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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2023 in Posts

  1. A few years ago, I was working on a big refurbishment project in east London. I had got to know the client, Tiffany, very well. She’s very easy on the eye and was pleased with her choice of dress for the meeting on site this particular day, casual kaki dress, cut very short and by what I was treated to, braless as well, topped with black cowboy type boots. She’s very well proportioned, copper coloured hair with a nice big bum. The property had been gutted back to a shell. On this particular day, we had also gutted the last bathroom. Tiffany made a comment Oh Steve, where’s the toilet gon
    11 points
  2. I have a lot of stories about really needing to pee with my mom. We both had a weak bladder, so peeing was never a super taboo subject with my mom. We were ok with peeing in front of each other and talking about accidents and close calls we had. That meant we were comfortable because we eventually learned to “stick together” in a house full of boys. My brothers LOVED to tease me whenever I needed to pee. I think all these combining factors led to my fetish today. Anyway, I will use this thread to share all the memorable accidents and close calls I had with my mother. I hope you all enjoy it!
    7 points
  3. One of my jobs today was to meet the new tenants as they had reported some problems. I pulled up outside the block, our vans are branded so people who are expecting us usually come to greet us. I pulled up near the bin store and sat and waited as I was early. after a while, a lady got out of her car opposite me and came alongside my drivers door and asked if was coming to number 30. I confirmed I was and she replied that she hadn’t got the keys from her housing association. I made some calls and waited for a call back. The lady was in her early 20s, ebony, with a cute smile, tight white top
    7 points
  4. Since my health check-up a few months ago and the subsequent prescription of blood pressure and cholesterol meds and a slightly odd ECG and a very high exercising heart rate, I have, not to put too fine a point on it, been scared shitless about running. But a couple of weeks ago, after the meds had kicked in and a cardiologist had reviewed the ECG, my doctor gave me the all clear to exercise again, so today was the day. 6km in total, very gently in 35 minutes - a combination of 7 running intervals between 0.5 and 1km each, with short walks in between. I'm still here. It's a start. And my
    6 points
  5. When I lived in this apartment I never pissed in the toilet. I lived there for 2 years! I would walk out of my bedroom in the middle of the night and just let pee spray from my cock all over the living room. I would go whenever I wanted. If you want to hear more stories, let me know!
    4 points
  6. Haven't posted for a while. Thought I post a nice simple one as they can often be the best. If you like seeing pee through a foreskin you should like this... https://www.erome.com/a/xEgYKmLZ
    4 points
  7. I’ve run into this situation many times with my kids. Their favorite park, and the one closest to us, has no bathroom. How lucky am I? I usually just hold it, but the few times I couldn’t I would either go behind the bushes or in my pants.
    4 points
  8. This story contains clothes pissing indoors, in the car and in public. Also sexual behaviour. By Rikki Bare Part one Julie I soaked my clothes with piss whilst sitting at my computer desk, when my best friend Sandra rang to invite me to come away for the weekend. This might seem an odd thing to do, so let me explain. I’m Julie, and for a living I write technical manuals. I work from home 90% of the time so I don’t see people in the flesh most days. My home office is right at the top of my tall London town house and the toilet is three floors down. I work intensively on my c
    3 points
  9. Many moons ago we went camping with family friends. There were 3 families on the trip. One of the moms was a kind of a milf, maybe 35 and blonde. I remember having a bit of a crush on her. Anyway, one afternoon I was exploring the woods near our tents. I was crouched down near some bushes examining rocks when I saw the milf approaching. She didn't see me through the bushes and appeared to be looking around. I was wondering what she was up to so I decided to keep quiet and find out. Lo and behold she was looking for a spot to pee! As luck would have it, she chose to pee right between the b
    3 points
  10. Your post reminds me of the time I was in Budapest. I was in a Burger King and needed a pee. I went downstairs and as I was passing the womans toilets I saw a sign on the door. It said the ladies toilets were closed for renovation please use the mens. I went in to the men's toilets and there were four stalls, no urinals. Three stalls had the little red locked symbol showing so I went to the one that was unlocked. I opened the the door to be greeted by a young Hungarian lady about 18/19 years old, peeing with her legs slightly open. She was looking at her phone so didn't realise I'd
    2 points
  11. He finally went inside but my pants got decently wet!
    2 points
  12. Absolutely brilliant. Nice one on picking up on her signs of desperation but making out that it was your need that drove the situation, so putting her at ease rather than being uncomfortable.
