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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2023 in Posts

  1. Last week one day I was out for a walk on a very busy, main city street. Funny enough, right before this happened I was looking at some bushes and wondering if I could sneak behind any to pee after dark. Up ahead on the sidewalk in front of me was a transit station entrance, with people walking back and forth. It was a busy time and there must have been at least 50 people out front of the station door. It's worth noting that this station does not have a public toilet. I saw a woman was leaning against the wall on the sidewalk, and then I realized she wasn't leaning, she was squatti
    9 points
  2. Includes male and female pissing scenes, male and female masturbation, and nonchalant nudity/urination/sex. The protagonist is a man. The Future I Saw My name is Reno, and at the age of 25, I became a time traveler. If you're asking "how'd that happen," well, we still don't really know. I've spoken with everyone about it - from cops, to the government, to scientists, all the local and major news agencies. They're still trying to piece it together. You can find all the theories if you look online, but nothing's been confirmed yet. Most people don't believe any of it anyway
    4 points
  3. You know I got the itch to return I missed this place
    4 points
  4. Not sure if this is really the correct place to be posting this. If not, my apologies. Wanted to say 'thank you' to the moderators for so quickly getting rid of all those spam posts which appeared +/- 9 hours ago.
    3 points
  5. Here's a little tale of desperation I wrote up for a pal that I thought deserved to be shared with you all... I used to work on a pick-your-own fruits and veggies farm out on the West coast - not in the actual fields, but manning the little farm stand. When people came in, I would check their wrist bands and hand them plastic buckets (like this: https://products.blains.com/600/14/140431.jpg) to put their harvest in. My little building contained nothing by a cash register, piles of those buckets and a sink to wash the dirt off your hands. There was a main building where guests could buy s
    3 points
  6. K wet herself in the kitchen last night! I’d asked if she’d mind filling up for me during the afternoon, and she said she didn’t. And when she confirmed that her jeans were a little muddy at the bottom from a walk earlier during the day and would be going in the wash when she took them off, I knew what Id like to watch her do. After dinner, and a cup of tea while watching a TV programme for half an hour she was ready for a wee – but we still had the washing up to do. K often likes to put on music while we clear up in the kitchen, so restarting her alphabetical playlist beginning with song
    3 points
  7. Day 8 of peeing my yoga pants. Already peed twice in them hope to get a couple more before work. So far they smell wonderful and wish I could share the smell with others.
    3 points
  8. Before I start this story, I wanted to take a moment and thank you all for the wonderful stories I've read on here about catching others desperate to pee, and getting to see them relieve themselves outside. I'm not into wettings, humiliation, diapers, pee drinking, and so on. I just love a good tale about a hot woman needing to pee badly, who either barely makes it to the bathroom or has to squat outside somewhere, and hope no one sees her. Of course, getting to see it in action is an entirely different endeavor, and I'd like to share such a story with you all. A few weeks ago, there w
    3 points
  9. Featuring two-pronged stream and bulging bladder 😊
    3 points
  10. Oh no! I hope you get better quickly and can get outside again soon x
    2 points
  11. It’s so much fun being able to share our interest with a partner. I’m also lucky as my boyfriend is really into it too. Xx
    2 points
  12. I've been half lucky this week and was able to commute most of it but woke up today full of cold. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted
    2 points
  13. I guess just sometimes you can get to the point where that pee is going to come out one way or another... If there isn't an option for a bathroom, then the decision is between wetting on the subway on the way home - or just going on the street. In a city of course nobody knows you, many people wouldn't even notice. Just going on the street probably beats the humiliation of a journey home with all the passengers staring at you in obviously wet clothes.
    2 points
  14. Having to pee while having a boner is the one time in my life where geometry becomes useful.
    2 points
  15. Amazing Eco-strapon Colette!!! Those italia Truffles in May must be especially expensive after gentle forest coliettus... Please post us more!!! How do you use polka dotted ones - toy for your shy freinds?..
    2 points
  16. Hello. This happen to me some days ago, I was going to buy some sugar gummies (I love gummies) and drinks, that was late at night and a looong walk, because I like to walk. Anyway, when I was coming back, I started to walk by some empty streets because I live in a neighborhood with a lot of pubs and, well, you know, too much beer, too much girls, etc... So, I like to try my luck and see if a manage to see or even know some girls outside. Anyway, at one point I come to a corner, and near that there's a bus full of people coming out, most of them girls, so, I'm walking back to my
    2 points
  17. A dick being enjoyed by an admirer.
    2 points
  18. Part one to this story can be found here. Like the first part, this story centres around two female train spotters and contains outdoor peeing (mainly female but this part contains a bit of male peeing). Thank you for the positive reactions and feedback to part one and I hope you all enjoy the second instalment! It was a warm and humid summer’s day and Stephanie, Dani and a fellow train enthusiast called Warren were trekking across a remote but scenic area of Wales. Warren had known Stephanie for a number of years as they had bumped into each other a number of times whilst they were out s
    2 points
  19. *bladder But damn this is hot. I wanna be claimed for someone's territory 🫠
    2 points
  20. I wasn't part of the cleanup crew but I still wanted to say, thank you for the feedback. It is always appreciated by all of us. x
    1 point
  21. I had the same eko story Dearest Colette... My freind was The Penis- London 2009. It was beuatiful time, amasing gentle visitor..., always touching to the right exciting point...And then we lost it...Last touch he begged me: Please pee on spot in our park...For a miracle... And then one day it has errected again . Do not give up...! Pee for your passion ...
