized the third chapter. I hope you enjoy it! 3. The naughty brunette Contains female peeing and pee vandalism/naughty peeing Harry and Monique arrived at the back of the hotel and entered the hotel stairwell. Here they met a horny couple, and the girl was not shy to relieve herself in front of them at the expense of the hotel. ________________________ We walked from where we were dropped off to the hotel and approached it from the back. We were about to walk around the building when I noticed the fire exit wa
    1 point
  32. @Kirby23, I had a very similar experience with one of my gf's. We had sex, for the very first time, and she said she had to pee. I asked if I could come with her, and she responded by taking my hand and pulling me into the bathroom with her, asking me if I wanted her to sit or stand? "S-s-stand?" I stammered, not knowing that women could pee standing, at that time. She responded by standing up straight, over the toilet, and peeing a weak, but very straight and neat stream, directly into the toilet. This was not only the first time I had seen this woman pee, but the first time I had seen any wo
    1 point
  33. The next door neighbours are currently away on holiday. So I did only the right thing; hopped the fence and piss marked their shed 😈 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/cuddlyaquadobermanpinscher
    1 point
  34. Why, so I can dream about peeing with you and know it'll never happen 😔 you were even in my neighborhood and didn't even stop to say hi! I would have given you oysters and everything lmao. But, it's not too extraordinary. I just want to be peed on while I'm awake and while I'm asleep, want someone to pee a little in my drink or food, and I'd like for someone to control my bladder in person. Nothing special.
    1 point
  35. I have a whole bunch of stuff on my list that requires two people but since those are likely never to come true I will exclude those lol. I'd really like to pee on the carpet of a store and in a fitting room, but just a little bit. Perhaps the same thing I did on the trash in the fitting room: just about a seconds worth of flow. Only because 1. I know I am too shy/not brave enough and 2. I'm too nice to leave a full puddle for someone else to clean up. If there was a way I could let go of a full bladder on the carpet of a store and be able to steam clean it up without being caught I'd do
    1 point
  36. I was asked to clarify this for parents... Of course teaching your sons that they are allowed to pee anywhere they want hasn't been without its hiccups. I once got a call from my oldest's teacher saying he starting pissing in the corner of the classroom before she stopped him and my youngest recently started peeing in a grocery store aisle on the floor. I used those opportunities to teach them that not everyone has the same feelings about it that we do, so if they aren't sure, they should use the toilet. But, if no one is around, then they are welcome to pee wherever whenever they h
    1 point
  37. I couldn’t help but give this pub toilet cubicle a rinse down, and took great pleasure in doing so.. although on reflection, I possibly got too much piss in the toilet, if anything - what do you think? 😈 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/alarmingmistyroseurubu
    1 point
  38. Outdoor pisses are always hot! Think you should measure sometime though? That went on and on! Were you really desperate?!
    1 point
  39. And for the final instalment of that particular hotel room evening of naughty pissing, I sat on the desk chair and took aim at the front of the desk and of course giving an equally nice soaking to the carpet below. If there was any visual representation of how horny pissing somewhere naughty makes me, it’s fairly well reflected here given that you’ll see I immediately have to start masturbating after finishing pissing, before then rather swiftly also adding a nice load to the carpet, too 🥵 CW warning: Cum shot https://www.redgifs.com/watch/distincticybarb
    1 point
  40. This was another piss from that same hotel room; this time opting to start by the door and then unleash a nice torrent whilst walking across, finishing up by giving the ironing board a nice hosing down 😈💦 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/cyanmalemammal
    1 point
  41. I have mostly tried it at home. Trying to pee while walking to the letterbox. You can see it as practice before trying it in public.
    1 point
  42. Next up, after spending the afternoon at the pub and quality testing several pints of beer, I’d got a taxi home and was definitely in need of a piss. I of course could have just crossed the road and used my home toilet, however the alleyway beside me was looking far more inviting. Cue whipping my cock out, and relieving myself in glorious fashion whilst walking down it, followed by a nice bit of piss marking up the fence for the finale 😉 there’s just something about the added riskiness of pissing whilst walking in an outdoor setting that makes it extra exhilarating.. https://www.redgifs.
    1 point
  43. Hello again, thank you all for the kind comments. It's nice to see people enjoying what I made. Here is the next chapter; it's a bit short, but more is coming. Enjoy! 2. The Uber Contains female peeing, car peeing and pee vandalism/naughty peeing Monique arrived at the train station in Berlin, desperate to relieve herself. This came at the expense of an unsuspecting Uber driver who drove the couple to the hotel. —————————————————— We were now in Berlin and only had to go from the station to the hotel where my sister was waiting for us. I knew my wife was bursti
    1 point
  44. I prefer masturbating with a full bladder than an empty one, and I especially love pissing while doing it. I actually took a drive late last night on one of the empty roads nearby, stripped down, shoved a toy inside of me and rubbed my prick hard and fast. Doing that just about always makes me piss, and I was full to the brim. Needless to say, I was very wet by the time I got home.
    1 point
  45. The first person I (D) saw pee was K. We had been dating for a while and she already knew about my pee fetish. We were fooling around on the bed and K said that she needed to pee. I suggested she pee in a container that I had lying around. She agreed and I held the container under her pussy while she peed and I happily watched the feat in front of my eyes 😀
    1 point
  46. Although my family was by no means nudist, my early experiences were very similar to those of Riley, lengajesytec, and PeeBurach. My first time seeing someone pee in front of me was literally at my mother's knee! For the first 5 years of my life, I was an only child, until my sister was born. During that early time, starting when I was 2 or 3 years old, my mother never closed the bathroom door, when she peed. So as a little boy, I followed her into the bathroom, and watched as much as I could. I can't remember the first time I did this, or exactly how old I was, probably 2 and 1/2 or 3. I
    1 point
  47. A nudist family doesn't mean were nude all the time lol. It just means that were ok with the prospect of nudity and don't think of genitalia as "dirty"
    1 point
  48. This is really sweet. One of my favorite things about a peeing bond with someone is the trust and candor of it. Not too long ago, I admitted to my gf that I was really into peeing, and that it always turned me on whenever I heard her pee, especially after we had sex (which made her realize how exactly I was so quick to get hard again.) I was sheepish about admitting it, but she was very understanding and willing to indulge what I am into, though I still feel kinda awkward about trailing her into the bathroom to watch her pee for my own pleasure. But once when I was peeing I noticed her watchin
    1 point
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