    2 points
  13. i personally slowly let it trickle out so that it can absorb some, while continuously drinking. i normally make this a movie marathon activity. at the end, when i feel that its about to burst, after teasing myself with spurts for awhile, i completely flood it knowing itll overflow!!
    2 points
  14. I believe this is the lady in question: https://www.elitebabes.com/blonde-honey-with-perfectly-rounded-ass/#gallery-01-12
    2 points
  15. Once my mom got out naked of the shower as she always did since it was only me and her where use to seeing are bodies she walks in my room to check on what I was doing. I was doing homework she was drying her hair and she casually starts peeing standing right next to me some of it landing on my legs and feet
    2 points
  16. I was slightly puzzled by the smaller hole, ahead of the main impact point. I guess she may have started to tinkle, perhaps found that the edge of her bikini was interfering with the lips of her vulva, stopped, adjusted her posture, and then unloaded fully. The attached video clip shows something similar. In it you see that the girl squirts at a bit of a sideways angle when she first begins to tinkle. She then adjusts her posture slightly, and the main release is then better directed. [Sorry - clip is too large to upload here - any suggestions?] There was another wet spot just a
    2 points
  17. I walked a bit further down the path. When she had gone back to the beach, and was out of sight, I turned and went back the same way. But this time I walked on the sand behind the dunes, not the path. I went into the dunes to check the spot where she had been kneeling. I was sure that she hadn’t kicked dry sand over her puddle, so I hoped I might see where she had wet the sand. The third photograph shows the dunes where she was. You can see her damp mark below the dunes. The next two shots give closer views. You can see that she must have squirted a vigorous stream into the sand.
    2 points
  18. I had a girl pee in front of me when I was 15, she was part of a group of us all about the same age. We were hanging out together doing not much when she asked if I wanted to watch her pee. Trying to be cool /nonchalant i d said yeah sure. She lifted her dress, pulled down her stained panties and squatted down. She spread her legs so I could see. I'll never forget seeing the thick yellow stream of piss coming out of her. Hearing it splashing on the ground, seeing her pussy dripping as she slowed to a dribble. She asked if I liked what I saw, to which I replied very much so. She let me w
    2 points
  19. Yeah it is, shes just been visiting me a lot so she hasn't been able to use it lately. But don't worry I'll keep updating 😉
    2 points
  20. A few weeks ago, is was taking a train towards home when i felt the urge to pee. I was about to go to the bathroom, but then this thought came to me: ''what if i just pee right here in front of my seat''? Just thinking about this got me really exited! So i looked around me and saw a woman three rows from me, and some security camera's but these were not pointing in my direction. I decided to go for it! I unzipped my pants, got my dick out and peed a little. My heartbeat was very high when i heard it splashing on the floor. It really turned me on! I looked up to see if someone noticed and saw
    1 point
  21. A few days ago I was driving into a large manufacturing site and on the way in there is an industrial estate after some rural land. I approached a parked car in the tree lined road, and a smartly business suited woman appeared from behind a bush at the side of her car, smoothing her dress down. I was pretty sure I knew what had just happened. I overtook her car and carried on a couple of hundred yards to the entrance gate to pick up a contractors pass. As I was signing in She drove through the gate, waved through by security, indicating to me she was probably an employee there or at least an e
    1 point
  22. This past weekend I was driving when I noticed a car pulled over on the side of the road. A blonde woman hopped out of the car and with no hesitation pulled down her pants, leaving her bare ass in full view. The car was pulled over by an exit in a pretty populated area, there definitely would've been a public restroom nearby. But clearly she just couldn't hold it! As she was squatting down I passed by, unfortunately missing desperate piss she was about to take.
    1 point
  23. Its a hard question for me since I mainly enjoy watching people pee instead of doing it myself. Personally though seeing the desperate fidgeting is what gets me the most.