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Wish you could pack me in your luggage! Holidaying would be so fun …and I have never been on a cruise ship before!
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. It's really difficult to pick the "strangest place" when it comes to this population. I can't think of anyplace or anything I've peed on that hasn't been pissed on (or in) by other members of this forum. Let's see. Anyone else have- Walk in ATM? Drinking fountain? Sauna rocks?
    1 point
  26. Damn it's hard to take a photo...
    1 point
  27. I have been on a few cruise holidays and they are great places to enjoy peeing. I have peed down my legs whilst stood in a crowd watching the belly flop competition (deck is already wet, people are fairly tightly packed and everyone is looking at the competition, not my legs), in various pools and hot tubs, into a glass whilst sat on a sun lounger, onto the artificial grass on a mini golf course at the back of the ship, between the seats on a sofa and of course on the balcony of our room as well as sprinkling a bit around on the carpet in the room. I've peed in a lot of places on shore
    1 point
  28. Secondary pee...well after four pints if drink... Question of training your body. Primary is 4 times more in volume usually.. :)
    1 point
  29. Day 7 of peeing my yoga pants. I do wear them when I am home, so I pee in them 3 to 4 times before I go to work. Yesterday, I was so turned on I jacked off and cum in them. So far this has been a great turn on. I do plan to wear out in public if I don't chicken out.
    1 point
  30. Ah sadly I managed to do that only once... but it was a great time, I hope to do it more in the future and same goes to you 😄
    1 point
  31. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You had a great sighting and this is a learning experience. You accomplished two bold moves while keeping calm. Next time perhaps you can try a humorous line.
    1 point
  32. Somebody get one of these AI voice programs and make David Attenborough narrate some of the voyeur clips from Roskilde. "And here, we see two adult females wondering about the grassy plains, in search of some foliage so that they may conceal themselves as they urinate. This species can be timid around others when their bladders are full, though some simply don't care at all. The use of alcohol greatly diminishes feelings of shame and guilt when using the facilities outdoors"
    1 point
  33. Loving these stories - a very different angle and very enjoyable. Thank you @gyrate
    1 point
  34. Day 6 peeing my yoga pants. I plan on wearing them shopping this weekend and see what if any reaction I get. Wish me luck.
    1 point
  35. She was already in the changing room as I was finishing shaking the last few drops of my pee on the wall next to the entrance of the changing room. I walked in when I was done to her standing, staring at me. She said that seeing me get naked and piss in public made her super hot and that she wanted to have sex with me, right there in the changing room. I couldn’t believe it. I had been wanting to do that with her since the second I laid eyes on her. I never thought I’d even see her naked, let alone have sex. I said “do you want to do it out here or in the changing stalls?” She walked up to me,
    1 point
  36. This is the last thing you see before I roll back and piss in your mouth
    1 point
  37. This made me smile this morning. I was remembering Holly Willoughby as Polly on Ministry of Mayhem from years ago (French maid outfit, getting splattered with cake, fishnet-clad legs going on forever) but then got lured into a YouTube hole, and, well ...
    1 point
  38. Well, to add a little of my feed-back to this quite interesting and exciting thread, I have to go back to the times when I was modelling, either in Sydney or in other tropical Australian and South-Eastern Asian locations, where I was required to pose on the beach or near a swimming-pool. In both situations, it did happen, fairly often, that I was asked/encouraged to openly pee either outside the water or directly into that! So, despite my concern for the safeguard of the basic hygienic conditions and the health of everybody else (nobody produces a totally sterile urine!) I had to com
    1 point
  39. Yep, horny again.
    1 point
  40. I've posted several times in different parts of the forums about how men can pee discretely if they don't stand and face a wall or a tree where it is blindingly obvious what they are doing. Today I was out on my bike running an errand and I decided to take a few pics to show what I mean. I wasn't really ready for a pee, so the volume in the puddle at the end is pretty dismal, but that isn't the point of the post. I went for the "Sit on a bench and don't look suspicious" option. Along an open pathway, there was a bench just off to the side. I sat on it, sitting slightly forward an
    1 point
  41. If you have a female friend with you to scope things out and warn other women you're in there, the ladies room is probably the choice most acceptable to the public. Recruiting a woman who's a sympathetic stranger would also work, and like @M.Vixen said, announce your entrance, just in case. Otherwise bushes, as long as you can find a spot secluded enough that someone would have to be trying in order to see you (bushes a little way off the beaten path, not hedge by the road). You have the excuse that the gents was locked and you found an out of the way spot, and you can always say you're des
    1 point
  42. I love it fart away lol
    1 point
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