    1 point
  24. I was at my local doctors practices yesterday attend appointment. While speak to the doctor, she excused her self and went next door which is a toilet which is females one end of building with the men's the other end. While waiting for her to come back(mid 30 slim, black hair, blue eyes, mum) I could heard her peeing which was was strong and powerful with a hiss. The walls are thin and it not surprising what you can hear from the other rooms. It was not long before I heard the flush and the wash of hands, she came back with a smile and soothing her skirt, smiling. I wonder was it for relief or
    1 point
  25. Yesterday afternoon one of those lovely spontaneous moments happened. K came into the dining room wearing a little strappy vest, spotty white knickers and a pair of Birkenstock sandals and said "Come outside. I need a wee and I just thought I would go outside for you. No talking when we open the door though in case the neighbours hear." This doesn't happen very often! We walked round the corner to the part of the garden that isn't overlooked, and she pulled down her knickers, kicked them behind her, and stood with her legs a little more than shoulder-width apart, then pulled on her pussy
    1 point
  26. Excellent - partly that you’ve achieved a run, but far more so that you have got the clearance to do so. Nothing worse than having a huge unknown hanging over you. So - great result there.
    1 point
  27. How did you hide the evidence??? Asking for a friend.
    1 point
  28. Me pissing along the side of a factory entrance... on the way home
    1 point
  29. I gotta agree with that. I always love to see another guy with foreskin pissing. I usually pull mine back to get a stronger stream going. I ❤ pissing on a wall too.
    1 point
  30. Does anyone else get turned on by hearing a women go into the bathroom stall? I been hearing the woman I wish I could drink her pee go in and out of the stall and it turns me on.
    1 point
  31. I saw you Sophie! Transporting all the people you love.
    1 point
  32. That's a great looking dick. I'd really like to see it pissing.
    1 point
  33. The desperation is like foreplay to me. It makes the experience better, but if it isn’t done right, or I can tell it’s phoned in, it kind of kills the vibe.
    1 point
  34. So, following something that happened a short while ago (details below) I'm wondering whether I'm a bad influence on my wife, or maybe it is a good influence in opening her mind, but for a long time she would never pee outside unless absolutely desperate and there was not other option, nobody anywhere in the vicinity and no chance of being caught. Over time, she has peed outside a few times, mostly for my benefit, but sometimes because she was really desperate, but her criteria for seclusion, whilst still being there, is getting a little more relaxed. However, she has never peed outside
    1 point
  35. Hi Alfresco Given what we have written about over the years, you and I have wives with exact feelings about an (pardon me) alfresco wee. I feel it is a good thing but i understand some feelings of guilt you might have over it. Overall, i think it is good and you and I and our wives mutually benefit. We have been together for just over 10 years now and got married in 2021. It was not until our minimoon right after we got married did she wee outside in front me. A long walk through Elan Valley, it was secluded, she needed wee and knew I wanted her to pee outside as I had enc
    1 point
  36. No but I'm about to next time I need to pee. I just put one on, with some spandex shorts to keep everything in place. With a dress on top you'd never know I had a diaper on.
    1 point
  37. I enjoy giving and receiving from the source. Nothing better
    1 point
  38. The naughtiest? In a restaurant, we were already done eating and my mom said we should wait a minute. She had drunk several glasses of wine that evening. She sat with me on a bench, then pulled her Dress out of the way. Then she lifted her ass slightly and all I heard was hissing, from her pussy. While she was peeing, she looked at her cell phone and smiled. After a few seconds it started bubbling, my mother noticed and stopped for a moment. She checked to see if anyone noticed and then continued pissing. The noises she made were really not quiet. 20 seconds later she was
    1 point
  39. Love laying in the bath and peeing up my chest and in my mouth. Tastes lovely. Been a while since a woman peed on me. Wife would never
    1 point
  40. I drink my wife’s pee quite often. During sex she usually whispers in my ear “are you thirsty”....which of course I always am! This more often than not is after I’ve eaten her to an orgasm or two. She straddles my face and let’s loose. We’ve gotten quite good at this without making a mess...I just swallow it all! This happens at night and often in the morning as well. She quite enjoys making me drink her morning piss, as it is so strong and she gets a little bit of a rush with that. I still drink it all and love it everytime.
    1 point
  41. Some of the girls in this thread are not my cup of tea, but.. beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    1 point
  42. P.S. The whole gallery is here
    1 point
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